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3833916 No.3833916 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3833923

So what?

The only problem here is the question as to whether a child of that age is competent to make such a decision. If he really is transgendered, then it will turn out to be the best decision of his life. If he isn't, well, he'll certainly regret it.

>> No.3833935

I blame communists and socialists and liberals and water and books and gravity. And anything else I forgot.

>> No.3833939

Exactly why it's completely immoral, he's too young understand.

>> No.3833940 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3833941


What age is old enough, then?

14 or 15 is when he'll be making the final decision.

>> No.3833956

About as ethical as cutting off an arm. The kid isn't past puberty, his sexual identity isn't fully developed yet.

>> No.3833958


Being transsexual does not develop at that age. It's either there already, or it isn't.

>> No.3833966
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Have you ever seen someone 30 years after they went through hrt? Pic related. They also have a high suicide rate

>> No.3833971

So kids who try on their mothers clothes are transsexual?

>> No.3833981 [DELETED] 

Hormone therapy is best when it's begun before pubery, obviously. Most transgendered persons know they're transgendered around the age of 5.

>> No.3833980

Do you guys think the balance of male:female is off or that there are simply too many fat girls? I bet the ratio was different when niggas was dying in wars all the time.

Personally, I think the ratio should be higher for women so that I can have a harem like in my chinese cartoons, but of course, women should not be able to vote or have rights of any kind. Thoughts?

>> No.3833990

Hormone therapy is best when it's begun before puberty, obviously. Most transgendered persons know they're transgendered around the age of 5.

>> No.3833988

So he could stay on hormone suppressants until he's 18, and then decide. 18 is on the upper limit of when puberty starts anyway.

Not exclusively. But I wouldn't be surprised if there was a strong correlation there.

>> No.3834005

If he becomes half as cute as Kayo Police, then I think it's a good move. Halfassed trannies are abominations.

>> No.3834006

Or just let him develop naturally then decide for himself when he isn't so easily influenced by his mothers and lack of a father figure

>> No.3834012

[citation needed]

>> No.3834049


If the efficacy of treatments didn't decrease as age increases, that would be fine. But that's not the case.

The earlier he's able to make the decision, the better it will be for him. I'm inclined to think that 14 or 15 is a fine time to choose, especially since most transsexuals report noticing their problems a lot sooner than that.

>> No.3834075

so lets sum it up the boy is

>in family with two lesbians as his mothers
>has mutilated dick
>is jewish
>is deaf
>wears bracers
>his brother looks similarly retarded
>is a little bitch
>is a faggot
>wears glasses at age 11
>wants to be other gender

Well, I dont know what to say, bunch of inbreds in amurrika nowadays ?

>> No.3834106

I cant even imagine worser combination, like... only thing could be that he would be a nigger, born somewhere in somalia

>> No.3834132
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LOL how the fuck do you know if you're transsexual when you're fucking 11. What a load of shit.

First of all I don't believe there's such a thing as a male/female "trapped" in the wrong body. I think they are just people who don't like the cards they were dealt, and the grass is always greener. Studies have been done on the brains of "transgendered" people, where one claims to have the wrong genders brain, and it's been proven to be false. Scientists can determine the differences between a male and female brain. So if their brain is male, their body is male, everything about them is male, they are a fucking male. They have something wrong mentally, not gender wise, or body wise, they have a fucking disease. And they need to be treated.

Did I mention I hate transsexuals?

>> No.3834135


He probably browses /sci/ too.

>> No.3834173

I knew, but didn't say anything. Now I feel like it is too late.

>> No.3834176

wow that would make him the HUGEST faggot

next he'll major in engineering

>> No.3834193


>Studies have been done on the brains of "transgendered" people, where one claims to have the wrong genders brain, and it's been proven to be false.

[citation needed]

>> No.3834203


I know science isn't really respected here, but dude;


Their brains grew wrong. The cure is either to make the brain match the body, or make the body match the brain. We have no idea how to even start fixing the brain, but we can do more every year to fix the body.