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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3908536 No.3908536 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw you first heard of multiplication

>pic related

>> No.3908551 [DELETED] 
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>mfw i was ahead of the game and realized it was all addition

>> No.3908558

But is isn't. Or tell me how to calculate <span class="math">\pi \times e[/spoiler] with additions.

>> No.3908556 [DELETED] 
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This is what I recall my teacher saying. To this day, I pray for a niggerteacherless school system.

>> No.3908565

It's just a series of addition and subtract

>> No.3908567

Nah, division blew my mind when i heard it from my older cousin. I was 6 and had no fucking clue how to do it.

>> No.3908595

Tedious but not impossible, all you need is integer division (which is just counting subtraction) and multiplication (which as we know is just repeated addition). Then you'd use their continued fractions and the linear fractional transform to do the multiplication (Gosper showed how to do continued fraction arithmetic).

>> No.3908599

Didn't really bother me as my mom explained it in terms of addition, ie 2 times 4 is equal to 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 (though that is simplistic and not entirely true)

What I do remember being confused by were variables. I was in elementary at an after school program where everyone did their homework so that they didn't have to take it home.. It took a few days for me to wrap my head around why the Junior High kids had letters like x and y on their worksheets.

>> No.3908603

>nothing but memorization

>> No.3908625


>> No.3908626

>look at notebook's back
>mulitply table
>My First Parroting

>> No.3908639 [DELETED] 
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>be a kid
>go to dad
>"I see people talk about 'x' all the time, how much is x anyway?"
>"it depends"

>> No.3908640
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>> No.3908641

R was constructed from Q which came from Z, IIRC.
every real is the limit of some cauchy sequence, i.e. there exists some infinite string of rationals which when summed will be the number

>> No.3908652

dude wut. Math in college doesn't look for numerical solutions, but rather is about proofs and theorems. ACM is the number subject.

>> No.3908657

The real numbers are defined by the limit of a sequence, not a series.

>> No.3908660


That feel when I had a book on Basic as a kid. As soon as I saw

10 n = 1
20 print n
30 n = n+1
40 if n < 100 STOP
50 GOTO 20

I knew what a variable was and what it was for.

>> No.3908663

I remember being confused about the process of rounding. I started paying attention to the teacher when she was explaining about "look to the number on the right of this other number, and if it's 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4, leave the number alone. but if it's 5 or 6 , 7 8 or 9 make that other number bigger". I missed the part where she said it was rounding and I dunno if I missed a part where she explained what it was. I already knew how to round, but ya.