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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 19 KB, 300x234, perelman3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3887360 No.3887360 [Reply] [Original]

The only two subject worthy of studying is Theoretical Physics and Mathematics. If you aren't studying them then kill yourself.

People who study biology, chemistry or any other shitty subject are stupid. They are nothing more than monkeys and pigs. Can't understand abstraction and are like herp derp I can see it and feel it.

You guys are stupid. You will never understand higher mathematics or physics because you can only reason with the obvious. You guys will never grasp Quantum mechanics as you are too busy chasing girls and trying to get money.

You guys are fucking dogs. Masturbating to asian porn and not thinking.

Pic related the greatest thinker alive.

>> No.3887369

brofist, OP

I'm majoring in mathematics with minor in theoretical physics.

>> No.3887371

>chasing girls and trying to get money
Just because you can't do it doesn't mean its not the right thing to do.

>> No.3887374

Sure, I like theoretical physics and all but I kinda want to make money on a solid job, so I'll stick with nuclear engineering for now

>> No.3887382

naw, I just find theoretical physics less engaging than biology or chemistry.

>> No.3887385


OP here.

The smartest person I know was getting a PhD in poission brackets. He then did a year doing banking. He left academics for wall street and is now earning shit ton and having sex with a shit ton of girls because of his money.

I pity him. The weak will be forgotten. He is no longer my friend. I can make money. I don't want it.

Money is for the pigs. Perelman is beyond that. I'm beyond that.

>> No.3887388

Is this the elitist /sci/ version of "shit was so cash"?
OP should better have put "My name Grigori and I hate every single one of you .... etc bla bla bla ... pic related, it's me and my theorem"

>> No.3887391
File: 8 KB, 192x173, 1316661135456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people avoid math(physics) like the plague at my school

>> No.3887392

That man sure looks God-Tier...like for real yo.

>> No.3887418
File: 86 KB, 917x1280, cutey_EmmaRed2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Poisson brackets and their associated symplectic structures are too mainstream for me and I rather work with non-invertible tensors on a general manifold
>mfw when dem chicks fall for me anyhow

>> No.3887439

>I pity him. The weak will be forgotten. He is no longer my friend. I can make money. I don't want it.

If this doesn't scream angsty, edgy high school teenager, I don't know what does.
Good day to you.

>> No.3887464

right, you keep looking at things that are barely there and I'll do something useful

>> No.3887471
File: 18 KB, 223x218, 1289937859324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks simply studying it makes him one of the super humans.

If you weren't gold medal IMO level in highschool then you're no less of an insect than the rest of these creatures you look down on.

>> No.3887515

>actually modelling themselves on and caring about who other mathematicians are

This is something that casual science and maths enthusiasts who read SMBC do OP.