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3842239 No.3842239 [Reply] [Original]

China overtakes the USA in scientific research - 2013
Cure for baldness - 2012
Teleportation of simple molecules - 2017

What do you think of these?

>> No.3842241

> China overtakes the USA in scientific research - 2013

> Cure for baldness - 2012
Also unlikely.

> Teleportation of simple molecules - 2017
Oh, get fucking serious!

>> No.3842244

No country is better than another country in ALL areas of scientific research. This depends on the specific research groups and where they set up shop.

You sir, are an ignoramus!

>> No.3842246

>China overtakes the USA in scientific research

Don't care, we need to start looking at the human race as a whole in the 21st century

>Cure for baldness - 2012


>Teleportation of simple molecules - 2017

Possible but not probable

>> No.3842256

Two years for China to stamp the culture of plagiarism out of its academia? I won't even comment on the other two.

>> No.3842262

OK here, all these are predicted by professionals and scientists.

Cure for was discovered 2 years ago, lrn2 ScienceDaily, its just it will be commerialized in 2012.

China number of scientific discoveries/papers/etc are rising, and it is projected that it will surpass US, thats hard facts.

As for teleportation, am not sure, i didn't comfirmed it.

>> No.3842266

Never gonna happen. Sorry.

>> No.3842271

Actually its already done.
Check google.

>> No.3842274

>China overtakes the USA in scientific research

Don't care, we need to start looking at the human race as a whole in the 21st century
>seriously, wtf are you saying? am just saying x country will have higher numbers of scientific researches and you're spouting shit about humanity.
Am not chinese or american, just saying that china is rising as a power.

>> No.3842280


>China number of scientific discoveries/papers/etc are rising, and it is projected that it will surpass US, thats hard facts.

Sure, producing mass amounts of paper is impressive, but many of these papers have already been published by other people in other countries. China's plagiarism issue hasn't gotten so out of hand it's fucking ridiculous. Students under pressure by peers and superiors results in many deciding to steal past work of others and pass it off as their own.

Apart from that... U.S. / Isreali / British military R&D is years ahead of China. I recall reading an article about U.S. having a present generation of stealth fighters that is almost a decade ahead of anything China has (as far as what is not behind closed doors).

>> No.3842281


>China's plagiarism issue has gotten***

>> No.3842283

China over take U.S. in research...it depends on the field and what you say is overtaken...money spent, number of patents, etc...that is a flawed way of putting something

Cure for baldness already invented it is called a wig.

Teleportation is more hassle then it would be worth. It would take up way to much energy to do and to many things can go wrong in the process. It is like the ideas of flying cars. They sound awesome and idiots want it but it is not practical. Would you want drunk drivers in flying cars. A normal fender bender accident would result in death (which would kill stupid people) but no self respecting business enterprise would be able to survive the first wave of legal suits.

>> No.3842286

all of these happened it's not futurism it's recent history

>> No.3842291

as a european, I dread this chinese overlords shit

americans, they're at least close to our cultural circle, they're a bit like us in some ways

chinese though hell nope I aint bowing and scraping to no yellow mothafucka

>> No.3842294

Says who dipshit? And things like cnn or huffington post are not on issues like this.

>> No.3842303

No seriously chinese are surpassing this decade in many ways the US.
Also in few decades China will become a democracy, and Europe full of muslims, but these muslims will turn to be atheist as well, just what happened to christian europe.

Also teleportation is old news.
We have teleported many times subatomic particles, but so far we havn't teleportated molecules.

Last year we accidentally found a substance that forces hair to grow, it was on an official site with references and all that jazz.

>> No.3842311

2012 - Economic growth remains sluggish in many markets | Euro 2012 is held in Poland and Ukraine | London hosts the Olympic Games | Completion of the International Space Station | Mars Science Laboratory explores the Red Planet | Windows 8 is released | Nintendo launches the Wii 2 | Brain-computer interfaces allowing the paralysed to walk again | A cure for baldness | World's first 1GW offshore wind farm | Mass hysteria grips the world as the Mayan calendar reaches the end of its current cycle

>> No.3842312


Alright, time to sage this bullshit troll thread.

>> No.3842314

>China overtakes the USA in scientific research - 2013
I'm not surprised.

