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File: 199 KB, 583x700, ishygddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3835624 No.3835624 [Reply] [Original]

heh, Implying your life hasn't become butthurt since you converted to atheism

>> No.3835637

Does every fucking thread have to be "lol atheism is dumb"?

>> No.3835633
File: 22 KB, 304x323, wordsofwisdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic

>> No.3835646

Because this is /sci/.
Arguably the easiest thread to troll.

>> No.3837153
File: 126 KB, 450x373, 1266880195493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> convert to atheism
> mfw

>> No.3837161 [DELETED] 
File: 501 KB, 640x639, godadvicedog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[sarcasm] yeah, you're right. believing in god makes so much more sense [/sarcasm]

>> No.3837164

Pick one

>> No.3837165 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 765x768, advicegod2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3837173

>implying christian god is the right god

>> No.3837205

My life has been pretty butthurt since I converted to atheism, but why the fuck are you using the word convert to mean born?

>> No.3837218 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 801x801, atheismredundant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same god as all the 3 main montheistic religions (christianity and islam are offshoots of ancient judaism, and mormonism as a more recent offshoot of christianity)
obviously there are other gods as well, hindu gods, ancient roman/greek gods etc, but very few (probably none at all) people believe in these, so you dont have to argue against them.

>> No.3837221

Excellent point well may made

>> No.3837225

You passed

>> No.3837227

atheists trolling other atheists is so /lit/

>> No.3837233

Ill be sure to redirect trolls there in future. Thanks i never knew religion was discussed elsewhere

>> No.3837237 [DELETED] 

>direct trolls
pick none

trolls go where they are least wanted.

>> No.3837256

That image has a problem.
Because people don't refer to themselves as non-christian or non-muslim when they mean atheist.
They mean non religion.
Just as when you ask someone if they're an astrologer or alchemist and they reply back, no I'm unemployed.
So yeah there is a word for a person who isn't what most people are.

>> No.3837257

Youre fogetting i have the power of negative suggestion.

>> No.3837266

Thats nt even what the picture means. He isnt saying nonchristians call themselves atheists.

>> No.3837274 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 305x305, advicegod_lightsource.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? you either have a religion or you are an atheist.
saying you're an atheist is saying you have no religion, which isnatntly means you are neither a christian, jew, muslim, or anything else.

>> No.3837294

What you meant to say is that he isn't trying to say that, but is effectively conveying exactly that.
His comparing a lack of job assignments to jobs and saying they aren't called non-jobist. When in fact the term for someone with a job assignment is in fact called unemployed.
That's the point, exactly, he's not trying to say people are called non-christian or non-muslim, but that's exactly what argument he's using is bringing to the table. IE, there's a fucking problem.

>> No.3837303

Saying you're unemployed is saying you have no job, which isnatntly means you are neither an alchemist, astrologer, welder, or anything else.

>> No.3837305

Sorry i dont see it. Atheism isnt a religion. Thats essentially all hes saying

>> No.3837308

Sorry i dont see it. unemplyed isnt a job. Thats essentially all hes saying

>> No.3837311 [DELETED] 

looks to me like we all agree.

>> No.3837313
File: 71 KB, 220x323, 220px-Baphomet[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same god as all the 3 main montheistic religions
>implying this isn't the Jewish God.

>> No.3837322

If you are an atheist, just forget everything about God and move on with your life then. Why even bother to discuss this matter? God doesn't exist, okay fine, move on. Why do people insist on discussing this? To me atheism is a negative belief but still a belief...

However, a lack of belief in either a theist or atheist direction is apisticism someone who lacks belief about god believes neither that god exists, nor that no god exists . So to claim the title ‘atheist’ is to believe there is no god (positive belief) and at the same time one disbelieves in the existence of god (negative belief). Negative belief is belief nonetheless.

>> No.3837320 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 483x358, 13678345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, implying it IS!
>"(christianity and islam are offshoots of ancient judaism, and mormonism as a more recent offshoot of christianity) "

>> No.3837325

Well no.
I didn't start off by saying essentially the term unemployed shouldn't exist. It's just noise reasonable people make when in the presence of unjustified joblessness.
That's exactly the point. We aren't in agreement.

>> No.3837329 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 125x126, za2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you discuss it because you share the planet with billions of people who sincerely DO believe in this imaginary being, and who's words and actions reflect their belief.

>> No.3837334

All he,s saying is atheism shouldnt be equated with a religion. He tried to word it in a clever way but obviously te phrase 'it shouldnt exist' is stupid. You,re looking to hard into it.

>> No.3837339

Christianity and Islam were more peaceful takes on a Satanic religion. YHWHW no longer has any association with the Christian or Muslim gods.

>> No.3837338 [DELETED] 

well the word atheist is useful just because there are so many people with religious beliefs that it becomes necessary to have a word to describe a person who hold no religious beliefs.

if there were no religion, the word atheist wouldnt need to exist.

>> No.3837341


>hindu gods no one worships
>implying almost no one lives in India

>> No.3837342


Arguing about it on /sci/ is unproductive. We've already made up our minds about our beliefs and it's futile to even have this discussion. Beliefs are beliefs. You believe there is no evidence to validate the existence of god, others believe there is. That's just how it is. You are also assuming that all people who believe in god are some twisted, evil, corrupt human being. Incorrect

>> No.3837344 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 435x363, fgsfds2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peaceful take on anything
choose one.

>> No.3837347
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 2008-12-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3837346 [DELETED] 

i meant that no1 worships the old greek and roman gods. hinduism is still a modern religion and is well populated.

>> No.3837353

Islam is a religion of peace and always has been. Terrorists exist as a response to the Satanists occupying their territory.

