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File: 186 KB, 767x593, philosifur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3905736 No.3905736 [Reply] [Original]

A spectre is haunting 4chan – the spectre of anthromophism.

Many of you cringe at the thought of the world of furries. You spit and scowl at any little piece of the subculture that manages to intrude on your sheltered world of imageboards and video games, but have you ever truly sat back and asked why you react the way you do? I'm sure you could recite to me a whole list you've tricked yourself into sincerely believing, but as I aim to show you, your revulsion is nothing more than a defense mechanism – a subconscious resistance imbued into you by a world that doesn't want you to realize your true self.

Man is a complicated being. His nature is to use his ingenuity to enrich himself, but in enriching himself, he alienates himself from his nature. Generation after generation of cumulative innovation, man finds himself with an abundance of resources but with a lack of purpose. He has been doomed to an unnatural and unfulfilling existence. He has lost all connection to his feral roots, and by virtue of what remains of them, prevents himself from reconnecting to that which has been lost. The situation is not devoid of hope, however, for as a human aware of his desolation, you are able to recover what has been lost.

What was man in his primal state? He was a beast; an uncivilized creature driven by instinct and carnal compulsion. He lived his days pursuing fundamental goals and dreaming amidst the grandeur of nature. He lived amongst the wild animals, learning from them, taking from them, being one of them. He consumed their untamed flesh for sustenance and wore their wild fur for warmth. He paid intellectual homage to them with animist rituals. Simply put, his feral nature was his closeness to the animal kingdom. But how can we recapture this in our modern, changing world? Are we to revert to per-agricultural barbarism?

>> No.3905737

No. Throwing away everything we've accomplished would be foolish, even impossible. What man is to do then, is to seek the natural manifestation of his feral nature within the context of his civilization. In other words, man must once again become one with the animal kingdom whilst remaining civilized. Man must adopt the animal spirit and aesthetic. He must make them one with himself. He must become a furry. To become a furry is to awaken yourself from a ten-thousand year slumber; to finally reconcile living in cold civilization with it's antithesis of wild, passionate barbarism by synthesizing them into a final and ultimate state of existence.

You, my friends, must free yourself from your listless half existence. You must find your inner animal. No, I don't mean for you to just pick any animal and mold yourself to it. You must delve deep into your very soul to uncover that which has always been there. Your experience will be and must be yours alone, as your fursona is your salvation. Perhaps you possess the essence of the bear; strong but wreckless. Perhaps you possess the free spirit of the otter; graceful and carefree. Or even perhaps your best manifestation is not a familiar creature at all, but something more exotic. I cannot say. Only you can speak for yourself.

Together we can forge a new race of transcendent beings. We can tower far above the fools who would live life without truly living! Join me, friends, not as humans, but as gods.

>> No.3905749

>>paraphrasing karl marx for furry shitposting


>> No.3905757

The only thing from Marx in this post was the "A spectre is haunting 4chan..." and Marx probably didn't even write that himself.

>> No.3905755
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>my face when reading all of that
Just human is fine too, thanks.

>> No.3905759
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>> No.3905767

> Are we to revert to per-agricultural barbarism?

Pre-ag? No, but since Cheap Oil has run out, and we're only left with Not-So-Cheap Oil, leading to Expensive Oil soon enough, we're going to see a serious retreat from all manner of so-called modern lifestyles. They simply require too much high-density energy to continue. Pre-ag? No. Barbarism? Well, as soon as many of you can't run your furnaces and A/C units, it's going to SEEM like barbarity.

>> No.3905768

There's that defense mechanism I mentioned. Why do you continue to allow yourself to be repressed?

>> No.3905791

fuck your shit OP I want to be a cyborg.

>> No.3905808

Be a furry cyborg.

>> No.3905809

Only a tiny, tiny fraction of grid power comes from oil. The end of cheap oil doesn't mean less electricity, it means less oil.

>> No.3905811

thanks op i am furry now

>> No.3905815

wait so is this a pony thread then?

>> No.3905828

I don't see any ponies.

>> No.3905830

my spirit animal is a fruit fly, thanks a lot op now I'm even more disgusting to look at

>> No.3905834

No, it's more about autism and fetishes.

>> No.3905836

Ponyfaggotry is an abortion of a true anthromorphic awakening; a hellish limbo between the mundanity of humanity and the grace of furrydom.

>> No.3905838
File: 1.23 MB, 1250x1000, 11969790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what if I just think bara beastmen are sexy.