>Cure for baldness - 2012
So fucking what. Though, I wish this is true.

>Teleportation of simple molecules - 2017
You know what 'T' stands for in Teleportation? Aliens.

>> No.3842316

2013 - Solar flares are disrupting Earth's magnetosphere | China overtakes the USA in scientific research | The Gaia mission is launched | 3D technologies are widespread | The first products to use memristor technology are becoming available | Full-body scanners are mandatory in US airports | Direct high-speed rail from London to Frankfurt and Amsterdam | The expansion of the Port of Rotterdam is completed, tripling its capacity | 14nm chips enter mass production | The 4G standard is finalised | The first test launch of the Falcon Heavy | India launches its second lunar exploration mission

>> No.3842321

And you know what will happen if the chinese try to surpass...nothing...it will be very similar to what happened in the 1980"s. Japan had stagflation and a very low birth rate. These economic and societal problems will fuck up the amount that chinese students are producing and it will switch again to a western country.. Most likely the U.S. but it could be a different country.

Moving a single subatomic particle does not make teleportation feasible

Baldness...I really don't know

>> No.3842325

There is no difference of saging and not posting at all.

In other words you are being a retard when you are posting.

Go sage any old thread you want, it wont get bumped down or anything.
If you're saying to show how "annoyed" you are then you're just a child, cause its totally meaningless.

Go post on your religion philosophy threads.

>> No.3842326

2014 - The IPCC releases its Fifth Assessment Report | The Internet has a greater reach than television | The new World Trade Center is completed | The Shanghai Tower is completed | Brazil hosts the FIFA World Cup | The Large Hadron Collider reaches its maximum operating power | The first solar aircraft to circumnavigate the globe | Completion of the Panama Canal expansion project | Personalised DNA sequencing for under $100 | Sony launches the PS4 | Terabyte SD cards are available | Robotic pack mules are entering military service | The MAVEN probe arrives at Mars | The Rosetta probe deploys its lander on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko | Most telephone calls are made via the Internet now | Increased automation in retail environments

>> No.3842331

I just said that china will surpass this decade, i know china has problem with demographics as well.
Am European, just fascinated with future changes/progress.

Also seriously whats about this denial about baldness cure, CHECK THE INTERNET.

You're denying somethign that can be confirmed with 2 clicks.
How unscientific.

>> No.3842333

2015-2019 - Global economic depression | Virtual Reality makes a comeback | Tigers are going extinct

2015 - The deadline for the Millennium Development Goals | Expo 2015 is held in Milan, Italy | The world's first fully sustainable, zero-carbon, zero-waste city | The world's first lunar tourist | A new generation of hi-tech supercarriers | The first large-scale solar updraft towers are operational | Queen Elizabeth II becomes the longest reigning monarch in British history | Lifesaver bottles are spreading to developing countries | The Carteret Islands are abandoned | 3D printing enters the consumer market | OLED screens are becoming widespread | 10nm chips enter mass production | Scientists resurrect the woolly mammoth| New Horizons arrives at Pluto | Dawn arrives at Ceres | Voyager I enters the heliopause

>> No.3842336

2016 - China passes the US in PPP | Euro 2016 is held in France | Rio de Janeiro hosts the Olympic Games | Apple Inc. achieves a market capitalisation of one trillion dollars | US vehicles are becoming more fuel-efficient | India's first manned space flight | The first hotel in space | The Juno probe arrives at Jupiter | Agricultural robots are appearing on farms | Laser guns are in naval use | Holographic versatile disc (HVD) supersedes Blu-ray | New drug delivery methods for brain-related conditions | A pill to prevent sunburn | Completion of the i5K project | The Strait of Messina Bridge is completed | China completes the largest environmental cleanup in its history | The East Side Access subway extension opens in New York | United States Presidential Election | The Gotthard Base Tunnel is completed

>> No.3842343

> China passes the US in PPP

The US is declining as a world power.
I think we should start learning chinese.

hur fur chion purrrr amidoinitrite?

