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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3897166 No.3897166 [Reply] [Original]

How many here at Sci are actually scientists/engineers/mathmaticians/students/professors?

Aren't those people busy doing engineering physics or something? How many of us are just sci-fi sort of folks?

>> No.3897175

compsci here,
theres tons of religious people and high schoolers at certain times of the day

>> No.3897194

lol, guess there's only one atm

>> No.3897197


Is computer science really science? I'm a High Schooler. I think it must be harder than medicine, but can it be compared to Electrical Engineering or nuclear physics?

>> No.3897200

physics undergrad here. whats up

>> No.3897202

EE student here

should be studying right now

>> No.3897206

In my last semester of my undergrad major in zoology. Currently working in a genetics lab to optimize procedures for obtaining microsatellite information from 2 species of toads.

>> No.3897209

Another CS graduate here.
It's as hard as you make it. If you want hard shit do some work on image recognition.

What's CS and what's just math is blurry though.

>> No.3897210

genetics student here.

>> No.3897212

EE, been one for over a decade

>> No.3897217

4th year of a biochem degree

>> No.3897225

Take a class in operating systems and then ask yourself that same question.

>> No.3897241

Third year Physics.

>> No.3897248

No, I am a merely a lowly student

>> No.3897251

To me it seems like the majority of a/sci/pies are babby undergrads. Probably the single largest demographic is freshman and sophomore engineering majors.

>> No.3897253

Sounds boring. Do you ever regret choosing zoology?

>> No.3897254


A class in operationg systems sounds much more boring than just CS.

>> No.3897264

In the process of graduating in applied physics.

>> No.3897270

If all goes well, by the beginning of september next year I'll have my PhD.
>Aren't those people busy doing engineering physics or something?
Most of the time, sure. We're still humans though. I like to lolinternet once in a while, when I don't have to think. Takes my mind off things.

>> No.3897267

3rd year general studies major

>> No.3897284

I dropped out just before my 3rd year exams out of a 4year science degree.

>> No.3897295

economics major here

>> No.3897297

That's one hell of an unrepresentative course bro. Operating systems is probably the single least sciency course in a typical CS curriculum.

>> No.3897309

physics phd here
I sit in an office and manage a bunch of engineers all day

somehow I imagined something greater for my career
still, doesn't pay bad and I rarely have to do anything giving me plenty of time to study at work

>> No.3897329


agreeing with this, high schooler should take data structures and algorithms and then decide.

>> No.3897331


Is that applied Physics? Theoretical Phycisist are those that deal with string theory and such, while 90% of them don't have a job?

>> No.3897337

That sounds interesting. Mind giving me a run through of a typical day at work?

>> No.3897369

At my uni you can do a double masters applied physics and management of technology, which should get you a job pretty easily. Of course I didn't do that...

>> No.3897374
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>implying the greatest scientists have not also been interested in philosophy

>> No.3897384

my phd was of the theoretical physics kind I guess, I did it on lattice gauge theory

most of the guys I know that have physics phds are employed...

>> No.3897426


There is no science in Computer Science. What are you even talking about? There is a top of mathematics and logic in general but I never encountered anything using the scientific method.

Computer Science in the end is just an abstraction of mathematics.

>> No.3897464

2nd Year Math + CS Student
Procrastinating a problem set right now

>> No.3897505

PhD student in high energy physics here. This is a nice place to come and shut off your brain at the end of the day.

>> No.3897516

Completing last 6 credits of a 90 credit (because Canada lol) Bsc in bio.

Don't know why I chose bio. Would choose Physics if I could do it all over. Too late now. Feels batman.

Focused on biochem and just generally on bio at the cellular level to compensate for the gayness. Ecology blows and is for fags that can't into even basic math. :3

>> No.3897518

A concretion of mathematics?

>> No.3897560


No, I wouldn't say that. Computer Science can still deal in the abstract.

Basically Computer Science and Mathematics both do the same thing. They process information. How? You build a model for your specific situation. You find variables, inputs and output. They you find patterns on which you base your formulae that process the data.

>> No.3897568
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Depressed dropout here. I'm totally just a sci-fi sort of dude and have no hope of ever working with this stuff.

>> No.3897579

Physicist here. I'm enjoying discussions here sometimes, though mostly tripfags show up and ruin everything. They just say something and everybody instantly believes it without verification.

I also love answering physics and math questions.

>> No.3897603

Tripfags on average are more knowledgeable than anons.

>> No.3897614

actual scientists maybe 0,5 %

>> No.3897616


Are you serious? Let me laugh even harder.


>> No.3897617

You're not serious are you?

>> No.3897621


describe "actual scientist"...

>> No.3897623

EE student here.

>> No.3897628


I don't think there are alot of homosexuals on /sci/

>> No.3897635

EE not doing anything useful reporting

>> No.3897638

Actual scientist here. I multi-task alot.

I am always reading a "article", doing some actual science, browsing porn, and watching TV shows at the same time.

>> No.3897641
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i gots knolej u dumb motherfucking what

>> No.3897650

Mechanical Engineering undergrad in my final year, focused in Energy and Fluid systems and Aerospace (huge amount of overlap). Have experience in mechanics and materials to just to round it out.

>> No.3897655
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>> No.3897659
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>mfw /sci/ is mostly homosexuals

Filthy engineers!

>> No.3897672

How much come have you swallowed?

>> No.3897678

20 slugs worth.

I actually don't think I know any gay people let alone gay engineers...

>> No.3897695

< engineer senior
I don't know a single gay guy

>> No.3897710

>implying they have to be openly flamboyant to be gay
>implying that guy who sits next to you isn't gay but simply doesn't "act" it

>> No.3897712

>EE student switching to Chemistry
Yeah fuck engineering, it's a buttload of aggravating problem solving

I'd rather just focus more on the theoretical side of science

>> No.3897738

>implying you don't know yourself

>> No.3897741

>Implying I'm gay and not playing along with the meme

>> No.3897764

B.S. in Pure Math, working on Masters...then Phd...then a bright future of unemployment checks.

>> No.3897783

Computer Software Engineer here.

I make games and shit. Making the game engine is pretty difficult, but can be done alone. But once I implement the scripting language, coding is pretty fun.

I also freelance making viruses, cracks, and custom-made compression. (some people want tight security and RAR files can be penetrated through brute force);

I love my job.

>> No.3897797

Not sure why everybody here is so condescending about medicine. Shit's quite a bit of data, yo.

>> No.3897799


masters/phd in math is so fucken employable

what are you talkin about.
everyone on wall street, business, finance, and research/engineering companies want math phds

>> No.3897801

doctor's are worthless, boomer-supporting faggots

>> No.3897809

That's your argument?

>> No.3897814

LOL no

>> No.3897836


Doctors are

The people behind the doctors aren't but then again, they're going to provide the incentive for the medical industry to expand quite a bit.

Loads of jobs, especially for anyone with a Biochemical background or medical background.

>> No.3897842


except hes right.

>> No.3897844

Mostly, I agree.

>> No.3897847

I hate biology.

I'm grateful there are already so many people in that field so I don't have to do it.

I imagine you to be like rat the kid from the core movie

>> No.3898055

>I hate biology.

That's because you're a hipster asshole on the prowl for anything or anybody to feel superior to.