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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 23 KB, 425x525, v05.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3884561 No.3884561 [Reply] [Original]

Am i retarded for not knowing what the fuck comes next?

I´m clueless here.

>> No.3884573

I can't see it yet either. Normally good at these.

>> No.3884578

this is going to piss me off until I solve it. can't see any pattern in the distribution or sequences in the rows or columns.

>> No.3884584

why are answers 5 and 8 identical? i smell a troll here, probably random. source?

>> No.3884585

the answer is - 2

>> No.3884586

The first 2 examples are different and what they have in common is shown at the 3rd.
Therefore the answer should be 4.

>> No.3884589

Uh, the last row is inconsistent with the two rows above it, and it is obviously a shoop. (If you look at the crosses)

>> No.3884595
File: 16 KB, 425x525, v04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good to know that i´m not retarded, its one of the first questions in this mensa training iq test


I could also not see this one..

>> No.3884596

answer is 4


(last collumn is the repeated motiff in the first two collumns)

>> No.3884599

I now consider both myself and the OP retarded. This should have been easy damnit, from:

>> No.3884601



>iq tests are a load of shite

>> No.3884603


no sir, if you didnt get 4 as the answer, you ARE retarded.

its just that there are a lot of retarded people out there.

but you'd rather write me off than lower your own self esteem, so youre not going to agree.

>> No.3884604
File: 33 KB, 288x351, hurdur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant see addition

all my rage at IQ tests.

>> No.3884606

I can see this one easily, the answer is 7. In each row, the third box just contains all dots from the first two boxes.

>> No.3884608

Are you serious. If you can't see the answer to this one, you are retarded.

>> No.3884611


mah god,

this is even easier than the first one

answer is clearly 7

>> No.3884612


that one is easy. The 3rd column in each row is the sum of the first two.
Iq tests are way easier once you know what sort of stuff to look out for. Kinda invalidates their claim to measure "intelligence" but whatever..

>> No.3884615

The answer is 3, the third colum resembles what the first two columns have in common.

Number 7. Add the first two columns.

Btw you're retarded, OP. These are the easier questions of the bergmandata test.

>> No.3884617


Of course. IQ is meaningless. One of the smartest people I know (and I mean this, he's much better at maths than me and w'ere bothing majoring in maths) has an "IQ" of 99.

>> No.3884618

Then the answer should be 4.
Any more puzzles?

>> No.3884622







>> No.3884623

then he's not smart , just a book worm

sucks to hang out with degenerates ODOHOHO

>> No.3884625


No i´m pretty sure i´m not retarded, i´m just not very good at these particular problems, but thanks for telling me your meaningless opinion


True.. I might have made it more difficult than i should have..

>> No.3884627


No, he's incredibly intelligent. Much more so than you. He gets math concepts easily.

>> No.3884628


Wow, you're really good at trying to excuse you being stupid, aren't you?

You couldn't get simple problems; fuck off.

>> No.3884629


I take it you've never taken a maths course.

Enjoy your soft science.

>> No.3884635


have to agree with you pal

having a PhD from harvard dosnt mean youre smart

there are creationists/scientologists/intelligent design proponents out there with PhDs from ivy league schools

IQ tests are not an accurate way of measuring intelligence, but to dismiss it entirely just means you probably did very badly or below expectations, and will use some ad hominem to justify why IQ tests are meaningless

there are a lot of worthless scum in high positions who would like to think they got there because they were smart

>> No.3884636


>> No.3884641


I have an IQ of 149, professionally tested.

I think IQs are meaningless: your argument is invalid.

>> No.3884642

Between 75% and 96% of the variance in real world criteria such as job performance cannot be accounted for by individual differences in intelligence test scores.

>> No.3884643


You know what you are? Youre a fat piece of shit antisocial faggot that everyone hates, and because you knew something that another person didnt know on the internet, you released all the bitterness that dwells inside of you because you hate yourself; on me.


Get a life you lonely fuck..

