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File: 86 KB, 488x691, 1317162296933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3824622 No.3824622 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any danger in smoking marijuana?

Does it stunt growth?

Does it fuck up your lungs if you only do it occasionally, or even once?

>> No.3824625

Why are you still growing? Are you 16?

>> No.3824629

I don't know if I'm still growing.
I guess not.

>> No.3824631

Smoking weed say, once a month as a full grown adult is not very dangerous(at least not compared to other things you probably put in your body).

>> No.3824633

Smoked first time at age 14

I'm doing it once or twice a month with friends.

Educated, have a job.

Anything else you want to know

>> No.3824634

It will make you go INSANE!! DON'T DO IT!!

My brother smoked 3 pots and started foaming at the mouth and shaking. I tried to call 911 but I was too high to use my phone! I had to lock him in the closet and he died from a brain aneurysm.

Now I just stay in my house all day and am too perma-fried to go out and do anything.

>> No.3824635

Is there any danger in smoking marijuana?
very little, if you have a family or personal histroy with mental illness (im not talking about depression you pussys) then you might want to be carefull but all in all you should be fine

>Does it stunt growth?

>Does it fuck up your lungs if you only do it occasionally, or even once?
nope not at all

>> No.3824636

I don't think anything has been routinely recorded. But inhaling it does inevitably do damage to the lungs and oesophagus as any inhaled ash would. But luckily that's like the least significant health effect imaginable. It would take forever to do permanent damage that way

>> No.3824640

smoked a half a blunt about an hour ago and I got a really bad arrythmia. It happens a lot.
gonna smoke the other half now.

>> No.3824641

I'd like to know whether it is dangerous on its own, not in relation to other things.
Yes, has your health suffered?
I learned in my biomed class that smoking anything burns off the little hairs in your lungs/near them that gets nasty shit out of them, and that's why you cough more when you smoke.
He said that smoking once can burn them and they usually don't come back.

>> No.3824645

Will this have no effect on my ADD, help it, or hurt it?

>> No.3824653


I'm asthmatic since birth. No increase in frequency of the lung contractions as far as I'm concerned.

My memory is also okay - I speak three languages fluently.

>> No.3824651

Aside from personal anecdotes, which are not reliable, no one really knows.
Probably best to talk to your doctor.

>> No.3824647

only if you do somthing stupid like inhaling super hot smoke, which can only happen in rare circumstances

he is talking worst case scenario here.

if your that worried about hairs in your lungs just cook with the weed

make sure you have some sort of animal fat and heat in the recipe and that will work

>> No.3824654

>I'd like to know whether it is dangerous on its own, not in relation to other things.

But everything is dangerous on its own, without any frame of reference or sense of perspective. I'm sure the last meal you ate contained dozens of different substances that are technically harmful.

>> No.3824655

>Does it fuck up your lungs if you only do it occasionally, or even once?
nope not at all

Because the inhalation of crude combustion products is just as healthy as breathing regular air.

>> No.3824658

Additives in the processed foods you eat should worry you far more than effects from smoking pot.

>> No.3824661

dawg you gotta go outside if you get anxiety
take a walk in the woods

>> No.3824667

*no one on /sci/

>> No.3824671

There's very little research on the effects of smoking weed on brain development but it's probably not safe, but if you're 18 you're probably set, it's really under 16 that's unsafe. I'm an everyday smoker who quits smoking cigs every couple months for a while, and smoking more than 3 or 4 times a week for months you start to feel effects on your lungs but even smoking everyday is a whole lot less bad than smoking cigarettes, smoking once or twice every couple of weeks will seem like your lungs are messed up for a day or two afterward but the long term effects are basically zero.

It's pretty much completely safe, you might as well smoke weed everyday.

>> No.3824673


Agreed. Don't give in to peer pressure dude.

>> No.3824678


>> No.3824681

not anxiety, just arrythmia.

>> No.3824679

>occasionally, or even once

It's not gonna fuck up your lungs. You might get a sore throat for an evening. And the air most people breathe is fucking atrocious. I could never understand how people can stand living in large cities and breathe that shit.

>> No.3824685

Similar story here, anon. My brother died of marijuana overdose. RIP brother Tim.

>> No.3824688
File: 34 KB, 491x501, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's safer than regular smoking, and as long as you don't do it all the fucking time, you will be fine. doesnt stunt your growth and wont fuck up your lungs much. would take a long time to have any serious negative effects anyway.
whats with your pic?

