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3855612 No.3855612 [Reply] [Original]

>The Wall Street Protests
>People want to be taxed less and put more taxes on corporations

I thought it economy didn't work like this. Wouldn't the corporations start cutting jobs because of higher taxes?

>> No.3855622

I don't think the people protesting Wall St. really know what they want. And when they do, it becomes readily apparent that they're not really thinking about how feasible it is.

>> No.3855619

The people protesting at Wall Street are a bunch of philosophy and psychology majors who can't find work.

>> No.3855632
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It's a general protest against capitalism.

>mfw they don't realize that capitalism is the reason America is so much better than other countries

>> No.3855635

No seriously what the fuck are the protest about?

>> No.3855636

>Wall Street Protests

This is no populist movement; the presence of spoiled college and grad students with union thugs makes clear this is an attempt to create a counter-Tea Party to try to reelect Obama (if they were really concerned about the state of the nation, they would be protesting at the White House, Depression-central). Problem is: these ain't the "people," and I guarantee that middle and moderate America is not going to be impressed with this conglomeration of self-indulgent Leftists and losers (those interviews with the Lady Gaga generation don't help) Notice how the media is now breathlessly reporting this silliness? Where was all that coverage when it was a real populist movement, the Tea Party. The more they act up, the more real Americans will turn away in disgust. Write this down: America and its high standard of living was built by capitalists seeking a profit.

>> No.3855644
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When you samefag like this you are really only trolling yourself.

>> No.3855647

>I thought it economy didn't work like this. Wouldn't the corporations start cutting jobs because of higher taxes?

You seem to have neglected the consideration that most people are incomprehensibly stupid.

>> No.3855649
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>real populist movement
>Tea Party

>> No.3855652


So pretty much they are just protesting "to be cool". Like they really have no fucking idea what they are doing and just saying cool stuff like break the corporations

>> No.3855655

record breaking profits still cutting jobs.

>> No.3855656

have you seen their list of demands? They're ridiculous.

Shit like total debt forgiveness and free college education for everyone.

That would destroy the economy totally. The Great Depression would be nothing by comparison.

They're a bunch of hippies and fools who got together and wouldn't or couldn't select the best ideas, and their movement suffers for it.

>> No.3855657

I believe this is a direct protest of prime time television. Obviously without 24, Lost or Two and Half Men ...These protesters have nothing to left to do with their free time. Most of them are there to meet girls....and when they can't find them they'll go back to GameStop for Gears or War X

>> No.3855658

I marched down at Wall Street today. It was some intense and fun shit. I protested because I was against the government and believed what they were doing wasn't right.

>> No.3855665

Can anyone post the official platform if they have one?

Whatever one I saw on here before was beyond full retard.

>> No.3855667

Live pictures are being shown by international news stations. Getting quite a crowd now.

>> No.3855670
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>> No.3855673


>Against the government
>Protest Wall St.

This is the biggest jump in logic to me. Why protest Wall St if you really want to protest the government?

>> No.3855675

because wall street runs the government?

>> No.3855693

This is what some guy on facebook says:

You Want Demands Here They Are:
2. Do Not allow jobs that can be Held/Filled/Occupied in the US go Out of Country
3. Make Elections Publicly Funded.
4. Have Law Makers ONLY Write Laws and The People Vote (Quarterly) Yes or No on Laws wrote by Law Makers.
5. No More Electoral College
(A form of government in which people collectively make decisions for themselves, rather than having their political affairs decided by representatives. Direct democracy is classically termed "pure democracy".Depending on the particular system in use, it might entail passing executive motions, making laws, electing or dismissing officials and conducting trials.

>> No.3855692


No it doesn't. The government is elected by the people. You're the people that the government needs to convince to re-elect. Make it clear that things need to change, and the government will follow suit because they want to stay in power.

What do you think corporations care about your protest? I doubt any of you are shareholders, and I doubt the people who are actually care about the protest. You're not doing any good at all.

>> No.3855699

Kevin what you fail to see is the way the Fed Reserve has CONSTANTLY bailed out Wall Street/ big banks and FAVORED them with ARTIFICIALLY LOW INTEREST RATES FOR THE LAST SEVERAL DECADES, AT THE EXPENSE OF NORMAL SAVERS AND INVESTORS (THE SO-CALLED 99%)... Those on fixed-incomes like most senior citizens would be in that 99% of course as well. By holding the Fed Funds rate artificially low for years (e.g. after 9/11/2011, also adter 2007--- holding it near 0% from 2008 thru 2011 (its still at 0%)), this causes all interest rates in the economy--- or most interest rates--- to be lower than what they would normally be. WHEN THE FED SETS THE FED FUNDS RATE AT 0%, THAT IS PART OF WHAT CAUSES THE INTERESTS ON YOUR SAVINGS DEPOSITS TO BE ONLY 1 FREAKING PERCENT!! But the big banks get to BORROW AT THAT 0% FED FUNDS RATE FROM THE FED---- think of it---- a huge credit card which is at 0% LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL,,,, did you just say that WE are taking THEIR money?? tell that to all the new college grads who dont have jobs.... lololol 40% of 100 million still leaves you with 60 million. 0% of 0 leaves you with 0....

