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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3880649 No.3880649 [Reply] [Original]

How about we start a journal?

>> No.3880654

day 1: OP was a fag...
nah, lets not

>> No.3880656

not that kind of journal you daft cunt

>> No.3880659

A journal for science fiction, religion vs atheism, explaining why biology is not a hard science, homework and scores of Costanza pictures?

I would totally buy that.

>> No.3880662
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>> No.3880667

once again you demonstrate why no one likes you

>> No.3880663

day 2: is philosophy a science, or is science a philosophy? DISCUSS

>> No.3880668

It would be chock full of troll physics pictures and articles describing how they work.

It would be awesome.

>> No.3880674
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once again, DILLIGAF

>> No.3880677

If not for publishing actual articles (slim chance anyone here has anything to submit), we could write reviews of other articles.

Stuff like brief articles in scientific commentary format.

>> No.3880683

Sure, I'd be willing to edit in my free time.

>> No.3880686

your not even making sense

>> No.3880687

Special edition of our /sci/ journal contains nude pics of EK.

>> No.3880690


>> No.3880693

Mad Sci and CNS would prolly be the only contributors.

>> No.3880701

pre order canceled.

>> No.3880707

anyone here with mad photoshop skills who'd be willing to design a cover etc?

>> No.3880709

fucking lol

>> No.3880716


inb4 costanza

>> No.3880718

actually, it's a really good idea to upload new screencaps and info/lifehack pictures as additions to existing compilations, as opposed to uploading massive archives each time.

-but of course this would require some kind of planning and organization, which does not naturally flow from anonymous boards.

someone will have to do the work -and it ain't gonna be me.

>> No.3880726

Well, that would be something a little different than I had in mind. What you're suggesting would be a good addition to the /sci/ guide I guess. A review section for existing and new uploads.

>> No.3880728

Is this going to be web based or something?

I could set up a site if you need it.

>> No.3880739

Yes, I'm not planning on doing any printing. An open access web based journal would be cool though.

>> No.3880744

If you could set up a website that would be fucking amazing. We need to get some contributers first though. So far we have exactly one (excluding me).

>> No.3880746


Let me try something.

>> No.3880748

Great! I appreciate the effort.

>> No.3880790


inb4 thinly veiled disappointment

>> No.3880788

If anyone is interested in contributing, send an email to thescijournal@gmail.com

>> No.3880793

science, what is it all about?
techmology, what is that all about?
Is it good or is it whack? What is it all about

>> No.3880795


What exactly are you looking for?

It might be best to use something like the wordpress CMS giving rights to anyone that shows interest. It would allow authors to individually login and contribute.

>> No.3880796

Why? Any contribution is better than expected at this point.

>> No.3880809
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Okay so this is what I got.

Yeah yeah I know generic Euler's identity in the math part.

>> No.3880812


Apologies for the self-indulgence :>

>> No.3880825

Needs more magnets.

>> No.3880833

Some kind of submission system and a way to publish .pdfs is all that's needed. I don't expect a whole lot of submissions, so if they could be forwarded to an email address I could go over them and select the ones which are suitable for publication, or send them off to reviewers (if we get people willing to review). We have an editor, and I'd be willing to edit as well. I'll collect all publishable articles in and upload them in pdf as soon as they're reviewed. Depending on the number of submissions, I could create a large .pdf with all submissions monthly, with a list of contents and a nice cover.

>> No.3880846

I can review neuroscience related articles if needed.

>> No.3880845

start off slow with google documents. can you get a group in on that? make it public?

>> No.3880843

I've never seen any original research on /sci/ so we'd only be rehashing (see, plagiarising) content from other sources.

>> No.3880856

We already have a google docs group, so it would be a bit redundant to set up another one. I'll see if I can get in touch with the /sci/ guide people and if they want to start this thing up.

>> No.3880861

do you honestly expect people here to have the financing for research worthy of that kind of commitment? what'd get is people explaining why they truly believe biology is not a science and why agnostics differ from atheists and theists

>> No.3880862

I would like to participate

>> No.3880863

Cool! I like the idea of showing a brief peek of the contents on the cover. It shouldn't turn into a gossip magazine though.

>> No.3880864

as much as everyone hates me, if this thing turns out to be any good, i'm also willing to participate if wanted/needed

>> No.3880866

can you link the docs group? do they have many articles lol or did u just mean the /sci/ guide?

>> No.3880869

Like I said, I'm not necessarily looking for research articles. Commentaries on published articles would be fine as well. Do you know the principle of a scientific commentary?

>> No.3880870


Whats the name of the journal going to be?

>> No.3880878

just the /sci/ guide

>> No.3880876

Papers don't necessarily have to be about actual, well, research. You can just write up some bullshit and stick sources, like this:


>> No.3880872

Awesome, guys. If you can post an email address or drop a line to thescijournal@gmail.com we can stay in touch.

