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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3893304 No.3893304 [Reply] [Original]

> Get to school

> Kind of need to poop

> Halfway through second out of third class in the day

> Starting to get uncomfortable

> That feel when you don't want to poop in a public bathroom, so you hold it until you get home, but you didn't pay attention in class because all you could think about is how bad you need to poop

Also, uncomfortable school moments relating to poop general

>> No.3893330

Bump. Come on bros!

>> No.3893352


>> No.3893357

>not saying you're sick and getting your mom to pick you up

I did this like a boss.

>> No.3893367

please go back to /b/.

>> No.3893377


> Call mom to pick me up from university

Underage b&

>> No.3893378

>had fish from the cafeteria the day before
>in class
>suddenly feel like my ass is gonna explode
>walk out
>get to the toilet
>hover over it
>let the flood gates loose
>there is someone in the next stall
>announce 'don't eat the fish'

>> No.3893381

>complaining when classes are like an hour long and you have a car

I thought this was a nostalgia thread...

>> No.3893384
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You are so fucking stupid, You are so unbelievably stupid.
You are more stupid than I could ever have imagined.
Shame on you anonymous.

>> No.3893407
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>in the city
>have to take a shit
>no public restrooms that i know of
>right in the middle of campus is a pond area with a wall around it to sit on
>walk up to it
>slip pants a bit down so my anus is out
>shit into the pond while acting like i'm just sitting there as people walk by
>forgot i had no way to wipe my ass
>have to walk home with ass smearing between my butt
>have to take the long way so i wouldn't have to have people walk behind me and smell it

>> No.3893414

>scared of public restrooms

>> No.3893417
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> Take public transportation

> Second and third classes were two hours each

> 10 minutes between classes

> My face when I think of taking the bus all the way home, taking a shit, taking a bus all the way back, and making it to third class in 10 minutes

>> No.3893420

Do you mind posting some science concerning poop, bathrooms, and hygiene /sci/?

I'm full George Costanza but I realize some things are irrational and I try to change them, which actually is pretty easy.

>pooping with any clothing on

>> No.3893425

>going to lectures

>> No.3893428

I've never had this problem before. It's like my body loves me and is like "He has better shit to do than shit I won't bother him right now" But when I finally get him it just all hits me out of nowhere.

>> No.3893429



>> No.3893431


Come on now.

>> No.3893432

Guys you have to have a poop schedule. I poop first thing in the morning or around noon if my poop is lacking. Haphazard poops will get you nowhere in life.

>> No.3893436

I know that feeö

>> No.3893442

>scared to use public restrooms
>worrying about making it to a college lecture on time

this isn't high school

>> No.3893464
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Poop floats if you have too much fat in your diet because lipids are hydrophobic


> Taking some dumbass liberal art where all the material is easy and lectures aren't necessary

Gb2 /soc/

>> No.3893469

>implying hydrophobic makes something float....

shit, tyrone

>> No.3893490

Creating the perfect log is a science, trust me. It must be large, a single piece, and ideally it slips out into the bowl so smoothly that the toilet paper stays white.

I can't give away all my secrets, but it involves oatmeal, jerky, cheese, plenty of gatorade, and delayed swallowing of some propellant, like a tiny bit of raw onion. My notebooks and journals are quite extensive.

>> No.3893498
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>> No.3893512

>He seriously thinks being late to a lecture is going to ruin him

sounds like you have trouble comprehending material and need someone to force feed it down your throat

>> No.3893533

I always poop in the morning so pooping isn't a problem in class, but I can never poop in public restrooms. I went on a 3 day cruise (plus 2 days of traveling) and I didn't poop at all. The first poop at home was very painful.

Why /sci/? Why?!

>> No.3893541

it was probably painful because of all the dried out poop in your intestines

>> No.3893549

Soluble fiber guys. Buy benefiber or something.

