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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3897773 No.3897773 [Reply] [Original]

Some atheists are proud to not believe in an ultimate being, but I used to envy the fact that Theists can live happy lives and serve a purpose that seems just to them, and never question their directives. I would give anything to have direction like that. Ever since I lost my faith, I feel more alone than ever. I excommunicated all my friends as they are all disciples and I couldn't ask them to accept my "so-called" enlightenment. I found my childhood ambitions to be driven by my theology, and quickly threw them away as I matured into atheism. Now, I'm alone and lost, and I was so depressed that suicide and hopelessness was all that encompassed my thinking for about 6 months.

UNTIL I watched this video on YouTube entitled, "Science Saved My Soul"

Since then, I have enjoyed an enthusiasm for cosmology and physics and hope to make a career out of science. I take refuge in the idea that if there is an ultimate being; I will not worship Him in a Church; but in amazement at the universe He has provided for me. I will study, respect, and love all that I am; we are; we can be. It is this science that has saved my life and my soul.

I make this post to gather resources from other people that helped them accept their atheism, and helped them cope with a nihilistic view as some, including me, may find it disturbing.

>> No.3897782

If anyone is interested in the video "Science Saved My Soul" here is the link:


It changed my life.

>> No.3897934

I love this video. I have had a quote from it as my signature on a few forums for a while and it really sums up my stance on the universe.

"It's like the universe screams in your face, 'Do you know what I am, how grand I am, how old I am? Can you even comprehend what I am? What are you, compared to me?' And when you know enough science, you can just smile up at the universe and reply, 'Dude, I am you.'"

>> No.3897939


Riveting stuff. I had goosebumps for half the video. Even still.

>> No.3897962

>I take refuge in the idea that if there is an ultimate being; I will not worship Him in a Church; but in amazement at the universe He has provided for me. I will study, respect, and love all that I am; we are; we can be.

I can't imagine that this would go unappreciated by any god(s), should they exist.

>> No.3897978


I would hope our "God(s)" would obey the same logic they instilled in us.

>> No.3897994

>I take refuge in the idea that if there is an ultimate being

Don't mistake the innate creativity of the universe for an ultimate being.

>> No.3898003

As much as I like science and being inspired by science, this is really just bait for the religious trolls that frequent /sci/. It has been so nice not seeing them for the last couple of days. They will be here en masse for this thread, guaranteed.

>> No.3898006


Point well taken. I'm not too deep into universal origin theories... yet :]

>> No.3898013

According to most theists, they don't.

>> No.3898021

uh, worshipping the creator of the heavens is not atheism, bro

>> No.3898027

you want an idiot for a God?


>> No.3898030

>worship the creation
>mock people who worship the Creator

sure hope you guys aren't doing this

>> No.3898033


I suppose it's not. I suppose I'm more of an agnostic, and I'm ok with that. I've denied my religion and that's a big enough step (for now) that took a big enough toll on my life.

>> No.3898035
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>implying it is hard to be atheist


>> No.3898044



Denied ALL religion.

>> No.3898046

I'm deeply religious

>if there is an ultimate being; I will not worship Him in a Church; but in amazement at the universe He has provided for me.

I can respect that.

>> No.3898049


After living a life completely and utterly controlled by your God, denying that God was one of the hardest things that ever happened to me.

But keep trolling.

>> No.3898058

worship whatever made the universe in such an awesome way

good starting point, anyways

better than these non-scientific types that believe something came from nothing, randomly, evolving into higher and higher energy states, for no reason whatsoever


>> No.3898062

ino,rite? what's more glorious, a chapel, or the horsehead nebulae?

>> No.3898067

God doesn't control; if He wanted things to control, He would have made things to control, not wildly independent things, most of which say, fuck you, God

>> No.3898084


Thought this would be another corny atheist video but jesus fucking christ, this is damn good.

>> No.3898088

>thread starts with a one of the most inspiring videos of our time
>deviates into a process of inventing a new religion
stay classy /sci/

>> No.3898093

you can feel the cosmos feeding your soul, can't you

"the heavens proclaim the Glory of God"

just think; there's an available mechanism where you can hang out with the guy that spoke all the universe into being

>> No.3898096


Well, this thread took a turn for the derp.