>> No.3855705
File: 147 KB, 453x332, tumblr_ljvlrioC3S1qc8e47o1_r1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2. Do Not allow jobs that can be Held/Filled/Occupied in the US go Out of Country
I'm not sure, are there any problems that this could make?

Err, mob rule? That would mean nuclear power plants would be decommissioned. NOPE.

>> No.3855710

> Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.
> Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.
> These demands will create so many jobs it will be completely impossible to fill them without an open borders policy.
> Trolling liberal idiots

>> No.3855713

>Wouldn't the corporations start cutting jobs because of higher taxes?
Well they sure as hell don't create jobs due to low taxes. Well, maybe in india and china but not in america.

>> No.3855715

To be fair, the US could subsidize state universities, we never will, but we could. College becoming more and more expensive is a bad thing in the long-term for us.
As to the no electoral college, why should we keep it around? The people SHOULD be the ones who decide the president, not some guys sitting around a table who are supposed to follow how we vote.

>> No.3855717
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>my face upon imagining a US run by the general population

>> No.3855720

>implying you guys aren't all brainwashed by the US government into thinking that they are the best
Seriously guys?

I thought you guys would be smarter than this.

>> No.3855723
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>mfw the government run by psychopathic billionaires.

>> No.3855728

How will their demands open up so many jobs?

>> No.3855730

People are idiots.

What was the original cause behind the protests is the fact that financial institutions effectively have enough control over the government that they can stop all meaningful attempts to regulate the industry and in fact pass bullshit and regulations that strengthen them rather than checking their practices.

However, now that they've been hijacked by ignorant hipsters it's just a bunch of leftist nutbags with no understanding of economics whining because they aren't rich.

>> No.3855737

>Wall street doesn't run government
>The government is elected by the people

Holy fuck. How can someone even think this. How can someone think this when politicians are beholden to the corporate lobbyists who pay the bills? When the corporate media decides who gets how much air time? When congress has time and time again voted against the will of the populace and for the interests of their corporate and financial overlords? Can you even remember 2008?

You are an ignoramus and I have nothing but contempt for you.

>> No.3855739

>change to direct democracy
>country grinds to a halt as 300 million people can't come to a consensus

Our country is too big for a DD.

>> No.3855746


>> No.3855750

Complete economy/government newfag here. Got some questions.

>How effective was Reagonomics?
>Does wealth really create jobs?
>If not, what creates jobs?

>> No.3855758

They won't.
Increasing the minimum wage to $20/hour will only cause companies to outsource jobs overseas if possible, or to increase the price of everything.
If anything, increasing wages artificially will just increase unemployment more. Europe has traditionally had a higher minimum wage, and, as a result, higher unemployment.

>> No.3855762

Reaganomics was completely successful at its goal of reopening the enormous gap between the rich and everyone else that had disappeared from WWII to the 70s.
Wealth doesn't create jobs, spending creates jobs.

>> No.3855765

Because everyone will want to work if they can get paid 20 bucks an hour for low-level shit like working at McDonalds.

>> No.3855763


This all sounds like common sense to me. Is there more to it? Like am I missing the exact reasoning/point behind these wall street protesters?

Or is it really baseless?

>> No.3855771

My politics teacher is a huge fan of Reagan and has told me that he boosted economy and create enormous amount of jobs.

>> No.3855784


Still confused here. What's wrong with the gap between the rich and the poor?

The rich worked hard to get there.

The poor are just lazy people.

(Maybe I'm must brainwashed from being raised in the South among super conservative people?)

>> No.3855805

>The rich worked hard to get there.
>The poor are just lazy people.

I agree. I know tons of rich people that worked two jobs at once to get where they are. No wait. It's the poor that can only afford their bills by working two jobs at once. Those lazy poor people.

>> No.3855806

>the rich worked hard to get there

>> No.3855807

Most of the rich didn't work that hard to get there, a lot of the poor did and if you think someone who makes 10 million a year writing algorithms to exploit the market deserves to make a thousand times as much money as some migrant worker who picks tomatoes in the sun for 12 hours a day during harvest season there is something seriously wrong with you.

>> No.3855816

Fuck guys. It's just that it made a lot of sense when I heard that people are rich got to where they deserved by working hard.

I mean medical, lawyer, and business schools aren't exactly easy.

>> No.3855831


Huh wow.

I just got done busting my ass in school so I can get a good job that'll pay a lot.

...and you want to help the faggots that slacked off in school and fucked around?

>> No.3855840

The vast majority of the rich got there by:

A) being born into inheritance
B) operating a large corporation, paid for by a loan, where the profit comes from exploitation of labor and the environment
C) Currency trading or other product-less occupation

"Doctors and lawyers" aren't the rich and they're not who the wallstreeters are protesting against. They're fucking chump change. The captains of the finance industry can literally wipe their ass with a doctors annual salary and not notice.