>> No.3842345

2017 - The European Union has been expanded | Worsening crisis in Yemen | China establishes the largest megacity in the world | The world's first kilometre-high skyscraper | The world's first Floating Liquefied Natural Gas (FLNG) platform begins operations | The Nabucco gas pipeline is completed | India completes construction of the Dibang Dam | The M1A3 Abrams tank enters the battlefield | The remaining JFK files are released | Total solar eclipse in the US | China launches an unmanned sample return mission to the Moon | The first test flight of NASA's Space Launch System | Sales of electric and hybrid trucks reach 100,000 annually | Electronic paper is seeing widespread use | Traditional newspapers are becoming obsolete | Cosmetic surgery has doubled its market size | Portable medical lasers that seal wounds | Teleportation of simple molecules

>> No.3842348

2018 - A missile defence shield is deployed in Europe | The African Central Bank is established | The European Extremely Large Telescope is operational | The James Webb telescope is launched | Scientists drill into Earth's mantle | Ubiquitous internet nodes connect appliances, vehicles, etc. | Crossrail opens in London | The City Circle Line opens in Copenhagen | The Transbay Transit Center is completed in San Francisco | Robot insect spies are in military use | Russia hosts the FIFA World Cup | Consumer devices with 100 Gbit/s transfers | Anti-fat drugs are available | The last of Nigeria's rainforests have disappeared

>> No.3842362

Last of this decade:
2019 - Acute spinal injuries are fully treatable | The ITER experimental fusion reactor is switched on | Computers break the exaflop barrier | Bionic eyes are commercially available | Automated freight transport | The Aral Sea disappears from the map | Oil demand is outpacing supply by a significant margin

>> No.3842364

2020 - Internet use reaches 5 billion worldwide | Texting by thinking | Complex organ replacements grown from stem cells | Ultra High Definition Television (4320p) is available in domestic homes | Holographic TV is mainstream | Sweden becomes the first oil-free country | Public smoking is banned across every US state | Glacier National Park and other regions are becoming ice-free | Video games with truly lifelike CGI | Smart meters in every UK home

>> No.3842387

China sucks at science. They do almost no new research. But they have scientific paper farms where they pump out thousands upon thousands of rehashed scientific papers based on old research done by other countries. They call this "proof that their scientific programs are working". It's typical delusional chinese thinking.

>> No.3842391


>China will become a democracy,

>and muslims will turn to be atheist

hohohohohohohohohoh fucking do

>> No.3842392

Citation is in need

>> No.3842413

I studied these things more than anyone in the internet.
Am 100% of what am saying.

>> No.3842416

Hey, FUTURISM GENERAL guy. I'm new here, where'd all these things crop up? Just collated info from general internet research?

>> No.3842418

2021 - Global average temperatures have risen by 1°C | Water crisis in southwest USA | Mind reading technology is being deployed for security purposes | Fully reusable, single-stage-to-orbit spacecraft | Telecommuting is a standard flexible work option | Traditional microchips are reaching the limits of miniaturisation

>> No.3842420

You sure are new here.
Now back to /b/ newfriend.

>> No.3842423

2022 - Germany phases out nuclear energy | Qatar hosts the FIFA World Cup | Nanotech clothing enters the mass market | Tooth regeneration is transforming dental care | Piezoelectric nanowires are appearing in high-end products | Deafness is fully curable

2023 - Laser-driven fusion energy makes progress | Borneo’s rainforests have been wiped from the map | Gorillas are extinct in Central Africa | Turkey becomes self-sufficient in energy production | A permanent cure for migraine is available

>> No.3842421

There's no citation needed. Number of scientific papers published != quality or quantity of science done. That's just a fact.

>> No.3842425

>Brain-computer interfaces allowing the paralysed to walk again
I wish this could happen within a year but it won't.

>> No.3842426

I agree it doesnt equate.
I need citation cause you're saying that chinese DONT have quality, where is your proof?

If you say "history" then you clearly dont know anything.
China only now started being awesome in science.