>> No.3824691

I live in suburban Mississippi, by the way. I'm not inhaling a shit ton of pollutants daily or anything. At least not as much as I would be if I lived in a bigger city or some really industrialized place.

>> No.3824694

I'm a senior undergrad, pre-med (just getting emails asking for secondary applications from every school I applied to), in the honors college, etc. I smoke usually once or twice a week (although I haven't smoked for like two or three weeks, sometimes I just don't have the time for it).


You will settle the fuck down, and for once not feel that itch of boredom if all you're doing is sitting on a couch. It's incredible.

Anyways, OP, here's what I've found from random internet searches on the subject (assuming you smoke in MODERATION):
>doesn't cause lung cancer
>doesn't stunt growth
>no long term effects really
>can cause panic attacks/abnormal heartbeat or something, but it's rare

If you smoke all day erry day, it can:
>expedite the onset of alzheimer's
>have a negative impact on cognitive function (aka makes you stupider)
>somehow can be associated with the onset of schizophrenia if you're already predisposed to it (family history mainly I think)

In either case, it's not physically addictive, but like anything, you can become psychologically addicted to it.

Don't take my word for it though, do some research.

>> No.3824698

It only takes ONE weed needle to get you hooked OP

Don't do it

>> No.3824699

Not really, but most of the people who actually object to it are. I'm not talking object to people being worthless stoners, I'm talking objecting to weed itself even when used by normal people.

>> No.3824702
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You cannot overdose, it has absolutely zero effect on your health. There has never been a single recorded death from Marijuana in the entire history of the human race because it would take you a few hundred kilograms to make it "dangerous". In fact Smoking pot is healthy, therefore the term "clinical" or "medical" marijuana.

The only thing it does is make you happy. It makes you genuinely feel good about yourself. That's why it's illegal and we spend tens of billions on enforcing it and imprisoning rather than getting HUGE tax revenues from it. You need to be miserable. Be miserable so you have to consume more to feel better about yourself.


Sometimes I really hate how our society is so goddamn stupid beyond any redemption.

>> No.3824705

It's make me sycho.

>> No.3824711

The making you stupider thing is temporary, and it doesn't cause schizophrenia it just sometimes causes latent schizophrenia to manifest itself.

>> No.3824716

Well, if I do smoke weed, it will be the only thing I do, unless that whole gateway thing is true.
A lot of girls at my high school who were early adopters of weed and in rehab for heroin. They didn't actually do heroin, but they took the pills they give people to get off heroin, which is basically lesser heroin if I understand it correctly.
But yeah, I don't plan to do any drugs or drink beer in college. I certainly don't plan on getting "shitfaced".

I'm just worried, honestly. Some of my best friends started smoking weed, and it's all they fucking talk about. They don't even have hobbies. They just smoke. Now, I don't hold it against anyone for smoking weed, but it has become their personality, and they never want to hang out or do anything but it. I'm not trying to be an asshole or ignorant fanatic, but I guess I am ignorant. I feel like I'm being preached to by two separate sides, each skewing the information.

>> No.3824731
File: 175 KB, 1205x845, NowITrulySee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only negative side effects I've noticed is that of course, a day after heavily smoking I'll have a bit of an impaired short term memory, and if after like an entire week of all-day-erry-day I might start coughing like maybe 5 coughs per day. The latter is simply from smoke, nothing marijuana ingredient-related.

On the upside it got me reinterested in science and world affairs x 1,000 after a long stint of having my nerdiness bullied out of me through public school. It has been a positive effect on my life. Pic related.

>> No.3824756

meh, everyone needs some sort of consciousness enhancer, life would be too boring without. i say its best to vary it, and not get hooked on one thing. people who just smoke weed all the time often become boring as fuck. weed, alcohol, other mild drugs etc are all quite fun. i wouldnt advise taking any of the heavy shit; life ruiners.

>> No.3824765
File: 175 KB, 1000x750, medical_cannabis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yup, cannabis

>> No.3824769

Know your limits that's the problem no one knows what a balanced chemical equation is these in terms of their own body. Your brain actually produces these drugs just not in copious amounts. Marijuana only stimulates that certain area in your brain. Don't do to much be moderate...that's all I can say.

>> No.3824772


Gateway drug thing is only true in that you will feel good and you may want to try other things.

