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File: 18 KB, 272x290, old_woman..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3900528 No.3900528 [Reply] [Original]

I think old people should kill themselves. What is the point of their existence? They look terrible. They smell terrible. They can't hold a conversation. They just shuffle around taking up space and weighing down the health care system. To what end, so they can drool for a few more years? I fully plan to off myself when I turn 50. Maybe if I am still in good health and of sound mind I'll wait til 60. But then it is bye bye for me. You won't catch me wearing a diaper in my 70s and 80s.

Agree or disagree?

>> No.3900539

can i have your xbox

>> No.3900540

My psychiatrist is 75 and he could whip you in an intellectual debate OP

>> No.3900542

Lol, i'm thinking that with the chinese baby boomers aging that we might have our first real chance of seeing The Giver come to real life.

but yes, i hate old people. Except for the ones that are so crazy/don't give a fuck that they are hilarious. we should keep those ones

>> No.3900546

I don't agree on the forced suicide bit, but I do agree on dying before I get too old.

>> No.3900547

ya well my psychiatrist is black and he cold whip yours in a cock whipping fight

>> No.3900562

I don't hate them, but I feel a great sense of sorrow to see a once vigorous person reduced to a feeble creature who can barely walk. I should want to die before I can become like that. Not just for myself, but because I don't want to be a burden on others.

>> No.3900594

There is no good age to die. If you die young, you're still able-bodied and have wasted potential. Die old and you're neither able-bodied or have potential.

What we really need is some kind of meter that tells us how long we'll be able-bodied so we can decide what age to kill ourselves. As an example, my grandmother lived to 86, but she would have been better off dying at 78 because that was when she broke her hip and had to go into a home. Although she never lost her mental faculties, she was a much slower, weaker, and more fragile person after that.

>> No.3900630
File: 26 KB, 300x291, 1294565876750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just, y'know, cure aging?

>> No.3900640

Yes, but what do we do until then?

BTW, we can't stop all aging, but I think if we could halt it at middle age, we'd be good. So a person doesn't age more than their 50s or 60s.

>> No.3900655
File: 49 KB, 864x576, 1299947456594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They look terrible. They smell terrible. They can't hold a conversation. They just shuffle around taking up space and weighing down the health care system.

Sad thing is, the same can be said about a lot of people under 20.

>> No.3900662

>Yes, but what do we do until then?
Do what we already do. Try to extend people's healthy lifespans, and give those that expire a dignified burial/cremation/freezing.

>BTW, we can't stop all aging, but I think if we could halt it at middle age, we'd be good. So a person doesn't age more than their 50s or 60s.
By curing aging this means that someone at 50 years of age would begin to have their telomeres/cells repaired over a course of a year, going through a wondrous Benjamin Button-kind of phase where they regress to just after they finish puberty. Meaning that if you have a treatment that fixes all the maladies of aging you end up with a 25 year old adult no matter what. So there won't be some kind of treatment which just extends the decrepit state you're in when you're already old.

I don't know if we'll get a permanent fix, but I can totally see doses of the treatment where you take it once, then 500 years from then when you have the body of a 45 year old you take it again so you turn back to 25 for another few centuries, repeat ad infinitum. But what's important is that we develop at least 'short' treatments which can extend your healthy life 40 years at a time.










>> No.3900668

>Do what we already do. Try to extend people's healthy lifespans, and give those that expire a dignified burial/cremation/freezing.

But better medicine has done little except create legions of debilitated people in their 80s and 90s that didn't exist 40-50 years ago. Because they would have died earlier and not suffered as much.

>> No.3900679
File: 36 KB, 316x273, 1304402887432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sooner we get a cure for aging, the sooner we make them healthy young individuals again.

I'll leave the Hitler-parade for you to exterminate a few hundred million senior citizens, as that's pretty much the only other way.

>> No.3900692

I wouldn't euthanize anyone, but if you want to live to 100, do so at your own risk. I should not have to support your irresponsible decision.

>> No.3900700
File: 17 KB, 241x230, 1270874430208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm gonna live to 100 I'm going to make sure that I'm being pampered by robots and still look like I did 75 years ago. Don't worry about that. But yeah, until at least 20 years form now you're gonna have to support those senior citizens. That or start your own country.

>> No.3900705

Respect your elders ~ aside from humanitarian grounds, they do share comprehension of the complexity of global operations

>> No.3900712

>But yeah, until at least 20 years form now you're gonna have to support those senior citizens.
Against my will, but there is no solution because they vote too. If I wish to support you in your old age, it should be of my own choosing. I do not owe you six hip replacements and 12 pacemaker surgeries so your useless, non-productive body can cheat death another week.