>> No.3842430

2024 - The biggest refugee crisis in world history | Gay marriage is legal in every US state | African elephants are on the brink of extinction | A cure for the common cold is available for general public use | Completion of the Square Kilometre Array | Petabyte storage devices are available | The first probe to fly into the Sun's outer atmosphere

2025 - Human brain simulations are becoming possible | Medical nanobots are being developed | China's economy continues to boom | Vertical farms are appearing in cities | High speed rail networks are being expanded in many countries | Africa and the Middle East are linked by a trans-continental bridge | Progress with longevity extension | Stress and anxiety are reaching crisis levels

>> No.3842432


>> No.3842433

2025-2030 - The threat of bioterrorism is peaking

2026 - New treatments for Alzheimer’s disease | The cost per watt of solar PV has dropped to below $1 | Wireless electricity is ubiquitous | Rising sea levels are wreaking havoc on the Maldives | Construction of the Sagrada Família is complete | Contact with the Voyager probes is lost

2026-2029 - Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM)

2027 - The BRICs overtake the G7 nations | Carbon sequestration is underway in many nations

>> No.3842434







The ones from NPR and Nature are particularly damming. You could just use google.

>INB4 Biased western journals

I find it odd that people are so enamored with China becoming a world power when India is much better set up to do so.

>> No.3842435

2028 - The International Space Station is decommissioned | Printed electronics are ubiquitous |
UK population reaches 70m | Manned fighter planes are being phased out and replaced with UAVs | Amputees can regrow lost limbs

2029 - Human-like AI is becoming a reality | Heavy automation of supermarkets and retail environments | Intelligent advertising | Lake Chad disappears from the map | The wreck of the Titanic has decomposed

>> No.3842439

030 - Global population is reaching crisis point | The USA is declining as a world power | The majority of new vehicles are plug-in electric, or hybrids | AI is widespread | AIDS, cancer and a number of other diseases are becoming curable | India becomes the most populous country on Earth | Full weather modeling is perfected | Emerging job titles of today

2031 – Web 4.0 is transforming the Internet landscape | Stem cell pharmacies are commonplace |
Married couples are a minority | Chocolate has become a rare luxury

2032 - Manned mission to Mars | 4th generation nuclear power | Terabit internet speeds are commonplace

>> No.3842440
File: 57 KB, 329x352, 1317631644962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All i care about is 2015 - weed globally legalized.

Sick of the shady side of it, ive only been stopped once by fucking popo but they made me throw an 8th down the drain, they're pricks.

>> No.3842441

Biased Western Journals.

>> No.3842447

2033 - Hypersonic airliners are entering service | Holographic wall screens | IT's share of the US economy reaches 15% | Lung disease in China has killed over 80 million by now

2034 - Switzerland phases out nuclear energy | Exabyte storage devices are available

2035 - Turmoil in the Middle East | The Arctic is becoming ice-free during summer | Self-driving vehicles are widespread | Holographic recreations of dead people | Robots are dominating the battlefield | Artificially-grown meat is available to consumers

2035-2040 - The final collapse of the European Union

>> No.3842451


Interesting, you react as though this could be nothing other than a lie, which apparently leads you to not research the issue. As I pointed


the plagiarism issue in China is still very rampant.

>> No.3842448


That's not how it works. If China claims to be quality scientists where's their proof? You don't prove negatives.

>> No.3842453
File: 68 KB, 540x599, 1316032809581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit, its too ingrained in them from childhood, some are threatened death if they leave the faith, muslims are sick.

>> No.3842454

2036 - Alzheimer’s disease is fully curable | Bionic eyes surpassing human vision are available to private wealthy individuals | Detailed probing and mapping of the Kuiper Belt is underway

2037 - Quantum computers are widely available

2038 - Teleportation of complex organic molecules | The FIFA World Cup trophy is replaced

2039 - Full immersion virtual reality | Universal translators are ubiquitous | Nanotech fabrics are ubiquitous | Australia's national symbol, the Koala, faces extinction | US population reaches 400m | Extreme heatwaves are commonplace in the US

>> No.3842457
File: 44 KB, 350x392, 1316037151416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>copying the western world

Wait this is new? they normally do it on a smaller scale called bootlegging though i suppose.

>> No.3842458

Clearly you are unfamiliar with Christian history.

>> No.3842460

>>Brain-computer interfaces allowing the paralysed to walk again
>I wish this could happen within a year but it won't.
Wrong buddy. We have the technology now. The only issue is your definition of 'walking'.
If you mean 'cybernetically reconnecting the pieces of broken spine' then no.
If you mean "able to mentally control the motion of prosthetics" then yes.

