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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 160 KB, 600x488, Fermilab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3828679 No.3828679 [Reply] [Original]

Farewell to a giant of particle physics - Fermilab's Tevatronaccelerates its last beam

Live here

Good night sweet prince

>> No.3828688

That massive atom smasher is probably the last generations Large Hadron Collider

>> No.3828689

Why do we randomly shut shit down that could still be useful when we have not replaced it?

Space telescopes, particle accelerators

How about you keep them operational till we fucking get a replacement.

>> No.3828692

operational costs

>> No.3828697

did i miss it?

>> No.3828699

the military budget eclipsed it i bet
i'm pretty sure heavy physics advancement in america is going to go quiet for a few decades

>> No.3828700

Maintenance costs and everything that Fermilab can do, CERN can do better, faster and cheaper.

>> No.3828701


well the lhc is better in every sense

>> No.3828702

It died with the SSC

>> No.3828705


hasnt started yet i think

>> No.3828709

>Shuttle program ends
>Fermilab ends
>Still spend more than the rest of the world put together on the military just to blow up some ragheads in a desert

>> No.3828716

to be fair, a good bit of that military research is making its way to the private sector

the only problem is that it's a two-step process instead of a more efficient "design it for the civilians" one step process

i guess everyone's best bet is to spin your research into something that can kill people and get lots of grant money for it

>> No.3828721
File: 12 KB, 316x202, you-will-never.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, private industry is taking over!

>> No.3828723

The worst part is if the technology could actually change the status quo there's no fucking way they'd let the public have it, bunch of power-hungry sadistic bastards.

>> No.3828739

well, SpaceX is sure picking up the slack, or at least making a very serious effort to

>> No.3828744

I hope it's just phase 1 to get people into outer space instead of skimming the edge forever because companies are afraid of risk.

>> No.3828763

it started!!!!

>> No.3828779

I lol'd. Then I cried.

>> No.3828821


Elon Musk (lol at trusting billionaires in 2011 yeah yeah) has said he wants to retire to Mars as a way of indicating their goals for the whole program.

>> No.3828850

shit's happening

>> No.3828859

.....and then shit's over

i wonder if they're going to auction off the equipment?

>> No.3828874

still have to shut down D0
then the beam

>> No.3828876

they can't leave it lying around, what if a supervillain gets control of it?

>> No.3828878


Some of it is supposed to be reused.

>> No.3828929
File: 54 KB, 397x442, ogre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"As his body became more and more defenseless, so his means of offense became steadily more frightful. With stone and bronze and iron and steel he had run the gamut of everything that could pierce and slash, and quite early in time he had learned how to strike down his victims at a distance. The spear, the bow, the gun, and finally the guided missile had given him weapons of infinite range and all but infinite power.
Without those weapons, often though he had used them against himself, Man would never have conquered his world. Into them he had put his heart and soul, and for ages they served him well.
But now, as long as they existed, he was living on borrowed time."

-Arthur C. Clarke on the Ascent of Man

>> No.3828933

The beam just got pulled...

>> No.3828937

It's over.

>> No.3828938

But seriously, how would any form of pure science be funded if not through the government?

>> No.3828940

its dead ;_;

>> No.3828941

it just died.
I has a sad

>> No.3828952 [DELETED] 

don't worry; that money will go to feed all those illegal immigrants, niggers on welfare, and michelle obama

>> No.3828950

:( Goodnight, sweet machine... You are more than just that.

>> No.3828953

it's strange, we're so used to that model that trying to think of anything outside that is almost impossible

>> No.3828971


What's going to happen to the facility itself?

>> No.3828983

World's largest RC car racetrack

>> No.3828990


Bulldozed and turned into a mini-mall.

>> No.3828995

New collider that runa 100 times faster than the cern one. It will allow for the easier study of particles that appear less frequently.

>> No.3829000

>Are you implying that you know of other means to fund high budget pure science programs?
i do not, and i find that interesting

>> No.3828996

By "that model" do you mean the concept of research receiving funding from the government?

Are you implying that you know of other means to fund high budget pure science programs?

>> No.3829031

>100 times faster


>inb4 neutrinos

>> No.3829040

Not the collision itself, but the frequency of collisions.

>> No.3829074

I suppose, but the reason why there is no other practical funding sources for such projects seems simple enough. There is no profit to be gained in the immediate future. Practical discoveries from purely scientific discoveries usually come much later and one can't exactly patent a physical law.

>> No.3829118

for particle accelerators that is measured under luminosity
and Fermilab isn't building a new colider.

>> No.3829144 [DELETED] 
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>experimental physics
>not inferior physics


>> No.3829177

how does it feel you'll never get to have something as awesome as CERN

>> No.3829194

>implying we understand particle physics enough to go forward just on theory.

>> No.3829236



Project X. My appologies if I am misunderstanding who is behind it.