>> No.3905841 [DELETED] 


>Sheltered world

Stopped reading there. Buddy, of seen the stuff people are scared to dream about. You calling me sheltered is as big a lie as you telling your parents you don't want an antelope for a wife. Fucking piece of shit.

>> No.3905852


Well at least you hate Ponies. If you've ever done anything i public like wearing a collar you should probably sign up for voluntary sterilization. I'm pretty sure they'll pay you.

>> No.3905866

>Implying i won't be a brain in a jar and have a defined form in the virtual reality.

>> No.3905865
File: 43 KB, 518x417, during-our-furry-hour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to the fancy words.

Fight the abomination

Pic related, it's what happens when they reproduce

>> No.3905869

Then you are answering the call from the sexual centers of yourself, but not fully accepting what you truly are.

>> No.3905885

> Only a tiny, tiny fraction of grid power comes from oil.

Directly, that's correct. Indirectly, how does all that coal get to the power stations? NOT ON COAL-FUELED TRAINS, FUCKWEED. How do people who up for work to keep those power plants running? How do they service all those 1000s of miles of power lines? NOT ON COAL-FUELED TRUCKS, FUCKWEED.

The hypermajority of your civilization runs almost totally on diesel and gasoline engines. THOSE RUN ON OIL. Stop the oil and nearly everything in your civ stops, or soon stops.

> The end of cheap oil doesn't mean less electricity, it means less oil.

It means far less of your cheap-oil fueled civilization, assloon. The problem is so big that you can't even see it, or you simply don't want to.

>> No.3905888
File: 383 KB, 700x700, 8827671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh ok.

>> No.3905890

OP I stopped listening. You see, your unexamined desire to partake in the doings of furries has drivin you to produce silly justification for it.

Also, It is ridiculous to think that "being a furry" is somehow natural. And don't forget folks, SFW board so keep that shit off here.

>> No.3905903

>OP I stopped listening.
Because you are a fool who is afraid of letting himself realize himself.
>Also, It is ridiculous to think that "being a furry" is somehow natural
Being a furry is not natural in the same way civilization isn't natural, but the two must go hand in hand for man to be truly happy within civilization.

>> No.3905908
File: 14 KB, 226x170, furry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP thinks this is somehow natural and necessary.

>> No.3905917


We are a part of nature. We are in no way separate. Nature blessed us with gifts which have allowed us to create and discover beyond all imagination. We are an extension of nature discovering itself. If you wish to discount Cities, Culture, and Technology from Nature then you should also seek to discount Beehives and Anthills. At what point did Man become separate from nature? If you are having a tough time answering I am not surprised.

>> No.3905921

Fursuiters are but one of many possible expressions of furrydom. I personally find the extroverted expressions to be a bit less philosophically substantial, but I do not question the actions of these furries nor the validity of their actions.

>> No.3905932

Beehives and anthills evolved over millions of years, allowing their inhabitants to be fully adjusted for the particular mode of living within such communities. Man experienced an upheaval over the short period of roughly ten thousand years, and thus could not have possibly 'kept up' in an evolutionary sense. Refer to my first post:
>[Man's] nature is to use his ingenuity to enrich himself, but in enriching himself, he alienates himself from his nature. Generation after generation of cumulative innovation, man finds himself with an abundance of resources but with a lack of purpose.
In order to reconcile yourself with civilization, we either must fundamentally modify what it means to be a human, reducing ourselves to no better than robots and discarding all values we hold dear, or become furries.

>> No.3905941

Fucking animals is immature and gross. Dressing up as animals is immature and gross. Drawing "alt art" of animals fucking is immature and gross. Furrism is immature and gross.

>> No.3905942

In all honesty, I would much rather the body of an anthromorphic canine.

Advances in neurophysics I hope will come soon enough to preform a full mind transplant, preferably into a fresh body of my own design.

We are already gods, our true form though is waiting for us.

>> No.3905953

>Furrism is immature and gross.

The status quo is alienated and cold.

>> No.3905957

Decoded, you said "no one would fuck me, so I joined up with the furries".

>> No.3905964

You know what would be beautiful? to conquer the universe beyond all limits while being the same as our brothers from thousands of years ago, pushing through all problems with the power of thought, not needing to change our bodies or minds.

>> No.3905969

I don't intend to be an ape forever. I mean, hey, apes are cool as animals go, but I don't aspire to stay the way I am now.

There's nothing noble in crippling yourself.

>> No.3905970

sorry you have such misconceptions.

>> No.3905979


If you want to be a super cool robot with lasers you could use a suit. Or perhaps you want to be a brain in a vat?

