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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3882146 No.3882146 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when you wanted to be an animator but instead went into biochemistry engineering because y our parents would disown you otherwise.
feels bad man.

>> No.3882153

Are your parents gay?

>> No.3882155

Nah, asian.

>> No.3882157

They're probably Asian like mine. ;_;

>> No.3882160

>biochemistry engineering

OP is a gay non-scientist.

>> No.3882163

>that feel when you study math because you think there's no real job opprotunities in English Lit.
>that feel when >that feel when one of your smartest bros can't find a job with mathematics despite having an excellent GPA, and he's now writing review columns in an online newspaper.

>> No.3882167

Manager of McDonalds with his own harem.
>dream job

>> No.3882168

Tell your parents that the number of Asian animators in the West is vastly "underrepresented" and that they are therefore "racist" for contributing to "institutionalized racism".

>> No.3882172

hahahahahaha what?

>> No.3882176


One of my girlfriend's friends seems to be majoring in biology, but is being pressured into nursing by family? I am currently unfamiliar with the details.

She also seems to generally disregard art as easy, when standing next to biology...

>> No.3882178

>sitting here memorizing amino groups and protein folding and whatnot
feels pretty science to me.

>> No.3882183
File: 130 KB, 562x806, 1274156676289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw people actually believe "phd in math any job i want 300k starting"

tbh the only career path that is GUARANTEED JOB is engineering, and apparently it isn't as guaranteed as everyone on /sci/ proclaims

>> No.3882184

>probably premed
>nursing instead of med school

>> No.3882191


asp aspartic acid D
glu glutamic acid E

Explain how this shit is supposed to make sense (same for the other amino groups) MISTER SCIENTIST.

>> No.3882196


Her mom might do nursing, or maybe generations of her family might have been nurses. Again, unfamiliar with the details. Just hearsay from girlfriend...

>> No.3882214

She's probably a Filipino. I can't count how many of my relatives are nurses/physical therapists. I think it's because it's cheaper than med school or something.

>> No.3882252

In all seriousness, unless you have a 2.5 GPA, you SHOULD be employable if you graduate with a degree in Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biophysics or Physics.

granted that you graduate from a DECENT university and have mild research experience.

>> No.3882261

I have nothing against it. It's just whenever I have time off i sit here and animate stuff in flash and I absolutely love it (been doing it for 2 years now). As soon as I start studying bio/chem/whatever i want to murder puppies.

Maybe I should just find some adderall and that's that.

>> No.3882265


>> No.3882266

>>Want to be writer
>>Whenever I tell a family member this, they get a "son I am disappoint" look on their face
>>Decide to be a psychologist instead
>>They're a lot happier, I'm not because I'm actually a talented writer

Feels bad, man...

>> No.3882278

Before I got interested in maths and physics, I used to have this dream of being a psychiatrist with a phd in psychology and being a writer by finding inspiration from the stories of several of my hypothetical patients.

>> No.3882307


I'd never be able to base stories on my patients. I'm too honourable for that.

>> No.3882330

No one needs to know. You can write with a pen name. Besides, you just need an idea. And I suppose it's already clear that sometimes, as you write a story, it writes itself. By the time the story ends, you'll have a completely different idea just as different as humans are from amphibians despite having a common ancestor.

>> No.3882338


I actually get almost all of my stories from my vivid, fucked up dreams.

Yay for abusing melatonin supplements.

>> No.3882433

Just googled that shit. Any other things that cause vivid dreams?

>> No.3882468

>that feel when you want to be a maverick journalist
>that feel when your parents push you into a "real" job
>that feel when we are really just a nation of 220 million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns, and no qualms at all about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable.

>> No.3882475


No clue. I usually just take melatonin by itself (three milligrams).

Be careful, though. It gives you a wicked hangover the next day, and it takes a huge amount of will-power to get out of bed. Also, you never fall asleep completely. When you wake up, your body is rested, but your mind feels like it has barely gotten any rest.

You could maybe try combining it with something else, that could increase the effect. I heard that if you take over 5,000 milligrams (don't worry, you can't OD on it), you get EXTREMELY vivid dreams, akin to those that you would get using psychoactive drugs.

Also, don't take it if you have depression. It causes seasonal affective disorder.

>> No.3882478


>> No.3882481
File: 16 KB, 500x461, that feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot image...

>> No.3882514

>Dad wanted me to do something business-y like Accounting
>Fuck that I'll do Engineering instead
>Hate it
>End up doing CS instead
>Love it
>Graduating in a little over a month.