>> No.3842462

2040 - Clean energy is widespread | Fusion power is nearing commercial availability | "Energy islands" are appearing in many coastal regions | Thought transfer is dominating personal communications worldwide | Ultra-personalised healthcare | Tobacco has been largely eradicated | Claytronics are revolutionising consumer products | Breakthroughs in carbon nanotube production | Global population reaches 8.5 bn

2041 - Global average temperatures have risen by 2°C

2042 - Nanotech robot swarms are the latest in military hi-tech | Manned missions to Phobos and Deimos | Floating hotels in the sky

>> No.3842465

>Alzheimer’s disease is fully curable
You are going way to optimistic.

>> No.3842466


1,000,000,000 AD - Earth is becoming too hot to support liquid water

3,000,000,000 AD - The Andromeda Galaxy has begun to collide and merge with our own Milky Way galaxy

5,000,000,000 AD - Sol is a red giant

12,000,000,000 AD - Sol is shrinking to become a black dwarf

100,000,000,000 AD - The Virgo Supercluster is converging into a single galaxy

1,000,000,000,000 AD - Star formation is declining in many galaxies

2,000,000,000,000 AD - Galaxies beyond the Local Supercluster are no longer visible

20,000,000,000,000 AD - Red dwarf stars are dying

>> No.3842469

>Floating hotels in the sky
Isn't that essentially what Venus colonization would boil down to?

>> No.3842471

2044 - The last veterans of WW2 are passing away

2045 - Humans are becoming intimately merged with machines | Global food and water shortages |
Gulf Coast cities are being abandoned due to super hurricanes

2045-2049 - China transitions towards a democracy | Major extinctions of animal and plant life

2047 - Fully autonomous, intelligent military aircraft

2048 - The Antarctic Treaty comes up for review | Reversible biostasis is available | The near-Earth asteroid 2007 VK184 makes a close pass

2049 - Robots are a common feature of homes and workplaces | The Dead Sea is drying up

>> No.3842472


There IS a difference, it's called +1 bump limit. Not like this thread will ever reach that limit or anything.

>> No.3842475

2050 - The World in 2050 | 45% of the Amazon rainforest has been destroyed | Wildfires have tripled in some regions; air quality and visibility is declining | Smaller, faster, hi-tech automobiles | Major advances in air travel comfort | Continent-wide "supergrids" provide much of the world's energy needs | One in five Europeans is a Muslim

2051 - Britain holds its centennial national exhibition

2052 - Hyper-fast crime scene analysis

2053 - Moore's Law reaches stunning new levels | Genetically engineered "designer babies" for the rich

2055 - The vast majority of countries are democratic | Traditional media have fragmented and diversified | Global population plateaus at 9 billion

>> No.3842488

waiting for more entertaining bullshit.
This is sounding more and more like the backstory for the original Deus Ex.

>> No.3842489


100,000,000,000,000 AD - The end of the stellar era

10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 AD - The degenerate era of the universe

000,000,000,000,000,000 AD - The black hole era of the universe

Beyond 10^100 - The dark era of the universe

The end.

>> No.3842493

2056 - Global average temperatures have risen by 3°C | Fully synthetic humans are becoming technically feasible

2057 - Computers reach another milestone | Handheld MRI scanners

2058 - Construction of a radio telescope on the Moon

2059 - The end of the oil age | Mars has a permanent human presence by now

>> No.3842496

2060 - Global mass migrations of refugees | Flood barriers erected in New York | Global extinction rates are peaking | An ageing population | Mining operations on the Moon

2061 - Halley's Comet returns | UK population reaches 80 million

2062 - Nanofabricators enter the consumer market

2064 - IT's share of the US economy reaches 20%

2065 - Longevity treatments that can halt aging | Self-assembling buildings made entirely from nanotech | Invisibility suits are in military use | Insurance crisis

2067 - Male and female salaries are reaching parity

2068 - A major landmark in the world of athletics

2069 - 100th anniversary of Apollo 11 | US population reaches half a billion

>> No.3842497

000,000,000,000,000,000 AD - The black hole era of the universe

>> No.3842499

There ya go.

