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File: 735 KB, 814x462, 1313030644724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3817533 No.3817533 [Reply] [Original]

What can /sci/ tell me about the Deep Web, I don't fully understand it and am just curious

>> No.3817535

The Deep Web is the name given to websites that cannot be reached through conventional search engines.

It's full of perverts and petty criminals, much like the regular internet.

>> No.3817539


so it's not that interesting?

>> No.3817543
File: 391 KB, 700x2100, 1317193508529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3817542


No, not really. If you want to buy drugs but can't find a dealer IRL it could be useful, but apart from that it's not worth the effort.

>> No.3817549

Nah, it's mostly drug trading sites, pedophiles and tinfoil hat people.

>> No.3817548

So do people go about reaching them / knowing they're there in the first place? I have no intention to go there knowing what deep web is, but just curious

>> No.3817554

> so do people

so HOW do people, I meant, hurr

>> No.3817563


>> No.3817564

Things that cant be found on google

>> No.3817566


>Tesla Experiment Plans


>> No.3817567


Explain the following:

"Line of Blood" Locations
Eliza Data Information
Virtual Reality
FOIE Archive
"Mathmatic" Research (Mathematic??)

Bergie Web
Let me watch this
Streams Videos
Bunny Tube
Vampire "freaks" (Is it not already assumed that they are freaks??)

>> No.3817570

Are government/missile launch computers even connected to the internet?

>> No.3817574

Seconding all of these, and also asking you in turn what the vampire thing is?

>> No.3817576

Yes. The internet connected itself to them.

>> No.3817580

Fucking bump, come on you assholes

>> No.3817583

This, how are "deep websites" actually found? I am assuming stuff like invite only sites for illegal purposes.

>> No.3817587
File: 55 KB, 300x312, 1315400563544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deep web isn't a secret clubhouse. It's just web pages not indexed by search engines.

People here (and on /x/) seem to think that it's exclusively Tor websites. It's not.

It's your Gmail inbox. It's your search results page. It's stuff behind passwords. That is: Most of the web (hence why they say it's bigger than Surface Web).

Here's a fun thing you can do to make your own website "deep web"!
> make a txt file in your root directory called robots.txt
> write the following in it:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
> you are now part of the "deep web" because search engines will not list your site

Enjoy your childish fantasies. The real world is far more interesting.

>> No.3817588

how legit is this picture?
I'm guessing most of it is just conspiracy theory bullshit.

>> No.3817590

Well fuck son, really?

I knew that, I was more interested in the parts of the deep web which specifically are not that and how they operate (for example illegal stuff). Just curiosity if anybody here actually knows.

>> No.3817596

It's not legit at all. I stopped reading when the pic said there was a difference between "everything" and the "surface web"

Reading the rest (sigh) is like reading a 20-something's fantasy because he never grew up. Maybe watched too much Matrix. It really does make it sound like he wants to be "dark and edgy" like a teenager.

>> No.3817597

You know 4chan gold accounts? You need deep web membership to view those. It also allows you far faster download speeds but can only be reached by an invite from an existing member.

>> No.3817600

It's definitely bollocks.

Read this dude:

Saved the pic anyway for troll purposes.

>> No.3817605


>Poor bastard doesnt have a platinum account

>> No.3817602

Make a software that get index page of a web server of each possible ip combination (or use CIDR stuff from ISP...), maybe you can get nice deepweb stuff doing that

>> No.3817604

Yes, really. That's it. Really. That is it.

The illegal stuff you're talking about (you really want to know how to get child pornography?) is on members-only P2P/torrent networks, VPN, usenet, IRC, FTP and email. And yes, that stuff is invite-only. And it's all under the blanket term of "deep web" there is no "deeper" or "deepest" and most of that stuff (like P2P) isn't even web, it's net.

>> No.3817610

Yeah, this is true. But there's also shit like Silk Road.

>> No.3817611

>Law of 13's

The fuck is this?

>> No.3817612
File: 95 KB, 518x691, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, by the way, my TOR browser thing can't open onion sites, always gets me a 504 error. It's been months.
Any idea why ?

>> No.3817613

The deep web moderators can view anything you faggots do anyway. Do the right thing and your accounts will be upgraded.

>> No.3817615

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silkroad_Online ?

Or are you referring to the name of a network? Like "Gnutella" or something?

>> No.3817617

Does not compute. So if someone posts some horrific CP on 4 chan is that Level 2 or what?

>> No.3817619

...silk road?

>> No.3817620

The drug place.

>> No.3817622

Buying drugs online?

Please do it. It would save us from having to tolerate your presence.

