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File: 547 KB, 1024x659, 2714489559_48f7316e70_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3841527 No.3841527 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of your goals...

We ca dream.

Well for me, I would want to build an apartment building and rent it out to people...

>> No.3841539

I want to study whales and their mental capacity. Any animal with spindle cells really.

More specifically, we're identifying human genes responsible for language. I want to splice these into whales.

>> No.3841556
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>white picket fence
>2.5 kids
Some dreams are just not meant to be...

>> No.3841572
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>Decent job as an astrophysicist, doing both observable and theoretical shit
>having a 30 minute drive to my job while i drive a mint conditioned jaguar e-type on open roads to and from
>having a wife that's attractive and i won't have to worry about cheating
>one cat and one dog that doesn't leave any hair around and their best buds and they go fuck other pets in the neighborhood and fuck shit up

A man can dream though, a man can dream.

>> No.3841577
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>> No.3841584


>implying i won't be a young handsom neiltysonricharddawkinscarlsaganlawrenkraussleonardsusskindstephenhawkingandrewwilesmichiokakurichar
dfeynman and make tons of money

>> No.3841624 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 136x159, 304120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy island
>IQ requirement to be part of community
>One massive building: Community apartment complex, research development section, roof is a relaxation lounge area
>Rail system for transportation

>General self-sustaining island to prove it can be done. No more money

>mfw only a dream

>> No.3841627

>leaving out brian cox
>including all the old/dead guys
nigga cox was an ex musician who got the bitches. IIRC some anon said cox stole his girlfriend. He be rollin in bitches and money.

>> No.3841636

>get phd in CS and astrophysics
>get wife who enjoys physics (I actually know a few who do)
>give some sort of presentation/lecture like all them famous scientists
I guess I can dream....

>> No.3841637

Sorry bud, you'll be living pretty modest as an astrophysicist.

>> No.3841640

>Physics research
>Minimal teaching
>Make enough for my half of the rent for a SanFran apartment with the hubbie.
>Maybe win the Nobel Prize, or the Field's Medal, or whatever predictably desirable achievement.
>>What the hell, this is a dream. I wanna be responsible for make FTL feasible. Also (effectively-) infinite energy, thereby ending all conflict, hunger, and scarcity.

>> No.3841644 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 330x357, feelsgoodman2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Become a billionaire
>Buy a large island in the Caribbean
>Build a nuclear plant, hotels, casinos, whorehouses, drug plantations (for side profit), and a giant research university
>Have no restrictions on scientific research; human experimentation allowed
>Suddenly all the brightest scientists, engineers, and students flock to this nation
>Prevent immigration of civilians by IQ: Only those with IQs above 135 may gain citizenship.
>mfw paradise on Earth

>> No.3841648

>need 135+ IQ to enter
>much much above average
enjoy the "nation" collapsing on itself

>> No.3841664
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>much much above average

That's only 2 SD above the mean.

>> No.3841667
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>> No.3841669

that's above a SD of 24 retard.

>> No.3841678

But IQ isn't a good general indication of intelligence.

And frankly, a society, let alone a state, needs low-IQ people to function. That's all there is to it.

>> No.3841685

IQ is very valid. It's also genetic. Which places greater demand for high IQ individuals to be part of the state, since they would establish families in the state.

>> No.3841692

Enjoy your Assburger Resort.

>> No.3841695

oh god what. Intelligence comes from neurons activating lots of times. The more certain neurons fire, the more "intelligent" you become in that certain skill. Just because 2 physicists have a child does not mean the child is intelligent.

>> No.3841696


>> No.3841698
File: 59 KB, 396x653, darwin4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

== Genetic Basis for Human Intelligence Confirmed ==
Genome-wide association studies establish that human intelligence is highly heritable and polygenic
Molecular Psychiatry; 9 August 2011; doi:10.1038/mp.2011.85

"Our results unequivocally confirm that a substantial proportion of individual differences in human intelligence is due to genetic variation, and are consistent with many genes of small effects underlying the additive genetic influences on intelligence."