>> No.3842503

2070 - Global average temperatures have risen by 4°C | Fusion power is widespread | Fully automated homes | Expansion of Moon bases

2072 - Picotechnology is becoming practical

2074 - The Green Wall of China is completed

2075 - The ozone layer has fully recovered | The Thames Barrier is upgraded

2076 - Unmanned probes to Sedna

2079 - Practical flying cars are entering the consumer market | Total solar eclipse in New York

>> No.3842506

2080 - Some humans are more non-biological than biological | Construction of a transatlantic tunnel | Polar bears face extinction | One in five lizard species are extinct | Deadly heatwaves plague Europe; traditional agriculture is decimated

2082 - The USA cedes territory to Mexico

2083 - Hyper-intelligent computers

2084 - Androids are entering law enforcement

2085 - Global currency | Macro-scale teleportation is achieved

2085-2089 - Manned exploration of the Jovian system

>> No.3842512

2090 - Religion is fading from European culture
2092 - West Antarctica is among the fastest growing areas in the world
2095 - Many of the world's languages are no longer in use | Manned exploration of the Saturnian system
2099 - Sea levels are wreaking havoc around the world | Over 80% of the Amazon rainforest has been lost

2100 - Extreme droughts are affecting nearly one-third of the planet | Human intelligence is being vastly amplified by AI | Nomadic floating cities are roaming the oceans | Super-typhoons have increased tenfold | The chemistry of Earth's oceans has been radically altered | Emperor Penguins face extinction
2110 - Terraforming of Mars is underway | Force fields are in military use | Femtoengineering is practical | Man-made control of earthquakes and tsunamis | Our solar system is passing through a million degree cloud of gas
2120 - Mind uploading enters mainstream society | The International Space Elevator is operational
2130 - Large-scale civilian settlement of the Moon is underway
2140 - A North American Union is taking shape | Teleportation of large stationary objects is possible

>> No.3842514

2150 - Interstellar travel is becoming possible | Androids physically indistinguishable from real humans | Hi-tech, automated cities

2151 - Total solar eclipse in London

2160 - Mass extinctions are levelling off | The world's first bicentenarians

2170 - The first kilometre-sized space station is complete

2180 - Antimatter power plants are coming online | Asteroid terrorism

2190 - Matter replication is available for the home | Global languages are becoming few in number now; education has been vastly accelerated | The West Antarctic ice sheet is beginning to disintegrate

>> No.3842520

2200 - The World in 2200 | Poverty, hunger and disease are being eradicated worldwide

2210 - A global rewilding effort is underway

2220 - Mind uploading is available to a multitude of platforms | The Light Year Array is operational

2230 - Antimatter-fueled starships

2240 - Christianity is fading from American culture

2250 - Humanity is becoming a Type 1 civilisation on the Kardashev scale

2260 - Accelerated development of the Solar System

2280 - Microbial life is confirmed on an exoplanet

>> No.3842524

2300 AD - Superhuman powers are available to common citizenry

2350 AD - Progress with Mars terraforming

2500 AD - Mars has been terraformed

2600 AD - Plastics and other waste products are disappearing from Earth's biosphere

2700 AD - Venus has been terraformed

2880 AD - The asteroid 1950 DA is passing very close to the Earth, possibly on a collision course

3000 AD - Purely biological humans are typically 7ft tall now, with lifespans of 120+

3100 AD - Humanity is becoming a Type 2 civilisation on the Kardashev scale

3500 AD - Polar reversal of the Earth | Construction of the Solar Ring has been completed

4000 AD - Computer science is reaching its ultimate potential

>> No.3842522
File: 130 KB, 1598x1226, ha IRL and ha jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you for real?

