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File: 61 KB, 693x647, sasw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3880688 No.3880688 [Reply] [Original]

Why did the doctors tell my parents it was a good idea to remove a significant piece of my body at birth for no reason?

>> No.3880698

because religious nutcases.
sucks to be you OP.

>> No.3880702

>Why did the doctors tell my parents it was a good idea to remove a significant piece of my body at birth for no reason?

OP is talking about his brain.

>> No.3880703

Because the founder of Kellogg's wanted to stop boys from masturbating.

He also wanted to pour acid on girls' clits, it's a shame that didn't catch on. Maybe women wouldn't be so slutty.

>> No.3880708

Because the US is run by Jews.

>> No.3880717

Usa are best trolls.
The kind that don't do it on purpose, but are just retards.

>> No.3880721

Because if they admitted circumcision is bad the hospitals that perform them could be sued by anyone who was circumcized at birth.

>> No.3880722

>sucks you, OP

>> No.3880736

So that 12 years after the fact you could make a thread about it on /sci/.

>> No.3880754

Because they didn't expect you to grow up to be a aspie homosexual with a foreskin fetish.

>> No.3880755


<implying im 12. im 14 , god dammit are you fucking retarted lol.

>> No.3880763
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Because you fucks decided to get rid of me.

Deal with it.

>> No.3880764

How is wanting a vital part of your body back a fetish.

>> No.3880766

Doctors get paid to perform it. It's a quick procedure that gets them a few hundred dollars.

People buy into propaganda about the health and cosmetic benefits. In fact, it seems like a wash. They are performing a painful, traumatic procedure, in order to get a drop in sexual sensation and an increase in resistance to disease (one that is eliminated by basic hygiene).

In fact, most people do it because of penis chauvinism and peer pressure. They want their sons dick to look like theirs, to look like their fathers, to look like everyone else's. No further thought is put into it, except after the fact.

And the ultimate reason is religious. Specifically, an attempt by sandpeople to reduce sexual pleasure and eliminate, at the least, masturbation. There's a reason it was first performed at 13, and there's a reason it was later moved to infancy.

>> No.3880789

>cosmetic benefits

do americains actually think scars and dead skin are attractive

>> No.3880794

bifag here

cut looks better.

>> No.3880799

i know. if you lose your forskin the head of the penis kind of turns to dry outer skin but not quite and ends up looking flaky lol

>> No.3880804

bifag here
no it doesn't

>> No.3880818


Good enough to mutilate children?

>> No.3880820

YES EK prefer my dick

>> No.3880821

>attacking opinions

Can't tell if troll or aspie.

>> No.3880826

Worse, it's a tripfag.

>> No.3880827

she never attacked, she simply offered a secondary opinion

insecurity much?

>> No.3880832
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>holding a different opinion
if you think cut looks better then fine, i dont give a fuck, i just dont hold the same opinion
who's the aspie now?

>> No.3880837
File: 84 KB, 675x720, 1317776821958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw cutfags will never know what its like to have a foreskin

Even science doesn't care enough to help you guys.

>> No.3880842
File: 42 KB, 358x600, Leon_Benouville_The_Wrath_of_Achilles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are a fucking degenerate.

>> No.3880847

We don't care enough to want help.

why does anybody care

>> No.3880851

actually i saw an informational where its possible to have the process reversed, it just takes time (looks painful too, but might be worth it)
where they kinda pull at the remaining skin where it was cut, and stretch it a bit, and then keep doing it every day or so, and eventually it all regrows and they look as good as new (and uncut) again.

FYI, one of my mates has had both cut, and uncut fags, and says uncut's are better in bed.
cutfags also enjoy sex less.

>> No.3880860

IIRC it was started by kikefags as a means to prevent masturbation.

>> No.3880889

Why are you and so many dudes so obsessed with your penis? Don't you have anything more important to occupy yourself with? Or are you just an Underage B& who hasn't developed past the point of being fascinated by your own body?

>> No.3880894


>> No.3880902

because it looks nasty when its uncut

>> No.3880908

I don't see how that would even work. I doubt you can regrow 3-4 inches of skin like that.

>> No.3880916

If you haven't already figured out, the poster you quoted is a troll, and an annoying nuisance to the /sci/ community. Please block, sage, and report all of that person's posts.

>> No.3880925

You can, but the nervure don't.
Which is sadly the most important.

>> No.3880928

i should have saved the picture, it kinda looked like it might work, given enough time.
skin does stretch, and skin does heal...

>> No.3880936

Doctors make money from the procedure.

Any weird cultural practices in America can generally be attributed either to religion or capitalism.

>> No.3880946

i'm bi and i strongly disagree.

perhaps a flaccid uncut cock is less visually appealing but then flaccid cocks are not meant to be appealing.

uncut erect penises are beautiful. of course, someone as ignorant as yourself probably couldn't tell the difference.

>> No.3880947

but why would anyone pay for a procedure to be done to their child, which isnt necessary, doesnt cure anything, and will piss them off later in life and force them to have a less enjoyable sex life?

