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3898108 No.3898108 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone in the USA confirm this?

>Get loan from bank or something
>Study and live off ramen with other people
>Finish studying
>Try to get job
>If you can't get your job you still have to pay it back?
>OR get job and pay back your loan with interest

Here in Australia it goes like this (I think)
>Get loan from government to study
>Also get student payments from government you don't need to pay back
>Get job and only pay back loans to government when you earn a certain amount each year without interest
>OR don't get job, keep taking loans out for the rest of your life
>OR live on the job searchers pension and pretend to apply for jobs everywhere
>OR leave the country
>OR work for the CSIRO/uni doing boring shit

I'm trying not to be biased, I'm just putting forth WHAT I KNOW. Correct me and tell me how your system works. Also any other country is welcome to tell me how yours works. Thanks broskis.

>> No.3898120

In the USA you can't ever get out of your student loan debt. You can't file bankruptcy.

>> No.3898116

Who are you trying to troll, Americans or Australians?

>> No.3898136

Ausfag here, don' forget to mention the $1000 handout at the start of each semester to buy textbooks with

>> No.3898134
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You being sarcastic bro?

>> No.3898151

If you take a loan, the lender wants to be paid back. It doesn't matter if it's for a car or for an education. It also doesn't matter what country you're in.

>> No.3898153

Totally serious. If you spend ten years of "public service" however, your debt can be forgiven.

>> No.3898154
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Oh yeah and if you have even the slighest amount of abo blood in you, you get SHIT LOADS OF SHIT FOR FREE.

Everything you need is provided by for the government. I don't think they even need to pay it back.

>> No.3898159

>You being sarcastic bro?

No, that is literally true. There is no way to file for bankruptcy for student loan debt. You pay it back or they take some of your pay forever.

>> No.3898168

Of course they want it to be paid back. In Australia, if you get a loan from the government you either:
A. Never have to pay it back (pension loans)
B. Pay it back when you want
C. Pay it back when you're able

I'd understand if we were talking about home loans from a third party, but we're talkin about the gubmint.

>> No.3898188

Damn son.
What are your bankruptcy laws like? How long do you have to be bankrupt for until you're clear of your debt?

I think it's five years here in Australia, and obviously you can't go out buying shit willynilly like cars and houses. You must live off the government or hold down a job where you don't earn over a certain amount.

>> No.3898191

Meanwhile, the rest of the world exports people with an education and no debt burden, who come to the US and do better than their native-born peers. Great plan.

>> No.3898198

This is the only reason I wish I lived in australia.

I'm gonna be graduating with 70k in debt. which will eventually probably turn into a larger amount with interest and shit.

>> No.3898214

>If you can't get your job you still have to pay it back?
Yep, you have to pay it back, regardless of what happens. If not, they can just repossess anything you own and auction it, or sue you. Also you can get arrested for stuff like this (it can count as fraudulence), making the American people pay for your debt through taxes.

>> No.3898216

Yeah we have it pretty good in Australia. I owe the government a whopping $4000 just finishing undergrad (though I did a little bit of tomfoolery which resulted in most of my units being fee-less, else it would be $20000+) and they pay me $500 a fortnight as well as $2000 a year for books and what not, then scholarships are on top of that. Won't have to start paying it back for a while yet either. Its nice being able to afford rent AND food.

>> No.3898221

This is how it worked in for me.

>Do well in school and on state test
>Get tuition fully paid for by earnings from state lotto
>If you can't cover everything, like housing get loans from government
>Study and live off bulk-bought but real food with other people
>Finish studying
>Go for doctorate
>They're paying me to study, I'm paying the loans back

Feels okay man.

I wish the initial payments had been sooner because I'm behind on rent but my roommate is covering until I can fully pay him back this month.

>> No.3898228
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I shed a single manly tear for you broski.

Anyone from any of the scandinavian countries here? I'd like to hear how your system works. mite b cool to study over there.

>> No.3898236

This is super shit, I mean I'm all for people getting help, but I think basing whether they get it or not on their race is a bit ridiculous. Especially from a country that's always doing its best to play down how racist we are.

>> No.3898238

Hello mate, I'm from Australia. My main export is abbos and kangaroos. I live in a welfare state and never push myself, mentally, physically or emotionally. The government will throw money at me if i can fog a piece of glass slid under my nose.

Zyzz is ashamed of your lazy fuarking ass.

