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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3819120 No.3819120 [Reply] [Original]

personal stories aside,are women really stupid,emotional beings? can these claims be backed up?

>> No.3819128

All people are stupid, emotional beings.

>> No.3819141


>> No.3819151

>live on a planet that is dominated by people who believe the universe is the result of 6 days(based on local time on our planet of all things) of work by a mythical and omnipotent genocidal pacifist.
>Asks if one group of those people are stupid

>oh you

>> No.3819163

so its all just societals projections ans expectations?

>> No.3819168

Yes. They rely on emotions much more than men, so many times they make very stupid decisions, which has shaped human evolution through mate choice.

>> No.3819173

ignorant WASPs don't dominate anything, at least not at the level of politic dominance you seem to imply

>> No.3819179



Women and most negros have a very small frontal lobe

Frontal lobe allows you to use logic. This video will answer everything you need to know in the first few minutes.

>> No.3819181

extensive experiments would be required to show if there are diffrences between female and male brainpower.
Most of these experiments are to imoral and of too little scientific value to be carried out.

Consider that people learn behaviour from whatever social group they assocciate with.
Why else would we have traps, or tomboys.

>> No.3819189
File: 790 KB, 2048x2048, 1279575665045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever met a girl that gave a single shit about the topic of the universe with all its magnificent mysteries and breathtaking phenomena?

Girls just wanna have fun.

Oh, girls just wanna have fun.

>> No.3819193
File: 36 KB, 350x465, 22053-meet_pope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is scientific funding doing lately I wonder?

>> No.3819197
File: 112 KB, 600x428, 2l2xhf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dw an overview plox

>> No.3819208

yes,she was my girlfriend. she still is fascinated with astronomy as well other subjects.

>> No.3819224

Yes, I have met a girl like that, actually.
And I've met many, many men who could not have given less of a shit, they just wanted to smoke weed, get drunk, and have sex.

>> No.3819233
File: 496 KB, 443x430, heroin.WWH_GWC_4_DCP_0032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, women really are stupid,emotional beings. Human beings.

>> No.3819246

Self-fulfilling prophecies. Now GTFO.

>> No.3819287

There was a study published that proved groups of women in the workplace are disruptive. (Women fucking hate women, though, so it isn't surprising).

>> No.3819307

Ther was also a study that said women synchronise their periods, so maybe that's why.

>> No.3819331
File: 51 KB, 600x450, 1300138709623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the research in astronomy, biotechnology and physics he himself founds as the leader of the Catholic church is going pretty well thank you.
He has observatories, colliders and an interest in beretta, as demostrated by his holding a share of the company's actions.
Christian fundamentalism as "earth litterally created in 6 days 6000 years ago, evolution is a theory and herpaderpaderp" is an exclusivelly ammurrrican thing, in particular WASP.

Please do your research next time.

>> No.3819343
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Next on /SCI/ an engaging thread on orgone energy, we might as well....

>> No.3819366

Catholics are actually pretty cool with scientific research. Physics, biology, you name it. We're really big on adult stem cells, as well as embryonic stem cells found in discarded umbilicals.

We just don't like
-abiogenesis (we're cool with evolution)
-promiscuous sex, and thus condoms and birth control pills seem kind of retarded, when a better solution is "KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS RETARD"

>> No.3819551
File: 96 KB, 454x571, 1316065358138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually AFAIK we're pretty cool on abiogenesi too. comes right out of God building us out of clay

>> No.3819574

Yes, but probably no more than men. It does work differently, though, since there are different amounts of hormones at work. Testosterone certainly makes men act stupid and emotional.

>> No.3819586

there are a lot of women in science. a lot, a LOT of women. and a lot of good research from the, from what i've read. still, i would say 70% of good stuff comes from men, but they're not a small minority in science like retarded and ignorant feminazis want you to believe so they can push their WOMEN UNDERREPRESENTED THAT'S WHY WE'RE STUPID agenda.

that being, the majority of people rely on emotion and do stupid things. scientists, mathematicians, philosophers (since this is /sci/ cross this one out) are not excluded.

>> No.3819653

Just finished watching this. Recommended.

>> No.3819677


Thanks Sagan...now I can go around telling my friends that we really WERE made out of the (Star)dust of the Earth! :D