>> No.3837349
File: 65 KB, 768x684, wtf 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- 200+ religions in the world.

- only 1 of them is correct

- you have a 0.5% chance of picking the right 1

>> No.3837351

>You are also assuming that all people who believe in god are some twisted, evil, corrupt human being.

Nope we know they're wrong because there is no evidence for god. liberal christians acknowledge this

>> No.3837352 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 283x175, untitled9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are also assuming that all people who believe in god are some twisted, evil, corrupt human being.
you are also assuming that i am assuming that all people who believe in god are some twisted, evil, corrupt human being.

...i don't
>we need to go deeper

>> No.3837356

>ITT: atheists proving OPs point

>> No.3837357



Nice pathetic excuse, bro.

>> No.3837355 [DELETED] 

>only 1 is correct
or more likely, none of them.

>> No.3837359

Op confused 'butthurt' with' honest'

>> No.3837362


>there are still people who believe in peaceful muslims
>Qu'ran clearly states that all later verses override the earlier ones in case of contradiction
>all the later verses talk about killing everything that isn't muslim including apostates
>if you are a muslim, you must adhere to violence or you are to be killed by muslims

I don't even know WHY people bother to defend muslims before reading the Qu'ran sometime.

>> No.3837360 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 253x343, btwiek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

religion of peace?
lol, i never get tired of hearing that, you think it'd stop being funny, but it really never does.

>> No.3837364 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 750x600, muslims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3837366

>Why do people insist on discussing this?
Because marriage is a union between man and a woman.
Because you may only enjoy a legal cohabitation with a single woman.
Because evolution is a fucking fact, yet is equivocated with fairy tales.
Because said fairytale are attempted to be taught in schools.
Because people think the world is six thousand years old.
Because the outcome of an election is heavily influenced by whoever references debunked imaginary friends the most.
Because people of specific orientations are beat and murdered.
Because people who don't want to ruin their lives are hassled and tortured for simple medical procedures that circumvent the course of nature.
Because of torturing children with brain-washing and ignorance.
Because of snipping off winkies.
Really? Why the fuck are being such a dick?
All people want to do is be left the fuck alone and you have to jump in and shit on them for trying to fight back? Fuck off.

>> No.3837367
File: 357 KB, 815x839, media.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The enemy of my enemy is a friend.

>> No.3837370
File: 452 KB, 580x3690, biblical_morality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moderate muslims ignore the fuck out of the quran just like moderate christfags ignore the fuck outta the bible.
the world would be a pretty fucked up place if we started stoning people to death for working on a sunday...

>> No.3837376

America has murdered over a million innocent people since 2001 in 2 illegal wars, you really need to redefine what a terrorist is.

>> No.3837381


There are no moderate muslims.

The Qu'ran clearly states you're either a Muslim or you can go fucking die but not in a fire because fire is holy.

>> No.3837387

no true muslim = no true scotsman fallacy
the moderates believe themselves to be muslims, the fundamentalists might not consider them to be

>> No.3837400

good point, mentioned here:

>> No.3837394

What about how many religions in existence ever?
What proof is there that one of them is correct?
I know your looking for probabilities there, but you forgot to apply the hypothetical assumption. Stating that one of them is correct is admitting that one of them is in fact correct regardless of low chance of being correct.

It's worth thinking about, but a low probability doesn't mean wrong either, especially when it relies on people.
It's akin to a argumentum ad populum or reductio ad absurdum.

>> No.3837401


i beg to differ.

im a muslim, im moderate.

by moderate i mean i have not to date blown myself up or implied i might do so.

i have not threatened anybody but that is expected of all human interaction right?

i have not had to knock on anybodies door and say your western values are dangling over by backyard fence.

my cv says i read and play football and constantly try to better myself.. i hope my references dont say he's into jihad when potential employers call.

anyway im a moderate muslim, apparently i am with jesus pbuh or against him..

if i had a pound every time iv read that.

>> No.3837403


why must atheists always associate god with religion? i believe in god independent of any religion and purely have arrived at my conclusion through introspection and philosophy, something atheists clearly aren't capable of

>> No.3837408

Probably because the idea of believing in God without religion is even more retarded.

>> No.3837411


>> No.3837417

You don't have dogma or indoctrination to blame. So it's entirely a failure of your ability to reason.

>> No.3837420


i feel the same almost, the way i see it is people did not differ until after guidance left them.

look guys i figured it all out,

look guys

hey guyz


imma tell some people anyways..

and by the time it becomes "mainstream" it might aswell be "fox news"

>> No.3837425


you still haven't explained. you've just insulted me.

>> No.3837426


A muslim would call you an apostate and kill you. You are not a muslim because you do not follow Qu'ran.

>> No.3837427


>believes he is free of dogma and indoctrination
>pick 1

>> No.3837428

I'm sorry you took it that way.

>> No.3837440

I was raised in a secular household. In the absence of religious indoctrination, why would I ever consider the possibility of magic?

>> No.3837441


if you have ever been between a rock and a hardplace.. you would know.

ak47's or m16's.. it dont make a difference when im not the one carrying.

anyhoo, an apostate is somebody who leaves islam after knowing what its about.

like i said, paraphrased from the jewish religion.

he you kills a person it is as if he had killed the whole of humanity.
and he who saves a person, it is as if he had saved the whole of humanity.

i do it no justice so your gonna have to look it up for yourself.
imma just keep running between this rock and hardplace.

>> No.3837447


cant ya spot the typo

>> No.3837452


Through introspection and philosophy, which you clearly haven't even entertained the notion of investigating the possibility. Shows some sophistication right there.

>> No.3837454