>> No.3884644


o boy

it takes intelligence to appraise intelligence

seriously, read the dunning kruger effect

you arent smart enough to tell whats smart

your continuous rejection of the evidence shown in this thread just reeks of you trying to defend your own pathetic little ego


fucks sake, theres no use is there, you'll never see it

(like trying to reason with a creationist)

im out

OP can suck a bag of dicks

>> No.3884645
File: 11 KB, 464x272, chris-langan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...there are creationists/scientologists/intelligent design proponents out there with incredibly high IQ.

>> No.3884650


I have an IQ of 150, professionally tested.

I think IQs are meaningful: your argument is invalid.

>> No.3884651


I said he was smarter than me, if you may recall (obviously not, you're dumb as shit).

You also write like you're on meth. Go jump off a bridge.

>> No.3884653


Hah, no. That's not how it works.

>> No.3884654


Actually, you ARE stupid.

>> No.3884656


What's that? Is pure mathematics too hard for babby?

Why yes, I think it is. Keep telling yourself your supposedly high IQ will compensate for not understanding topological set theory.

>> No.3884661


Don't get too flustered my not-so-intelligent friend.

It's okay if you don't "understand" maths. Many people don't. What's the use in it anyway, right?

>> No.3884666

I think the problem with this one is that the rows and columns are ambiguous - but they're not. I think clever people look for an answer that satisfies the entire puzzle, not just the row. This is probably why OP struggled.

>> No.3884673


Hmm? I have no problems with maths.

Are you having trouble following this thread?

Your lack of comprehension is similar to the post prior to yours.

(dosnt take a high IQ to see that pattern, samefag)

>> No.3884680


Why not the simpler answer which is more probable:

OP is stupid

Why did you automatically assume that OP is "clever" when the evidence points to his stupidity?

(unless you are of course OP, or couldnt get the answer yourself)

>> No.3884681


Obviously not if you have seen it. Regardless, one day when (sorry: if) you get to university, you'll realise maths isn't just rote memorisation.

the professor doesn't accept IQ scores for homework answers.

>> No.3884682


It's cool, bro. I'm sure solving picture puzzles is more important than proving theorems anyway.

>> No.3884685

is 7, durrr. just add A+B
it's the +

C is what A and B have in common

>> No.3884689


I see what youre trying to do here samefag or not..

Youre trying to make me feel bad because im not used to solve these kinds of puzzles?

I´m a brilliant chess and starcraft 2 player, not because im super intelligent, but because i trained, just like i could have seen this puzzle unravel in front of my eyes faster if i was used to these sorts of puzzles.

You think that this puzzle determines overall intelligence? Then guess whos the stupid one here..

>> No.3884690


you should read through the thread because there has been a lot of people that have said that already

>> No.3884696



You morons who cant solve simple "picture puzzles" will always outnumber those who can.

Go ahead and find safety in numbers, reinforce your own fallacious beliefs. Go to church while youre at it. Makes it easier to identify you morons.

Ad hominem all the way bros, I should have taken the previous anon's advice and gotten the fuck out the moment OP started refusing to believe his own ineptitude.

It reeks of average intelligence in here.

>> No.3884698


i think because the puzzle was new and unexpected you had trouble. it wasn't something that you had seen before, so you struggled to comprehend it.

s'okay bro, not everyone can be smart.

>> No.3884702


I could solve the puzzles fine, that's not the issue here.

You should not come back to /sci/ before you finish highschool.

>> No.3884705


Hey, I was wondering if you could lend your superior intelligence to help me for a second.

Under what conditions would the sum of n probability measures over a compact space have a global maximum?

>> No.3884709


Don't ask him maths problems dude. They don't matter, remember? Only picture puzzles of the Internet matter.

Mathematics is for the unintelligent, the people who do not bow to the all-knowing leaders, online picture puzzles posted to /sci/.

>> No.3884716

The simplest answer is an answer that satisfies the puzzle. The rows/columns look ambiguous, therefore should be treated as such. No shape satisfies the puzzle completely. You must assume only the rows are important, which is generally a poor assumption for most puzzles - especially real world puzzles.