"We estimate that 40% of the variation in crystallized-type intelligence and 51% of the variation in fluid-type intelligence between individuals is accounted for by linkage disequilibrium between genotyped common SNP markers and unknown causal variants."


== IQ Reflects Anatomical Brain Differences ==
Genetics of Brain Structure and Intelligence
Annu. Rev. Neuroscience; 2005. 28:1–23; doi: 10.1146/annurev.neuro.28.061604.135655

"Genetic influences on brain morphology and IQ are well studied. A variety of sophisticated brain-mapping approaches relating genetic influences on brain structure and intelligence establishes a regional distribution for this relationship that is consistent with behavioral studies. We highlight those studies that illustrate the complex cortical patterns associated with measures of cognitive ability. A measure of cognitive ability, known as g, has been shown highly heritable across many studies. We argue that these genetic links are partly mediated by brain structure that is likewise under strong genetic control."


>> No.3841701
File: 16 KB, 460x288, darwin3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

== A Review of Studies Demonstrating the Heritability of IQ ==
Genetic Influence on Human Psychological Traits
Current Directions in Psychological Science; August 2004 vol. 13 no. 4 148-151; doi: 10.1111/j.0963-7214.2004.00295.x

This meta-analysis of former studies records intelligence to have a heritability of 0.85 in adulthood, which is very significant. "These findings are consistent with those reported for the traits of other species and for many human physical traits, suggesting that they may represent a general biological phenomenon."


>> No.3841702

No, because that doesn't explain the differences between persons when it comes to learning.niz

>> No.3841703

brain size to "intelligence"

that's all they know.
nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.3841706
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>> No.3841708

>Implying all smart people are lazy.

>> No.3841710

You don't knwo how much a billion dollars really is, do you?
Beyond your wildest dream in personal terms, but really not that much in societies' transactions. Your 'giant research university' is going to cost $10-50 bn (Harvard has an endownment of ~$30bn, the highest currently in the world, I believe. Cambridge gets away with ~$7bn, because £100 went a long way in the 1200s. I assume 'giant' means capable of rivaling these kinds of institutions).

>> No.3841713

Where the fuck did that .niz come from? o.O

>> No.3841715
File: 13 KB, 409x318, BushJrSiegHeil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do elaborate how it is anymore than a correlation with brain size and computing power.

fucking aspie.

>> No.3841722

I wouldn't pay for it all myself. Many people would donate good money for an institution where you can do stem cell research without having to worry about moralfags.

And it is possible to become a billionaire. It's not easy or likely, but it is possible. Carlos Slim (a Mexican) has something like $60 billion to his name.

That's more than enough to build the main components of this island's civilization.

>> No.3841724


1) Pay off my parents' houses and make sure they don't have to work if they don't want to (my parents enjoy their jobs)

2) Own houses in several major cities and continents (definitely new york, paris, london, some ski locals and a mountain cabin somewhere)

3) Have a system (slum lord or similar) or company in place that makes me not have to work so I can concentrate on artisan efforts and enjoying nature

4) Set up several charities with invested money that use interest every year to provide perennial sources of cash

In order of feasibility and completion. I think 1 and 2 shouldn't be too hard for an inventor/doctor, 3 would come with time, after accumulation of a million or so, and 4 is an end-ish goal.

I don't really think having a family and all that is a goal. That's really just an assumed reality of my future.

>> No.3841726

To crush my enemies, see them driven before me and hear the cries and lamentation of their women.

>> No.3841727

and suddenly it starts to sound like communism.

>> No.3841730


The rest of you are selfish motherfuckers it seems.

>> No.3841754
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to take over the Throne!

>> No.3841758

>MY dreams
>I cant think about myself in them
fuck that I want to do things for myself too. Just because it isn't a life goal to set up a charity doesn't mean I wouldn't if I could. I just don't see myself with that kind of money. And in regards to parents, mine suck because they are religious and will not accept me if I tell them i'm atheist (living with them for uni ;_;). I'd probably get kicked out to the streets or something. SO fuck that.