>> No.3898242

I heard that Iceland's education system is free to everyone. Even foreigners.

>> No.3898244


>Implying aborigines leave the country.

>> No.3898253
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How can you be here, trolling /sci/ when Zyzz is dead?

>> No.3898258 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 600x753, 1316566628276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I think if you're aboriginal/torres strait islander and you want to study overseas.. Let's say in the USA and are an adamant fucking nigger and won't go to any university other than HARVARD. The Australian government will try their fucking hardest to get someone with an IQ of 80 study anything overseas, at the full cost of the taxpayer.

Oh well, I use the same system. I just don't get quite as many handouts as an abo. ALL GOOD BRO.

>> No.3898274

OR go to any civilized Europeon country, tuition $1k a year.

>> No.3898304
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Mmm, community college equivalent.

>> No.3898306

My family is so shitpoor that my entire college education is completely covered by grants.

That said, I stand with you, fellow students. The student loan system is unbelievably fucked up the ass.

>> No.3898486

>aboriginal/torres strait islander and you want to study overseas.. Let's say in the USA and are an adamant
>aboriginal/torres strait islander... adamant
I believe you misunderstand the effects of the inhalation of petroleum fumes.

>> No.3898494


>b-b-but you play L4D without gore


>> No.3898495

The main problem with the U.S. system is that the poor state of employment in the nation compels people to seek higher education on the hope that it will produce a better, often MUCH better job, hence compensation. But that sort of thing was grabbed by the Jewish lenders into promoting a lot of borrowing. And then globalism started to undercut educated employment. And employers started to perversely demand higher and higher educational levels for the same jobs. So students in the U.S. are getting squeezed to death, and it's a very long process, and this is the unfortunate, same history of all of American practices. This nation exists for only one reason: TO MAKE MONEY BY FUCKING SOMEBODY ELSE.

>> No.3898501

You can always hang yourself to get out of debt. If you die, you don't have to pay back your student loans.

>> No.3898532
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>> No.3898542
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>> No.3898552
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This'll explain everything you could want to know about the American student loan system.

>> No.3898554


Welcome to capitalism, guys. Welcome to capitalism. -_-

>> No.3898555


>> No.3898575
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Thanks broski, will read.

>> No.3898578

yeah and then your family will have to pay your debt

>> No.3898595

In Canada you get paid to go to school. This includes tut fees, books, food, rent or mortage. And you don't need to pay it off. Beat that poor countries.

>> No.3898598
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I think I just finally converted from libertarianism. Holy fuck.

>> No.3898601

Life insurance pays off big.

>> No.3898603


> from


>> No.3898608

Away from it, you illiterate schmuck.

>> No.3898612
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>> No.3898616

Yep, but most life insurance policies don't cover suicides. Assisted suicide, however, can be easily mistaken as murder as long as the killer is never got and/or never squeals.

>> No.3898619
File: 95 KB, 247x302, 1318113413676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> picture of hilarious state destruction of education
> move away from libertarianism


>> No.3898621

I meant "caught," god I'm an artard.

>> No.3898625
File: 133 KB, 891x1000, youmustbenew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was having a go at you for being libertarian in the first place you political idort.

>> No.3898623

I know two canadians with student loans from going to college.

>> No.3898626

>obviously non-English speaker

>> No.3898630

Yeah, but Liberty is the libertarian of /sci/.

>> No.3898631

>Liberty as a tripcode

Don't you know only english speaking countries have liberty?

>> No.3898635

>"you must be new"
>has never read liberty's thread on pro-libertarianism from a few weeks ago

>> No.3898637

Only by American logic.

>> No.3898652

In the US you have to pay back your loans 6 months after not being a full time student.

That rule applies to federal loans but private loans from banks can make their own rules.

>> No.3898658

>In the US you have to pay back your loans 6 months after not being a full time student.
You have to START paying your loans. They are not due in 6 months.

>> No.3898660

yeah that's what I meant, at a low interest rate. Mine are like 6 percent

>> No.3898666 [DELETED] 

in US you can defer repayment if you're not making a certain amount

and OP you have excellent taste in women

>> No.3898670

I think mine are 6 or 7. I don't remember anymore but when I was applying for them the government loans were the cheapest of them all and had the best condition.

Fuck private loans. Avoid them at all costs. Rates are higher and the loan terms will fuck your ass without lube.

>> No.3898702
File: 206 KB, 800x1160, 1317157211757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna study in yurop.