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3835742 No.3835742 [Reply] [Original]

"Single Dose of 'Magic Mushrooms' Hallucinogen May Create Lasting Personality Change"


Yeah...Mushrooms are awesome.

>> No.3835759

>several doses of cocaine use may create lasting personality change
>several doses of lsd use may create lasting personality change
>several doses of [your favorite drug] use may create lasting personality change


>> No.3835763

Jeez, just thought you could appreciate some conclusive evidence...

>> No.3835805
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What test subjects had to say about the experience.

>> No.3835810
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>> No.3835827

>Psychedelic drugs make you think God exists
As a responsible skeptical atheist, I will not indulge in a substance that will warp my rational view of the world. This research confirms that hallucinogens are damaging to the sanity of an individual and should remain outlawed.

>> No.3835851

>hallucinogens are damaging to the sanity of an individual and should remain outlawed.

sez you.

thankfully, opinions differ

>> No.3835855

Well, these individuals are talking about "planes" and "divine experiences" and "talking to their shadows". How is that not delusional?

>> No.3835876
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Here's another one

>> No.3835903

as one atheist to another, how the hell do you use the empirical system on yourself if you don't actually conduct experiments? are you an atheist solely on faith? i have done shrooms, once. i desperately wanted to believe in a god to rearrange all the chaos that appeared before me. i didn't. i never will. but i do understand why others do.

>> No.3835904

It's metaphor, and I can relate to these stories because I've felt them too in several ways during and after a psychedelic experience. It is like an intuitive feeling of monism one could call it.

>> No.3835909

If you've never done "drugs" you have no idea of what they're talking about, literally.

Do some tabs, then we'll talk about it. Until then , you have zero experience on which to base any opinion. Simple as that.

>> No.3835915


ah, the rationalist: afraid to have his worldview (dogma) shattered or challenged

>> No.3835916

I had multiple doses.

I wonder where my personality went sometimes.

>> No.3835922


>They have a word for people like you: neurotic

>> No.3835926

Yes, do not dare to have your convictions challenged.

>For you may waiver as others have under scrutiny.

>> No.3835940

If you want a spiritual experience, doing man made chemicals is not the way to do it.
Marijuana, DMT, Psilocybin, Salvia, Mescalin, are drugs you should be ingesting, seeing as how they're naturally produced without man's intervention.

I've done acid once, and I've never felt farther away from a spiritual experience.

>> No.3835968

>Yes, do not dare to have your convictions challenged.
I do not see how introducing foreign and possibly neurotic chemicals into my brain, altering its chemical structure and producing hallucinations is a wise thing to do. If you would like to go around destroying your ability to distinguish reality from fantasy, be my guest, but do not tell me that the experience of going temporarily (and possibly permanently) insane is in any way good for a rational person.

>> No.3835969

Nonetheless, they are all psychoactive molecules, with characteristics following identifiable trends, and which act in predictable ways with certain neurological receptors. LSD is really no different from those other "natural" hallucinogens but what destabilizes someone the most with these is the environment of the trip.

>> No.3835975

Excuse me, I meant "neurotoxic chemicals".

>> No.3835980

Yes, we realize you do not see.

Thats the whole point, you have no clue about that which you are so adamently against.

>> No.3835981
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>> No.3835999

>temporarily (and possibly permanently) insane
ah, the troll card has been played...

>i am logical, i will not experiment to verify

>> No.3836011

Look, I disagree with what the guy is saying too, but will you stop speaking like such a jackass?

>> No.3836055

Why the fuck would it matter how the chemical was made? People are apart of nature. Man fucking hippies talking about how whatever we do is somehow not natural. Oh you did acid once and didn't like it? Boohoo. Did you think that maybe your preconceived notion about it not being natural may have had anything to do with it? Or any of hundred of other things? Irrational claims like this is why people hate your kind. You're fucking dumb as sin and so proud of it.

You think one or two journal articles is conclusive evidence? Hahahaha. You don't really get science do you? They could have been the most poorly performed experiments ever done. There could be hundreds of studies done that deny the claims of said studies.

Yah, they can change personality permanently. There's conclusive evidence (by science's standards, not yours) that use of hallucinogens (as well as weed, alcohol....other drugs) have a large correlations with development of psychopathology. Wow, that sounds really great. Thanks mushrooms.

>> No.3836063

I do not need to experiment. This experiment has already been done, and shows how this chemical radically alters the perspective of someone. If it causes people to reinforce their beliefs of irrational fantasy, it is harmful. Do you believe the ramblings of schizophrenics to be "enlightened"? If not, then why is this any different?

I do not plan on consuming this chemical myself, because I do not feel like having my neurochemical structure permanently altered. There are other ways to arrive at "peace with oneself" without taking potentially damaging drugs.

>> No.3836072


Gotta say Salvia was far from a spiritual experience. Energy waves beat me up.

>> No.3836093

A persons personality is subject to permanent changes every moment of their life, that's the point.
really, it isn't all that radical, stop resisting change you neurotic fuck

>> No.3836102

all i am saying is that it is painfully obvious you have no idea what you are arguing against. and you are unwilling to find out what it is. and if you honestly believe that it is a "peace with oneself" moment then you aren't even trying to understand. worst two hours of my life. won't do it again, but i am much more informed as to what the hell others are talking about. how about you?

>> No.3836108

There are positive changes and there are negative changes. I would count an unpredictable chemical alteration leading to possible psychoses among the negative.

>> No.3836117

>Why the fuck would it matter how the chemical was made? People are apart of nature. Man fucking hippies talking about how whatever we do is somehow not natural. Oh you did acid once and didn't like it? Boohoo. Did you think that maybe your preconceived notion about it not being natural may have had anything to do with it? Or any of hundred of other things? Irrational claims like this is why people hate your kind. You're fucking dumb as sin and so proud of it.

I actually didn't have a bad time on acid, it was fun.
Stayed up all night and watched the O.C with friends.
Also went exploring.

But I didn't have the same euphoric feelings of a spiritual breakthrough that drugs like mushrooms and DMT brought on.

It actually felt counter productive in that sense.
Also, I like the insulting and aggressive tone of your post, it really does wonders for your credibility.

>> No.3836151


Yet rarely is a person on those drugs not aware enough to understand that theyre on drugs.

You really overestimate how easily a person can slip into psychosis, even when its synthetic, any human with a will will deal with it fine.