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3879335 No.3879335 [Reply] [Original]

So guyz,

The courses started :

What are your opinions on them ?
Is it legit and/or worth the time ?

>> No.3879341

I did the AI Class yesterday. As an intro course, I don't see any problems so far. I don't see education turning to this anytime soon, but it's a great step.

>> No.3879345

Are the table of contents complete already?

Machine Learning doesn't talk about grammatical inference, or inductive logic programming, and looks overall very basic, or at least very math-oriented and not CS-oriented. I'm a bit disappointed.

>> No.3879353


That's super good news for me, though.

>> No.3879381

I am taking the AI course, and thinking of also signing up for the DB one. Is taking both at once worth it? How is the database course?

>> No.3879559

Taking all three, super excited and very happy with the content.

I think it's totally legit and totally worth the time. (nothing better do to anyway).
These courses may not get you a high tier job but they may help and if you have a project where you can use the knowledge (like I do) it's super useful.
I don't even care who will recognize it as legit or who will think it's just some shit.
It ain't college for sure but it ain't childs play either.
Intros are easy and simple but as you go on stuff gets more complex and some of the exam questions are pretty hard.

>> No.3879770

Super easy, at least the first few videos. AI is same, if not a tad bit more challenging.

>> No.3879788

need a physics or astrophysics class like this.

>> No.3879813

what is the content so far exactly?
has anyone purchased a recommended book?

>> No.3879846

In which class?
In AI only the intro is online as so far and its only basic concepts and a few simple questions.
In my opinion the best out the three for presentation and lucidity.
DB is full of errors and corrections and prof. goes really fast so you have to pay attention.
It's not hard it's just a bunch of information in short time.
I still haven't gotten to ML yet.
no money so no.
There is a bunch of texts here though.

>> No.3879853

I'm only taking the AI one. Maybe I'll sign up for the ML one. How different is it? Are the prerequisites any different than those for the AI class?

>> No.3879864

The prerequisite for ML is that you know at least one programming language but I believe if you are willing to work hard you can pass if you never coded before.
However the ML course has the most complex coding of them all. (at least from what I can tell since I haven't gone into depth yet with that course.
I am not sure if you can still apply or the deadline was yesterday.
In any case AI and ML work together as ML is actually a subcategory within AI.
Databases are needed to efficiently put AI and ML into practice.

>> No.3879867

oh and also I forgot to answer.
They are pretty different.
Different concept of presentation and work and different level of complexity.

>> No.3879871

taking all 3 on "hard" + the related art project

dont care about this particular example's quality: as a form, this is where education SHOULD be going, and as such it needs as much support as possible

bring it on Stanford

>> No.3879876

there is no "hard" level.
It's the same curriculum except in "basic" you don't have to do homework and watch for deadlines while in the "advanced" you work pretty much like in a real college.
Listen to classes, read books, answer questions, do homework, and you have a midterm exam and a final exam which goes in your grades and you get a better certificate when you finish.

>> No.3879905

I was only aware of the AI lectures. Signed to db and ml just now.

>> No.3879908

Just watched the first unit of the AI one. There are no assignments yet, right?

>> No.3879921

Not for AI. But if you're in the DB and ML class to I suggest you step up specially in DB because the first week has lots of assignments. Probably to filter out the more serious students.
AI is generally more relaxed while ML and DB are almost like real college in any sense.
(in advanced mode)
Also in AI you will not get an certificate issued from Stanford University but only signatures from the professors and in AI and ML you get Stanford certificates if you finish and it's graded and shows your success relative to all the other students.

>> No.3879930

I'm only in AI and ML. I'll do ML next. Just wanted to make sure there was nothing more to AI before I moved on.

>> No.3879938

Nothing except to watch the intro and answer the questions which will not graded.
Also one correction. I wrote it wrong here: >>3879921
In AI you get only professor signed letters of success, In ML and DB you get Stanford University certificate of success.

Also I know you may not have the time but I would recommend taking all three or you may be sorry later.

>> No.3879942
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I just signed up for ML. Let's do this shit!

>> No.3879954


>Also I know you may not have the time but I would recommend taking all three or you may be sorry later.

I thought this too.

>> No.3879981

Ok I'll add DB but if it'll be the first one I'll switch to basic for if I don't have time.

>> No.3880021

why do people bother? you are never going to use this information, if you were that interested then why didn't you choose AI or CS as a career choice? People who take this course take themselves too seriously.

>> No.3880031


Every scientist and mathematician uses computer science in his daily life.

>> No.3880106

1. I am going to use this information extensively
-because I worked and plan to work in related fields
-have my own projects in which I can use this information
2. Choosing a career means having money for going to college
-didn't have the money
3. These courses are serious and if you finish them you are serious too.
-if you think just because it's "free" and open its not good you are wrong. If they are so shitty why don't you try to pass them.
-while some people may be foolish in their pride there is nothing to be confused here about
If you finished the course you have had to learn it.
Thus in the end you have a level of knowledge as is specified.
4. You are the part of the reason why we can't have nice things.

>> No.3880124

Because I want to learn the material so I can write something fucking cool, asshole.

>> No.3880137

You want the database one then! It's got tubes and graphs and then she puts the graphs in the tubes and talks about relantionships and you're like AWW YEAH

>> No.3880140

If I signed up for DB today, does this means I signed up for the basic version where I don't have to do homework?

>> No.3880145
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>> No.3880150

Not sure, still trying to figure that out but it seems DB has only one mode so no basic/advanced in DB.
At least I fucking hope it's like that because I need the advanced course and I may have clicked basic while enrolling.

>> No.3880155

really cool stuff. wish i had enough time to actually "take" one of these though.
+1 stanford

>> No.3880179

I've been learning CS by mself for a year now. This really lit a fire under my ass, and I don't know why but it made learning fun again.

>> No.3880315

It should be in the settings if it's there.

I know right. Learning on your own is fun but with this you have concrete goals and a program.

>> No.3880395

That actually sounds like something I'd enjoy watching. I guess it's not high level either but it's a domain I prefer.