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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 50 KB, 900x818, evol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3837898 No.3837898 [Reply] [Original]

I have proof that %100 God created the heavens and the earth and he did it without evolution.

Evolution can't be true because monkeys are still having babies. If evolution is true, why don't monkeys randomly produce another human today?

>> No.3837901

because you are stupid

>> No.3837916

It's aiite to troll inside threads, but to actually post new troll-threads is a little too much perhaps..i don't know

>> No.3837921

proof that %100 to me you aren't a fucking moron

>> No.3837923

Because you don't know what evolution is?

>> No.3837952

But, but your parents were monkeys. That's why you are retarded.

>> No.3837999
File: 82 KB, 500x384, eugenics_human-self-evolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know exactly what evolution is.

A theory made up by those who support the New World Order in an attempt to get rid of Christianity.

If you believe that we are just slime, then you will believe that things like the holocaust are okay because it's just the next step in evolution.

>> No.3838025

I agree, only losers and junkie-hippies think evolution is a real thing.

>> No.3838034


>> No.3838050
File: 20 KB, 185x194, venomfangx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes they just want an excuse to lead their sinful lives smoking marijuana and having sex with animals.

They deny the existence of God because they are afraid of being judged in the afterlife.

>> No.3838081
File: 306 KB, 1027x1511, 1313981393874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic very related

>> No.3838087
File: 147 KB, 427x282, sauceboss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dissapointed /sci/

>> No.3838114 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 411x352, vfxjoker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually read it in his voice

fuck you, lol

>> No.3838133


After watching and laughing at his videos for years, he started going videos preaching around my university campus. Then I learned he goes to a Christian University like 30 minutes from me.

This girl I know goes to school with him.

I kinda want to go get an autograph.

>> No.3838141

i thought he was a troll for ages, i couldnt believe he actually believed what he was saying.

>> No.3838157

It's actually not that easy to know this when you're posting on one of the more retarded boards on 4chan.

>> No.3838161

This actually does happen occasionally in nature, however such human babies tend to die off rapidly since the monkeys cannot care for them properly.

>> No.3838192

time is relative.

its like a rubber band..rubber rope.

except its not expanding its contracting.. so things speed up.



>> No.3838202

why so aspie? op was obviously not being serious, but instead of having a jolly ol' time, all of these 12 year old atheists had to rage. If op was attempting to troll, getting butthurt and typing 0/10 TROLL OMG FAGGOT STFU I HOPE U DIE is feeding the troll very hard.

>> No.3838204


telomeres errywhere

>> No.3838221
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>> No.3838646
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>> No.3838904


How is it a joke? Everybody knows monkeys are oviparous.

>> No.3838916
File: 25 KB, 712x956, agnostics.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3839069

I'm agnostic with reference to the existence of god because the initial energy in the pre-universe/that created the universe had to come from somewhere.

I'm not agnostic with reference to things like "pink elephants in Earth's orbit" because I have NO reason to believe they exist, they WOULD be observable, and given you don't assign random magical powers to them (you aren't saying god is floating in our orbit) it wouldn't have gotten there in the first place.

I'm also not agnostic with reference to the Christian god, and the gods of other religions because they seem to dictate god as a force of good, omnipotent and all powerful. If these are indeed characteristics of that god then his inaction goes against his virtues, and given he's all-powerful that doesn't make sense.

Not all that difficult to understand...

tldr: Ask an agnostic anything.

>> No.3839088

That's nonsense the dictionary definition of atheist is :

a person who does not believe in the existence of God or gods

see belief over deny. its a claim to belief not knowledge.

and they are the ones arbitrarily defining it. They say agnostic even though it is the condition of not holding a positive belief in god is somehow not atheist which is nonsense

>> No.3839090
File: 23 KB, 269x213, John_Carmack_eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good trolling involves a modicum of subtlety.

>> No.3839099

if you don't hold a positive belief in god it means you don't believe in god. if you don't believe in god, you are by dictionary definition, atheist. atheists are a diverse bunch. for instance you can be religious and an atheist (see buddhism/shintoism). not all atheists are the militant atheists you get all butthurt and hipster about

>> No.3839103
File: 23 KB, 288x499, 1300825770388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have proof that %100 God created...
>...that %100 God

>> No.3839112

But Darwin was a christian.

>> No.3839194
File: 39 KB, 529x458, 13_19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

language is liquid. Meanings are not set in stone.

You did not actually check the dictionary as I asked, did you?

This makes me really sad.

>> No.3839224

what has the "initial energy in the pre-universe/that created the universe had to come from somewhere" to do with a goddess?

>I'm also not agnostic with reference to the Christian god, and the gods of other religions because they seem to dictate god as a force of good, omnipotent and all powerful. If these are indeed characteristics of that god then his inaction goes against his virtues, and given he's all-powerful that doesn't make sense.

so you are agnostic about deism, which is a subset of atheism?

>> No.3839543
File: 37 KB, 296x303, 66_08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>agnostic about deism, which is a subset of atheism?
>>deism subset of atheism

>> No.3839549

> babble
> Satisfaction of giving the troll 25 responses

Fuck this i am going back to /b/

>> No.3839557

Because our understanding of the universe is governed by the basic idea that something doesn't just come from nothing.

Atheism is the disbelief in god. Deism (thanks for familiarizing me with the term) says that a god exists, but that he doesn't intervene with humankind. Your summary on my stance is correct, but deism doesn't really fall into atheism until you twist the word to mean atheism with reference to interventionist gods.

>> No.3839582

>Atheism is the belief there is no god.