Actually I was just giving my opinion as to why you struggled. I don't do these puzzles often either, and at first I looked for an answer that satisfies the entire puzzle (none).

The puzzle is obviously easy when you realize columns are meaningless. Same goes for >>3884595.

>> No.3884721


the point about having fluid intelligence is being able to solve things that you arent used to solving

if you recognize it and solve it simply because of its familiarity, you betray the worth of doing the puzzle to determine your own intelligence

you can be honest in taking a test, or you can be an egotistical dickhead who has to do 10 hours of similar tests before you can tackle this one. by all means go ahead, but dont undermine the significance of those who could actually solve it without ever having done anything similar. that is true intelligence.

anyway, id rather have talked to the people who had already left this thread than you guys, so bye

>> No.3884724


the puzzle is easy when you realise you're not looking for a pattern, but something else

>> No.3884733

It is a pattern.

>> No.3884742


go back to your hole oh stupid one

>> No.3884744


Shit. You mean I have to prove original results myself? Without his superior IQ brain?

Fuck this, man. If only I knew how to solve picture puzzles.

>> No.3884747
File: 268 KB, 600x1805, 369a4528681795525f93d1d27c061570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Basically translates to:



They ought to sticky this link.

>> No.3884752


Surely that would make you the biggest retard in the thread given how much time you spent praising your supposed intelligence?

So how's high school treating ya, anyway? No troubles with bullies, I hope?

>> No.3884753


Yeah. Everybody knows that any old idiot can prove original results mathematically. It takes a real genius to solve picture puzzles.

Don't underestimate those picture puzzles, bro.

>> No.3884754

You're all a bunch of fucking aspie idiots, no matter how fast you can see a stupid pattern in shapes.

>> No.3884755


oh dont bother.

pointing out the ignorance of plebians is a futile task.

thats why mensa was created, so we dont have to deal with the average folk.

>> No.3884759


-(graham's number)/10

>> No.3884760

op here

i tried the third question in this test and i got it fairly quickly, i just needed to realize that there was more to these puzzles than trying to make sense out of each set of rows individually.

Its kinda sad though when i come on here occasionally and ask for help with something, that many of you elitist see me as a victim to satisfy you elitist thirst. I don´t think that people who really are wise and intelligent are calling others that arent on their level; retards and whatnot..

>> No.3884762
File: 72 KB, 348x593, Asia_Carrera_02102492_adjusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah. Instead you can be in the company of hookers and creationists.

>> No.3884767


>> No.3884788
File: 75 KB, 460x276, are these niggas serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the majority of people in this thread are either retarded or trolling

>> No.3884797


no actually, most people here are that stupid

>> No.3884805


you are

>> No.3884808
File: 36 KB, 573x633, Mother of God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3884823


>> No.3884830


By accident my good boy.

>> No.3884835

MENSA was created because there's a subset of humans who, although accomplishing little in life, feel they are superior to others and need something to prove it to themselves.

Paying dues to prove you're semi-intellectual is perhaps the saddest life I could imagine. I prove my intellectual prowess by accomplishing. Question, how many MENSA members have won Nobel prizes in a hard science?

>> No.3884839


Very few.

I laughed reading your post, you make good points and point out the sheer idiocy of some of these people.

I'd have a few beers with you.

>> No.3884842
File: 11 KB, 425x525, v22.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm puzzled.
i got 11/12 where 10 corrct is already <130
i can't do this one, they can't be fractions since i can't use pen and paper and i don't think these tests require the effort to picture fractions where O square and triangle have different values, halp, i'm sure it's working with pitcures and there's no math involved, but.

>> No.3884845


you are a fucking moron

>> No.3884848

IQ tests do not test IQ, they test your ability to pass IQ tests. If you were told OP's question involved looking for patterns vertically instead of horizontally you could probably conjur up some elaborate solution to justify one of the answers, and it would be "correct". Ockham's razor is not "the simplest answer is best".

>> No.3884850

I couldn't find any...

