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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 136 KB, 550x438, belllabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3836012 No.3836012 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think of it?

>> No.3836020

Use to be AWESOME. Now it's just eh.

>> No.3836025

I worked there temporarily, just wanted to know what the modern opinion was..

>> No.3836034

>In April 2006, Bell Laboratories's parent company, Lucent Technologies, signed a merger agreement with Alcatel. On December 1, 2006, the merged company, Alcatel-Lucent, began operations.
>As of July 2008, however, only four scientists remained in physics basic research according to a report by the scientific journal Nature.
>On August 28, 2008, Alcatel-Lucent announced it was pulling out of basic science, material physics, and semiconductor research, and it will instead focus on more immediately marketable areas including networking, high-speed electronics, wireless networks, nanotechnology and software.

Wow, sad.

>> No.3836045
File: 7 KB, 228x221, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3838230

yfw you won't keep a pet alligator in your cube, thereby meeting all the bigwigs in the lab, then go on to invent Unix, co-design C, create the world computer chess champion, help with Plan 9, and retire to fly Mig-20s, only to be rehired by Google and create yet another language (Go).

>> No.3838260

The market has spoken. I knew humans were destined for mediocrity since Earth's economy revolves around pleasing the top 1% be it smart mobile devices or slutty escorts.

>> No.3838278

can i has a job?

window cleaner?

>> No.3838287

> Wow, sad.

It's the end game of the prevailing economic model in a falling empire. It's not sad; it's inevitable.

>> No.3838304

wait google is making a new language?

>> No.3838316

Well at least there are still the national labs that aren't completely beholden to business interests.