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3839617 No.3839617 [Reply] [Original]

My first go:
Persinger's experiment on telepathy.

Pic unrelated, but fuck you, I like ponies.

>> No.3839629
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Mario Kittenis's experiment (also on telepathy)

>> No.3839632
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911 conspiracies

>> No.3839637
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The G spot.

>> No.3839639

string theory

>> No.3839640

Is that the same scientist from the earlier episode about a creator? He recreates the effect of a presence by stimulating a certain hemisphere of the brain with a magnet

>> No.3839645
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>> No.3839667
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Yup. The god helmet.
I really don't know what's the deal with this guy.
He's a skeptical atheist who at the same time seems to believe in some sort of gaia like collective unconscious genereted by earth's magnetic field.

I bet the skeptic community hasn't yet ostracized him because of his precedent work as a skeptic.

>> No.3839707


marxism, until I started reading david friedman, leonard peikoff and murray rothbard

>> No.3839736
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>> No.3839773


>> No.3839778



>> No.3839805


time to defend:

We dont know the slightest thing about consciousness and what could cause its effects.

Lets take for example, the simple effect of subjectivity, a brand of awareness.

Humans clearly have it. Why? A novel arrangement of parts in our head. Why could a novel arrangement of different parts not give rise to a similar phenomena?

Our brains are sensitive to magnetic fields. Lots of things are sensitive to magnets, including evidently the brains of migrating birds, ect.

This is possible. There is as of yet no evidence of a collective unconscious, but to say its impossible is to underestimate how amazing our universe is.

The sun could be conscious, there are currents, eddies, electrical phenomena, its quite possible. Until we know what constitutes that essence of subjectivity, by understanding the human brain, I dont think we can really decide that. ALTHOUGH BURDEN OF PROOF AND SHIT. But nothing would ever be proven if 'crazy' people didnt believe it and then devise ways of testing it.

>> No.3839830


Look at the arguments against the singularity

For the purposes of this discussion, singularity = transhumanism


There are no substantial ones. Look at the arguments, if you cant refute them easily you're slow.

>> No.3839859
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I'm not mocking him, he's certainly more competent than me in his field.
I'm merely saying he's a white fly.

>> No.3839875
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here is one for you technoboy:


...no seriously, trolling aside, transhumanism=/=singularity, the two things can exist independently.

>> No.3839890


>...no seriously, trolling aside, transhumanism=/=singularity, the two things can exist independently.

.... kinda. Every criticism of trans humanism necessarily applies to the singularity.

If you accept transhumanism it leads, by the extrapolation of the same exact premises that lead to it, into the singularity.

To accept one and reject the other is senseless.
To accept both is a defensible position
to reject both is defensible, although to my knowledge no substantial criticism of either has ever been made.

>> No.3839903
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Actually, I like the idea (not his idea, just something that jumped to my mind) of a god that is the sum of the mind of every human being.
Sentient sun? Cool, bro.

>> No.3839907


>> No.3839917
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>but fuck you, I like ponies.

Still doesn't make it okay.

>> No.3839925

While I consider both feasible, I don't think refusing the singularity would mean refusing transhumanism:
Marginal improvement on the huamn body can already be accomplished without the help of a strong AI.

>> No.3839942

oh mai god

that is some crazy stuff

>> No.3839945 [DELETED] 


You've never stimulated a girl's g-spot?

>> No.3839949

This guy knows how to deal with ponyfags.

>> No.3839950


transhumanism implies a drastically extended lifespan and a merger of our brains with technological enhancers (there are already chips that increase memory capacity in rats btw, just as a sidenote)

If you accept the singularity is IN PRINCIPLE POSSIBLE which just means not assuming a mind-body duality of the cartesian type,

Then transhumanism with its radical life extension kinda lends itself well to the singularity happening within our lifespans.

For the record no one argues the singularity is not IN PRINCIPLE POSSIBLE because to do that would be to deny, well, science

the argument is over timeframe which transhumanism makes irrelevant and indeed promises to accelerate via increasing human mental capacities.

in my opinion of course

>> No.3839954

what show is taht

>> No.3839955

im a brony and i enjoyed this.

>> No.3839956

Excuse me sir, I only fap to princess Celestia!

>> No.3839985
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No idea, sorry.

>> No.3839986



If there is no alternative explanation to this, its rather interesting

>> No.3839990

Hey OP, I found the video you uploaded to youtube


Please just stay away from 4chan. Thanks.

>> No.3840016

2deep4u faggot. i'm going to live for eternity. enjoy staying away from technology and losing your consciousness and self in 70 years

>> No.3840011

I didn't watch it, but WAHT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?????!!!

>> No.3840023

A video of a day in the life of My Little Pony fans(those people who post pony pics specifically on 4chan). OP could very well be one of them.

>> No.3840032

sounds like a mlp thread on /co/.

>> No.3840035
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I know right? Same for the Kittenis experiment.
Here is a link to the persinger experiment, I lack the raw skill to understand it.

Obviously, it will end up in a statistical error of some shit.

