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3837332 No.3837332 [Reply] [Original]

Hi brifags, quick question - what Redbrick universities will I get in with A*CC grades in A levels
Thanks a bunch

(got CC instead of AB, pic related)

>> No.3837350

Not OP but a related question - what are people like in these different subjects? For instance Geologists are cool dude and women , while Chemists seem kinda aspergery/boring

>> No.3837358


>> No.3837365

What subjects? What subject do you want to study?

They're students so they'll be self entitled, lazy liberal extremists

>> No.3837402

I was thinking of Chemistry, Pharmacy and Medicine
as a top choice. My mother is a Doctor, but she tells me the career sucks extreme balls. I don't see why she's complaining having a house and everything.

>> No.3837443

Geology is god tier, especially with the Yellowstone Cataclysm looming over the world, and the biggest event of the next century

>> No.3837458


>> No.3837469

fucks sake niggas c'mon

>> No.3837484

How about Chemistry combined with Geology, OP?

>> No.3837528

pharmacy and optometry are possible i think.
the purer subjects like chem etc require a lot of climbing the ladder once you graduate..
its a case of where you want to end up, using the knowledge you gain or having a job in the public sector.

the choice of uni is not as important as getting in and getting through it.
just try for a first or 2:1

have you not applied through ucas?

>> No.3837552

I haven't and I'm sorry, but deciding on which degree to take

>> No.3837567

Not too bothered about the prestige of the university, but it has to be redbrick, just personal preference

>> No.3837584


well then prepare to travel,
get into the clearing process and ring errywhere.

somebody will give you a place once you know what it is that you want to study.

look for novel ways to get where you want to go.
if you get into pharmacy, there are some places that let you transfer into medicine after the first year.
if you do chem related then there are places that let you transfer to pharmacy after the first year.

depends on how hard your willing to work and if you can convince the uni admin.

aberdeen- robert gordons
liverpool- john moores

>> No.3837589

anyone got that link to the prospected growth of professional job career openings over the next 30 years?

>> No.3838189

>novel ways of getting in
Yes that's the way to roll. Maybe a foundation degree would serve as compensation for the CCs

>> No.3838718

OP here, I should maybe go for a humanities degree at a Redbrick instead, since Science seems too oversaturated to get in with my grades

>> No.3838998

anyone got that link to the prospected growth of professional job career openings over the next 30 years?

>> No.3839032


Basing your educational choice on the material the buildings are made from.. what a fascinating criterium. Will you be seeking employment similarly?

>> No.3839150
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>> No.3839173

Look, anon, if I knew what I am or was sure what I want to with life - I wouldn't be on 4chan.

Now I'm thinking that Geology would be a great profession, even if I don't have those extra grades and won't be working on the next multiverse theory - I'd still be working for the good of science.
Hell I might prevent the eruption of Yellowstone with a channelling system to gradually pump the accumulating magma into the ocean

>> No.3839204
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>> No.3839371

Ok I'm kinda mad. But Sirs you must understand how I feel - I want to discover things about hte universe, invent other things that will progress humanity up the Exodus and spend a near eternity searching the universe and revealing its mysteries I know you want that too

>> No.3839393


I think McDonalds might accept your grades. Not sure about Pizza Hut though.

>> No.3839504
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>> No.3839595

K so my grades are shitty so what?! plenty of people get themselves together in Uni and yeah I'll just do a foundation if I have too or pick an less prestigious uni.

I thought Redbrick just means any non-expolytechnic

>> No.3839597

>all those typos

>> No.3840066

i do geology at a redbrick uni and i got very similar grades, i was proper lucky but still, now i have a 6 week work experiance with bp lined up and that. mfw i didnt even wanna go to uni and last minute change of heart, now future looks sicckkkk

>> No.3840104

Are you mocking Geology students, bro

>> No.3840111

yes you are. you talk like one those indian kids

>> No.3840170

how do u mean? no im not mocking geology at all. i actually think its a really good area to study in terms of future prospects, banks are going to be shrinking and public sectors are also shrinking, but people are always going to need resources and the population is only growing :) do u agree?