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3840092 No.3840092 [Reply] [Original]

Could a person live for a very long time (over 150 years)?

Possibly with no signs of aging?

>> No.3840109

Not without technology.

>> No.3840117


I don't know about that.

>> No.3840123
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>> No.3840129

But if you mean without any kind of technological modification then its so extremely unlikely.

>> No.3840134


It's simply impossible. To be healthy you need to exercise, get sunlight etc. It all caused wear and tear to the body.

Some species of crayfish never age. But they always get eaten eventually, which is why they never live to be 200.

So even if you didn't age, chances are you would be hit by a car or something eventually.

>> No.3840141

You mean Keanu Reeves?

>> No.3840143

replace all your body parts with cyborg parts

>> No.3840148


Who is that guy? I Just about fell off my chair as he looks just like me sans facial hair

>> No.3840436

Aubrey De Gray

>> No.3840611


De Gray is a Quack. Was not a professor at Cambridge, he was computer guy.
They fired him for misrepresenting himself

>> No.3840637
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No, they were mad that he was being called a professor despite not actually being a professor and that he was using some of their computers for research purposes when he didn't have clearance to. Hey, if he's using 1% of the entire server power trying to model some shit so we don't die of old age even though he's not supposed to, I'm for it. But my hopes for anti-aging research don't stem completely from Aubrey, so I'm not worried.

>> No.3840661

People only trust De Gray because he already looks like a wizard.

>> No.3840671

His boss clearly stated that Aubrey was misrepresenting himself.
I started out as a fan after his TED talk. The more I dug the less cool he became.For one thing hes is drinking by 10 AM

>> No.3840684
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TRUFAX: The body stops aging at age 93 or so in the sense that your chances of dying in any given year stops increasing. After that, it's just a matter of luck whether you live to 150.

>> No.3840685

Drinking at 10 am, a wizard.... maybe he is me.
After discovering eternal youth, I wait until time travel is possible then send myself back to stop myself from creating immortals.


>> No.3840691
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I feel similarly but I hope that he continues being popular. His beard grabs attention to him and therefore the anti-aging cause.

>> No.3840707

>implying all people age the same

>> No.3840713

Is there any transhumanist shit that is actually worth paying attention to?

I saw the google talk about OpenCog which looks really cool, but it seems they only have a few people programming for it and it probably won't do shit for years if ever. I really wish this stuff had more money in it. Also the main guy thinks AGI will be required to solve complex biological problems like aging.

>> No.3840727
File: 47 KB, 600x332, Deus-Ex-Human-Revolutions-Sarif-Industries-Gets-Super-Exy-Viral-Site.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there any transhumanist shit that is actually worth paying attention to?
The results.

>> No.3840729


>Is there any transhumanist shit that is actually worth paying attention to?


Not exactly transhumanism but open manufacturing is part of the standard H+ agenda.