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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 68 KB, 500x401, Dr_ Brian Cox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3825813 No.3825813 [Reply] [Original]


Oh my god. Such a tragic death. I'd run over the fuckers who killed him with my truck, multiple times.


>> No.3825821

I didn't even need to follow the link.

>> No.3825838

yup /sci/, I did it.

I killed Brian Cox.

it was the only way to keep pop science from self propagating.

>> No.3825844


this is the real link

he had a full life

>> No.3825845

>30 sept
>mvq it's currently 00:41 here

>> No.3825846

SOMEWHAT, yes. 1/0 is also very useful for those of us with an interest in metaphysics, because it's a nice way to show how the concept of zero is the same as the concept of infinity

HOWEVER...being a philosophy major, we prefer to say that x/0 actually IS defined as "infinity", and it's very apparent when you try to do a general graph of, say, x/x.

That said...from a MATHEMATICAL standpoint...mathematicians say "undefined", because they ABSOLUTELY HATE the very NOTION of "infinity". But I tend to look at math with a philosopher's eye. It depends on how you look at it. I even brought up the concept of x/0 equaling infinity in my math class, and my professor was like, "Technically your right, but we don't call it that here and it has no place in a math class. It's undefined"

Oh, and don't even get me started on 0/0! lol. That's also "undefined" but for a different reason. If you reverse multiply then you would get 0 times x = 0. Since x can equal ANY real number (infinite real numbers), that would mean 0/0 = x, where x is infinity (or undefined).

Since all math is, is a tool AND a language to explain such an abstract idea anyway...saying 1/0 is infinity is not wrong. Nor is it wrong to say it's undefined. It's subjective. Plain and simple.

>> No.3825850

>keeping science esoteric

you may as well turn everyone in new age hippy morons who make a living with fraudulent psychic abilities and then wonder why no more health advances have occurred because you set us back 200 years

>> No.3825874

>Adults think that babies come from sperm and eggs and sex, etc.
>But as a 5 year old kid, I KNOW that babies actually COME FROM THE STORK
>adults lack my intuitive perspective and are blinded by their propaganda!

>> No.3825883

Stop that.

>> No.3825897

Stop that.

>> No.3825962


this is so much wrong

x/0 is very undefined, its limit has two values simultaneously, positive and negative infinity.

Mathemagicians don't really mind infinity, it's just if you don't treat i properly your whole alegbra asplodes... That's what you did.

0/0 is not infinity either... it is very undefined, its limit can be any real number or plus or minus infinity, as you said yourself.

division by zero is not allowed and is nver equal to infinity: to illustrate this:

let s be a real number -> infinity is any number that is always greater than sigma

s<|infinity| for all s

multiply both sides by zero

0*infinity is any number that satisfies
0<|infinity*0| for all s

this shows that infinity is definitively not the multiplicative inverse of 0, as it is not uniquely 1

>> No.3825991
File: 14 KB, 300x388, dirac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this shows that infinity is definitively not the multiplicative inverse of 0, as it is not uniquely 1

<span class="math">\delta (x)[/spoiler]