>> No.3841769

ITT: People ruin my island dream.

The point of the island is to allow people to think and experiment freely. People get assigned daily/ weekly tasks of equal proportion. If they can't do the tasks to help the community be self-sustained, they will be b& from the island. The tasks themselves don't have to be difficult or over prolonged - Just enough for maintenance and sustainability based on the persons strengths and weaknesses. This, in turn, will negate the need for money and people can think about something else for a fucking change.

Fags will find holes with this, but it's my goddamn dream.

>> No.3841781

>ITT: People ruin my island dream.
sorry bro but it sounds like hell and has no way to support itself. Still, I have dreams about shit like this so I wont hate on you

>> No.3841782


I don't know where I implied that you can't have yourself in your dreams. My own dream list was 50% me and 50% the rest of the people on the planet. That's a 1:7 billion ratio with resources allocated 50:50. I also think I made it clear that charities weren't getting shit until all my affairs were in order.

>> No.3841805

the part where you said we were selfish.

>> No.3841811

>non-physical job that I can work when I'm older so I won't kill my back
>also one I don't hate
>Friends/family with enough free time to hang out with every weekend or so
>maybe a dog or something to keep me company
>get involved in something important, even if I only have a relatively minor effect


>> No.3841820


Selfish = 100% you
Not selfish =/= 0% you

>> No.3841828

Through personal experiences (Armyfag), I know the island could thrive. People doing things in unison and equality makes life tolerable. So many people are miserable because "she has a better job than me" or "he gets paid more than me". Think about the ecstasy of not needing money. Going somewhere and exchanging services freely. It's so incomprehensible because everyone lives in forlorn hope. A "too good to be true" thing. People motivated to this will be just fine, assuredly. With proper upbringing of children it will be the only lifestyle they will know and when they rebel against the system they'll go to monetized world and suffer. I'll say again, if they don't want to be there, they can gtfo.

>> No.3841835

I want to be a math teacher for the next decade (until I'm around 35) and spend 9 months of every year learning a shitload and teaching, living in near poverty and saving like a boss. The remaining 3 months will be spent travelling in obscure places. Might get a masters at some point too.

After that I'd like to use some of the knowledge I've gained over those years to try and ameliorate a select group of problems I have found in the world (not sure exactly what yet, but I believe poverty will be among them).

>> No.3841836
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- Become an inventor (My current, most realistic one i'm working towards, I have an invention idea I'm learning 3D modelling and a few other things for that just might be really successful.)
- Complete Masters degrees in aerospace engineering and nuclear engineering
- Build underground geodesic dome workshop/lab (I believe I can make this happen as early as next year)
- Start successful company first for one of my inventions, and then use that to kickstart an aerospace company to move onto exceedingly profitable asteroid mining
- Flood the market with cheap precious elements and space-based solar panels made out of asteroid material assembled in space to bring electricity prices down colossally
- Become rich enough/have the right technology to singlehandedly begin colonizing/terraforming Mars

>> No.3841898

Your name so I can remember to look for you?

>> No.3841907

>make millions of dollars on Wall Street rising from a quant to a huge investor
>have a net worth of several billion dollars
>hookers and blow all day erry day
>use influence over economy to destabilize stock market, causing collapse of government
>seize power in the ensuing chaos, spread the revolution throughout Canada, Europe, and through China
>become Revolutionary Supreme Leader of the Northern Hemisphere
>lead mankind into golden age of prosperity and progress, unlocking the secrets of immortality as we spread throughout the stars

>> No.3841913
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Don't worry, even if I'm a billionare I will continue to eat Nutella sandwiches, wear sneakers and post science on the Religion & Math board. Even if I need to wait 20 minutes for lightspeed delay I'll still post and browse occasionally. Being rich for me means I can do more stuff, not that I suddenly have to act like a snooty-poof.