>> No.3898099


Right. A good portion of the human race does say "Fuck you, God." But to the mislead and ignorant followers of misinterpreted Gods that Humanity has created. The God, if one, I envision, created this universe in an artistic fashion, for what purpose: I don't know, but I do know he wouldn't give to fucking shits about my language, what I do on Sundays and who I fuck.

>> No.3898105

what are you talking about

>> No.3898112

i too have been giving thought to the question, why is God a creator? why did He create anything? why did He create this?

the difference is, i know i'll get to ask Him face-to-face, and get satisfactory answers, and actually be a part of His continuing creation

>> No.3898115

fuck, what are you, the samefag police?

or are you just outlining the awesome truth about God?


>> No.3898124


Um. Human Logic is perfect, child.

In theory, at least. No one truly acts on pure logic as it is humanly impossible with emotional tendencies.

Think of Spock as the best interpretation.

>> No.3898133

not him, but i believe he was referring to the half truth, half cop-out "God works in mysterious ways"

logically speaking, it is impossible for our logic and God's logic to be identical due to the knowledge and power gap between the Creator and the created.

but people still want to think they're their own gods, just so they can let themselves off the hook for their misdeeds, and dwell in the darkness, instead of the light

so sad

>> No.3898142

"Human Logic" doesn't even exist, much less have any claim of perfection. we can't, as a species, agree on anything of substance, much less an over-reaching logical scheme

ever hear of competing fields of study?

yeah, that

>> No.3898146
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>believes im imaginary friends

>> No.3898173

i find it hard to respect most athiests, as their argumentative basis is somewhat akin to "i'm so smart that i can reduce all of theology to 'lol dumb people with imaginary friends', it's a good feeling to manufacture intellectual superiority"

the high tier athiests consider theology as well as the various impacts religion has had culturally, but do not believe in the existence of a god. they are incredibly hard to find people

>> No.3898174


Very good question; although we will never have an answer, but all the theories that pop into my head make God seem more human that I would like to envision.

Say he created us to simply observe us: God would have a curiosity factor that would prove he is not all knowing. A very human factor

Say he created us to worship him: God would have pride proving he is capable of acting on it with malice and judgement. A very human factor I would not like to see in a God.

Any reason you give for creation will give that God very UNGODLY characteristics that result in his human nature which couldn't exist in a supernatural being of such proportions.

Scary thoughts.

>> No.3898170
File: 81 KB, 800x914, batman_one_million_by_mk01-d31rf0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god's logic

Is this the thread where we argue about the attributes of talk fairytale characters?

Fuck god!
Batman logic is the best logic!

>> No.3898182
File: 35 KB, 600x471, normal__9b17e6a18c3cad5b7b5ac6fa44ce23e9_harleypaiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Batman logic IS BEST LOGIC

>> No.3898192
File: 13 KB, 235x278, 263034_1753419204980_1523910138_31298017_762482_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying most religious people aren't as dumb as a door nail

Bender logic is best logic. Bender eats god for breakfast!

>> No.3898199

you're proving my point

>> No.3898200

There is only 1 logic guys, and some semantics to apply it.
Y u guise al rtard?

>> No.3898212

that is because only a fool says in his heart, there is no God

smart, well thought out fools are few and far between

>> No.3898223


I'm sure it does, but we will never know it. Only theorize about it because as emotional beings we will never know what it is like to act on pure logic, as I'm sure human genetics; as similiar and complex as they are all code for similiar insticts/characteristics/organ structure/ect ect also code for brain development in the same way; yet our ability to use logic is impeded by our experiences.

>> No.3898230
File: 188 KB, 750x534, 1314445330165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am pretty sure that Batman could take out god.

>> No.3898250
File: 45 KB, 500x375, Krillin%201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krillin could make god his bitch.
god is a very weak character, his story has poor plot development, and a piss poor setting. By the end of the story god is not very likeable.

>> No.3898393

