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File: 24 KB, 630x323, cadillac-world-thorium-fuel-concept-630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3876837 No.3876837 [Reply] [Original]

We're so use to the fast pace of technological innovation that we forget that we're living in the future right now. That should blow your mind.

>> No.3876847

There's nothing to blow.

Of course we're in the future. Who says otherwise?

I still want a jetpack. Barring that, a personal helicopter.

>> No.3876855
File: 53 KB, 512x288, 166044_512x288_generated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future? What? Does that mean we get toilet soon? bread not cost day's wage?

What good future.

signed: the other two thirds of humanity.

>> No.3876859

Will a pocket sized personal computer suffice?

>> No.3876856

>living in the future right now
>future right now

It blows my mind how little sense you're making.

>> No.3876860

>fast pace of technical innovation

>went to the moon 50 years ago.

>nothing since

Oh, you mean iphones and other glorified toys for adults with ADD?

>> No.3876872

I was living in the future two years in the past if I used 2005 as a current reference point of now.

>> No.3876879

Oh, so sorry the future didn't happen like you think it should have. Too bad.

>> No.3876880
File: 95 KB, 1024x773, Mercedes-bionic-car-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah? Well this is a skeleton for a car.

>> No.3876881
File: 25 KB, 630x403, Robotrippinvirus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see how we can ignore that we're used to this. But what is actually happening is much less promising. We're rushing towards diminishing returns and lack of resource. It will take a true miracle to get us out of the mess we're putting ourselves into right now.

OP we're digging a grave for the 1st world while hurting the 2nd and 3rd world. There is nothing to appreciate about our apathetic ways of life.

>> No.3876884
File: 518 KB, 861x1265, e7fHf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Flying cars

Moon bases

Mile-high buildings in america

High speed rail

Superconducting power grid

Space Cadets

Human-level AI

Spaceships to jupiter


News Flash: Sci Fi means Science Fiction.

Pic related.

>> No.3876886

Best post on this board.

>> No.3876890

I have also despised this argument. It is incredibly misleading. The trip to the moon was tremendously important to humanity, but I would categorize the establishment of the internet and advanced computing as at least five times as impactful as was the first trip to the moon.

>> No.3876891


Fucking lol, butthurt much?

Name one person who did get the future they imagined. Nothing turned out right.

>> No.3876900

Innovations like the iPhone have made humans many times more productive. What the fuck would going to the moon get us?

>> No.3876904
File: 728 KB, 1108x1600, LadiesHomeJournal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check and mate.

>> No.3876912
File: 56 KB, 705x300, dontneedmyhelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consciousness expansion. Much needed at the time it happened. Now we need another one.

>> No.3876913


A second basket to hold all our eggs?

What exactly has the iphone done for society except make them ever more isolated and childish? What's the best selling app in the store? A program that helps you educate yourself, or a farting machine?

>> No.3876918


>Pic related.

Except that's pretty fucking accurate, except we divide pedestrian traffic, low, and high speed car traffic into lanes (and sidewalk) instead of their own layers (which would be expensive beyond regard). Ever heard of the subway? Those exist, see.

And multiple services in one building? Exist too.

Aircraft landing sites? Um, yes. Airports. Way faster than blimps ever were, although zepplins have their own benefits.

>> No.3876920

the fart machine.. *cries for humanity*

>> No.3876923

I said like the iPhone. Cell phones with constant access to email and internet has made people much more productive. Any person in finance, law or management is constantly speaking or emailing through her phone.