>> No.3841917

You say this now, and I bet you've never even done a line of coke off a hooker's bare ass.

>> No.3841922
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Luckily I have no desire to do coke or hookers.

>> No.3841925 [DELETED] 

op i have that dream as well. each little unit is like 600 bucks a month streaming in. oh there will be expenses naturally. but when you've got 10, 20, 30 or more units dumping money into your bank account the first of every month.... then fuck it. you're retired. pay someone to supervise and just travel all over thee world doing whatever the fuck you want whenever the fuck you want to do it.

my dream is to have freedom of time, money, and no responsibilities.

also i want to be frozen cryonically and resurrected in the future successfully. a future where i dont have to di from aging and can live for thousands of years.

i'd also like to finish and self publish a science fiction visual novel type thingy i've been writing for years.

>> No.3841928

>we're identifying human genes responsible for language. I want to splice these into whales.

"chubby thread"
"man the harpoons!"
"sir, as a whale, i find that offensive"

>> No.3841929

Hopefully so. Money corrupts bro.

>> No.3841932
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No lie, I want to own a small grocery store in a big city with an apartment above it. I have no fucking idea why, my talents lend me to engineering

>> No.3841933
File: 272 KB, 2048x1365, MuskLookingBadass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people don't get corrupted. Mark Cuban, Elon Musk and Richard Branson are a few examples.

>> No.3841934


>island with no women
>becomes the world's largest gay nightclub

>> No.3841943

that's a stupid boring dream in all honesty. it sucks and you suck for having it. also if it came true your life would suck. having a family isn't like it is in the sitcoms, it's no fun at all, and a massive drain. all your time and money is spent on being a family.

also the divorce is inevitable. in this day and age you're a fool if you think you can keep a family together. even if you manage to stay together long enough to raise the children its probably only because you stayed together specifically to raise the children. and if it does stick you're no longer in the same love you were in before, study after study proves those hormones die a couple to max five years into the relationship. leaving the "love" as little more then a warm friendship with stale sex. leaving you and your wife craving someone new. cheating is 60% likely according to studies.

your children grow up to become people you wouldnt normally like, people you only like now because of an obligation to family.

>> No.3841949

and then the ass pies enter the thread

>> No.3841966
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>Do well in my undergraduate studies + GMAT
>Get into my states top school, which is focused on business for an MBA
>Continue to work on my business targeting as many areas as possible for diversification while also working for a corporation
>Invest everything in things like art, stocks, real estate, start ups, bonds etc, in an attempt to build the most diversified portfolio I can.
>Buy a large amount of rural land and build whatever I want

>> No.3841971

> Become Head of Physics Research Department
>A family
>and a grand piano in the living room

>> No.3841974

that insult is a bit over-used. try to use it only where relevent thanks. to have a realistic as opposed to naive view on what family life is actually like in this century doesn't make one an asspie. if anything you're an asspie if you're seriously expecting some perfect forever family.

>> No.3841975

>Have a small company.
>Do some creative work as a side-project
>that's it
>maybe open up a biotech company if my small business is to successful, maybe...

>> No.3842002

You still don't get it, you socially awkward fuck.
What makes you an aspie is that you have absolutely ZERO idea about how to interact with other humans.

>> No.3842037

this, except I'd prefer no children, only a spouse

>> No.3842056

>you have absolutely ZERO idea about how to interact with other humans.

how the hell did you get that out of what i wrote? all i did was explain how is dreams of a perfect family were naive and unlikely. i'm no social expert but i get by just fine. you really pulled that assumption out of nowhere.

>> No.3842082
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It is only when you fearfully abandon the comforting beliefs that define your merits and embrace the utterly-humiliating cruelty of truth, that you experience true spiritual enlightenment and feel more profoundly connected to your origins.

