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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3825393 No.3825393 [Reply] [Original]

>not pretty boy parrots who could never stand a minute in a real math/science class

pick one

>> No.3825401
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that isnt his tripcode.

>> No.3825409
File: 24 KB, 563x399, do you call that a penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3825437

You need an understanding of chemistry for biology, otherwise you're just memorizing.

Also, typically doctors will have taken the mcat, which is a general science test with questions concerning multiple disciplines, including physics.

>> No.3826039

I've looked at that test and it consists of mostly AP Chem knowledge with a little Orgo mixed in. The physics and biology sections are likewise either freshman year shit or stuff you can just reason your way through.

Btw the section on math literally asks you to do middle school trig problems. MCAT is a joke.

Tl;Dr The MCAT is not a good gauge of having a rigorous science/math study.

>> No.3826221

lol wut

>> No.3826228

Not even my tripcode.

>> No.3826232

Fuck off, impersonator.

>> No.3826255


I am the real faggot.

>> No.3826261


>> No.3826275



>> No.3826286


>> No.3826290

There is only one way to figure out who's legit:

Will the real CCM please post that leopard with booze?

>> No.3826298

Why do so many people rip on biology?
There is a lot of reasoning involved in evolutionary biology, biotech, and molecular biology.

>> No.3826302
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>> No.3826305

>evolutionary biology

That's what retards actually believe.

>> No.3826306


Meme-spouting retards on their way to /b/, don't worry. Everyone loves biology.

>> No.3826323

>a hard science

choose one

>> No.3826330

>implying physics is any harder

>> No.3826336

Every field of physics is hard while biology has soft fields like ecology, ethology or evolutional biology.

>> No.3826337

>molecular biology
>evolutionary biology

>implying there is "reasoning" in any of them
>implying I don't personally know several biology majors
>implying they don't just sit down memorizing slides in a rote fashion
>implying they do any math

>> No.3826349

Of course, I picked a pre-med as an organic chemistry lab partner. I walk that kid through every step, and what does he do? He pours too much ether it our solution, ruining 3 hours of work in the lab. For fuck sake, THE VIAL HAD A BIG RED LINE ON IT TO MAKE SURE YOU DIDN'T OVER FILL IT!

If I could print prescriptions myself I'd never go to a doctor again.

>> No.3826356


>> No.3826358

Nice troll post. But biotech has some physics and molecular biology has some chemistry.

>> No.3826368

>not hacking into the doctor's shitty computing network and sending prescriptions to the local pharmacy
>not scanning his signature
>not a 1337 h4x


>> No.3826376

I don't want to generalize, but why are most biology professors so moody?

>> No.3826382
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>implying number games for autists to wank themselves with and baking soda volcano aspies could ever hold a candle to a Medical Doctor

Your rubics cube solving skills may impress your mom, but it won't save lives, and it certainly won't get you laid.

>> No.3826387


>> No.3826395

I always wondered do you guys say


>> No.3826415

>hurr durr i get da puzzy because getting da pussy is the most important thing in the world

Stay buttmad, "doctor." I would never let you touch me with but a stethoscope. To be honest, a chemist, physicist, or mathematician with a decent Master's can do much of the work that these hyped up "physicians" do. Doctors learn most of their trade during residency--so can chemists (who have superior IQs).


>> No.3826424

>molecular biology has some chemistry.
WTF are you talking about almost everything you take in a Mol Bio major is chemistry.

>> No.3826428

>superior IQs

ahahahahahahahahahaha oh wow

if a bum crackhead off the street can master chemistry to make new meth compounds, then that certainly says something about your "high iq" profession

when I see bums becoming surgeons on the street, then that will be something

>> No.3826444

>if a bum crackhead off the street can master chemistry to make new meth compounds, then that certainly says something about your "high iq" profession

If you think that happens or that is what chemistry is about...I feel very sorry for your ignorance.

>> No.3826455

doctors are the engineers of the biology world

>> No.3826460

Chemistry is an over-glorified version of baking.

My mom is a better chemist than most of the people ITT.

>> No.3826463
File: 13 KB, 230x260, feynman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Important things and hard sciences have "worlds."
Biology is neither important nor a hard science.
Q.E.D., biology cannot have its own world.

>> No.3826501

if biology is so easy and soft why not double major in biology and if you fail to get into grad school for physics then go to med school with your biology degree

>> No.3826506

>To be honest, a chemist, physicist, or mathematician with a decent Master's can do much of the work that these hyped up "physicians" do.

That's funny, because a doctor is a chemist, physicist and mathematician all at the same time. They use all of those skills in prescribing medicines and critical thinking when it comes to treating illnesses.

If you have an infection, chemistry comes in quite handy.

One thing that chemists, mathematicians fail at is people skills. You can't work with or around people, while physicians can.

So while physicians have all of the skills and knowledge you have, they also have the confidence and charisma to shake someones hand and tell them they are going to die.

That's why chemists and mathematicians will ALWAYS work under Doctors in every field. And a chemist is replaceable, any high-school nerd can be a chemist. Hell, most 9 year old "progidies" can be mathematicians, but they don't have the stuff to become Medical Doctors, and neither do you.