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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3884846 No.3884846 [Reply] [Original]

How did /sci/ decide what they were going to major in?

>> No.3884856

the only thing i like and am good at. and also one of few things i find interesting. simple.

>> No.3884868

I asked myself "Okay, how smart am I?"
Then I asked myself "Okay, with my current work ethic and smarts, what's the thing I could major in that'd get me the most money?"
And so I was on my journey of becoming an engineer.

>> No.3884871

I just... knew.

>> No.3884940

I found myself correcting people with increasing frequency. Then I found myself lecturing about the subject so that they understood why they were wrong. Then I decided that I should go into education, because I enjoyed helping people think things through.

>> No.3884952


Oh mighty corrector, what is your opinion of books on Critical Thinking?
Do they have any use or are they just a hoax?
And if they have any use which one would you recommend if you ever read any?

>> No.3884953

guide to majors

are you dumb?

yes: biology
no: some hard science

>> No.3884956

aside from the beauty of pure math, i realized i could apply mathematical models to anything. anything that had to do with math, physics, engineering, chemistry, biology, computer science, economics, etc. was fair game. since there were too many choices i just chose math.

>> No.3884962


>Not a Hard Science

Really now, i didnt know there are so many homosexuals like you on /Sci/.
If all those women in Biology havent made you hard, then you deserve the AIDS that you received last week from your boy-toy you fagget.

>> No.3884965


only the biggest ass burgers would go into a major based on how many women there are in it.

i guess that means you.

>> No.3884991


Its okay if you cant deal with the fact that i just invalidated your argument.
However it is not okay for you to invent mental deviations like that.
Idiosyncracy is a mark of Autism in development, like the one in you this very moment.

>> No.3884995

Ever since kindergarten I wanted to program - now, unfortunately since I didn't have internet way back when and as such this aspiration was simply infeasible.

Still, I ended up in co-op Software Engineering at a renowned university. Go figures.

>> No.3885015


>biology has more girls so your argument is invalid

haha, thanks for the laugh champ. and go to the doctors so you can get some medication for your ass burger disease.

>> No.3885016

I havent really read many, but feel that they are similar to any topoc, some people can read and learn, others need a classroom environment.

there is a saying, People learn from there mistakes. That was later expanded to smart pepple learn from others mistakes.

The best way to learn critical thinking is to apply it to your own life. A little retrospect goes a long way into it making sense. A book cant give the immediate feedback needed, and not everyone can give themselved that feedback.

>> No.3885053


Excellent advice.
Now for that book title which one would you recommend?

>> No.3885077

Well Op, I like bio, physics, and chem.

So choosing biochem was easy because I get all three.

>> No.3885082

>finish high school
>now I must go to college
>must pick a major
>"is there anything I am good at?"
>pretty good at fixing computers, on account of the vidya/PC master race
>Computer engineering or Computer science
>well, its not like I would ever have a chip fab at home, so comp sci
>4 years late
>about to graduate
>enjoy designing logic circuits more than programming
>still, would not do either unless getting paid
>first world problems

>> No.3885091

I chose physics because i'm really good at it. Well that and pressure from my father who teaches physics at the university I attend and his numerous colleagues as well.

>> No.3885117

Honestly, I would recommend a fanfiction. Harry potter and the methods of rationality. Allegories give the audience a greater ability to understand a situation they have not directly experienced and learn from it. This fan fiction is both entertaining and thought provoking. If you want something more traditional read some of the works by plato. If you want something in a classroom textbook format what color is your parachute, is an excellent read, although it focuses on using critical thinking to determine the correct career versus critical thinking in general.

>> No.3885160


I gonna assume that you're not very smart. Way to take the easy route.

>> No.3885179

applied physics, because i have always looked at things and tried to find out both how it works and how it can be applied.

>> No.3885191

applied physics, because i'm smart but i occasionally like dick up my ass

>> No.3885195

>dont want to go to uni, be 17
>still dont want to go to uni, 18
>get grades
>as good as i could ever hope for
>quick find uni
>do theoretical physics
>at uni

>> No.3885198

this might be a good place to ask this, might not be, going in regardless.

right now i'm in my last semester of highschool (hospital set me back a full semester) and i want to get into some kind of math major seeing as everything else isn't really getting my attention. but my problem is sorta that while i had a natural affinity for math with more recognizable applications (i.e. geometry, stat, discrete math, chem even), i only scraped by on algebra. so what should i try majoring in or how can i strengthen my algebra-related skills?

>> No.3885200


if you can't do algebra then you shouldn't even bother with maths

>> No.3885204

Screwed around for a couple of years after high school, went to study surveying in university of applied science, but flunked it. Then I decided medicine would be a challenge and interesting. Studied for the application exam and passed. Been there for 3 years now. It's hard work, but I love it.

>> No.3885207
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so i'm just boned then?

>> No.3885216

Enjoyed CS and Math in Grade 11 and 12.
Continued with that.

>> No.3885217


just do a soft science like biology.

chemistry might be good if you're good at applied maths

>> No.3885223

1. watch Steve Jobs Stanford commencement speech

2. proceed to take advice

>> No.3885240

Bum rushed into other majors which turned out to be fairly "fudged", and am now trying to decide between engineering, physics, chemistry and math. Probably eng/phys or chem/phys.

>> No.3885269
File: 60 KB, 400x388, Feels-bad-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

civil engineering. because i quite like maths and apparently there's a fuckton of jobs

>mfw i'm about to graduate and can't find a job

and i don't even give a fuck about soil settlement or foundation design.

siiiiiigh, what the fuck have i done. throw in no friends girlfriend or money.

yep, life is sweet.

>> No.3885352

i got influenced, by - you know - people,
who - you know- influenced me - you know.
And things too
and stuff
you know?