>> No.3880948
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EK, I want you to know that I dream about punching you in your withered old cunt. Please fuck off and die.

>> No.3880951

It has become the norm.

>> No.3880952

>mfw every argument for forced infant circumcision also justifies forced adult plastic surgery

>so long as the adult is drugged so they don't remember the surgery

>> No.3880956

You forgot to say "no homo".

>> No.3880957
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>> No.3880959
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m or f?


*sigh* doing things for tradition rather than practicality is fucked up.

>> No.3880962
File: 313 KB, 1000x753, 1309827601166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let me put it to you guys this way.

The Jews used circumcision to mark their children as the elect of God.

The Greeks used circumcision to mark barbarian children as helots, or slaves.

The Hellenes worshiped the male body. The Jews despised it.

>> No.3880964

stop taking photo's of my posts!

>> No.3880971



>> No.3880972


>> No.3880974


Do you even read /d/? They have amputee threads all the time.

>> No.3880976

>if you lose your forskin the head of the penis kind of turns to dry outer skin but not quite and ends up looking flaky lol

also, chapped penis head.

patton oswalt was the first to make a joke about it but i'm sure he wasn't the first to feel it. i've gotten my cock head chapped and it. is. not. pleasant.

>> No.3880977
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>stop taking photo's
>taking photo's

Then who was photo?

>> No.3880978
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>> No.3880980

I don't think they fantasize about the amputated limb being restored.

>> No.3880982
File: 26 KB, 593x479, 1318173163171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you like even more cool stories?

I'll be here all...

ah fuck it. Time for some breakfast cereal at 2 in the morning (GMT+8). Bye bye EK.

>> No.3880983

lol, i knew you'd do that

>> No.3880989

it's not tradition. it's mostly because a lot of doctors (and the people the doctors have to pay) are greedy assholes.

>> No.3880991


>Jokes on them, i just i pretended that i was a retard

Try again.

>> No.3880992

but then the people paying for the procedure, are the stupid ones.
why waste money on shit you dont need?

>> No.3880994
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>> No.3880996
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>EK thread

A tribute for my queen and waifu

>> No.3880998

the fuck? that isnt what's happening. i didnt say anything stupid or pretend to be a retard.
>doing it wrong

>> No.3881000


>They are greedy, They want all that dickskin for themselves!

What the actual fuck?

>> No.3881003

no, they wat to be payed money for a useless procedure, but the point is they want money!
(same reason as homeopathists/ crystal healers etc, they just want the money for their piece of shit procedure with no actual medical help to the patient)

>> No.3881004

So what's the point of doing it if it just looks like you have foreskin?

>> No.3881007


Not only that but, according to the Torah, circumcision is the sign of the Jew's right to live in the land of Canaan. So they hold it as their justification for Israel.

Also, back in 2000 BC or whenever, you couldn't wash yourself every day. And you lived in a fucking desert. So cutting the foreskin to prevent sand getting trapped and causing infection was justifiable.

>> No.3881013

Newfag kids still getting mad at EK?

Oh my queen, how you toy with the rabble. Have some mercy.

>> No.3881016



>> No.3881019


I dunno, makes it feel like you have foreskin for your partner, which could improve chances of getting them off?

>> No.3881020

fucking this

>> No.3881021

You complain about a higher post frequency? Fuck you, without EK this board would be dead.

>> No.3881023
File: 40 KB, 450x300, dealwithit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm actually far less trollish than i once was, but haters never learn.

lol, faggots
deal with it

>> No.3881032


So it's an obsolete tradition? One for which the only justification no longer exists?

>> No.3881033


>living in the fucking desert in the first place

They deserved whatever they got, fucking retarded theists.

>> No.3881034


>Have skin that protects your dick from constant direct contact with the surroundings
>Remove it because it occasionally holds some materials of the surroundings
>To protect your dick from infection
>Because having no layer to protect your dick from infections is superior to having one


>> No.3881037


There isn't really much point. You can't unfuck that decision.

>> No.3881041

>implying EK doesn't kill every single conversation she enters

>> No.3881045
File: 44 KB, 400x369, gestapo-executes-russian-peasants-second-world-war-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is an obsolete tradition in the same way the Jews are an obsolete race. Yet the practice and the race endure. We tried.

>> No.3881050

>the fuck? that isnt what's happening. i didnt say anything stupid ...
you just did with that reply. why did the rest of us have to read that? you could have just ignored him, for all of our benefit.

the fact that you're using a name means that every time you do this, we see that you're doing it and... it's just a little irritating that you're taking things personally on an ANONYMOUS BOARD which is reserved for SCIENCE TOPICS.

>> No.3881051

>implying anon doesn't kill every single conversation he enters

>> No.3881052

>kill conversation
*spice up teh conversation
it only gets shit when haters pile in and de-railment comences.

