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3862228 No.3862228 [Reply] [Original]

The Senate Appropriations Committee recently proposed to reduce the fiscal year (FY) 2012 budgets for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) by $190 million and the National Science Foundation (NSF) by $162 million below the current levels. Thankfully the House has proposed a $1 billion increase for NIH and no cuts for NSF! It is important to strongly oppose the Senate’s devastating budget cuts and build support for the NIH increase recommended by the House. Congress needs to hear that message from you NOW.

Please go to http://capwiz.com/faseb/issues/alert/?alertid=54229811 to email your Senators today and urge them to provide NIH and NSF with the higher funding levels approved by the House in the final FY 2012 appropriations agreement. Also urge your Representative to support the proposed NIH funding increase. Together, we can make a difference for science!

It’s really easy and only takes 1 minute.

>> No.3862261
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Did this earlier today

>> No.3862266

Stopped reading at fiscal year
They're going to shorten the fiscal year? How many months will it be? 9?

>> No.3862290

Here's an idea. How about they triple the budgets of the NIH and NSF then get rid of 1% of the tax subsidies for coal and oil companies. The revenues will be hundreds of times larger than the expenses.

>> No.3862318


Stop being a communist. If we stopped supporting companies with strong representation in Washington, all the freedom would be gone.

Next you'll be saying that we should close loopholes to make corporations actually pay income tax before making largely meaningless adjustments to it.

>> No.3862319


No, the fiscal year BUDGET...

Patience: it's a virtue.

>> No.3862335
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>> No.3862405


Yeah dude, that's why we can't allow Obama a second term. Obamacare will take away the precious little remaining freedom. Every last Reagan of it.

>> No.3862421

Is that the United States customary system unit of freedom.

>> No.3862446


Technically yes, but it's more practical on a large scale. Kind of like a Coulomb. Subunits include Hayeks and Bushes. The superunit is the Rand.

There are 16 Bushes to a Hayek, 4387 Hayeks to a Reagan, and 52 Reagans to a Rand.

>> No.3862449

it's the standard unit of oppression of the masses.
just 5 regans is like russian gulag.

>> No.3862448

>United States
>still using customary units

Metric master race.

>> No.3862451


Clearly you're a communist nazi fascist.

>> No.3862458
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>not measuring in units of Locke

>> No.3862525
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>> No.3862535

I thought it was a measure of monetary power. We outspent the soviets by two regans causing the soviet's economy to collapse.

>> No.3862558


Monetary power is a side effect of freedom. We outspent the ruskies by two Regans, but it is still a unit of freedom there. We outspent them by making ourselves two Regans freer with a bunch of nukes, the production of which fed back into the economy and increased our monetary power. You might like to think of it like pounds. We mostly use pounds to refer to weight, but that is just a very specific application of the pound, which is a unit of force.

>> No.3862564

America proved the world was more willing to let them be in debt than the russians.

It's kinda retarded logic.

>> No.3862605


It's because the world knew the couldn't trust the commies.

Seriously though, it's probably because we export and import WAY more goods from foreign countries than the USSR did. Well, actually, that's a lie in the strictest sense, but I don't consider the satellite states to be separate nation states for any practical consideration. So basically the Soviet Union collapsing didn't really affect too many nations that weren't flat out under soviet control. Certainly none that were economically powerful. Whereas the US going under completely would be catastrophic for the global economy. At least for right now.

>> No.3862677
File: 36 KB, 1600x1600, aperture_science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody actually done this? Or are you all just sitting here debating politics? What is there to think about? Do it!

>> No.3863087

Are you demanding that I do it? Too bad I have 2 Reagans and 3487.5 Hayeks of Freedom. More than enough freedom to not email my senator.