And that is why I myself have decided to not live longer than about 70. I cannot and do not want to burden others.

>> No.3900724

>Respect your elders
There are some I respect, but respect is earned, never bestowed. A guy like Frank Buckles (the last American WWI vet) was worthy of respect. The old fuck who drives on the wrong side of the road and can barely move the steering wheel is not.

>> No.3900728

My only problem with old people (other than driving), is they're so fucking inefficient

Walk in house and
-All lights on
-Heating set to maximum fuck
-Freezer next to cooker
-Insulation, Insulation nowhere
-"Nuclear is dangerous, back in my day we all had coal and coal never hurt none"

When I get called in to find out 'why is my electricity bills so high' and find this sort of shit it's rather rage inducing (more so when you explain to them why and they immediately think they know more than you)

>> No.3900738

I'm sure when you're 70 you'll think differently.

>> No.3900740

^This. Old bastards are just like children. The former say "I know it all because I'm older than you." and the latter say "I know it all and you're a poophead."

Hence the saying "You enter the world a helpless baby and you leave the world a helpless baby."

>> No.3900743

voluntary euthanasia FTW too bad you can't make people go for it even when they're not sick :(

>> No.3900746
File: 26 KB, 380x353, Stephen-Hawking1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think disabled people should kill themselves. What is the point of their existence? They look terrible. They smell terrible. They can't hold a conversation. They just shuffle around taking up space and weighing down the health care system. To what end, so they can drool for a few more years? I fully plan to kill myself if I became disabled. Maybe I'll stay around telling the world my experience and what they can learn. But then it is bye bye for me. You won't catch me on a wheelchair.

Agree or disagree?

>> No.3900748

There is. It's called phenobarbital. There's also our friend Mr. Remington Pump-Action.

>> No.3900749

elderly people have their benefits––cheap childcare, for one. And by that I of course mean free. I mean, what granny charges their sons and daughters money to look after their sons and daughters??

Aside form that you can learn so much from them. Plus the fact that working populations are more productive when they know their parents are alive and well.

>> No.3900756

when you get old you will still be you, by the way. it's not like you morph into a different being at certain stages through your life. When you were 10 I'm sure there were things you said you'd never let happen, you'd never do, when you reach the age you are now. But now that you are that age, you're probably doing them.

>> No.3900758

Yeah, but that's mostly younger old people in their 60s and 70s. What I'm talking about are the 80 and 90 yos who are too debilitated to do much of anything and should have died 10-15 years earlier.

>> No.3900765

you may think like that right up to 60-70 but by the time you reach the next stage you're not going to want to go.

>> No.3900766

Yeah, you do. You can't tell me a 90 year old mofo who can barely walk is the same guy he was when he was 20.

>> No.3900767

Back then
>Girls have cooties and Urrrrrrrrgh!
>I must plough Vaginas
In the future
>I remember when women used to have Vaginas

>> No.3900771

Nah, you'll still plow vaginas thanks to that magic pill we all love so much.

>> No.3900773

depends what you mean by 'same guy'. he is obviously the same person with the same brain, but of course he can't do what did when he was younger. he still thinks the same way though. ie. he wants to be alive. Hell, the 90 year old is probably saying to himself 'if i ever reach 110, just kill me'. Then when he reaches 110 he'll say 'if i ever reach 120, i don't want to live anymore' and so on. obviously this is hyptheical since you can't live that long, but only YET. maximum age will keep advancing but our will to live will never recede––except in the case of extreme illness and pain.

>> No.3900774

My grandfather was right. He had a heart problem, never wanted to get it fixed, and died at 74. Still active, able-bodied, driving, and mowing his lawn. Think if he had gotten it fixed. Maybe he'd live to 84 or 94 as a vegetable. And that would suck.

>> No.3900776

That's debatable. Suicide rates among old people, and especially men, are high. My great uncle hung himself when he was 73.

>> No.3900778

as long as i can still use my mind properly, i'm fine. But when that starts to deteriorate, i want out.

>> No.3900779

if your that bothered why dont you use some of your life to help these old folk.

from the age of like 0=15/16 then 65+ need other people to help them get on with life.

when you get to around 65 its like your baby again

>> No.3900780

I'd hate having bad eyes. My mother is only in her 50s and refuses to drive at night anymore.

>> No.3900781

Why, back in my day, old people die by natural means. We don't have any of your hi-def euthanasia bull craps.

>> No.3900787

Naw, old age doesn't really set until until 75 or so.

20-34=young adult
35-54=young middle age
55-64=old middle age
65-74=young old age
75-84=middle old age
85+=advanced age