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File: 5 KB, 302x274, bailout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3847162 No.3847162 [Reply] [Original]

How come this was never big news? The US had a $16 TRILLION bailout from 2007-2010, not the stated $700 billion or so. For the record, our GDP is only 14 Trillion or so. A lot of this bailout money also went to foreign banks, which is illegal.


>> No.3847166

because almost all of it was paid back


>> No.3847169
File: 61 KB, 437x640, america5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 14 trillion

>> No.3847176

> 2011
> getting your economic and political news from www.womenborntranssexual.com

>> No.3847174


solid news source eh?

You wouldn't happen to be trans OP?

>> No.3847179

I was wondering the same thing, op. I figured these fringe websites were sensationalizing it somehow. I doubt mainstream media would miss it if it were significant.

>> No.3847184

I didn't know it was paid back. Can you link a source? It still appears to have been an illegal move, and if so extremely irresponsible.

>> No.3847189

I do love that image... and I'm American... unfortunately.

>> No.3847191

I thought it was a funny source so I had to post it. You can find a better article here:


And also directly on the GAO's (Government Accountability Office) webpage. The full document is somewhere there.

>> No.3847203

Also, this is from Asia Times


This is the actual report I believe.


>> No.3847212


I'd have to search through my phone's browser history. Google how much of that outlay was paid back.

>> No.3847213

Sorry, these are me:


I'm posting on multiple forums.

>> No.3847219

From what I've read, as of July 2011 they have not been paid back.

>> No.3847350

just stopping by
to say ron paul

>> No.3847394

>>hey disastisfied people, lets vote the next hitler into office, this will fix everything

god damn brain dead ron paul fags, hes a fucking creationist. anyone promoting him here is an ignorant baboon.

>> No.3847416

Every candidate for your election is creationist because you dumbass Amerifat's won't elect someone who isn't.

>> No.3847430


who cares if he is a creationist.

he'll say "if the state you live in wants to teach that they can...its not for the federal government to decide"

>> No.3847442

The Fed loans shitloads of money to major banks in times of economic collapse? Wow, that's sure news to me! It's not like that was the reason the Fed was created, is it?

>> No.3847446
File: 68 KB, 640x477, 1314668497514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude...dont worry about the money. Lets................................................................................................

>> No.3847447
File: 28 KB, 484x366, 12525352124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, as men of science, how would you propose we fix this shitfuckcunt of a country while still guarenteeing the freedom and liberties we have enjoyed in the past. Lets solve this paradox for humanity.

>> No.3847462

so the South turns into a set of little feudal theocracies?

Sounds like a great plan for a first world country to pursue

>> No.3847463
File: 1.90 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is he the next hitler?

he is not blaming a group of people for the mess (well a specific race). Dumb democrats (dumb for your economic view points) worship John Keynes like a god so it could be religious persecution.

>> No.3847466
File: 250 KB, 1024x768, 1308340644629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, as men of science, how would you propose we fix this shitfuckcunt of a country while still guarenteeing the freedom and liberties we have enjoyed in the past. Lets solve this paradox for humanity.

Join a new world kick ass order!??!!?!!?!?!?
I'll run it.

>> No.3847474

well dont have any state boarders then

amongst millions of people, there are going to be groups that have different ideas,

if one group doesnt support smoking pot for example and another group does, how does having a rule covering all the people make the majority of people happy?

would it not be better for one state to legalise it, and all the pot heads can live there and all the people against it can live in peace with out them and even you can say " if you like pot so much, go live in state X"

>> No.3847494

thats really stupid and youre stupid for thinking it
if slavery was legal in one state and illegal in another would you really say, well, if you dont like slavery you can go live in the state where its illegal

>> No.3847498

>>states are free to teach creationism in science classrooms if they want to
>>this is good
it is NOT.
it's straight up brainwashing, we would be using government resources for propagating their retarded RELIGION. its a violation of the FIRST AMENDMENT YOU RETARD.

>> No.3847501

First off dickwod. Im getting REALLY pissed at the way your spekaing in that manner of potheads. All we do is ask if you wanna hit and say no. We may constantly ask because we forget how lame people are but its cool. Its not like yull catch cancer by staring at a star.