>> No.3842525

10,000-15,000 AD - The hypernova of Eta Carinae is affecting our region of the galaxy

22,000 AD - The Chernobyl disaster site becomes fully safe

30,000 AD - The first wave of sub-light vessels has reached the galactic core

35,000 AD - Ross 248 becomes the closest star to our Sun

42,000 AD - Voyager 1 is passing near the red dwarf star, AC+79 3888

52,000 AD - The KEO time capsule re-enters the Earth's atmosphere

100,000 AD - The red hypergiant star, VY Canis Majoris, has exploded by now, producing one of the largest supernovas the galaxy has ever seen

298,000 AD - Voyager 2 is approaching Sirius

>> No.3842526

1,000,000 AD - Planet-sized computers are dominating the Local Group; AI controls all government and other systems; the descendants of humanity are a Type 3 civilisation on the Kardashev scale

1,400,000 AD - The Oort Cloud is being disrupted by the approach of Gliese 710

2,000,000 AD - Pioneer 10 is approaching the Aldebaran system

4,000,000 AD - Pioneer 11 is approaching the Lambda Aquilae system

7,600,000 AD - Phobos is ripped apart by Mars' gravity

10,000,000 AD - T Pyxidis is threatening Earth with lethal levels of gamma radiation | Triton’s decaying orbit has led to it breaking up around Neptune, forming a new ring system

30,000,000 - 40,000,000 AD - At some point during this period, an asteroid 10-20 km in size comes on a direct collision course with Earth

50,000,000 AD - Africa merges with Europe, forming a new mountain range to rival the Himalayas

150,000,000 AD - The Atlantic Ocean begins to close

225,000,000 AD - Sol completes one galactic year

>> No.3842528

250,000,000 AD - A supercontinent is forming on Earth

600,000,000 AD - Total solar eclipses are no longer possible on Earth

750,000,000 AD - The Sagittarius dwarf galaxy has been absorbed into the larger Milky Way

1,000,000,000 AD - Earth is becoming too hot to support liquid water

3,000,000,000 AD - The Andromeda Galaxy has begun to collide and merge with our own Milky Way galaxy

5,000,000,000 AD - Sol is a red giant

12,000,000,000 AD - Sol is shrinking to become a black dwarf

>> No.3842532

100,000,000,000 AD - The Virgo Supercluster is converging into a single galaxy

1,000,000,000,000 AD - Star formation is declining in many galaxies

2,000,000,000,000 AD - Galaxies beyond the Local Supercluster are no longer visible

20,000,000,000,000 AD - Red dwarf stars are dying

100,000,000,000,000 AD - The end of the stellar era

10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 AD - The degenerate era of the universe

000,000,000,000,000,000 AD - The black hole era of the universe

Beyond 10100 - The dark era of the universe
The end, No future for you anymore.
Also, discuss.

>> No.3842535
File: 105 KB, 162x269, Andy Samberg is not impressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2058 - Construction of a radio telescope on the Moon

This way humans can be one lightsecond closer to whatever we are looking for witht he radio telescope.


>> No.3842536

>The end, No future for you anymore.
Pfft, like I give a shit that it's dark. I'll continue my life as normal.

>> No.3842539

2700 AD - Venus has been terraformed

Terraform the cunt all you want its still too close to the sun.

>> No.3842541

"Lol, right?
I mean just use your lamp people!"

>> No.3842542

>Theres probably a dozen super advanced civilizations in the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies that will stop them from colliding


>> No.3842544

Nah, your a cunt.
The point of a moon 'scope is so that there's no pesky atmosphere mucking things up.

>> No.3842547

>implying we won't be the most advanced by far at that point
I fully expect us to become the superpower of the universe.

>> No.3842550
File: 69 KB, 1600x1200, 1254450766308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, a substantial portion of scientific papers coming out of China the last several years have been either plagiarized or have simply reconfirmed existing scientific models.

Yeah, I could submit a paper redoing the derivations for Maxwell's equations... that doesn't mean I made a major fucking breakthrough in the study of electromagnetism.

>> No.3842553

>implying we wont figure how to stop the expansion of the universe.
Srsly if we do that the universe will be able to keep up forever.

>> No.3842557
File: 131 KB, 540x1473, chinapapers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.3842562

backside of the Moon is shielded from radio emissions from Earth.

>> No.3842572

did you just made it?

>> No.3842581

wtf thats smbc, you fool

>> No.3842588

sry master.

>> No.3842591

>mfw china will turn to democracy in 5 decades.

>> No.3842616

>22,000 AD - The Chernobyl disaster site becomes fully safe

Aww the bright future.

>> No.3842752

Is any of those true?

>> No.3843367


yep OP is a time traveller