>> No.3855850

I got onto the topic with the rich and poor in the Reagonomics thing. Didn't meant to go off-topic.

Seriously though, why do we tax the higher class more?

>> No.3855851


But that's not who we're talking about. Notice we're fighting for the "middle class and poor." Middle class is what you will be making under 250k a year. The "gap is increasing" between the rich and middle class, pushing the middle class down into lower class.

>> No.3855860

Working hard meant they studied a few hours every day to get into a good college, studied hard in college while joining clubs relevant to their major. That is significantly easier than working with your hands for twelve hours a day in the fields with no union, benefits or quality pay check.

The rich generally worked harder earlier in life, much less later in life.

>> No.3855861

We don't.

>> No.3855862

Chances are, you'll be making six figures, not 8 or 9. Six figures is good. Six figures means you worked hard, applied yourself and are working a productive job, and you don't have to worry about not being able to buy a decent car or not getting to eat nice food or getting evicted because you can't pay your rent. I don't even fucking know what nine figures means because it's such an enormous amount of money that it's essentially meaningless and just "Really Big".

>> No.3855868


The poor means that the fucked around their entire life and are getting what they deserve.

>> No.3855874

The kids at these protests need to start learning some personal responsibility instead of blaming all of their problems on someone else. I mean, look at them. They look like a bunch of whining kids that have no idea how the real world works.

These kids wasted $50,000 on a useless degree learning the same shit that you can learn at a library for $5 in late fees, but they need to realize that Philosophy and Art are completely useless majors and are a waste of money. They need to deal with it, nobody forced them to go to school to study bullshit.

>> No.3855872

I know dude. My family was super conservative and I grew up spouting all the republican talking points, but looking back on it I realize I didn't know what the fuck I was talking about, and was only parroting my parents.

Thinking about it now, with what I hope is a clearer mind, its obvious that things need to change. One of which is the idea that smarter people are better people. Another is the idea poor people are lazy. Another, (and this, perhaps the most radical), that work is something you do to earn your keep so to speak, rather than just something that needs to be done. Unfortunately I don't see this ending unless it ends with a paradigm shift in the way we view wealth, money, and value (three separate things). In the near term, however, we need to drop the fucking red scare already cause its 2011 and there's absolutely no reason why the invisible hand can't work internally to a corporation as well as externally, no reason why we should be demonizing populist workers movements.

>> No.3855880

Look everyone, another fucking ignoramus, probably just finished his first semester as a physics undergrad.

>> No.3855881


Taxes are what you pay for the privileges offered to you in a given society. If you are a billionaire, paying an extra $1,000 a year that would otherwise sit in your bank is a much smaller proportion of your wealth than if you made ~$45,000/year and were taxed $1,000.

>> No.3855882

No, it generally means they aren't smart enough to make good choices consistently enough to make their lives not suck. If you honestly, seriously believe that people deserve to eat dog food and live in boxes because they don't have as much common sense, academic ability and parental support as you, well,

>> No.3855885

but they teased me in elementary and middle school.

>> No.3855887

>Implying they have any fault

herp derp wall street fucked the country and the youth must take responsibility and pay the bailouts

>> No.3855890

you are like a religious person talking about science.
god what a retard.

>the rich earned what they got
fucking lol

you all amerifats live by the dream of somehow be the 1% of your population that is really wealthy, totally retarded, you people live in a policial state with your rights shattered in the name of patriotism.

>> No.3855894


I agree with you. I slacked off in college, and am busting my ass in retail making $9/hr. My girlfriend worked exceptionally hard in college, and is making $14/hr to sit on her ass and watch youtube videos and take 2 hour lunch breaks.

I'm not saying I don't deserve it, but we both know I work much harder than her at our respective jobs.

>> No.3855900

Both are pathetic jobs.

>> No.3855908
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>> No.3855909


Correct. She hasn't graduated yet, that was her summer job.

Also I said job, not career faggot.

>> No.3855913
File: 10 KB, 170x254, 170px-March_on_Washington_edit[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare anyone protest for anything.

>> No.3855923

>Guaranteed living wage regardless of employment
>Free college
>more government spending
>forgive all debts
>this will create so many jobs!

>implying anyone would want to work if they get a living wage anyways.

America: where being lazy and irresponsible isn't just okay, it's encouraged.

>> No.3855939


So your girlfriend worked harder, earlier, and got a decent job out of it. That's the entire point of graduating, dipshit.

It means that she's reliable, and you're not. That's why you're working a shitty retail job that anyone could do.

>> No.3855948

we learned it from the eurofags

>> No.3855960

salary = (executional difficulty + educational difficulty) ^ demand

>> No.3855965

debt forgiveness is cheap when the people you're forgiving can't pay their debt :P