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3875290 No.3875290 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw when an engineer at work wants to be called Doctor because he has a phd

lol I laugh hard when he implied this. I called him a faggot and told him to gtfo my office.(im a facility supervisor)

>> No.3875318

>not a doctor

>> No.3875317
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>> No.3875334

That is not the issue. I think Op was disgusted at the arrogance of demanding that his Ph.D be recognised and he be addressed as 'Doctor' in normal everyday conversation where that fact is largely irrelevant.

>> No.3875343

At least he deserves the title unlike MDs.

>> No.3875347


>> No.3875353

Have college professor we just call professor. At the end of the year he tells us he has to go to a thesis thing. The class is like good like hope you do well. Prof says lol no I already have a phd.

never asked to be called doctor. PHD may make you a doctor but only unsecure peeps will demand to be called doctor

>> No.3875356
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and DOs arent real doctors either

>> No.3875357

"Doctor" who will never contribute to his field detected.

>> No.3875358

But he is a doctor... he has a PhD. If you are refering to him as Mr. Soandso, he is right to correct you. Though if you go by first name basis and he is asking you to call him doctor, that is a bit strange. It is his title though. It is not an unreasonable request.

>> No.3875367

that little faggot has no right to correct anybody. He may have a phd but he is a shit worker and therefore gets no respect from me or any of the other workers. The only people he impresses are our engineers who are grad students and they're shit workers too.

>> No.3875376
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>> No.3875377

>glorified secretary mad that someone has some real qualifications

>> No.3875382

How well he works doesnt change his title. He earned a PhD, let him have his title. If he isnt working well, take that up with him or his manager. The two dont have anything to do with each other.

>> No.3875391

he has the right if you aren't addressing him properly. it's a place of work, and you should show proper respect to those who are more accomplished than you.

>> No.3875396

If it was in the format:
"Aw, James, could you—"
"JAMES? Call me doctor!"
Then it's certainly narcissistic, but if he just wants to be referred to as "Dr" rather than "Mr" then I'm behind him.

>> No.3875401

salute the rank not the man man

>> No.3875402

Give me your number, honey.

>> No.3875409

this thread is hilarious. I will never ever call him a doctor and neither will my workers. His own fucking boss doesn't call him a doctor. Shit I don't even call his boss a doctor(his boss has a phd in chemical engineering) either and we have never had problems. Sorry kids but in the real world no one gives a shit about you're academic achievements.

>> No.3875420

This is actually true, no one values education in Amerikkka.

>> No.3875424

I think you're just upset that he's a doctor and you're not.

>> No.3875429
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>> No.3875430

I think he's the one who is upset that no one at work calls him doctor. lol what faggot

>> No.3875433

He is a doctor and should be adressed as such unless the person adressing him is familiar enough with him that it would be acceptable to adress him by his first name.

>> No.3875436
File: 1.89 MB, 270x152, Fuckthisthreadimout.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're both faggots for being so hung up on stupid shit.

>> No.3875438

At the end of the day, he has a phd and you don't. The jealousy bothers you so much that you have to vent on anonymous imageboard

>> No.3875441

>i have a phd
>doing interviews for my company
>only candidates who get the job call me doctor

>> No.3875439

> real world no one gives a shit about you're academic achievements
Oh you, America. No wonder you're failing so hard.

>> No.3875445

itt:kiddies who have never had a real job

>> No.3875448

anyone else get upset that too many people call each other by there first names? It seems like lately only telemarketers speak properly.

>> No.3875453

In my experience as a university student, professors who insist on being called doctor are terrible and professors who prefer to use their first names are excellent.

>> No.3875457

all official documentation which asks for your name has a choice between mr/ms/mrs/dr

it's a title

be glad you don't live in germany where having a diplom (equivilent of ~bachelors/masters) makes you a dipl-___.

i.e. engineers are "dipl-engineer ficker"

>> No.3875465

What a beautiful language.

Seriously though I love German. Atomfraft? That is hilarious

>> No.3875473

I've had telemarketers call me by my first name before.

>> No.3875478

> diplom (equivilent of ~bachelors/masters)
Something tells me you think diplom, bachelor and master are equivalent to each other.

>> No.3875498

german universities used to have either diplom (FH), Diplom, or Doctorate

Now they are going to the Bologna process to bachelors/masters/doctorate

since doctorate is the same, the diplom is sort of the combination of the bachelors/masters, im not sure how they are doing it exactly

>> No.3875505

>>3875353Have college professor we just call professor. At the end of the year he tells us he has to go to a thesis thing. The class is like good like hope you do well. Prof says lol no I already have a phd.
>never asked to be called doctor. PHD may make you a doctor but only unsecure peeps will demand to be called doctor

Why do Americans think a Ph.D. is a higher title than Professor, what the fuck.

>> No.3875568


I didnt mean it as a rule, but generally it is the last bastion of last name usage. Outside of kids addressing adults.

I guess the military does too.

>> No.3875597

for some reason they also refer to lecturers as professors, sometimes even in high school.

>> No.3875608

this is the most butthurt thread I've seen in a while. protip - someone doesn't have to earn your respect for you to address they properly, you have to earn their respect to call them anything else. welcome to the world of grown ups.

> my workers
this guy definitely isn't 12.

>> No.3875644

This, OP is fucking stupid.

>> No.3875667

For all of you kids that haven't actually spent any time inside academia (merely attending college doesn't count, btw), the convention within academic circles in the US is that unless you're a medical doctor or a researcher in a field directly linked to medicing, actually using the title Doctor makes you a MASSIVE douche.

>> No.3875670

Should be 'medicine', clearly. Sorry for the typo (because I know some of you jackoffs will jump on it).

>> No.3875671

never, ever heard of this.

>> No.3875674

i've been to conventions and they introduce the speakers as "dr. ____" and they hold PhD's in physics/etc

>> No.3875679


Uh...no, we don't.

"Professor" in the US is different from, say, "Professor" in the UK. We don't really use "lecturer" all that often - you're an assistant professor, associate professor, or professor. "Lecturers" in the US are generally those who are giving a lecture but are not actually faculty at the college or university in question. But I've NEVER heard of an American high school teacher being called "professor".

>> No.3875681

I address people with PhDs as doctor, unless I am told otherwise.

>> No.3875685

Referring to someone else as "Dr.", especially when introducing them, and referring to YOURSELF as "Dr." are two wildly different things. The first is polite and cautious. The second is being a pompous ass.

>> No.3875688

this is true but it's better to look like a douche than it is to insult someone. just like in the rest of the working world you start formal and if they correct you fine. it may make you sound like a cowering undergrad but its the polite thing to do.

>> No.3875701

>be in Italy
>Dottore, Dottore everywhere.

>> No.3875704

i have herd high school students say that hence the "sometimes", so you can shove your caps lock up your ass. but yes here to a professorship is a position not a default title but most places don't bother with assistant professor and all that. so generally the term lecturer is used but you here on here a lot people saying "my professor" which over here sounds as stupid as "my doctor".

>> No.3875729

What poorfag shit do you live in where no one has doctors?

>> No.3875941

>actually using the title Doctor makes you a MASSIVE douche.

My understanding was that while introducing yourself as "Doctor Anon" is considered pompous, not using another person's proper title is unforgivably rude. Do they really not use each others titles at all?