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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3869408 No.3869408 [Reply] [Original]

/an/ sucks.

What are scientist's pets?

Mine is starting his day right now, lazy thing.

He's a Varanus acanthurus acanthurus monitor lizard. Though small, he's like a miniature komodo dragon. He's among the smartest reptiles on Earth and is a relative of the fearsome mosasaurs.

When hunting, he never doubles back on his trail.
His eyesight is superb, the avian eyes are impressive. Though it's purely emotional, it's not difficult to imagine there is thought behind them.
His teeth are sharp, as are his claws. I've seen him claw a thawed mouse's entrails out.
He's fast, as is his metabolism. His is the only genus of lizard capable of breathing while running, as his throat acts as a bellows.
He can associate target feeding colors with different food items, which is very impressive to me.

Share your scientific pets.

>> No.3870066

Sorry only vermin in my presence.. Perhaps one day i'll clean up

>> No.3870081

I let spiders invade my house, if that count.
(not living in Australia of course, would be suicidary.)

>> No.3870094
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Thid is my cat

>> No.3870102

fish. I want a mouse, someday.

>> No.3870114

We had fish, but then one at the others so now we just have a fish

>> No.3870117

Two goldfish.

>> No.3870140
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Though I don't let him eat pests, the monitor would make a positively beastly pest control system.

Spiders aren't a worry for me. I released a pair of these guys on my porch. I'm pretty sure one of them is running around in the house too. I rarely see insects thanks to my reptilian pest patrol.

Severely allergic to cats, I can't stand them. I once met a bengal cat though, that thing was pretty damn awesome.

Fish are cool pets, what kind do you have? Saltwater, freshwater?

>> No.3870159


>> No.3870161

What makes a pet scientific?

Does it wear a tiny lab coat and tiny glasses?

>> No.3870165
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I would get some lizards, but it gets cold out here. Would be nice for when I run into these guys

>> No.3870169
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>World of Warcraft mousepad

>> No.3870172

Bought one of those $.25 feeder fish at Walmart to see how long it would live.

That was 14 years ago and she is still alive.

>> No.3870177


that mental image overloaded my adorable chipset

>> No.3870182

Well, mine was chosen on the basis of its evolutionary heritage, unique behavior, and generally interesting nature.

He's also used as a one animal experiment. I'm trying to enrich him through "intelligence tests" I've devised. So far, he's performing VERY well.

Scientifically speaking, he's a fine example of a fascinating genus of lizard.

>> No.3870188
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Just look at those eyes. I can't help but feel that there's something afoot behind those eyes.

>> No.3870194

Damn... Where to start?

> 2 parrots (both know a few words)
> 2 dogs (one named Layka)
> 300 fishes in my lake
> 2 male ducks, both 6 year old. Probably the oldest ducks in my country because they are killed when 3 months old for food
> 6 cats
> 3 chickens (also very old)
I think that's it :)

>> No.3870217
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I've always wanted a lake. Maybe it's a stupid dream but I want to buy property somewhere with an appropriate climate and have a big artificial lake dug out.
Once completed, I want the lake lined with the appropriate minerals (quarried elsewhere) and filled from an aquifer.
I want some kind of tunnel dug out to reach the lake from underground. It'd lead to an acrylic dome with some chairs, a small "tray bar", and a humidor.
Then, I want to stock it with Malawi cichlids and other interesting odds and ends.

Instant giant aquarium. It'd also be fun to dive a lake like that.

What kind of parrots do you have?

My other two pets. Adorable, right?

>> No.3870215

O, one more thing. My ducks are gay, Or, were gay. Not they are too old to jump on one another. They can barely walk not

>> No.3870245


Damn, nice frogs. I have a few in my lake, but not nearly so exotic :) How much did they cost?

I have tiger parrots. I don't know if that's their name, we call them like that here. I had a parrot who knew pretty complex words like: pticicica (little bird), zabicica (little frog), dodi, dodi, Kico (Come here Kico) That was his name. He knew a few more... He passed away a year ago.

>> No.3870255
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Right here

>> No.3870260

Sorry to hear it. My parents have an African Grey Congo. He's... insanely smart.

He made my dad's pager (back in the day) sound and would mimic it exactly to get his attention. Similarly for mom. These days, he mimics their ringtones to get their attention.
He'd call the dogs then laugh in mom's voice, avian trolling.
Their favorite hobby is to give it a thimble of booze (he loves scotch the most) and let him be the life of the party.

The frogs cost me $60 USD each. They've since laid me two clutches of tadpoles, so they've paid for themselves. Keeping them is surprisingly easy. If you're interested, look into care of the Dendrobates azureus poison dart frog. Do your homework, set up a proper habitat, and they're not that difficult to keep.

>> No.3870265

Your cat looks like a bro, bro.

>> No.3870298

She is pretty chill

>> No.3870306

I plan to buy a Congo when I get out of college debt. African Congo's cost 1500$ here in Croatia. I don't have 15$ and I barely can feed myself and my pets.

>> No.3870327

Awww, sorry bro. Depending on where you live in Croatia, I have a business opportunity for you. You could set up a resort on that property of yours (you have to have a lot of property, given that you have a lake).

Croatia's a beautiful place, depending on where you are, people would pay a lot of money to hang out there.

>> No.3870340
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This guy's pretty chill too.

>> No.3870394
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His name is Erwin.

>> No.3870455

I live in Donja Stubica, a small town. Population: 5000
I have a lake, well... It's not big. Diameter of 15 meters. Maybe a little bit more. People here don't really love animals or science. Croatia is a nice place to live in. Very nice nature but that's about it. Our government is composed by idiots, every Croat that is born is in debt over 10000$. Education system sucks. I wanted to study astronomy, but we don't have that kind of college here. I was supposed to study physics for 3 years, then astrophysics the las two but I gave up. I wouldn't be able to find a job here with that major so I study geology and I probably won't find a job with that either. There is no job for a scientist here since Tesla... and he was a Serb. I wish I live in US.

>> No.3870513

It's not science related, but you can always try to work as some kind of NATO liaison. Croatia is modernizing its equipment and military to integrate with NATO and there are certainly plenty of American weapons companies that would love to have you.

>> No.3870532

Yea... I don't really want to work with anything related to weapons. Maybe if that's my only option left.

How come you know so much about Croatia?

>> No.3870538

I went to a... unique high school. I knew a guy from Croatia and as an American, it's generally in my interests to know everything I can about everybody else.

>> No.3870539

I have a catcow but I had to leave him with my parents when I moved into the dorms. I just realized I'm a terrible person for not having any pictures of him on my computer =(

>> No.3870545
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Silkies all the way

>> No.3870553
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posting finnish spitz puppy cause their the best dog

>> No.3870576

I had an aquarium once, with several different types of fish. Then my parents got me a surprise present for christmas, a piranha, and I only had one fish left. Then the crazy bugger jumped out through a hole in the glass that should have been too small for it and died during the night.