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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 23 KB, 284x361, Pinky_has_a_chip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3873972 No.3873972 [Reply] [Original]

Matti Mintz of the university of Tel-Aviv and his team succeeded in conditionning blinking in a rat in which they had replaced the cerebellum connexions with a chip.

Without the cerebellum and the chip, they weren't able to do the conditionning, but they were able to do so when they wired the chip to the brain.

My question is this: where do I find that god damn study (free or not, I don't care)? It's quite recent since it was released in late september of this year. The only thing I found was the presentation of one of the searchers at the SENS Foundation. Do you think it's the only thing?

Pic related. It's Pinky catching on the Brain.

>> No.3874032


>> No.3874072

>No flying cars, biology still considered hard science, etc. Freaking /sci/

>> No.3874090

google it you retarded faggot

>> No.3874141

Wow, didn't think of that. Thanks, man. That wasn't obviously the first thing I did along with looking on Nature, the site of the searchers, PubMed, Cairn, Google scholar, various other sites.

>Look at me! I'm behind a monitor hence I can curse and be uselessly vulgar.

>> No.3874195


>> No.3874210

Could be another step towards transhumanism... just saying...

>> No.3874346

For goodness' sake.

You post in threads like "what is the function of y=x^2", ">that feel when you are the smartest kid in your class", "Should I choose between maths or chemistry" and "Why do we STILL use oil/coal" but not to this?

*grumble grumble* darn /sci/ *grumble grumble*

>> No.3874353

Sounds like /sci/. What's wrong?

>> No.3874364

Google'd it for you, didn't find anything. Sorry.


Only this, but I doubt that's the one.

>> No.3874365

Try Google Scholar, or http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/

>> No.3874379

Thanks, but it wasn't this, althought his other researches are also interesting.

Also thank you.

>> No.3874441
File: 28 KB, 195x264, asdfasdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found your paper but I am not gonna give it to you cause you are a whiny bitch.

>> No.3874460

This isn't what you're looking for, but it's close.

I remember what you're talking about; we had threads on it here. Can't find it though.

>> No.3874462



>> No.3874491
File: 64 KB, 505x395, asdffdsawe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I should have been meaner and just posted this screenshot

>> No.3874928

Not OP but also interested in the journal (I fell asleep waiting). I think you sound adorable and thanks for finding the journal and prompting the ever-non-shitposting tripfag Scientist to find it too. =]

>> No.3874951

shit man, they replaced that rat's cerebellum with matlab. MATLAB FTW!

>> No.3875130


OP here, thanks a lot guys. It's really appreciated. To the guy who found it, may I ask how you find it? Did you use a particular motor research?

>> No.3875184

Bump for ignorance.

>> No.3875220

Not him but what the fuck, doesn't your uni teach you how to search databases?
>Not using EBSCOhost to find research articles

>> No.3875241

Thanks for the tip. I just had trouble with that study in particular.

By the way, stop being a jerk just because you are behind a monitor.