>> No.3817621

No, it's a 4channer being an idiot.

>> No.3817623


>> No.3817626

> butthurt cyber policeman doesn't have deep web membership

>> No.3817628

there actually is a second, darker 4chan

>> No.3817632
File: 70 KB, 554x439, 1269667305770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are lots of *chans.

If you want drugs and gore, go to 420chan. They can enjoy the newfriend influx.

>> No.3817633


>darker 4chan


>> No.3817635

> implying that was what I was referring to
> Implying I give a fuck about either that, or what I was actually referring to

Definitely not

>> No.3817639
File: 49 KB, 548x478, 1316526151068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan has a few unlisted pages but they're dead and not used for anything. If there was a "derper 4chon" then we'd all hear about it. (Yes, we would)

>> No.3817644

This definitely is real, there was a thread on /b/ a while back which had links and ways of getting there. Looks the same but has different boards with far worse content than here.

Not worth going to, but real.

>> No.3817645

not him, but what are these unlisted pages?

>> No.3817649

I have no idea how it is related to here, but it is real, whatever bro. Mainly illegal stuff

>> No.3817651

You mean the mirror of that Swedish guy's board? It was called smallsomething or tinysomething I think?

Fucked if I can remember. One is just a photo of wasps on a dick.

>> No.3817653


Prove it.

>> No.3817654

Question. The fuck is OnionIB? Keep hearing about it and wondering.

>> No.3817655

It was fake, it's a "newfag" trap.

>> No.3817656

I can't, nor do I care.

>> No.3817658

Well there's TorDir and Talk.Masked

>> No.3817659

>implying there is no 12chan or gurochan

>> No.3817663

/yg/ is gone unfortunately

>> No.3817666

I really can't remember what the fuck it was called (I only went there briefly), but it looked a lot like 4chan and had boards for illegal pornography and other stuff. Clicked on one board to see if it was legitimate, it seemed to be.

What's your Swedish thing?

>> No.3817669

Pretty sure Onion IB is this "dark" chan shit, seen it around on /b/ and others

>> No.3817670

Samefag. Found one of them:

>> No.3817671


Rule # 4 Darkhomo

>> No.3817674

Damn autoformatting...


>> No.3817677

This was way different and worse than those. Children, drugs, what seemed like boards for discussing crime methods. I smelt bull, but it did seem to be a genuinely active board (although probably not actually used seriously, knowing chan types).

>> No.3817679

Here's another:


>> No.3817680

> notsureifreal

>> No.3817683

This was meant to cite:

Also seriously, what the hell is onion IB? Also wondering now.

>> No.3817685

See: >>3817674

>> No.3817686

/b/ once sent me to this fucking page for a while, never even what was going on.

>> No.3817690


What the hell?

>> No.3817692
File: 46 KB, 446x388, 1311602755769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3817693

I just tried to post there, lol. What's the story here?

>> No.3817699

It's an image board in TOR for pedophiles.

>> No.3817702

Well there is the /z/ board

>> No.3817704

>Tesla Experiment plans

I laughed harder than I should have and then wished it was real...

>> No.3817703

seriously, the fuck?

>> No.3817707

you have regular firefox open simultaneously.

>> No.3817717

Right, what I gathered. And isn't there some kind of dark wiki or onion wiki or something? What's that?

>> No.3817719

A lot of them had me giggling

>> No.3817725

this, heard mention of some hidden wiki too

>> No.3817726


>> No.3817729

No Secure networks like that are isolated networks which connect to bigger networks on up the defense mainframe. But the most secure of networks are all isolated or closed networks.

There would be no way of accessing them without:
Access to them
You broke in (Like a baws) and hacked into it.
You isolated the downlink of any possible sat network, broke the encryption, and entered that way. Unfortunately, this way won't work because it is the most vulnerable point in a network.

>> No.3817730

What are you using it for?

>> No.3817741

Mostly cp and forums.

>> No.3817745

What forums?

>> No.3817756

ITT: nosyness

>> No.3817760

>in tor

>> No.3817762

pederasty, ammunition and drug related ones
Although the two last ones can be found at non-tor sites.

>> No.3817774

If there any advantage of those last two in TOR versions over regular ones?

>> No.3817779

never realized there were forums as specific as that first

>> No.3817811


>> No.3817822

non-tor ones don't usually last long. Unless you can speak russian.

>> No.3817836

I second the other guy is being surprised the first one has specific forums just for that? And lol, fair enough.

>> No.3817840

The first "is" was supposed to be "in"

>> No.3817843

someone post link to a deep web site

>> No.3817849

Try opening your gmail account. that is deep web. next.