>> No.3893563
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i eat broccoli all day

>> No.3893568

>In High School
>Riding the bus in the morning, tired
>Few other kids on the bus with me, mostly black girls
>Suddenly smell shit
>Think I stepped in dog shit
>Press feet on the ground and hope no one sits next to me
>Get to school
>Run into the bathroom and check shoes; nothing there
>That afternoon bus driver gives us a lecture on how we should tell her if we have an emergency

>> No.3893583

Oh yeah, and everyone probably thought it was me because I was so uncomfortable.

>> No.3893584

A friend of mine tried to do that on a 5 day trip
He caved in on the third day and clogged the toilet
Never again he said

>> No.3893600

I have no problem pooping in a stall, but I have a hard time pissing in a urinal unless I'm the only one there. I thought that made me all beta, but apparently everyone on /sci/ is far worse.

>> No.3893603
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I didn't poop for a week once on a school trip. I ate a ton too. When I finally let it rip, 5 huge turds filled the toilet in half a second, and 5 more after. That was the biggest relief feeling ever.

It hurt like a motherfucker all week. But I would NOT crap in the woods. Lesson learned. I now crap anywhere. I am a crapping machine! I will crap in your soup if you aren't watching. Extra flavor.

>> No.3893607

I can only poop in my own bathroom, and normally only in the morning. Whenever I go on vacation I always get really constipated and end up feeling terrible for the trip. I went to San Diego last summer for a week and didn't poop the whole time. I didn't know that was even possible. The poop I took when I got home was the most liberating experience I've ever had.

>> No.3893615
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Bro fist man. I thought I was the only one who could hold it for a week. Fucking liberating afterwards.

>> No.3893621

I definitely didn't think it was possible to. It was the longest I'd ever gone. Hopefully I never have to experience that again.

>> No.3893626

Yeah it was fucking miserable for me too. I couldn't think. I would get periods of 30 seconds of no pain then pain again.

>> No.3893646

>I have no problem pooping in a stall, but I have a hard time pissing in a urinal unless I'm the only one there. I thought that made me all beta, but apparently everyone on /sci/ is far worse.

I don't like peeing in urinals because there's no toilet paper to dab your dick with

>> No.3893656

> there's no toilet paper to dab your dick with


I've improved my anxiety a lot but I still can't usually pee at a urinal even if I'm not nervous. It's like completely outside my conscious.

>> No.3893668 [DELETED] 
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>Transfer to university
>Have to shit
>Realize I have no clue where most of the bathrooms are
>Pull out map
>Notice payphones are marked but not restrooms
>Walk awkwardly across campus to the one restroom I actually know

>> No.3893681

When I was 7, I didn't poop for like a month so I had to get an enema...It's impossible for me to describe the exact sensation I was feeling at the time but I'm sure you can imagine how it would feel to spray a month's worth of shit out of your asshole.

>> No.3893686

Holyshit blackman. You must have intestinal damage!

>> No.3893739

>no toilet paper to dab your dick with.

If the bathroom has paper towels, I tear off a small piece to dab with. If there isn't any, I dab it dry on the back of my hand. And yes, I wash up afterwards (borderline germophobe).

>> No.3895777

that's why you carry a handkerchief, also effective for the one-finger asshole itch

>> No.3895795
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>have to take a shit
>use the restroom because this isn't middle school and the bathrooms are decently maintained

>> No.3895798

Never change, /sci/.
>saying you're sick and getting your mom to pick you up

Ah, good times...

>> No.3895804

havent taken a shit in a whole week
gonna feel good man

>> No.3895810

So much fucking beta ITT.

>> No.3895812

So much fucking dickhead ITP.

>> No.3895815

As a child I remember going days or a whole week without pooping. Never had any bowel problems at school either. I developed a habit of touching cloth because it felt good (I still do this). Amazingly clean undergarments though. Love rubbing my prostate with my own hard crap.

>> No.3895818
File: 57 KB, 350x525, what the fuck, disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rub your prostate with your finger or another man's cock like normal people.

>> No.3895823


>> No.3895838

no this is EK

>> No.3895842
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wanna cyber?