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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3888454 No.3888454 [Reply] [Original]

From a completely rational, amoral, and scientific point of view, why is slavery bad/wrong?

>> No.3888462

Nope, nothing wrong. You are my slave and I can do no harm.

>> No.3888461

It's not.

>> No.3888469

Absolutely nothing. You are using resources to fill your needs- The only things that matter is YOURSELF, not your fellow man.

Without any kind of moral compass or any superior being setting rules, good and evil are moot terms.

>> No.3888483


Atheists 0
Christian 235230967206

>> No.3888488
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> amoral
> bad/wrong


>> No.3888507

Nothing. If you're amoral, rational, and completely scientific, morals mean pretty much nothing and only the ends matter.

>> No.3888536

OP has already won the war because he declared the war to be over.

>We have always been at war with britannia.

>> No.3888564

That's a really cheap question OP ;(

>> No.3888624


Exactly why science is bad.

>> No.3888651

Slavery is inefficient because it breeds discontent, leading to unrest and thus increases the probability of your own untimely demise.

>> No.3888667
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It worked well for centuries, the only reason it stopped is because of moral reasons. As such, it is not inefficient if done correctly.

Besides, with genetic engineering or robotics, you can easily create a literal slave species that is incapable of revolt.

>> No.3888669

Only an idiot would allow his slaves to do that.

Keeping them uniinformed, unarmed and uneducated is the right way to do slavery.

Remember: Slave have never broken their yokes in the past. They always had help from exterior forces. Or what, did you think the southern blacks fought on their own?

>> No.3888680

This is why we should use robots in place of slaves - don't need rest or food (yeah, electricity but it's cheaper to run a fridge all year than to buy all the groceries that pass through it in that time), never tire and slow down, less likely to make mistakes...


>> No.3888678


Pretty much this. Only reason slave revolts were at all possible is because the moral crusaders called Abolitionists gave them the means to do so.

>> No.3888685


But it's morally wrong to use robots as slaves, fucking bigot.

>> No.3888702

>implying that reason and emotion are mutually exclusive
this is why your question is wrong

>> No.3888708

They wern't even moral reasons. Many unionists had slaves themselves. The civil war was purely for economic reasons, and Lincoln used the race card to get the war he wanted. Thus the bloodiest war in America's history began all because of some greedy Northern states.

(No, I'm NOT American)

>> No.3888713

The thing is, if you make them too stupid to revolt, you will also make them too stupid to be useful, undermining the whole idea of slavery.

If you have to gengineer a species to be stupid enough not to revolt, it's way easier to use machines instead.

At this point, any hankering for slavery becomes extremely illogical and makes the whole point of the thread moot.

Also, saying that slavery worked for hundreds of years means that you are ignorant of all the slave rebellions in history.
Whether they were successful or not is beside the point, the fact that they happened still means added risk to the life of slave owners.

>> No.3888718


Sweet, someone with an actual understanding of history. The northern industrialists didn't want the South seceding because import taxes and the backfaults their industry would have.

>> No.3888725

Because the objective of life is not to simply acquire resources, and there's nothing wrong with ethics as a goal one can pursue rationally.

>> No.3888730
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This picture sums up America's mistake for freeing the slaves...

>> No.3888733
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The inability to revolt doesn't require stupidity, it requires an implanted sense of being UNABLE TO REVOLT. Like literally being unable to.

Whenever they would even think about it, pain receptors could flash up. It's a programmed response that works very well.

>> No.3888746
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>Because the objective of life is not to simply acquire resources

Nice bullshit you got there. The fact is that everything you want to do, requires energy, which requires resources. Resources drive everything. The inability to attain resources means we would all starve in a matter of weeks.

>> No.3888774


Slaves are a shitty source of energy. Acquire fossil fuels.

Although... I suppose there's no rule against hydrocarbons made from slaves...

>> No.3888779

How would you make hydrocarbons from slaves?

>> No.3888780

>mind-reading pain-implant
>it's way easier to use machines instead

Making cock-eyed special exceptions to make fantasies of slavery seem more plausible?

No, anon, you are the illogical.

>> No.3888788

It causes suffering.

>> No.3888795

>it's way easier to use machines instead

Slavery isn't just limited to organisms, bro. Robots being used as slaves is still slavery.

>> No.3888805

People who complain about slavery have never had to endure harsh labor, like mining in the old ages.