A couple years ago I discovered opioids (synthetic opiates like tramadol) and found it huge fun to ingest huge doses of those as well as benzodiazepines.

I never even got to the point of having a withdrawal but at some point I realized this is so good that I could just feel like that forever.

I stopped at that point but some people never do.

I still pop some every now and then but always with utmost respect for the substance

>> No.3824774


The gateway thing is mostly a lie...you're not going to jump straight to trying crack if you smoke weed. That you smoke weed in the first place says a bit about your personality; it's not the pot's fault if you eventually do heroin, it's YOUR fault.

That being said, after having become comfortable with marijuana, I'm now considering trying hallucinogens. If I end up going to med school next year, that's essentially the end of the having-fun-and-being-immature part of my life, so I need to cram in as many bad decisions as I can between now and next fall. Mushrooms seem fun; no bad side-effects and no long-term effects (discounting the possibility of a bad trip, which I hear is rare).

>> No.3824782

wow, I thought this was /adv/
and then I clicked that picture and it reminded me of inurdaes
and then I see your name and I"m like

>> No.3824793
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 1292935369957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is I.

>> No.3824795

>(discounting the possibility of a bad trip, which I hear is rare).
not really rare...most people who have tried it have had one. the first one is quite likely to be a bad trip.

>> No.3824805


Ah, really? I've been under the impression that so long as you take the proper precautions (have sober friends around, trip in a comfortable place, etc.) the likelihood of a bad trip is very low. If you have any experience on the subject, I'd love to hear any advice you have to offer.

>> No.3824806

Mary jane is a gateway drug but fags and alcohol isn't considered to be a gateway drug, funny isn't it.

I've been smoking for the past 2 years and its only ever done good things for me.(rarely drink and dont smoke tobacco)

>> No.3824817


Actually out of all the things to be illegal Marijuana is definitely a poor choice, alcohol has more dangerous side-effects. Marijuana funnily enough calms your nervous system and makes me idle (perfect for me when I need to study it helps me focus)...whereas alcohol actually seems to override it and you become either sloppy or just a raging ape...even though it's a depressant...atleast that's what I noticed among people.

>> No.3824822

it will kill your personality and make you retarded.

Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with fat losers saying "420" "munchies" "dank" and giggling?

>> No.3824825

first one freaked me the fuck out! stayed the fuck away from it for several months. eventually plucked up the courage and had a very small amount. wasn't so bad, i got over it. got more used to it.

>> No.3824834

Look, you are only going to live once. Smoking weed won't shave off that many years, but it will be a great experience, even if you do it just once.

>> No.3824839


It depends on the concentration...if it has a really high THC content you're going to trip balls but in moderate amounts I'd go so far as to say it can be healthy for you.

>> No.3824855
File: 7 KB, 251x188, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, what?
we were talking about shrooms. THC is weed, you don't exactly 'trip' on weed. its really mild compared to hallucinogenics.

>> No.3824862

I think the only reason marijuana could be a gateway drug is a purely cultural one. If it weren't illegal and didn't have such a controversial history attached to it, I think it would be categorized together with alcohol, as opposed to with LSD, cocaine, etc. It's the legal vs. illegal that's the big psychological wall, good vs. evil, and since marijuana is one of the mildest drugs, it's usually the way people climb over the wall to begin with. Then once that's done they realize doing something so "bad" and illegal isn't really a big deal at all so they figure they might as well try something else illegal. In a way, making certain drugs illegal is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.3824869
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>> No.3824901
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>> No.3824931

Don't discount that probability. Go into it with an open mind. Remember that you are doing it to get to know yourself and the mushrooms. Think of it this way: If you set your mind to how hallucinogenics will make you feel, you will feel disappointed/scared/sad when things turn out to be different. That's gonna make you want to steer your thoughts or feelings into what you thought it would be like. That never ends well. You will most likely just end up in a neverending "why?"-spiral of thought. That is fucking scary.
But i'm rambling, maybe that isn't at all what you wanted to hear.
I thought i'd give some advice when i read:

>> No.3824952
File: 707 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_0472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does it fuck up your lungs if you only do it occasionally, or even once?

Does inhaling smoke into your lungs damage them?

Was that a serious question?

It will damage them but as bad as fags would, you might find you cant hold your breath for aslong as you used too.

Never heard of someone smoking purely weed and ending up with cancer, its always fags.

Pic kinda related, its weed.