>> No.3842135

I want to be in a Symphony of Science video ;_;

>> No.3842254

get high all day

>> No.3842299
File: 90 KB, 330x327, 1296527559324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a normal family
>to move back to Ireland
>to never ever see anybody in this country again
>a position as a physics teacher at a local college or university
>taking the bus, or the train to work every day
>maybe catching a taxi every once in a while
>doing something for science
>not being colorblind anymore
>going on holiday every few years
some things can only be dreams

I feel your pain, friend.
I feel your pain.

>> No.3842324

>become a petroleum engineer or even better a nanostructure engineer
>fuck all the hot girls I went to school with
>be able to play piano
>make enough money to buy an apartment to rent it, buy another apartment with the money I make and repeat this until I have 10 apartments or so and my niece wont have to work.
>learn to speak Norsk and write/speak Thai
>become ripped and fashionable

too bad I´m ugly and stupid

>> No.3842329


>Also (effectively-) infinite energy, thereby ending all conflict, hunger, and scarcity.

It would be a woman to say something this fucking naive

>> No.3842338
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Live independently,
work independently,
reach Freedom.

>> No.3842675


>> No.3842686

Become the first Australian Private Space Company

>> No.3842719

Independently of what? Will you grow your own food?

>> No.3842730
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>> No.3842739


What 3d modeling program are you learning? I've got some ideas that need modeling

>> No.3842748

You have profound dreams OP.

As for me, I thought I knew what I wanted, but the more I learn, the more confused I get. There are so many ideas that I think are appealing, but nothing definitive. I think I'm destined to be dissatisfied with my life no matter what it's like, if only because of the possibility that there are more alternatives out there that I've missed out on the opportunity to discover, in favour of the life that I currently have, whatever that might be. Does this make any sense? I think what I really want is to live several lifetimes and see how each one feels like, but as that won't be happening, I probably need to get my shit together and make up my fucking mind.

>> No.3842749
File: 404 KB, 1280x720, 1313980207531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maya. I was originally learning 3DsMax, but had some initial troubles so I switched because Mad Scientist has a fair bit of experience with Maya so I can ask him for some help.

>> No.3842758


Sweet, I've already got that installed

>> No.3842761
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Cool, I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.3842771
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>my goal

pic related

>> No.3842772


>> No.3842778

Shit is that orthogonal perspective? God damnit, render it with depth, it looks weird as fuck.
What are your ideas about?

>> No.3842787


A much more powerful, unmanned version of the SpaceShipOne, but without the feathered entry

>> No.3842791
File: 679 KB, 2873x2000, 1316866289979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't do that, Mad Scientist did. And he didn't exactly spend a load of time on it.

And what do you mean by 'what are your ideas about' ?

>> No.3842801

>My current, most realistic one i'm working towards, I have an invention idea I'm learning 3D modelling and a few other things for that just might be really successful.

I was asking what vaguely the ideas are about, space stations, launching etc.

>> No.3842804

You mean something like cargo spaceplane? That'd be awesome, we need a cheap way to get shit into LEO and back.

>> No.3842807


Pretty much

>> No.3842833
File: 17 KB, 500x500, TharsisAerospace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My invention idea that I'm working towards I am not going to mention anything about until I patent it, sorry, I'm quite paranoid as I've gotten multiple critically analyzed responses from friends that it's a fantastic idea and I can feasibly make a prototype with shit from a hardware store or things I order online. But a few of my other invention ideas that I've been playing around with that I'd like to do later if this initial idea becomes successful are:

- As spirulina algae is immensely nutritious compared to the growing space and conditions it requires, it's perfect for long trips for astronauts going to Mars and back. Problem, it's all green, goopy and very unappetizing. My solution is attempt to dry it out, combine it with some agent that will stick it together (perhaps powdered milk? or similar) to either make it into something that could be cooked like bread, cereal or snack bar and have all the nutrients required for a healthy human body to survive. I came up with the idea while thinking about the amount of shitty food astronauts on their way to Mars in a cramped capsule would have to eat. Also, in the past people on 4chan have expressed the desire to have some kind of 'Human Chow,' where they don't really care about the specifics of what food they eat they just want it to be cheap and provide sustenance for them. And then there's the emergency food aid organizations who could make such a product cheaper, more plentiful than the current Peanut-based food aid that I believe is predominant in these aid organizations.