Feels bad man.

>> No.3840038
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I love ponies too, OP.

but where I live, they simply would not understand my love. oh well, back to being alone forever.

until SCIANCE invents pony-wife.

>> No.3840044


I'm in my third year studying neuroscience and I had not been told of these experiments and am annoyed.

>> No.3840055

Please die.

>> No.3840062 [DELETED] 

is it possible humans have telepathy in a very basic form and we have just not discovered the specific mechanism of communication yet?

>> No.3840067

is it possible humans have telepathy in a very basic form and we have just not discovered the specific mechanism of communication yet?

u mad?

>> No.3840077




>> No.3840088

Ponyfags are worse than weeaboos.

>> No.3840101
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See "mind uploading".

>> No.3840741

Please noble anon, enlight us.
You are the first person with actual copmpetences on the matter I stumble upon

>> No.3840774 [DELETED] 
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Libertarianism and its big brother anarcho-capitalism

I want people to be completely free of government control but I also what happens if we don't have it.


>> No.3840787
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Libertarianism and its big brother anarcho-capitalism

I want people to be completely free of government control but I also know what happens if we don't have it. Not that we can't have limited government. It's just that we can't have libertarian-level limited government or no government.


>> No.3840807
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You got me.

>> No.3840809

Some of the "you can't prove me wrong" stoner-ish philosphy-based explanations of the universe, my favorite being that the universe does not exist at all, any evidence that you try to present to the contrary is invalid because you do not exist and neither does it, also you're not even presenting, there is no presenting. There is no me to present it to.The universe cannot be proven beyond its own internal means.

>> No.3840901

i'm an atheist but i find this interesting. if there is the possiblity of telepathy thats the most persuasive argument that it may exist i've ever heard

>> No.3840906

abiogenesis hypothesis for oil. if only ;_;

singularity, continued exponential growth

same, I wish freedom and strength were compatible; they're not, in a system that practices selection.

>> No.3840911

too long didnt watch: basically the human brain produces a magnetic field while also responding to the magnetic field of the earth. this is his proposed mechanism for possible telepathy. what follows is a presentation of various items of evidence (i'm only 15 minutes into the video though)

>> No.3841079
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Bionics, like those in deus ex

>> No.3841117

i'm not believing this persay but it's compelling enough to take into consideration. i think he may be on to something there.

>> No.3841137

i've always been posting about how telepathy exists beyond reasonable doubt.

finally, some recognition!

>> No.3841160
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Here is kittenis's experiment

>> No.3842176
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>> No.3842184

Rodin Coils

>> No.3842233
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>> No.3842237
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>> No.3842298
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ill be there in 30 years, but furries first

>> No.3842377
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The gay gene.
We could win wars without bloodspilling by creating a gay retrovirus.
It would take a couple generations, but still...

>> No.3842405
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"Tomorrow at noon, we will detonate the gay bomb in the middle of washington... for once, it will be politicians who get fucked!"

>> No.3842596
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I wonder how society would react.
Reminds me of the matrix cartoon.

>> No.3842598

I really want to believe in ghosts.
shit's cool.

>> No.3842623

ancient aliens, UFOs, alien abductions, telepathy/psi, conspiracy theories

>> No.3843326
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>> No.3843335

>not a single person has posted the ancient aliens guy

>> No.3843374

probably curlian photography, no research i've done has commented anything decisive about it at all, its almost as if someone said hey look at these wacky pictures, and then just abandoned the whole thing.

>> No.3843397

Ghosts have been seen by millions of people all around the world for thousands of years, they're real. Many can be explained by magnetic fields (which is why I find it odd that ghost hunters are berated for using magnetic field detectors) and infra-sound but many are still unexplainable

>> No.3843422
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This thread is now complete.

>> No.3843427

Ancient aliens, ghosts, noetic science.

>> No.3843428
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why his hair is aliens?

>> No.3843535
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Sheldrake's morphic field.

Pic totally unrelated.

>> No.3844348
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Quantum mind.
Also, FTL.

>> No.3845964

i want to believe in magnets

>> No.3847698
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>>Sentient sun

Great name for a band.
Pic unrelated.

>> No.3847707
File: 177 KB, 800x766, 9c0bf9a88601dabfeb7d135d67d461b07bfcddd2..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CERN neutrino experiment.
Also, quantum brain.

>> No.3847708

tell me you have the whole set

>> No.3847710

The soul controls the body by observing neurons and collapsing their wavefunction. Collapse is not actually random but looks that way when the soul picks between irrelevant alternatives. We seem to be able to detect a decision before the person is consciously aware of it because when the instruments measure the neurons, they become entangled with them and are affected by the collapse that happens when the decision is actually made. Prove me wrong.

>> No.3847822

Giant space unicorns control our thoughts through quantum entanglement into the unicorn mindstream of interdimensional energy. Prove me wrong.

>> No.3847842

That's just technobabble. There's no reason why quantum entanglement would result in mind control, and interdimensional doesn't mean anything.