There's a list of "famous" MENSA members on wikipedia. Most are just rather average people, the closest I've seen to a Nobel laureate is Buckminster Fuller, who of course never won the prize.

>> No.3884851

mensa was created to have an elite of thinkers, of equals, it doesn't matter who has 130 and who has 170, it's just the requirement to join, in the 50s secret clubs were cool. but yes, right now it's just for nerds. -i'm in mensa-

>> No.3884852

i remember someone posting exactly this.

this problem is exaclty the prime example of why IQ tests are fucking pointless.

as for the answer: the circles are there just to confuse you, the answer is 2.

>> No.3884853

i meant >, whatever. it's a troll thread i don't feel like putting effort in this, sorry little bro :3

>> No.3884854


You'll find that none of them are real intellectuals in their respective walks of life. They're either nobodies or people who do not think for a leaving i.e actors.

>> No.3884859

>actors don't think for a living
10/10 thread

>> No.3884860


what sort of cool stuff do you guys come up with?

please tell me one useful scientific/mathematic/cultural discovery you have made

you being the mensa collective

>> No.3884863


>> No.3884864

ooooooh. welp, that was silly.

>> No.3884865

Let me know when you and Asia Carrera solve the global energy crisis or discover a new chemotherapy drug.

>> No.3884867

MENSA is a dating service for ugly people who like chess. So better than NASCAR, but still.

Wait, NASCAR actually has engineers and stuff.


>> No.3884869

nop. it's just normal adding subctracting, the circles mean 0
will do.

>> No.3884874


I asked you a question mate:


>> No.3884882


Actually, thats rather ironic.

MENSA is almost exactly like /sci/,

What discovery/important contirbution to mankind has /sci/ come up with?

Or better yet:


>what contribushun that hawkin make lololol
>he just think he smart and is all like elitist but is so full of shit lololol

Thats you by the way.

>> No.3884885


Only Stephen Hawking has made many contributions, and /sci/ is a fucking imageboard not a global society that tries to develop new ideas.

>> No.3884887

In a forum of 100 posters,

Probably at least 2 of them qualify to be in MENSA

Its not that special if you think about it.

Youre just 1 in 50.

>> No.3884890


>/sci/ is a fucking imageboard not a global society that tries to develop new ideas.

Youre new here are you?

>> No.3884895


No, I am not.

>> No.3884902


Hi Melanie, lololol hawking shore is stupid huh

>> No.3884904


you don't actually have an argument, do you?

and you still haven't answered my question: >>3884860

please try. try with all your intellectual capacity.

>> No.3884906

Personally, I diagnosed and sent 5 papers about a different sub-schyzotypal pathology, based on "looping" working memory issues and describing and theorizing how exactly false memories get stored. only to have it refused because "it makes sense, could be right, but we do not accept more sub cathegories" i learned psychology through wikipedia.
I invented a working model of a fluctuating skateboard, based on magnets and induced forward vector. expensive, hopefully with the e-cat this could be mass-produced, i'm not a physicist.
I learned how to play guitar in a year, and i mean 6 strings, 12 strings and electric, and can play any solo by ear, a 30-seconds one takes me a couple of days to figure out, i don't know anything about music theory.
I figured out how to de-gauss things by myself, i didn't know it was actually possible and that it was already done until i was finished
I'm a medschool student, italian, i can speak french english german and some russian, and i'm 20, ex coke addict, bought my diploma in south italy.
It'd be great if my theories about the schizo-type would be recognized, but really, it's not easy being taken seriously without being son of X here.

>> No.3884907


I actually explicitly said "the mensa collective" i.e the Mensa organisation.

Please answer my question. It's not that hard to answer, it really isn't.

>> No.3884909

The difference is /sci/ is just some random imageboard on the internet. If someone did get a brilliant idea here and became famous do you think they'd bother mentioning us?

Besides Mensa is about the top 2% IQ test scorers, that's 140 million people, 1 in 50 isn't an elite even by their own narcissistic standards.