- Thorium-powered flying car with no moving rotors, compact to actually look like a goddamn car. No, not joking. If my idea succeeds, then I will try to make a Thorium-powered jetpack or at least something like a single-seater hoverbike for smaller vehicles. If I'm right, this can be upsized to possibly make proper bona fide floating caravans and cities.

>> No.3842834
File: 16 KB, 1000x800, tharsisterraforming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


- I wish to design a system for asteroid mining that takes from Zubrin's ideology of 'Live off the land, travel light' where initially a bunch of mining/construction robots are sent on a heavy-lift rocket along with a small portable LFTR, plasma gasification unit (for vaporizing asteroid regolith into its constituent elements for separation, packaging and launch back home) as well as a few part molds for when the automated mining base has a pile of molten elements it can use to begin constructing 95% of the infrastructure/equipment required. Use asteroid materials to make simple claws, drills, scooping trays, crude batteries, chassis of robots and mass drivers for launching payloads home, while you can send just another relatively small rocket filled with like over a thousand circuit-boards, optical sensors and other fine, light equipment you cannot manufacture on the asteroid with the equipment available. So you're only spending a relatively small amount of launching the first initial payloads, and then a few years later you have 20 tonne chunks of platinum with a crude heat shield around it made from iron-nickel land in a designated area of a desert for collection and resale. Rinse and repeat. I want no materials to be 'precious.'

- Use that exact same technology to begin building proper 1 kilometer-wide rotating colonies in Earth orbit, Lunar orbit etc and make billions of low-efficiency asteroid regolith solar panels to orbit Earth at GEO to provide near-limitless power, further driving down the cost of goods, the cost of innovation and so on.

>> No.3842836


Damn Man, Give me some of that sweet sweet ambition

>> No.3842842
File: 238 KB, 556x544, image-macro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realize it is not your ambition that limits you, only the laws of physics.

>> No.3842850

I guess that's two projects in South Australia that require use of an LFTR, We need to lobby the politicians to invest in LFTR's.

>> No.3842859
File: 87 KB, 286x288, 1317367130013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently sent a report I wrote on Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors to Julia Gillard and Martin Ferguson, Minister for Resources and Energy.

>> No.3842872


Yeah well I asked Ruddy why we haven't put any money towards LFTR's over Twitter and in return he deicded to follow me, I guess that means he read it

>> No.3842881
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>> No.3842885
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Actually, not so nice. He's following 350,000 people.


>> No.3842896

You better not be a greens voter you fucking scumbag

>> No.3842900
File: 17 KB, 229x261, 1259670815640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too right-wing.

>> No.3842901


It still means he atleast read it

>> No.3842906


>> No.3842916

No it doesn't. It means his agent added you without reading anything.

>> No.3842923
File: 124 KB, 433x426, AusPoliticalPartyLeaningsFULLOFSHIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't like the overall layout of that quiz for a few reasons:
>2) How involved should the government be in running businesses? Should some Australian industries be nationalised or should government business be privatised?

On the side I lean closer towards is 'There should be widespread government ownership of business,' but I don't want some government takeover of businesses or some shit like that. Rather, I would like government to create new, modern factories that charge enough for their products to pay up-keep and a small bit of profit for the government that uses widespread automation of said facilities to provide a baseline service for stuff like internet, electricity, raw materials, some staple foods that run in direct competition with private businesses. Run them as training grounds for people looking into running their own business, teaching how to balance the books while keeping private companies on a bit of a leash as to how much they can inflate the price of their product. A kind of government-stabilized free market. This is what I've seen with our healthcare, with private healthcare not going full retard because they know people can just defect to Medicare.