>> No.3880877

so reviews of articles then? still it'd turn into opinion pieces. like a glossy mag. people here dont have the necessary expertise.

>> No.3880881

The /sci/ Journal.

I'm open to suggestions. This is just a working name.

>> No.3880884

Sorry, we don't want you.

>> No.3880890

We could always collaborate on DIY science projects: For example, doing distributed computing among /sci/ users to do molecular dynamics or get a Folding@home group (This one exists), or just make instructions for making cool things like a DIY scanning probe microscope: http://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=2304.php

>> No.3880892

Reviews or commentaries would be welcome. Perhaps editorial letters or 'status of the field' letters as well.

>> No.3880893

I would be interested in what passes for peer review of research articles. Great for satire and humor based on what I have seen in /sci/

>> No.3880901
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>> No.3880903

Great idea, I like the initiative.

>> No.3880904

>I've never seen any original research on /sci/ so we'd only be rehashing (see, plagiarising) content from other sources.
I've not been here for a long time, but I've already seen several open questions asked and people trying to progress toward an answer. Actually, if I wasn't too lazy, I would be working on one right now.
If this journal thing really happens, I'll try to publish stuff once in a while, mostly answers to cool problems that were asked and whose answers weren't in the first few results of a trivial google search.

>> No.3880914

Yeah, I'm not exactly expecting great research, a web of science listing and an impact factor of 10+. It's an exercise and meant to be just for fun. Not serious science just yet.

>> No.3880919

I certainly don't have expertise in reviewing papers from domains other than mine, but I've reviewed a few papers, one in a good journal, and considering there are a few PhD students on /sci/ (and maybe a few researchers too), I would think I'm not the only one.

>> No.3880930

Superb. What's your field? So far we have a neuroscience reviewer.

>> No.3880938

>there are a few PhD students on /sci/ (and maybe a few researchers too)
PhD students are researchers ;_;

>> No.3880933

You wouldn't like it any. CCM is already shitposting and the thought of Mad Sci participating makes me throw up.

>> No.3880931

Alright, unless anyone else wants to create the site I'll start working on it now.

>> No.3880926

I was supposed to quote
>so reviews of articles then? still it'd turn into opinion pieces. like a glossy mag. people here dont have the necessary expertise.

>> No.3880940

Specifically, coding theory and information theory. More generally, computer science and discrete maths depending on the difficulty of the subject.

>> No.3880953

Of course. I meant doctors. Or whatever. I agree with you, it's just a matter of English not being my native language and of "researcher" having a "not a student anymore" kind of sound to it.

>> No.3880961

Sweet. If you send an email to thescijournal@gmail.com we can stay in touch.

All submissions or offers for contributions will be kept confidential. Anyone else willing to contribute can email me.

>> No.3880963
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crudely drawn but you get the picture

>> No.3880967

>>3880890 DIY

We could all search for planets on planethunter, and discuss our decisions.

>> No.3880968

Oh fuck, I didn't see I was on the cover even before I popped in this thread. Awesome! ;)

(inb4 "I use smilies thus I'm a faggot")

Yeah, lemme create an email address and I'll do that.

>> No.3880969


>> No.3880975

>Yeah, lemme create an email address and I'll do that.

>> No.3880981

Something like this could be written in the format of an actual research article I guess.

>> No.3880984

Thanks so much to the people emailing. This thing will work if you're willing to make it work!

>> No.3880988

If I saw this on a newspaper stand, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

>> No.3881002

I've been working on a little experiment, and I'm in the process of writing it up.

In short: it's about the number of penises on omegle video.

>> No.3881005


>> No.3881025

There are penises on omegle video? i wish I'd find one. Whenever I go there all I find are horny girls.

>> No.3881026

haha, if it's any good you can send it in I guess

if it's not, still send it in

>> No.3881043
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fucking saved

>> No.3881155


>> No.3881162

You shitposting fucker already ruined the thread.

>> No.3881171

No he hasn't. He showed willingness to contribute, and I appreciate that. You think you can make a better cover? Be my guest.

>> No.3881184

A short status update:

We have four potential contributers. We have three editors, three reviewers, and one person has agreed to writing a short commentary on a recent paper from his field. I'm still in correspondence with one other person and we'll see what his contribution will be.

The willingness is there, but we need some more content. Things are off to a good start though.

>> No.3881823

All you need is to invite those with some measure of namefagggotry, as they'll be recognizable

>> No.3881967

I peed a little

>> No.3883988

count me in as editor, reviewer and author

>> No.3884025
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I can submit articles occasionally, I'll send two I've done previously to the gmail.

>> No.3884028

What is Dilligaf?

Do you walk around graffitiing that shit near my house? With a crown

>> No.3884033


>> No.3885043
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don't mind me just bumping this because

>> No.3885261


>> No.3885266

You're still a shitty underageb& moron.