>> No.3882520

oh my god, op, are you me?

i has a sad.

what's your last name, bro? i'm a leung.

>> No.3882544
File: 93 KB, 581x592, rifts mechs vs dragons pwn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the kind of stuff i'd imagine all day long as i'm working.


>> No.3882563

That's funny. I left High School wanting to do Art and ended up switching to Biochemistry because I wanted to.
Art is okay but it didn't feel nearly as fulfilling or enlightening as Science does to me now.
Art is hobby tier.

>> No.3882568

>Mfw asian parents that push their kids to do those "real" degrees don''t realise that those kids usually don't end up rich or well known. Once they are finished with education only a small handful of them become recognised for their work.

>> No.3882586

it's actually for the security, which is even more pathetic.

>> No.3882598

>mfw my parents spent 17 years telling me to do what i love and as soon as college actually started coming up they added the requirement of money
>so now every time i talk to my dad about my field he tells me to do what i love and then follows it up with making sure i can make money
>mfw i manage to actually fulfill these requirements by studying econ

>> No.3882608

take 500mg+ before bed
you will not really sleep but you will dream, oh you will dream

>> No.3882613

Which is worse; East-Asian parents, or West-Indian parents?

My grandparents are West-Indian (from Trinidad), and I've heard that side of the family casually mention beating children, and how "Trinis don't tolerate failure. Either you win, or you aren't one of us" or something along those lines. Also, they think that if you don't get marks that are 90% or over AS WELL as being on a sports team in high school, you're a complete loser in life and they want nothing to do with you.

>>MFW I hate sports, barely passed high school and they hate me
>>... MFW I have no reaction faces

Asian bros; is it this way with you guys too?

>> No.3882630

Asians are actually goal oriented, that goal being a stable career making a lot of money. It sounds like your grandparents are just insane.

Also my freshman spanish teacher in high school was from Trinidad, he was kind of a dick and one of the worst teachers I've ever had but he was amusing and he always used to try to hit on the girls, after we graduated he added half of his former students and now makes really inappropriate comments on their facebooks.

>> No.3882638


Well, I'm sorry to hear that for you. You should show those uninformed curry munchers Richard Bransons or Mark Zuckerberg.

>> No.3882640

west indians are probably worse.

there's a high correllation between coming from a shitty place and pressuring your kids to succeed. compared with just about every east asian country i can think of, india is just a hellhole.

>> No.3882644

went into biomedical engineering. similar story.

>> No.3882654

>mfw I's a trini too and I know dat feel man
>mfw growing up my dad pushed me and didn't alow failure or any back chat atall, but all I wanted was to fete
>mfw my life is a buncha Commesse and bacchanal

>> No.3882657


Duuuude. That teacher sounds so stereotypically Trinidadian, it made me smile.

And yeah, all Trinis from my grandparent's generation are like that. It's what happens when you combine conservative British attitudes (thanks to the English), strict West-African parenting techniques (thanks to the African diaspora brought there as slaves by the English) and an Indian attitude about school (thanks to the Indians who were taken to the island as indentured servants).

It's like one big melting pot, but they left out all the good parts of each culture.

>> No.3882670


>>...india is just a hellhole.

West Indian actually refers to something from The Caribbean, not to India.

It's because The Caribbean is also called the West Indies... Confusing, I know.

>> No.3882675

Half of Trinis are like that, and half just don't give a fuck
Also you were born in the states or did you come here? I was Born in Diego, but I moved here when I was really young, so I'm basically a yankee.

>> No.3882705


I was born in Canada, and both my parents were born in here too. I'm so glad that my parents aren't Trinidadian (no offense to you). Of my dad's side, 3/5 are complete losers who are 45-50 year old virgins, and the other two are both bat-shit insane (my dad is a religious nut who believes in Creationism and moved to Texas to get away from 'the liberals'), and my aunt is a complete narcissist who married a rich Swedish guy, drinks two bottles of wine a day, and refers to herself as a "queen" or "African princess". The pressure from my grandparents fucked them up pretty badly, which is bad, because they all have 130+ IQs.

>> No.3882736

Ah, yeah I'm immersed in the Culture, but my family generally stays away from the bullshit parts of the "culture" (niggers and coolies if you ask me). They fet and carnival and shit, but they are cool. My dad was strict as fuck on me though (he is a PHD, former Master chief Corpsman), and my mom is in the Air Force (they split when I was young), so I get strict on both sides.

My mom is really nice but Christian, and my Dad is an Atheist. rest of my family are hard working but not as strict as him (which is strange because he is the youngest of 7). I still ove being Trini, but God damn are they some messed up people.