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3808623 No.3808623 [Reply] [Original]

Buy my books . retards geeks. and new age bitches.

>> No.3808628


>> No.3808654

>Stop liking what I don't like

>> No.3808657



>> No.3808655

exponential this . exponential that. graphics pointing up at the right side.

eventually. ultimatly. we can upload our minds in the same way that you techies upload files. buy my books thre are many., and much more to come. if the bussines goes ok.

a jew fishing for fools what a surprise.

this guys explained exponential funtions to me. he is a genius.

>> No.3808685

Yeah. Honestly, transhumanism does seem like an indefensible fantasy. Its advocates believe that biological mechanisms are somehow obsolete. In reality, no machine has ever come close to reproducing the successes of natural, biological evolution.

Unless you're diseased or disabled, there is nothing wrong with your physical viscera. Your consciousness is literally a mechanism through which the universe observes itself. No amount of mechanical augmentations will produce a substitute for the mind you already have.

>> No.3808702

> a jew fishing for fools what a surprise.

That's the function of Jewish filth. They have nothing real to sell, but sell they must, since they are not culturally suited to doing REAL WORK. So they indulge in nearly constant frauds. Sadly, there are more than enough goyim fools to satisfy Jewish market demands for victims.

>> No.3808717
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>Honestly, transhumanism does seem like an indefensible fantasy.

>implying transhumanism == religious robot cultism

>> No.3808718

>Not suited to do real work

IDF here, you seem upset that >>>/new/ doesn't work, umad etc

>> No.3808766

what's up with this guy and transhumanism lately?

>> No.3808782


Tauology posted a thread about this yesterday.

However, thinks a singalurity is coming is correct. But, it's more like the EU getting bankcrupt by Greece and then another depression.

Do you know what exponentially increasing every fucking year. The price of things. Chocolate bar now costs 60p.

>> No.3808809


You mean this?


so much buttjellyness

>> No.3808811

this jew is a greedy bastard- the last thing he whats is to inform people-. he wants every moron in the planet to know him. from then he can do whatever he wants.
he wants to be the face of the trans shit singularity bullshit busines.

he is writing a book about a diet to hold untill the singularity with his shitty doctor.

ah... read pz myers blog. thats a must

>> No.3808820


>ah... read pz myers blog. thats a must

Why? What did he say? He just disproved nonsense anyone knew already, that you can put robots in the brain and "scan" it.

>> No.3808957

Sounds like Generation-X is afraid of dying on the alleged edge of brain-scanning technology.

Too bad for Gen-X that the end of the Cheap Oil Era means the end of technological innovation for humanity.

You know what the major form of transportation will be in the year 2111? WALKING. The 2nd major form? THE HORSE.

Kunstler is right. It's over. We blew through a trillion barrels of oil just to prove we had the world's biggest dick. REAL space development would lift the race out of this quagmire, but there's no such thing going on, just rich guys playing rocket scientists. Trillions of dollars of our remaining wealth are instead being devoted to bailing out Jewish bankers or paying off Jewish industrialists to make weapons. The Era of Resource Wars has only begun. And it's all setting the stage for the Last War.

>> No.3808969


Are you some kind of troll or honestly concerned? If you really believe that, work with the Open Source Ecology people and get a bunch of nuts like you to use the technology and live in some secluded away-from-the-Last-War region.

Civilization won't end when oil ends, it will end willingly by people afraid of civilization.

>> No.3808997

>The end is NEAR.
>We are all DOOMED.
>Tomorrow I can only afford CASSEROLE.

You sound so juvenile with your caps and pessimism. Cut moar emofag.

>> No.3809016

He just wants to rebuild his dad as a robot ;-;

>> No.3809028

He does have that Professor Frink-look...

>> No.3809044


It may not be so drastic but yes this guy is looking in the right direction.

I mean think about this: global trade relies entirely on cheap oil prices (cargo shipping). Internal U.S. trade relies mostly on cheap oil prices (trucking). When oil becomes too expensive the entire world is going to change.

It wont be abrupt but the world economy is going to change drastically in terms of the economic ability of one country to trade with another and intervene in another's affairs (maybe a good thing).

Now we do have hundreds of years of coal, so the shift will likely be to electric technologies but still doesnt mean the transition will be pretty.

>> No.3809066

Humanity is badass. You'll see. We'll conquer the stars and I expect to see it. Or at least die trying. Whining won't help anyone.

