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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3832283 No.3832283 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this happen?

Is it dangerous?

>> No.3832287

> starve your brain of oxygen
> is this harmful

>> No.3832293
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top left

>> No.3832310

>for a few seconds

>> No.3832334
File: 939 KB, 2596x2336, 1274370817659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should definitely trust anything you read on 4chan.

>> No.3832399

>effectively stop your heart for a few seconds
>what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.3832403
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>> No.3832419

what the actual fuck!?
i'd have expected that shit from /b/...

>> No.3832533

People like the OP of the thread in your picture should be deported to labor camps and work for the society while getting paid about 3 dollars a day.

>> No.3832559

No, they should be rewarded and given the resources needed to launch even grander schemes.

>> No.3832561

As stupid as the guy was.. fuck, if I could press a button to kill whoever posted it I would

>> No.3832566

The experiment is bullshit made up to make people paranoid about heating a spoon. In before "no shit sherlock", just had to say it.

>> No.3832568

No, their organs should be sold on the black market by the state, while the strongest of them would work in labor camps for the entire life without getting paid, and only getting the most basic food needed for survival.

>> No.3832584

People in my school were caught doing it, they got expelled and they were arrested.

>> No.3832586
File: 242 KB, 474x357, 0129843084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up! no1 fucking cares about anything you have to say, you cant kill any1 or send any1 to a fucking labour camp. you have no fucking power whatsoever and you never fucking will.

deal with it.

>> No.3832591

arrested for blowing on their own thumbs?
shut the fuck up you lying cunt.

>> No.3832593

arrested for what?

>> No.3832589

I would work for $3 a day if it could help society ;_;

Nothing helps society, any time money is involved it only hurts society somehow.

>> No.3832595

>shut the fuck up! no1 fucking cares about anything you have to say, you cant kill any1 or send any1 to a fucking labour camp. you have no fucking power whatsoever and you never fucking will.

Really? It isn't like coup d'etat in various countries is very hard to pull off.

>> No.3832599

He's just joking around, in case if you fucking morons don't get the joke.

>> No.3832602

>EK, talking to herself again

EK in thread, sage, ignored, hidden, reported.

>> No.3832613


This is the SECOND most retarded thing I've read here all day. Fuck you, /sci/.

>> No.3832615

what's the first?

>> No.3832620


That EK is a girl.

>> No.3832622

They were arrested, I'm not lying.
I'm not sure why, I guess it's illegal.

>> No.3832624

Enjoy destroying the world with supercapitalism

>> No.3832627

fucking get over yourself you stupid little prick.

it isnt illegal, how the fuck could it be!!?

>> No.3832628

Has been confirmed fake for a few months now.
All the images on the left are top hits in google.

>> No.3832631
File: 76 KB, 600x444, badanteater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something similar, actually, a retard saying that the fact people have to work more than 10 hours a day proves that they are all being exploited by evil capitalists.

I swear to Odin, this board is filled to the brim with morons. I started coming here recently because I thought I might actually get something out of here, but sadly this has proven to not be the case, unless you count in rage, butthurt, and a general reapage of my faith in humanity. Of those three things, I have gotten far more than I bargained for.

>> No.3832633
File: 31 KB, 435x363, fgsfds2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I swear to Odin, this board is filled to the brim with morons.
you only just noticed?

>> No.3832639

maybe he lives in australia, where everything is illegal

>> No.3832643

Sorry I'm don't live in the same country as you.
Stop being so angry all the time.

>> No.3832652

>Comes to 4chan.org
>Expects to find intellectuals

No, your the retard one for not knowing what 4chan is.

>> No.3832654

Oh shitfuck, 10 hours A WEEK, he said, not a day. My bad.

>> No.3832658

EK confirmed for butthurt faggot

>> No.3832663

Its Ireland, they were arrested, but maybe they weren't convicted.

>> No.3832678
File: 59 KB, 755x308, grammarnaziyouryoure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being a stupid faggot all the time.


you confirmed for cunt

>> No.3832721

OP it's not dangerous, just hyperventilating, it causes a decrease in CO2 in your blood which causes you to not feel the need to breath for a bit. This causes a decrease in Oxygen in your brain which causes you to kind of pass out for a brief moment.

>> No.3832725

you die

>> No.3832742

That is not very nice. Are you OK?

>> No.3832747

EK's multiple personalities are back in full force. Splendid

>> No.3832779


>> No.3832773



Someone told me about this at lunch. I passed out, supposedly smacked my face on the table, then on the chair, then the floor and had a seizure.

And nobody gave a shit.

>> No.3832784

Well my school did, why is it so hard to believe?
Also the fact you would try it is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.3832793

she isnt me you fucking retard.

>> No.3832796


You should try it too brosama.

Shits fun man.

>> No.3832798

Lol I love an angry Scott. Come at me, bro.

>> No.3832805


>> No.3832817

It's a well-known fact that you are an obese Scott suffering from dissociative identity disorder and leeching off the welfare system

>> No.3832819

How does it kill you?

>> No.3832824


It just makes you pass out.

You MIGHT not wake up though. But most of the time you will.

>> No.3832863

lol, i even already posted ages ago that i was from london, you fucking moron. and you are completely ignorant about my condition.

>> No.3832868

it doesn't.

>> No.3832874
File: 15 KB, 199x292, allofmyfarce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anything you say is true

>> No.3832941

>arguing over this garbage
>not discussing my thread

Whenever I do this I have a dissociation and a somewhat vivid, albeit short, dream. Sometimes I completely see things from other people's point of view with none of my own bias.

I'm sure that I pass out on my bed though.