>> No.3847518

>believes that people actually know who keynes is much less what he actually said
>believes that what he has been fed by faux news about keynesianism is actually what keynesian economists think

dude, do you even know what you are talking about? its so easy to spot you pretenders, stop making a fool of yourself.

>> No.3847520

Ok dude im all for rights..but couldnt it just be easier if the same ones were implimented with new ones?
Pfff brainwashing...you have NO idea what real brainwashing is.
The propaganda is the fallicitical way of forcing an idea through choice basing it off probability which doutivly leads to Faith.

>> No.3847535

Dumb Faggot!
you just contradicked your self in the arse

yes you can say if you dont like slavery, go live in another state, coz THE FUCKING SLAVE WOULD.

If you dont like different laws in different states, the why have different states. Riddle me that batman!!!

Higher levels of government should control higher level issues. You local council should not decide on whether to wage war with Iran. The federal government should not decide what is taught in schools.

If one state has 90% of population mormons, then by all means teach that shit, coz whats what the majority of people believe in that state. That should please democratic fags. Or dont teach any religion at all. Whatever, the point is its not that big of an issue which the federal government should decide on, so therefore does not matter than Ron Paul is a christfag

>> No.3847547

sorry for the bad inference.

i am a pot head btw. just using it as an example

>> No.3847551

yes, a guy who will be shot once he leaves the door will "leave and go to another state". do you know what slavery is?

then, its all fine and dandy if the parents want their children to believe what they believe, but that doesnt make it their right. the children have the right to an unbiased, top-notch education so they can freely chose as adults to abandon it.

>> No.3847555

it would be wasting the resources of that state that voted in people that wanted this

>> No.3847562

the point is that the constitution explicitly says that the government will not establish a religion
teaching creationist bullshit in government-run public schools sounds pretty fucking much like the government establishing religion
it is exactly the job of the federal government to keep states from doing shit like that
i actually do know a bit about constitutional law and if you want me to be technical i can explain it to you but you are high and do not seem very bright so i am aiming for your level

>> No.3847572

you are completely right, but that would leave the door open for private education which then could be as religious as it wants. this should be forbidden also.

>> No.3847584

look, the federal govt has the responsibility to ensure the constn is adhered to by all states.

drug laws, its not in the constitution so should be controlled by the states. letting the majority of people in that district decide. You cant say that bloke 1000 miles away smoking a blunt will affect me. Even if he does need to steal a TV to keep up his drug habit (note personally am a pot head so not judging) it wont affect the next state down, so why should the people in the first state decide on what the people in the next state can or cant do?

slavery is not constitutional, so of course, I would not condone the states legalising such.

Again, schools should be run by the states and the taxes collected in that state, so if people want spend all their resources teaching kids pink elephants fly, they can as it will only affect that state.

>> No.3847592

no, if someone wants to pay money to have their kid indoctrinated, by all means the government shouldnt stop them, if the kid is smart hell come to his senses eventually anyway, its only an issue when its the government using tax money for it

>> No.3847594

not high at the moment. only admit to having been so cant get on my horse about it.

yes "the government" cant propagate a religion, do you mean "the federal government". the state governemnts should be able to teach religion if its funded by the people in that state.

What is so wrong with the idea, that if states make these sorts of rules (teaches religion X, legalises pot, increases taxes to say 90%), then people will go "this state is awesome/shit" and people will move/leave there and depending on what they want.

if ur just going to have blanket rules for all states or all issues (not issue concerning the constitution), then why bother having states

>> No.3847597

So then the only answer to your question is a Logical Religion to call upon our own.
Maybe you should get started on Word...I wont peak.

>> No.3847600

how do the parents have the right to infringe on the rights of the child like this?

And more important to me as a utilitarian: how do they have the right to make their child into something that harms society instead of what it could have become: a benefit to it?

Children have the right to an unbiased education so they can make up their mind when they are adults. All else is slavery.