>> No.3876939


>350 million people in America

>Americans on average a few inches taller

>No C, X, or Q
Q's on the way out but otherwise no

>hot and cold air

>no mosquitoes or flies
Working on it

>buying cooked meals
True but unhealthy

>food exposure
Unnecessary insurance

>coal unused

>no street cars
In supercities like Tokyo this is becoming true

>photographs get wired
internet yo

>superfast trains
shit yeah

>automobiles cheaper than horses
Easier to upkeep at least

>everyone walks 10 miles a day
that seems like an odd prediction

>> No.3876941

>>flying cars
wrong, Terrafugia. But flying cars are for the most part impractical for everyday use due to their large energy consumption

>>Moon bases
would have happened if it wasn't for the Vietnam war eating up all the funding

>>Mile-high buildings in america
not in america lol, not much value in doing so

>>high speed rail
not in america lol

>>Superconducting power grid
already here:

>>Space cadets
there are treaties against the militarization of space

>>Human-level AI
maybe in 20 years or so

>>Spaceships to Jupiter
Juno launched in August

high vacuum pumps are almost ubiquitous in most laboratories

>> No.3876960

Happiness, nobody mentions this? Ultimately we are all trying to increase happiness right? Or are we so bent on our inventions that we forgot about our emotional well being?

Perhaps the decline of education and lack of improvement shouldn't bother us because we got shiny new toys to play with and distract us?

Humanity has a lot of growing up to do.

>> No.3876969


>to england in two days
Less by supersonic jet

We could do that if there was any reason to

>warplanes and tanks
Self explanitory

>no wild animals
That'd change the environment too much

>see round the world

>telephones everywhere
Even more everywhere thanks to satellites

>opera telephoned to home
And recorded to watch anytime

>free universities
It really ought to be

>purchase by tube
Nope, still delivery

>electric farming
Working on that, hard to do in mass production

>strawberries as large as apples
I had one of those and it was AWESOME

>peas as large as beats
... nope

>lots of colors, huge flowers

>few drugs swallowed
Most can be injected but needles are scary etc

>> No.3876967


Malthus called, he asked you to stop ripping off his ideas.

Frankly, I think we live in a fuck-awesome time. I've got electricity, a warm, dry home, good food, clean water, and a transportation system my ancestors couldn't dream of. I can access information from around the world and throughout history, I can communicate with people anywhere, and I have a device I keep in my pocket that can provide me with detailed directions, information access, and general record keeping/personal assisting anytime, anywhere.

If I get a cut and it gets infected, I take antibiotics, instead of getting gangrene. If I get a disease, I can have not one machine but several provide high-detail images of the inside of my body without a surgeon having to cut me open. I can expect not to live 20 or 40 but 80 years, likely much more.

We have cars that drive themselves; robots that can recognize phrases and learn from plain English instructions; we have harnessed the atom and can make it our bitch to provide ourselves with heat, light, and more.

We live in a future that is unlike what most people in human history could even dream of, and that's just the technology side of it.

Life is good for me, and I'm very thankful for it.

>> No.3876977

>>everyone walks 10 miles a day
oops, forgot to make good on that one. Well I guess that explains our obesity problems.

>> No.3876981


You should read that.

>500 million people in america


>The american will be taller


>There will be no letters C, X, or Q

Quite inexcusable.

>Hot and cold air from spigots

Oh, i get it! it's like nostradamus and we have to interpret that they mean Air Conditioning! Do i get a gold star?

>No mosquitoes or flies

Boy, they were bad at biology back then.

>ready cooked meals will be bought.

Oh boy they got one. Too bad it's just mcdonalds.

>No foods will be exposed

Fruit still is, wax nonwithstanding.

>Coal will not be used for heating and cooking.

Nah, it'll just be the primary fuel source for the entire country. Hah.

>No street cars

Busses, now.


I'll give them that one.

>150mph trains

Not in america.

>Automobiles cheaper than horses


>> No.3876985

>Everybody will walk ten miles or be considered a weakling

Hah. could you imagine?

>to england in two days

Ah, how quaint.

>Military Airships

The Marvel Universe got it.

>Land battleships

Eh, could be tanks.

>There will be no wild animals

Working on that...

>man will see around the world..

But he cannot afford to travel there.

>Telephones around the world


>Grand opera telephoned

Became American Idol.

>Free university

HAH. i say again; HAH

>store purchase by tube

oh fuck, that would be awesome.

>vegetables grown by electricity.


And the last three are also wrong.

Thanks for the read though. it was entertaining. I'm reasonably certain that the many predictions we hear on this board will be as humorous to our children as this.

>> No.3876991

Who the fuck is Malthus?