>> No.3905980

>What was man in his primal state? He was a beast; an uncivilized creature driven by instinct and carnal compulsion

nope, at least <100,000 years ago man was the same as these day

>> No.3905988

these aren't my science

>> No.3905993

>nope, at least <100,000 years ago man was the same as these day

Man was psychically the same, which is part of the problem. His surroundings and how he met his fundamental goals, however, were not. Since man is so similar to the primal hunter-gatherer, he loses himself in a world of abundance and forgets how to express his nature.

>> No.3905990

I had mind uploading more in mind. Organic brains have a very short shelf-life.

>> No.3906000

yes in a world of abundance humans forget how important neccessaties such as food and water are, this has no being wat so ever to furries

>> No.3906004

> and forgets how to express his nature.
Let me guess. We should all be furries.

Sorry, doesn't follow.

>> No.3906012

hunter gatherers are NOT furries, you retard.

most have very elaborate and very human cultures. many do believe in some form of animism and totem symbols; none, however, involve dressing up as animals and living as them.

early humanity was similar to us, simply with less technology.

you're using your own invented rousseau wet dream to justify retarded behavior.

>> No.3906024


Refer back to my first post.
>[Man] was a beast; an uncivilized creature driven by instinct and carnal compulsion. He lived his days pursuing fundamental goals and dreaming amidst the grandeur of nature. He lived amongst the wild animals, learning from them, taking from them, being one of them. He consumed their untamed flesh for sustenance and wore their wild fur for warmth. He paid intellectual homage to them with animist rituals. Simply put, his feral nature was his closeness to the animal kingdom.

The question is, how are we to recapture this state of ourselves without reverting to a pre-agricultural state? What is the natural manifestation of this state in a society where scarcity is relatively unknown? We must reconnect with our animalistic roots by embracing them in a way that is not antithetical to civilization. We must embrace that ever-important relationship with the animal kingdom by allowing it to dominate our aesthetic imperative and vision of ourselves. In other words, we must become furries.

>> No.3906031

>how are we to recapture this state of ourselves without reverting to a pre-agricultural state?
Having a pet and/or going on a walk through a park. Go hiking/camping if you really want the effect.

Not developing sexualized identity disorders.

>> No.3906037

>none, however, involve dressing up as animals and living as them.

The literal expression of ferility then is not the same as the necessary abstract expression of it now. Man was one with nature in a more direct way then, we must now seek to reestablish our primal roots in the only way mutually compatible with modern civilization.

>> No.3906042

>Having a pet and/or going on a walk through a park. Go hiking/camping if you really want the effect.

These returns are shallow and temporary. Being a furry permeates your being completely and at all times.

>> No.3906057

With a sexualized identity disorder.

Some Native American plains tribes had personal animal spirit guides, that represented a part of personal identity with relation to nature.

But they didn't "want to be furries".

>> No.3906086

>But they didn't "want to be furries".

Because they didn't need to be. As I stated before, the literal expression of ferility then is not the same as the necessary abstract expression of ferility now. It's also important to make the distinction that a mystical spirit animal is not the same type of self-expression as a fursona. The animal you most identify with to use as a fursona will be based upon your personal perceptions of that animal and how you identify with it, which will be affected strongly by cultural and other personal factors, rather than religious dogma.

>> No.3906094

Kill yourself.

inb4 go back to >>>/b/

I won't dignify your retarded argument with a reasonable reply.

>> No.3906103
File: 84 KB, 545x604, robinhoodmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I won't dignify your retarded argument with a reasonable reply.

Because you don't have one.

>> No.3906112

Right, have you felt so much contempt about something that you don't even feel like typing an argument?

>> No.3906117

Again. The Native American's didn't have a sexualized identity disorder over their connection with nature.
Basically this shit.

>> No.3906138

I have a question for you; I want you to consider this carefully. If he is indeed repressed, he obviously does not recognize it (as noted by his perceived desire to not be a furry). Assuming that as a given, who can he then know what his true self is if he cannot perceive of his repression?

What you are proposing is your personal solution, I honestly dont give a damn about furries. You guys do what you want, just dont force it on me.

HOWEVER. I swear by whatever power you hold as holy in this world, if I ever hear my kids talking about being "enlightened" by one of you turds, Ill fucking kill all of you. It will be a sweet, sweet, sling-blade style, quiet, genocide, which will go largly unnoticed because nobody likes to talk about mentally deviant minorities (no offense, its what you are, not that there is anything wrong with that, the same applies for all radicals). If my kids want to be freaks, I want your kind to have nothing to do with it. Id accept them if they made the decision themselves.

