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3862735 No.3862735 [Reply] [Original]

>Take Philosophy as elective
>Go to tutorial
>Topic of discussion: religion and God
>Everybody says how God is necessary to create the universe and other pro-religious propaganda
>Take notes of entire discussion, keeping quiet.
>With 5 minutes left I intervene, TA lets me because I haven't talked the whole time
>Using notes I am able to dismantle every argument that was made.
>With about 30 seconds left some bitch says I deserve to go to Hell.
>Before I can respond everybody starts talking but nothing gets discussed because everybody wants to leave. Some closet atheists even show up.
>face I made to the TA

Next class should be interesting

>> No.3862742


First year?
Admitting to any supernatural or religious belief is social suicide in any of my philosophy classes.
I found that most were weeded out of first year

>> No.3862754 [DELETED] 
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make sure to fill us in next class

>> No.3862756

>go to philosophy class
>topic is religion

only in america

>> No.3862762
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Fuck yea! Rot in the ground! This all happened for no reason because I'm a virgin who's father beat him with a belt buckle if I brought home a C one time!

Oh god fuck you guys

>> No.3862766

Yeah, I need the arts electives, and since philosophy is based on just logic and argument it is ironically closer to science than most other arts.

>> No.3862776 [DELETED] 


Good lord man, you must set up some sort of livestream for your next class.

>> No.3862780


Given that this is a science board, it's probably a 100 or 200 level philosophy course taken to satisfy gen ed requirements. The kind where the kind of people who believe that their philosophical prattle is meaningful and that all of their beliefs are rational despite all evidence contradicting both of those claims.

>> No.3862787


It's a damn shame so many derps tarnish philosophy.

Philosophy (the love of wisdom) is VERY related to science (the love of knowledge). Just philosophy is so broad it also houses fuckwits and gits.

>> No.3862793


Sorry, that should say pseudophilosophical prattle. Firefox's spell check must not have liked it.

>> No.3862896

In recent years, the 'scourge of athiesm' has spread across religions worldwide. They meet in church basements and talk about us. They then fan out across the globe and post on message boards, youtube vids, write on bathroom walls and, especially, join philosophy courses. To some degree this has always been happening but there has been a serious uptick in recent years.

>> No.3862898
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>expecting intelligent debates in a introductory level philosophy class

>> No.3862913

i never said that but thanks for the bump i guess

>> No.3862931

>only in america

boy it's getting late if you people are out
waht the fukc time is it even?

OP tell us some stories about shit you said and the morons who cried when you said it
especially that bitch who says you should go to hell

>> No.3862932

i was op somewhere else, I apologize...

>> No.3862935

I've got the same thing going on right now, but I really don't care enough to intervene. Plus I'm fucking horrible at thinking quickly. There's a few muslim guys in the class that take it way too seriously, too. The instructor is hindu, though, which I suppose is among the most neutral of beliefs on the subject. I don't see how you could teach philosophy if you have strong religious beliefs, as in christianity and islam.

>> No.3862950
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>required 100 philosophy class
>teaches logic, fallacies & argumentation

I don't want to sound too full of myself, but I was fairly surprised just how retarded most college students are. Believing in god & thinking capitalism is a sin because Micheal Moore told them so.

>> No.3862965

A philosophy class or a class in an American college/university ...

Pick one because you can't have both.

>> No.3862966
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You're still a fuckin GDI

>> No.3862982

man, when I first got to college I realized that some people couldn't even read. No joke. They would be asked to read aloud and they would crawl their way through a sentence and get hung up on fancy words like "theoretically."

>> No.3862989


sucks taking remedial english at a community college right?

>> No.3863006

that's funny.

but I wouldn't waste my time or money at a community college.