Trust me, when push come to shove, you would rather have some peons to do your heavy lifting for you.

>> No.3888809 [DELETED] 

If we still had slavery, and we kept on breeding the strong niggers, they would eventually be so strong that they would be able to overthrow us.

That is why niggers are stereotypically strong in this day in age. Man made natural selection, we bred the strong niggers and the weak ones were made into house niggers and such.

The US, and other countries that endorsed slavery would basically turn into africa

>> No.3888813

We use nonsentient robots all the time.
We also use nonsentient animals all the time.

And it works.

Why would you add such an inefficient thing as sentience to a piece of production machinery?

You can always make a complex production line to do whatever without a smidgeon of sentience needed to accomplish it's task and have a few human supervisors to troubleshoot.

Again, slavery is just inefficient.

>> No.3888829

because I do not want to be a slave?

>> No.3888838

no, robots are not sentient, they do not have preference.

>> No.3888843

Because they set them loose, the idiots.

And doesn't matter how strong and fast you are if you can just shoot their brains off. You know, like how landowners did to their negroes.

>> No.3888846

What a surprise, a discussion about how illogical slavery is, is turning into another stormfag circlejerk cumchugfest.

>> No.3888865 [DELETED] 

>confirmed nigger

>> No.3888871

>A discussion about how logical slavery is


>> No.3888874


Actually not that hard. The chicken and beef industries do it with the leftovers. Take the glycerol off lipids and you're pretty much good to go.

A doctor was arrested in California after it was discovered that he'd been using all the fat he liposuctioned out of his patients to power his Ford Explorer and his girlfriend's Lincoln Navigator. No, really. If you ever have a large vat of political dissidents, zombies or liquified chicken fat remember that you can do this.


The only problem is you will need a continual supply of slaves harvested from the wild. Not to worry. In the post-apocalyptic world, you alone will have the hydrocarbons to make the ancient weapons of war roll forward and gather.

>> No.3888883

stormfag circlejerk cumchugfest confirmed

Thank you for shittying up the board. Again. Thread reported.

I'm starting to hope m00t deletes this board too because you cumloving stormfags always congregate here.

>> No.3888885

yes, but if the way they act in jail is any indication of how well they can give in to their violent tendencies, then we will need some sort of control for that

>> No.3888888

My theory for why it was deemed bad in the first place was because jealous northerners in cities like Philadelphia could stand the idea of the south being so affluent, especially SC. Before the American Revolution SC was the place to be if you didn't want to put up with Indians and the french killing you and your fam each week and make some money on the side.

The same thing is happening today with pissed off people who have neighbors with gas on their land. Soon using "your" own land will be considered slavery in the US because it's amoral to salve the land "you" own.

but whatever idk or care.

>> No.3888901


>> No.3888905

Hey it's not my fault you were bred into stupidity and physical strength. And that your kind exhibits those traits exceptionally well.

>> No.3888910
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>> No.3888917

why do you still come to this board if you expect otherwise?

every other thread starts with "I'm just asking questions!" and ends with "this is why we must enslave/genocide ____ because sciance has proven this necessary for the survival of the white man etc".

>> No.3888914

well if you are going to add amoral, then it isn't.

>> No.3888915
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I think you mean badong.

>> No.3888923

>a troll about bad/wrong and amoral

ftfreading comprehension.

I dunno why this kind of retarded mash of word salad always gets so many responses.

>I wish /sci/ had more anti-semantics

>> No.3888932

>jealous northerners in cities like Philadelphia could stand the idea of the south being so affluent
>could stand the idea

Think about what you're typing before you press the keys. It'll make you sound much less the idiot.

>> No.3888934

No. Anyone saying slavery is logical is highly delusional and ignores many important facts, as explained above.

If you want slavery, then just say so. Trying to give slavery any kind of legitimacy through logic is argument from ignorance.

It also reveals your own knowledge that slavery is wrong since you need to seek legitimacy for it.

>> No.3888958


>bawwww talking about biology and scientific semantalism IS BAD!!!

>> No.3888968
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mother of god

>> No.3888980



>> No.3888995


>> No.3889001

read the last line faggot! "I neither know or care!"

The fact remains the same though. If I win the lotto and I also never move into a McMansion the mail man or someone will slip on my drive way during the winter.

Fact of life: People are jealous and VERY opportunistic.

