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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3889883 No.3889883 [Reply] [Original]

Here's my take on the future:

1. The computer industry will decline within the next few decades, and will reach a virtual stand-still since we'll be at the point where it's necessary to store information using atoms (quantum computing).

Quantum computing is a whole different ball park from normal computing; we'll have to build a new field of computer from the ground up.

In the mean time, the global economy will collapse in on itself due to
1. peak oil
2. no one buys computers anymore once silicon based tech reaches a stand still
3. technological unemployment leads to a majority of unemployment

The way I see it..the death of the modern economic era has already been spelled out.

These next generations, then, will see to it that physics / mathematics are the master fields which allow us to advance the most.

Everything is physics; all physics is described by math; thus as our understanding of physical law / our ability to apply it to quantum technologies embellishes, physicists and mathematicians will be the ones who create the computers, come up with the solutions which biologists, psychologists, etc and everyone will finally understand how full of bullshit they all were.

So rl;dr let's all major in either math or physics
Thoughts everyone?

>> No.3889887

that is to say, physicists will be the ones who truly come to understand the fields of biology, neuroscience, etc.

>> No.3889892

this is like some form of math geek fantasy

>> No.3889899
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1. Liquid fluoride thorium reactors waste heat creating fuels required, mandate many more cars to be electric by relatively nearby date, put funding behind finding an alternative for fertilizers, plastics and so on
2. Do you have any kind of advanced intelligence or foresight to validate your claim?
3. That's a good thing. Replace jobs with robots, let the people work in fields and hobbies they want, with an absolute Minimum Wage which is enough to let you live an okay life.

But with 3 this means schooling doesn't need to be so regimented for producing children for work, which is likely to turn less kinds off math in their early years.

>> No.3889900

turn less kids off math*

>> No.3889907

> majoring in CS
I guess I'm good.

>> No.3889908

personally i was already majoring in math for the 300k starting but that line of reasoning works too i guess

>> No.3889935

Wrong, there are more fields of research than computer science and computer software will still be underdeveloped.

>> No.3889960

the way i see it OP is solar powered flying cars

>> No.3889991


My thought is that you are an autist with science fetish who doesn't see the people of the world like it to be trolled by companies like apple so they can hipster around with their ipads and such.

So the old economy would still be around for a while.


I really hope it doesn't and that people actually wake up, despite my critizism I'm on your side OP.