>> No.3884911

Hawking never joined.

People only join MENSA to somehow feel special when they aren't really special. Porn stars, comic writers, cab drivers, unemployed dingbats, etc... Which begs the question, why are you in MENSA?

Highschool/college dropout looking for some sense of superiority amongst friends who are all accomplishing more the you? Got to be something, people don't pay for this shit just to put in on a resume.

>> No.3884914


I meant the guy implied that Stephen Hawking hadn't accomplished anything, I was saying that is untrue.

Nobody of any worth joins Mensa.

>> No.3884930


Hawking didnt need to.

He is already surrounded by peers of equal brilliance.

But for the average joe who can see the stupidity of the average person, then MENSA is just a sanctuary from all that.

No matter your level of intellect, Im sure youve met somebody vastly inferior to you.

Do you like being around people like that?

Well the truth is those who are superior to you dont like to be around you either.

Personally I didnt qualify for MENSA, thats why I come on /sci/. But I can understand the wanting to be with people you can relate to.

>> No.3884944

as i said, it's just for nerds, it's nothing more than a thing to put on your resume, and i actually never went to any of the gatherings, to me it's more of a "if i ever lose my mental capabilities i still have this to be able to sleep at night" i'm p. sure most of them can't even communicate theories properly.

>> No.3884947

The problem is that if one is actually superior to others, they should naturally be in the presence of those who are superior to the masses.

I consider myself above average, and guess what? I'm a PhD student in Chemistry. I'm surrounded by people on my level everyday, in person. Not with a member card and a once-a-month mixer... I work for a professor with 500+ publications, 30+ patents, and a drug line in clinical studies at Harvards primate center (I'm not @ Harvard).

I don't need MENSA to feel special, and to the people that need MENSA to feel special I have a quick pro-tip: You aren't special, go do something worthwhile with your life.

>> No.3884948


i suggest not putting it on your resume unless you're unfathomably dumb

>> No.3884955

>Im sure youve met somebody vastly inferior to you
I've met some very violent, ignorant, hateful and disturbed people but I've never really thought about inferiority and superiority, it's just not logical so I literally don't care.

>> No.3884992


>The problem is that if one is actually superior to others, they should naturally be in the presence of those who are superior to the masses.

Very far from the truth.

Opportunities, circumstances, fortune.

You can have the most brilliant man in the world working as a clerk in a patent office because he was the son of a farmer and never did well during his early schooling.

He would be undoubtedly frustrated with life and would hardly meet anybody he could relate to.

>> No.3885004

by superior or inferior i think our scifriend there means distant, with terrible thinking and judging abilities, it's pretty obvious that he's angry about something, and uses intellect as a measure of value. I don't think it is, not completely at least, value is something else, better or worse is something else, it's a mix of kindness, opennes, kind of wisdom, and emotionality, to me. obviously for everyone it's different, one could find superior who is more confident, who is stronger, who is healthier, who is wealthier, who has more charisma, who has more power, who tries his best, who has more knowledge, who is more literate, who knows more trivia. then there's people that do not posses ANY of those abiliteties, and people who just don't care about who's best and worse and just have fun, does that make them automatically superior to everyone else? it's up to you, it's not objective. hmr.

>> No.3885013


Poor example, that guy ended up inventing the atomic bomb.

But it is true that many more geniuses slip between the cracks of the education system or were just not as privileged and ended up never being recognized.

Lifes like that.

>> No.3885037


Or maybe you just didnt get my point.

If you were to be technical about the term superiority then by all means, value is undeniably relative.

But if you understand what I had meant in using those words, then why be pedantic about it?

>> No.3885039

>Poor example, that guy ended up inventing the atomic bomb.
>inventing the atomic bomb.

is this what /sci/ has become? still, it's great that we have the occasional math problem thread (that only like 5 people post in, fuck you all) and such. i guess threads like these are where they shove all the retards who are too stupid to see their own retardation so they can avoid infesting the good threads.

>> No.3885073


Actually autistic pedants like you are the cancer.

