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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3877944 No.3877944 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when you meet somebody smarter than you

Just not fair. :(

>> No.3877947

>not fair

Explain that.

>> No.3877952

Isn't there an r9k on some other chan you could go to? This is /sci/ - Science & Math.

>> No.3877960
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I can't say that I've had that problem.

>> No.3877959

I find it annoying when I can't follow someone's arguments and I feel like they're talking that way just to flaunt their education.

Although to be fair I probably sound like that to a lot of people.

>> No.3877964

Stupid people get laid more. You do get laid, right?

>> No.3877966

Lemme put it this way: when intelligence is the only quality you have to offer about yourself, meeting somebody with more of it is like being a homeless that finally found his first meal in days, and then somebody steals it right out of your hand.

It's even worse when the more intelligent individual is also better looking than you and more skilled socially. Those guys don't deserve to be intelligent, they have it easy enough as it is ;_;

>> No.3877969
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I hate it when people are overly wordy. You can slam their point of view down with a page of evidence, but you have to wait for them to finish impersonating some Professor from the 1800s before you get a chance.

>> No.3877970

Fortunately that's never happened.
Not that I'm smarter than everyone - I'm just smart enough that nobody I meet is *obviously* smarter than me.

>> No.3877972

Yeah, but some of us here on /sci/ have adopted the title "/sci9k/" at times.

>> No.3877975

Come on guys! How many times does Martio Bartoli is my Waifu have to ask if there is an r9k on some other than before someone answers him

>> No.3877977

I took piano lessons and learnt French and how to cook. I also work out and mountain climb. Coupled with my major I'm better at more things than most people. So I meet someone who is better at math than me? Well, that's all they have. I'm great at many things, they're great at one thing.

>> No.3877978
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.... no

>> No.3877982

As I said, people like you can fuck right off, you have it easy enough.

>> No.3877984

Why be sad when you meet someone like that OP? Why not learn the most you can from 'em?

>> No.3877986
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Seriously. I'd be interested in knowing that as well.

>> No.3877985

Just because a person knows more pointless trivia does not make them smarter.

What makes a person smart anyway?

>> No.3877983

How about instead of adopting titles, you just post Science & Math related content?

>> No.3877989 [DELETED] 

>MFW I practiced for hours a day to get good at this shit

It's not like I was born into a wealthy family. I was trying to make you feel better by suggesting you pick up some hobbies you enjoy and get good at them. Helps you feel productive and accomplish even if you know others better than you.

No need to be a dick.

>> No.3877991

I think you missed the point of that post. Like really, severely missed it.

>> No.3877996

>I also exercise
>I'm great at many things
... English not among them.

>> No.3878002

No, YOU'RE a fucking dick because you're an overly skilled pleb that needs to suffocate to death on a bag of porridge. Some of us can't obtain more than two or three qualities regardless of effort. Go somewhere else like a club or party or whatever shit you social fucks do and leave the intelligence and academia to us. Stop taking away our chance and place in life you cunt.

>> No.3878007

>implying any of the things he mentioned are hard
They take time to make progress at, but its shit anyone can do. Its your own fault for putting all of your eggs in one basket

>> No.3878013

Die in a fire.

And never go to college, or visit a scientific conference, faggot. It will just make you even more depressed.

>> No.3878020


Why don't you go over there and make him? Oh, that's right, you're not even good at violence. Maybe it's because you're too busy being jealous to do work and make something of yourself.


"Work out" isn't incorrect English.

>> No.3878028

>"Work out" isn't incorrect Americanism

>> No.3878029

He's also better looking than you, OP.

>> No.3878035


of course I've met people who thought they were superior to me, but I have ways of completely admonishing their smugness using my vast collection of facts, skills, and experience.

also gpa doesn't equal intelligence, it just means you're a better trained dog

>> No.3878042

I think most of /sci/ is in deep enough denial about themselves that they don't think they've ever met someone smarter than them.