In summation, you are an unwitting troll. Nobody cares what you think, because they do not think what you think. You do you, Ill do me. You do animals, Ill do people. Stay out of my /sci/.

>> No.3906140
File: 96 KB, 428x510, 1318015949461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a furry
if you just fap to it theres probably nothing wrong with it, but dressing and behaving like an animal, is. you should get checked by a psychologist.

>> No.3906144


Sexuality is but one part of a greater furrydom. The native Americans did not overtly express their sexuality within the context of furrydom because they weren't furries. They did, however, live their sexual lives with in the context of their primal living conditions and mannerisms.

>> No.3906163

>What you are proposing is your personal solution,

It is a universal solution, because all men have a repressed primal nature, and furrydom is the only expression of this nature in technological civilization.

>I swear by whatever power you hold as holy in this world, if I ever hear my kids talking about being "enlightened" by one of you turds, Ill fucking kill all of you. It will be a sweet, sweet, sling-blade style, quiet, genocide, which will go largly unnoticed because nobody likes to talk about mentally deviant minorities (no offense, its what you are, not that there is anything wrong with that, the same applies for all radicals). If my kids want to be freaks, I want your kind to have nothing to do with it. Id accept them if they made the decision themselves.

Any anger against the furries would be analogous to shooting the messenger, because all they would have done is made your child aware to what was already there.

>> No.3906165
File: 128 KB, 600x860, 1318290108074(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up and post more fap fodder, homotool.

>> No.3906170


>> No.3906182
File: 80 KB, 316x270, tentacle rape is so inane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have enough respect for /sci/ to keep the discussion civil. As such, I will at most use reaction images cropped from porn.

>> No.3906187
File: 37 KB, 450x370, 93401_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


..oh boy I just finished reading the second post of the OP's argument. Man it is retarded. I don't want his fap fodder anymore.

It's probably shittily drawn MSPaint vore or some stupid fucking shit like that.

>> No.3906196


>the only expression of this nature in technological civilization.

Tech. advancement is HIS nature, man expresses himself by creating machinery and art

>> No.3906210

This really surprised me. I thought you'd be the kind of person who would want to have a logical, reasonable argument. All you've proposed and responded with is circular logic.

Tell me, how might I go about getting rid of the repression I supposedly have? Go out side and eat grass? Get a dog? What? Im happy with the life I live right now, I honestly feel no emptyness or inadequacy which could be filled by identifying with animals.

Explain yourself via a 12 step plan on who to get rid of this oppression. I promise to try it. But I honestly think you're full of shit. Either way, prove yourself, or get the fuck out.

>> No.3906216

>Tech. advancement is HIS nature, man expresses himself by creating machinery and art

Indeed, but as already covered, it is a paradoxical nature in that by creating new means to support himself, he loses the need to occupy himself with supporting himself. As such, he becomes alienated and must reconnect with his roots for a sense of purpose.

>> No.3906220

OP's position summed up:

Mankind is too busy working to survive so we must chill out a little and become furries.

>> No.3906224

Yeah nah it's still retarded

>> No.3906247


I have stated my arguments and they have not been overturned. Show me an instance of my circular logic.

>I honestly feel no emptyness or inadequacy which could be filled by identifying with animals.

You have tricked yourself into happiness through surrogation of your instinctive primal inclinations with your chosen lifestyle, and as such are able to elude the feelings of alienation. However, such surrogation is not possible for everybody and certainly not sustainable within the broader context of civilization, as an increasing number of people will be able to find such lifestyles due to the increasing abundance of vital resources and declining human input needed to maintain them. As such, only that small number of people working directly to maintain the foundations of society (i.e. engineers and scientists; this probably wasn't the best board for this in retrospect) will find adequate fulfillment in their lives.

If you were to say abandon your surrogate lifestyle, you would find only two truly fruitful paths for happiness: a return to a more simple mode of living, or furrydom.

>> No.3906255
File: 172 KB, 300x384, 1318697483443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a return to a more simple mode of living, or furrydom.

You mean a more drama-filled mode of living where social standing is determined by art skills?

>> No.3906264

I am already an animal. I am homo sapiens. I am a mammal. Why would I pretend to be a different animal?

>> No.3906272

>You mean a more drama-filled mode of living where social standing is determined by art skills?

Or a more dignified expression of an anthromorphically aware society. What manifestation that society would have is impossible to predict.

>> No.3906284
File: 330 KB, 800x680, madotsuki_pills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it all, we've been trolled.

>> No.3906364


>> No.3908224

You guys called.