>> No.3889003



>> No.3889015

Why don't you ever use actual facts in these arguments?
Always just this kind of childish stuff.

Some facts for you:
/n/ - News was changed back to /n/ - Transportation because of rampant racism.

/new/ - News was deleted because of rampant racism.

/sci/ - Science & Math is under consideration of deletion partly because of all the rampant racism.

Do you maybe see a pattern developing?

Your shit is not wanted here.

There are places on the internet where racists are free to talk about stuff that interests you. This is not one of those places.

If you want to talk about these things, you should google "stormfront".

>> No.3889016

Grammar aside, It's true

>> No.3889018

Slavery, at least how it has been practiced in the past, as race slavery or random grab bag slavery, is mostly that you subjugate an arbitrary population to the lowest common denominator of work (usually). Who knows how many of them could have been researchers or engineers or shrewd businessmen, if they were given an education and opportunity.

Basically, you're misallocating your resources.

>> No.3889020

This guy. This fuckin' guy. He's 100% correct.

>> No.3889042

Thank you.

>> No.3889048 [DELETED] 

>rampant racism

are you new to 4chan or something?

go to /b/, front page and count how many times the word nigger is used

>> No.3889098

Yes, but then /b/ is /b/. The reason that no one cares about racism in /b/ is that threads there usually hang around some minutes.
You can post almost anything in /b/ because of this.

In other words, anything posted in /b/ has such a low value that it can be ignored.

In slower, topic-oriented boards, like /sci/, racism and other things that could cause the shutdown of 4chan is frowned upon.

>> No.3889125

everyone goes to /b/ at some point

most of them frequent it

Most of the people on /b/ are racist

so, the people who go to the other boards are likely going to be racist.

>> No.3889136

Because sentient beings suffer and that's kind of gay.

>> No.3889138


>most frequent it

No. Only you and your prepubescent friends.

>> No.3889139

Stormfront hasn't been shut down, so why do you think 4chan's going anywhere anytime soon?

>> No.3889163

Why do you think that /new/ is going anywhere soon...

>> No.3889168
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Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me.

>> No.3889842

rational, amoral, scientific?

Do you mean naturalistic? As is no higher power, pure materialism?

If you mean that then there is no such thing as ethical normativity and you cannot make a rational claim.

The materalistic world view does not allow one to make normative claims without first making the unjustified jump to the value of human life (or any other ethical claim).

So no if by ration, amoral, and scientific you mean naturalistic and materialistic.

>> No.3889844

sorry I was faded, guess the thread had already discussed this.

>> No.3889865

Yes, there are legitimate amoral reasons why slavery shouldn't be practiced, see

>> No.3889884 [DELETED] 

theres a difference between the kind of people who throw around the word nigger because they think its amusing and the kind of people who attempt to come up with logical justifications for slavery

>> No.3889888

It's wrong because it isn't stable. Sooner or later the slaves will get fed up or the enslavers will begin empathizing. It can't be helped.

>> No.3889902

On an economic standpoint, slavery is IDEAL.

Economy would go BOOMING if slavery would become legal.

But of course, normative economics, etc.

>> No.3889905


Any profits would be short-term and on the risk of your life.

>> No.3889910

If you want to stifle the possible thoughts and insights of an entire culture of people, slavery isn't so bad.

>> No.3889911
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>> No.3889912

You could always enslave useless people.

>> No.3889913


>> No.3889918

Here's how you test something like this:

Do you want it done to you?
If you don't want it done to you: it's wrong to do to someone else.

Do you want to be slapped, punched, kicked, killed? No.
Do you want to be raped, abused? No.
Do you want some motherfuckers enslaving you? No.
Then don't do these things to other people. Simple.

>> No.3889925

Who gets to decide if someone is useless?
How would you feel if someone decides YOU are useless, and therefore enslaves you, or just decides to kill you outright? You sure you're OK with that? Let's go so far as to say that they explain the reasoning and parameters of your uselessness to you in a way that you completely understand, and if they were talking about someone else, you wouldn't be able to intellectually argue with -- but it IS you they're talking about. You still OK with that? Of course you aren't!

If you can rationalize the devaluing of one group of people, you can rationalize the devaluing of ANY group of people. From there, civilization breaks down into an animalistic state.

>> No.3889927

You're a troll.
A topic like this has nothing to do with science.
Go back to /b/ with this shit. It has no place here.