>> No.3881095
File: 7 KB, 251x226, 1279914791781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the kid grow up and decide if he likes the look of cut dick or not when he's old enough to decide for himself. inb4 never old enough. There are age laws everywhere. Don't say you can't make a new age law for when a guy is mature and old enough to cut off parts of his own penis. The faggot thinks he's a jew and wants to be a retard? Let him. Somebody an aspie? Let him keep it.

Don't impose your own sexual interests onto the kid (unless you find your kid sexually attractive, in which case you should be van'd for being a pedo/cutfag).

The only flaw I can see is somebody getting a back ally jew circumcision in which the jew sucks the babies dick. Same with back ally nigger abortions with coat hangers if you make abortion illegal.

You can't argue with somebody getting surgery for themselves.

>> No.3881134

apparently is excruciatingly painful for an adult to be cut (still pretty horrific for a baby to go through, but nowhere near as bad.)

>> No.3881135


Nobody is arguing that.

The only argument is whether it's okay to perform cosmetic surgery on a baby.

>> No.3881156

I thought these threads were all bannable outside of /b/

>> No.3881159

That's what I said. When I said imposing your own sexual preference onto a child, saying it looks better, etc. you're practising cosmetic surgery. When you want the brat to look jewish, cosmetic surgery. Seeing as there is no medical benifit, it's cosmetic, and thus, a child shouldn't be subjected to something he doesn't even know about.

And? I'm more comfortable giving consensual paint to an adult compared to non-consensual pain to child.
It speaks more of the morality of the person who wants to cut up kids dicks because they're kids, than knowing they probably wont get the same result with a grown person with more legal rights, let alone the ability to say "no". Knowingly, at least. Not sure how many screaming kids are are actually screaming "yes yes cut up my dick". I don't speak baby.

>> No.3881160

Wait... are you saying its less painful for the baby? Because that's a silly statement.

>> No.3881161
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>> No.3881167

er, yeh. why's that silly?

>> No.3881186

Because why in the fucking hell would you think that something that's painful for an adult isn't just as painful for an infant?
Stupid fucking whore fuck off.

>> No.3881204

>"In parts of Africa, the foreskin may be dipped in brandy and eaten by the patient, eaten by the circumciser, or fed to animals.[41]"

>> No.3881208

there is no question of pain - its painful for both adults and children, but if you are to get circumcision, it is better to get it in childhood since after it heals you won't remember it. whereas as an adult, you have to through life doing all the things adults do (wearing trousers, and having sex) and you will remember the pain. of course its better not to have it done at all.

>> No.3881210

how is that related?

>> No.3881219
File: 255 KB, 438x357, 01278434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, i was looking for info on different pain levels of adults compared to kids, and couldnt find any, but noticed that and decided to post it instead

>> No.3881225


Babies don't remember it.

They're basically arguing that it's okay because you won't remember it. Like being, drugged, kidnapped and given cosmetic surgery to improve that little kink in your nose. You don't remember it, you look a little better (in the opinion of the person who did it), and who cares if you can't breathe so easy, that's the trade-off.

>> No.3881236


I have no problem with adults cutting off any part of their own bodies if they think it looks better. But me getting parts of my dick cut off because my mother thinks it looks better is just creepy.

>> No.3881243

>"getting parts of [your] dick cut off because [your] mother thinks god thinks it looks better is just creepy."

>> No.3881246

in america it's often because of cosmetic reasons, among nonjews especially

>> No.3881247
File: 25 KB, 500x600, 1262217691464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But is it still okay to do? No. In both cases.
You're still doing something to the person without their consent, and without their knowledge, for your own fetish rather than their benefit.

>> No.3881254

but they look fucking wierd! why would you make it look WORSE for cosmetic reasons??
i'd never fuck a cut guy.

>> No.3881256


If you'd look at the post I was replying to you'd see that there was nothing to fix.

>> No.3881264

i didnt say cosmetic reasons were good reasons. just tell you that its probably what that guy was referring to.

>> No.3881373



>> No.3881377
File: 8 KB, 400x382, db_Headshot1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> yfw 99 percent of all dildos are cut

>> No.3881383

you mean they don't have skin at all. because why the fuck would you put skin on a dildo when it is only the shape you are trying to mimick?

>> No.3881393


> cut

Yeah, they are cut.

>> No.3881394

seriously is op complaining?


>> No.3881397

no they arnt. that implies they originally had skin, and were then cut, to not have.
they are fucking plastic (or glass...giggidy) and were never cut.

>> No.3881400

prove it. lots of dildos that are clearly cast from uncut cocks with the foreskin retracted.

>> No.3881448

You do realize the head of uncut penises retracts when the penis is erect, right?

>> No.3881460
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> the head retracts

You sure the head retracts?

>> No.3881476

Has anybody seen the Bullshit episode about this?

>> No.3881492

The foreskin retracts, revealing the glans.

The term "head" is undefined in anatomical literature. It could be taken to mean the foreskin, if the speaker is immersed in a culture where the presence of a foreskin at the "head" of the penis is the norm.