My weed, also all i have left, feel sorry for me.

>> No.3824972

is that a socket?

>> No.3824991

Be more vague.

>> No.3824994

wat? thing in the top left?
Its a bong.

>> No.3825000

Every single time I see that fucking under case letter at the beginning of your sentences, I cringe just a little bit, then I class at the horrific image posted on every reply you live; just so more people fucking read your post, and it fucking works. Then I say to myself, "You could have left this post." and I glance up and see this: EK !EKFQOBUFnQ
Then I just ignore the post, because I know you're just crying for attention.

>> No.3825006

i mean the bowl/slide for the bong. it looks like a metal socket

>> No.3825011

It makes you retarded


>> No.3825017

firstly, nobody cares about capital letters, this isnt a fucking english class you aspie cunt.
secondly, *give
thirdly, the reaction images arnt for attention, and i dont do them on every post, OP's pic just made me think of that image.

and fuck you!

>> No.3825018

>not drinking alcohol

You don't know how to have fun legally?

>> No.3825021

You just mad I got trips with that post.

>> No.3825025
File: 739 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_0473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gunna assume socket is some american slang for the cone.

Heres full picture of it, its harsh anyway cause its small but i also have a sore throat, wish me luck.

>> No.3825026

>random chance
>no1 fucking cares

>> No.3825040
File: 589 KB, 457x535, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cannabis is fun and can be an enhancement to one's life and understanding of the world, but it's not some magic harmless godsend. God does not exist.

Cannabis gets you high because it alters your brain chemistry. After smoking weed cannabinoids get absorbed into your fat cells and can hang around your body for a number of weeks after use. There is some controversy over whether or not these cannabinoids can actually have a neurologically significant mind altering effect, but i would say from personal experience that they probably do, especially in the first few days following use.

Regardless, the evidence suggests cannabis use can have an effect on your brain development (depending on how much you use it ofc), and perhaps even an irreversible long term effect on your brain functioning.

As far as schizophrenia is concerned the evidence shows the strongest link for those under the age of 18, with no significant link for those over 18. For who smoke under 15 the increased risk of schizophrenia is even stronger still. But cannabis doesn't magically pick people out of a crowd of stoners and say: "right, i'll give you schizophrenia and leave everybody else COMPLETELY UNTOUCHED". It seems logical to say that it probably affects everybody in the same way. Allow me to explain a theory i've got going:

>> No.3825038

Wanna know who cares?
At least they talk about what there board is about.

>> No.3825042

a socket is a tool. like a ratcheting wrench, a socket wrench. you can smoke out of small sockets.

>> No.3825043
File: 48 KB, 720x540, eksluciousbody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have any nude pics, EK?

I've fapped to this enough times. Need moar.

>> No.3825045


See, i think it's all to do with how your brain regulates the flow of information to conciousness. Some people's brains allow more ideas to reach conciousness than others ("latent inhibition" i think it's called). Those whose brains have weaker regulation of the information reaching conciousness can be more open-minded and creative (especially if they are highly intelligent), but also prone towards absent-mindedness and poorer executive function. Those whose brains have heavier regulation of the information reaching conciousness can perhaps be closed-minded with overly "fixed" ways of thinking, but also less impulsive and with greater self-control. When your brain does a really shit job of regulating the flow of information to conciousness: then you've got schizophrenia.

So we've got this spectrum where everybody falls, largely determined by genes, with cannabis use being able to push you more towards the "light regulation end". For a lot of the more "heavy-regulating" portion of the population, cannabis use could actually be largely benificial, but if you're already very much an absent-minded/creative/somewhat lazy sort of person then you might want to limit your use because imo cannabis use will only push your personality more in that direction (depending on your age ofc- after 25 (when brain development "stops", if you've no problems it's unlikely you ever will)).

>> No.3825047
File: 134 KB, 761x862, there_their.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fails to post board link properly
>sucks at grammar
i should probably have ignored that second one seeing as "not in english class, aspie cunt"
but still,

>> No.3825049

[citation needed]

>> No.3825057

if you use tobacco in your joints (or lets say smoking cigs on their own), the only risks you will get from a year or 2 (or moderating over a longer period) is addiction. health issues only arise through constant years of smoking. you'll get tighter lungs and out of breath more quickly early on, though. but talking serious health risks, they only happen long-term

>> No.3825075


>More tar in your lungs than a cigarette smoker


>> No.3825083
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