There were a few other minor gripes that I have with the black/dark gray/gray/light gray/white options, but I can't be arsed writing them out. I was surprised by this result though, I usually get in the bottom left corner of libertarian socialist when I take that Political Compass stuff.

>> No.3842933
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Good lord you're a Green

>> No.3842939

I want to be rich investment banker and screw people over all day. Then I wanna accumulate enough wealth to buy nukes and rule the world. My children will rule in a monarchy government

>> No.3842940
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But I disagree with many of their policies.

20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020? What the fuck is wrong with you? 80% reduction right the fuck now.

>> No.3842941

I want to have a personal space station. With cool-looking death ray if possible.

>> No.3842950
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I would like to see a worldwide anarcho-capitalism syste working out perfectly.

>> No.3842960

want to study inteligent animals? gorillas :)

>> No.3842966


Does THARSIS stand for something?

>> No.3842970
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>> No.3842985
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World Domination.

In the long term, and I'm surprised to be the first one to post it.

Really it's more like 'world reorganization'. I don't want to specifically control everything, I just want to make it all a lot more efficient. And change its goals a little bit.

>> No.3842992
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>Really it's more like 'world reorganization'. I don't want to specifically control everything, I just want to make it all a lot more efficient. And change its goals a little bit.

>> No.3842994


So you want to colonize that region?

>> No.3843001
File: 32 KB, 536x536, 1292796227141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is specifically where I'd like to live, near Noctis Labyrinthus.

Imagine, breathing a 400 millibar thick atmosphere for the first time since the start of the terraformation, standing atop Arsia Mons and seeing the curvature of a planet a hundred million kilometers away from your first home.

>> No.3843004
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Pic Related.

I'm pretty sure he wants to terraform the whole place, but the Tharsis Plateau is the site of Olympus Mons, the largest mountain in the solar system, so I'd guess that would be the point.

>> No.3843015

Finish my Genetics Major.

Get my mom to stop calling me forever.

Bury my dog.

>> No.3843016
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>> No.3843017
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>> No.3843055

Protip: It's not gonna happen

>> No.3843057
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>> No.3843060

It wasn't a challenge, it was a protip.

Besides, mental masturbation on 4chan isn't going to achieve anything.

>> No.3843064
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Bit of a debbie downer, aren't you?
>Besides, mental masturbation on 4chan isn't going to achieve anything.
Agree. Gonna go model shit on Maya.

>> No.3843068


Give me some tutorials for Maya, I can;t figure this shit out

>> No.3843074

>Agree. Gonna go model shit on Maya

implying that is going to help anything

>> No.3843075
File: 242 KB, 721x480, 1313736957184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to get you started. Google/Youtube should provide more, if you harness your Google-fu.

>> No.3843078
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>implying mental masturbation doesn't feel good man

>> No.3843079
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I'm sorry, you're right. Let me just ship up a spaceplane at 1 in the morning.

>> No.3843082 [DELETED] 

To work as a astrophysicist in a prestigious scientific company.

>that feel when i don't know if i could do it and whether it's even worth trying

>> No.3843092
File: 15 KB, 329x300, kaminagurrenlagannmadscientist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens!

>> No.3843229


>> No.3843244

I have this undying hate for Cox. I feel like he's becoming the next Sagan, in just using his personality and intelligence to make a few bucks off television instead of doing research.

>> No.3843448

Yo, yo, Inurdaes, whatcha studying? Physics/engineering?

>> No.3843505
File: 156 KB, 883x615, 1301368059515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will be going for Masters in Aerospace engineering and nuclear engineering. Probably electrical engineering/mechatronics too.

>> No.3843510

okay, for some reason my post got deleted, but uh, thanks for the support.

>> No.3843524

I hope you can do that in finite time.

>> No.3843590

>I want to be the first man on Mars
>I want to climb Mount Everest
>I want to build an apartment building and rent it out to them

OP, are you even trying....