Also you are clearly enjoying ignorance of other peoples plight. Plus our own personal future plight. There is very little else to add to your post.

>> No.3876995
File: 107 KB, 800x581, scientific balloon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well as far as used by scientists are concerned, scientific balloon flights are pretty common.

>> No.3877005


>500 million people in america


It said 350m-500m. Guess where we're at?

>The american will be taller


But that's true.

>Oh, i get it! it's like nostradamus and we have to interpret that they mean Air Conditioning! Do i get a gold star?

Hand the man for not knowing how ventilation was going to be developed? How hostile.
The spirit of the idea is kept solidly, with artificial heating and cooling on a building-wide scale.

>> No.3877011


In order to be a ship, it has to be manned. Juno and weather balloons don't count.

>> No.3877012

You don't know who Malthus is? I have a 2.1 GPA in a Floridan High School(18 year old senior before anyone gets uppity) and even I know who Malthus is.

>> No.3877030

according to google spaceship is defined as:
A spacecraft, esp. one controlled by a crew
Juno is controlled by a crew on the ground.

>> No.3877035


>It said 350m-500m. Guess where we're at?

I missed the 350m-500m and just saw the 500m. My bad, you're right.

>The american will be taller

I'm assuming they mean "taller than people in other countries" which isn't true. Iceland has the tallest people. http://www.disabled-world.com/artman/publish/height-chart.shtml

You really don't see how you're twisting and adding to the prediction? Like when people want to say that nostradamus predicted JFK's death but didn't know what a president was so he said king?

An air faucet is something that is used in labs, but not in the home. It's not the same.

>> No.3877042


Semantics much?


>> No.3877047

Read the text under the headings. It says Americans will be one to two inches taller, among other things.

>> No.3877049


Malthus, a guy who predicted the same doom and gloom you did, two centuries ago, if I recall correctly.

He predicted that, because food production increased in a linear fashion, while population growth was exponential, the world would soon starve itself to death.

As it turns out, he was exceptionally wrong. As technology improved, more and more food could be extracted from less and less land. The same kinds of developments continue today, and not just in the areas of food use. As we use a given material more and more, the efficiency with which we use it increases. As needs arise, solutions appear.

The future has its bumps, sure, but doomsayers have spoken out about resource scarcity all the time. You're free to be pessimistic if you like, but I'm gonna hold out hope.

>> No.3877062
File: 13 KB, 167x250, scientific balloon 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

son that's not a weather balloon, that's a scientific balloon. They fly above the weather. Scientific balloons do science, weather balloons report back weather data.

>> No.3877087
File: 45 KB, 500x557, nevada-tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pessimistfags everywhere

Always saying that it's not the future unless ALL the UPPER-BOUND predictions pan out.


>> No.3877115


>Pessimist: Expects the worst, and is pleasantly surprised from time to time.

>Optimist: Expects the best, and can only be disappointed.

Sure is better philosophy. Enjoy always being bummed out.

>> No.3877350

>Pessimist: Expects the worst, and when it doesn't happen, finds something to complain about even the best outcome.

Pessimistfags always claim that "pleasantly surprised"-stuff to legitimize themselves, but I've never seen a pessimistfag that was proven totally wrong in the best possible way who STILL couldn't find something to complain about.

>> No.3877637

How crowded must a city be for that to be feasible?

Even if it's just for the downtown area specifically, an entire layer for pedestrians over a dozen blocks sounds awesome, i.e. maybe we can actually have green in a city for once.

>> No.3877679 [DELETED] 


Or you could stop being a child and not be a pessimist or an optimist.

>> No.3877712


>> No.3877713

So people being optimists and pessimist in addition to other kinds is childish?

Now THAT kind of sentiment truly is childish.

In all the greatest minds you can think of, there have been realists, pessimists, optimists, nihilists and others.

While I automatically believe optimism to be superior (and being diametrically opposed, pessimism as being inferior), I know that it takes all kinds.

>> No.3877726


It is childish.

Hope is one thing, expectation is another.

>> No.3877776


Also I'm just trolling at this point, really. I apologise as you seem like a cool guy.