I think its clear what I meant.

>> No.3885097

contrary to whatever anyone says, you can get better at IQ tests the same way you can get better at solving problems and doing mathematics

the fucker who spread the myth that IQ tests test an 'innate intelligence' (which has merit, since everyone does have different intelligence) but cannot be increased should be shot. if you analyzed the puzzles on an IQ test you can clearly see that it's just a bunch of logical thinking and pattern recognition, and anyone immersed enough in different ideas and techniques and concepts will recognize patterns, etc. faster, just like how anyone learns... anything.

refuting this fact is to live in some mystical fairy tale world where IQ tests are some sort of divine test that reaches deep into an unalterable essence of the human mind

IQ tests are still valid for testing thinking power, memory, reasoning, etc., The thing is, you can train to be better at them. Each person has a limit, of course, but you can't just say Max limit = determined IQ, because it's hard to pinpoint what exactly is a maximum limit, when it will occur, etc.

>> No.3885110

yeah, i'll have a blast curing cancer and doing other substantial work in biophysics

have fun on /sci/

>> No.3885121


>not for stupid people

pick one, autist.

>> No.3885145


>Unsubstantiated False Dilemma

Try harder Elementary-School Dropout.

>> No.3885150



try harder. did you ever even go to elementary school?

>> No.3885167


I will take your inquiry and uncertainty of what is an Elementary School as a sufficient evidence that you are indeed an Elementary-School Dropout.

Your words have no merit here henceforth.

>> No.3885171


Your words never did, little boy.

>> No.3885214
File: 125 KB, 1040x897, sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supposed to be the most intelligent board on 4chan

Never change, /sci/.

>> No.3885313

high-iq non-autist here (I think, anyway...)

I've always tested very high, but I've never been able to solve anything but the simplest of questions like this.

What the FUCK are you actually supposed to be looking for? There's no discernable pattern in most of them, at least not to me... Or am I just good at math and spatial cognition and somehow fail at pattern recognition/recall?

>> No.3885345

I think the answer is 3.
I deduced this from the pattern as we can see that the left and middle columns have complex pattern, composite shapes or just lines whilst the right hand side is just the respected fundamental shape. Logically, I believe the answer is 3 as it is a plain square.

As for the other one that was posted, it was ridiculously obvious that it is 7.

>> No.3885424

Please, someone with a knowledge of how all this works, respond! How can I be otherwise intelligent, yet usually fail to grasp this exact type of common IQ test problem? Not trolling, legitimately asking a question here.

>> No.3885427

yes there are, think inside the box to find them, think outside to solve them

>> No.3885475

look at all the single entities, and find patterns.
the one in OP is 4.
There's a circle in a square
a + in a circle
and a circle
in the second row there's a + in a circle, a circle in a circle and a circle.
it's 3x3 so it could either be completely spatial reasoning like maybe they turn? maybe they're alternating? or it's math or outside the box thinking using pictures instead of numbers or pictures instead of concepts
THERE is always a logic, it's never "i'm smart, i can't explain it but i fill like it's answer X" so find that logic, i personally find it rewarding, it's interesting using pictures
OP is explained in the thread, and it's the +

>> No.3885495
File: 1.69 MB, 192x164, 2010-11-02-2123-05.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you could, kind sir, go into more detail as to what you mean? Perhaps post one (or do one of the ones already posted), and give a detailed breakdown of your thought process? (Or, let me know the actual name of this type of problem, and I'll look on the internet and see what they're called, and do the work myself.)

I don't like not being smart enough to do things, and it's not a feeling I'm generally familiar with, and it makes me uncomfortable looking at these and not even knowing where to start.

>thanks if you do, thanks for your opinion if ya don't. Here, have some titties.

And an answer - as I'm typing this out! I still don't quite grasp it, but what you're saying makes some sense... I'll keep trying.

>> No.3885530

It could just as easily be 6 if you view them as columns rather than rows and deduce that the different symbols are part of a cycle.

>> No.3886271

It's just what they have in common
+ + +