But if that is your real reaction, then you probably just kill yourself for real, since that is really, really pathetic. You should be happy to meet people smarter than you, and more happy the rarer such meetings are. I mean, if you're not a miserable faggot.

>> No.3878038

troll thread

>> No.3878054

Only happens to me with girls who are smarter than me. Can't help it. I just don't like it man. Good thing there are no girls on the internet.

>> No.3878074

Just fuck-off stay out of academia or anything that requires intelligence, that'ls our field, not yours, you don't even deserve, you have it easy.

>> No.3878075

He's more intelligent than I am, has a 4.0GPA, an had a 97% average in highschool.
He was also not beta, but an alpha, and hanged out with everyone, went to parties and etc.

I admit, I sometimes am jelly of him, but guess what?

We're best bros with each other. He's probably going on to do engineering or maths, while I, onto physics.

Idgaf if he's smarter, I do what I love, he does what he

Stop giving a fuck about the differences between x and y.

>> No.3878080

what he loves*

It's 1am. Excuse my grammar.

>> No.3878101

y u no proof-read ur work

>> No.3878113 [DELETED] 

So, how did u realize he was smarter than you OP?

If you met some big shot philosopher would you feel the same or not?

>> No.3878116
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>Grad school mathematics
>Improv artist
>Bow hunter (pic related)

Math doesn't get me chicks, but being involved in theater does. /sci/ you just have to cut back on the 4chan and go out and join clubs and shit. Talk to people while you are there.

>> No.3878131

You mean like Broadway stuff with men in tights. I can imagine what chicks dig that...

>> No.3878158

Where does he work?

>> No.3878159
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>It's even worse when the more intelligent individual is also better looking than you and more skilled socially.
Hi. I'm that guy.

>> No.3878163


Pretty much. What about it dude? broaden your understanding of what "makes a man a man". Women just want dudes who are confident and compassionate. If you aren't confident, fake that shit.

>> No.3878206

With a job like that you'll have more guys after you than an Engineer.

I hope you're gay, or you're in a world of shit.

>> No.3878230

>overly skilled

>> No.3878238

I'm the guy you quoted.

I'm not social at all, I can't count all of my friends on one hand. Don't make assumptions. I just try to make productive use of my time and enjoy my hobbies. Why are you such a prick?

>> No.3878250

Protip: The smart people are typically good looking. Sure, you get those weird looking ones who just happen to have a talent and go further in their field, but most ugly people are also stupid. Typically, someone of above average intelligence is also reasonably good looking.

Good genes all round, baby.

>> No.3878272

I hate them so much.

But I can't one up them like I do in my fantasies. They're smarter and everyone knows it. Sometimes I just disagree for the sake of disagreeing. Just makes me look bitter.

>> No.3878284

I love it when I find someone smarter than me. Its a chance for me to learn new things and improve myself. It also helps restore a bit of my faith in humanity. Stop being a selfish cunt OP.

>> No.3878308
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If I find someone "smarter" than me (the term being relative), I try to ask them as many things as I can and learn from them. If you have a gold-laden pot full of the treasure of knowledge, why the fuck would you feel depressed like a little beta bitch? Fuck that brain and milk it for information, faggot.

>> No.3878325

I date them and simultaneously try to absorb what information I can from them, while sharing what I can of my knowledge.

Don't be depressed about it, OP.

>> No.3878350

Even though I'm not that smart and know it I've never met someone I feel is smarter then me.(At least not as on whole,)

One of the benefits of being white trash I suppose , even if your barely above average intellect your still smarter then everyone in your social group.

>> No.3878400

Gauss wasn't bad looking.

>> No.3878442


Do you think I am jealous of Tesla? Of Sagan? Of Einstein?
NO. I strive to understand their mind and learn from them.
I am very smart myself, most people I know think of me as the smart one out of my little friend group, but even I still look up to people!
Seriously, jealously is a foolish and useless emotion.
Do your best to do what you do best and don't worry about other people.

>> No.3878607

>has a random personality
fucking why.