>> No.3847605

so 8-10% of americans are black hypothetically.
75% of Americans vote to abolish amendment 13.
Is this acceptable? should america allow this?
what is this shit do you people really believe just because we're a democracy we should turn our back on social liberalism?
who gives a shit what a bunch of inbred hicks want, if they want a state religion let the fuckers leave the USA because this country was founded in total opposition to that idea, and anyone who votes for it doesn't belong in the country(although not the same as just wanting it).

>> No.3847606

you shouldnt have to move states just because the government of one is fucking retarded

i recommend you do some serious reading on the fourteenth amendment and how it has been interpreted

in fact, im not going to have this debate with you, this debate has happened in the supreme court over the last century and a half and my side has repeatedly won out

>> No.3847609

or maybe we could just keep religion out of the fucking science curriculum, I gaurentee that will make any reasonable person happy no matter how much religious bullshit is fed to people outside of it.

>> No.3847613

Yeah, that's right bitches. But wait until the next conservative president gets into the house and crams that corporate dick even deeper into your anuses.

And if you want lube, that costs extra.

>> No.3847620

is saying there is no religion, a religion of sorts?

Is this constitutionally allowed?

>> No.3847625
File: 49 KB, 571x556, df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First World

>> No.3847627

your not being logical about the consideration of religion and science being connexted. gtfo sci

you sir are win

>> No.3847631

no, no its really not
is everyone in this thread high or somehting because i am a lot less high than i was and you people are fucking dumb

>> No.3847632

You get the fuck out, you stupid stoned son of a bitch.

>> No.3847634

Iro is high.

>> No.3847643

Back on topic, the 16 trillion is the amount of over night loans made to banks to cover the banks. In almost all cases that money was paid back the next day. This is a non issue.

>> No.3847650

what about the 14th exactly?

I am talking about "relatively important social issues but not issues against basic human rights"

again with the pot anaolgy...
so 10 % of the population would move state if some other state had it legalised.

Sure it would be preferable to them if they could stay and smoke week, but everybody benefits from states having different laws. The pot smoker can smoke his pot, and the first state doesnt have people breaking a law that is apparently important to them.

The GREAT thing about it is, if one state tries a bad idea, then the losses are confined to that state. Instead, if the fed does a bad idea, like mandating social security that anybody under the age of 50 wont even get coz its bankrupt, then it affects everybody.

Why should the entire country have to move coz the federal government has shitty ideas?

>> No.3847655

YOu see /sci/.
This is the influence you get when shit hits a fan.
Look at the vulgore language he his implimenting towards someone who cares. Go to /gore/ plz
more than yull ever no
once the topic is diverted..it stays diverted

>> No.3847674
File: 139 KB, 757x481, way over his head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit hits a fan
>he his
Reminds me of a thread we once had.

>> No.3847682

were you in that thread and did you say soemthing you only understood?

>> No.3847711


>> No.3847716

It's too much for me to figure out, but I'll just say this:

Do you believe people get to the top because they care the most about the wellbeing of the masses, or do they get to the top because they've tricked and out-witted everyone else?

Do you think they'd rather play fairly, or just lie and get even more money/power?

Do you think they'd want to empower the masses, or dumb them down to make them even more subservient, dependent, and less of a threat?

Is life really like the movies, where the good guy always wins in the end? Or is this just a fantasy that appeals to the masses?

Or maybe, all the corruption and deception has happened in the past, but only now has mankind progressed to a smarter public and more noble leaders?

Would you really chalk the actions of leaders up to "stupidity" when they are making billions and billions, especially under the table?

Which makes more sense?

The only way "evil" can triumph is to diguise itself as good. The only reason for anything to be kept a secret is for someone to get cheated.

>> No.3847724

ITT: No reputable source, just blog posts referencing blog posts.

>> No.3847726

you're totally right. now, do we want to live in such a world?

the question is, how do we fix it, make it better?

i only read this post, not the thread. sorry if this totally irrelevant.

>> No.3847747

What if the perfect moral being proclaimed it was zed solum val of duty to serve as the right hand of justice.
The reason power and secrects are kept is because...your human.
You are capable of destroying everything around you if you could.
What if guns were given to everyone upon completion of this system? The rule of it is: If i give you this power,knowledge,fire,science,religion. If you all had guns, would everyone feel safe around everyone?