>> No.3809087

> Humanity is badass.

That's the trouble. Violent simian behavior is dominating, and violent simian behavior won't achieve a space-faring civilization.

> You'll see.

You'll never see. You'll die and leave all this crap to even more desperate, violent simians. The Era of Resource Wars will be enacted by those, and then their even-more-desperate descendants will engage in the Last War.

> We'll conquer the stars and I expect to see it.

All you're going to see is variations of "Firefly". You're immersed in media instead of reality.

> Or at least die trying.

The funny thing is that you're not even trying. You're probably some dumbshit coder. Code can't achieve a space-faring civilization. Trillions in sane investment will. And you can't even do that much, since you're part of the Wall Street Orgy.

> Whining won't help anyone.

The even more ironic thing is that your statements are far closer to whining than my own. I'm just explaining how you're delusional. You then cover up your delusion with more delusion.

>> No.3809110

Is the singularity he talks about the same singularity the 2012 or nibiru or whatever people talk about?

>> No.3810131


our god is technology. our profets are futurist .afterlife is transhumanism. the final judment is the singularity. prepare your souls and gather resources sci

>> No.3810143


No, it's something else.

But he's still a nutjob though.

>> No.3810151

>Transhumanists in summary are basically people who believe that fundamentally altering the human body through technological means is vital and desirable. They believe that cyborgs, and later posthumans should and will replace humanity in its current state. They want to pursue technologies that will upgrade physical and cognitive attributes far above what that hippie personification of nature has limited our human bodies to. They also believe that immortality is achievable and that "human" bodies should be able to live for several more years (because death is unfair) and that anything of the sort won't come into conflict with society or the natural order of things as we know it today. Some of these wonderful enhancements they want to become reality are installing a computer chip in your head (you know, so you can access the internet from your BRAIN as opposed to a fucking PDA which takes less surgery and resources) and uploading your brain to a computer.

>> No.3810156

god? technology

profets? futurists

final judgement ? singularity

afterlife. reincarnaiton. transhumanism. mind uploading.

idk about you guys but. im getting into this religion.

>> No.3810163


I can't tell if this is supposed to be good or bad (From the author's perspective).

>> No.3810167

anybody else think the singularity is inevitable, but the predictions for it's timeline are grossly liberal?
I think humans will merge with machines, but the chances of it happening in my brief lifetime is low, imo.

It's the equivilant of the Wright brothers predicting space flight in their lifetimes...

>> No.3810168

How can those idiots believe in technology? People flying? Walking on the moon? Light without fire? These people belong in the madhouses!

>> No.3810193
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Not saying that's all correct, but a biological body, as it is now, is not just not that well suited for life outside the terran biosphere.

If nothing else, you would want cyborgs as the vanguard when expanding into space, initiating all the lengthy terraforming projects, building safe habitats for the baseline humans and piloting the more dangerous fast interplanetary and interstellar ships.

>> No.3810211
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Well, obviously. There is no real, physical <span class="math">\it{need}[/spoiler] to become a cyborg. Unless you go to a less hospitable environment and need vacuum-proof skin, or no skin at all.

Interstellar flight is likely to have a high attrition rate due to relativistic impacts, so spacecraft are likely to be highly distributed computers, packed against radiation, redundant so even with a high attrition rate, something will survive.

A skin for high pressure environments would be rather nice too. People say transhumanists are a bunch of body-loathers with body dysmorphia. These days we've come to fear the future so much that we invent names for those who want it: Technophiles, futurists, transhumanists. Is it so bad to want more?

>> No.3810224


do u compare sources of light and aeronautics with merging with technology and shit man.?

technology out of the hat yeah. but no in 2035. in a couple 100's of years if a war doesent wipe us out earlier.

>> No.3810227

>fly a plane in 1903
>men walk on the moon 60 years later

>> No.3810239

I'm not one of these anti-semetic retards but theres no historical evidence of jews building the Pyramids. In fact the workers weren't even slaves. Theres even records of Pyramid workers going on strike to demand better conditions.
http://www.nationalgeographic.com/pyramids/pyramids.html (bottom of page)

>> No.3810253

>Jews built them


>> No.3810268

> >fly a plane in 1903
> >men walk on the moon 60 years later
You've been fooled by a LOCAL MAXIMUM. We've been in the throes of a burst of technology solely made possible by Cheap Oil. And Cheap Oil has officially run out. What follows will be civ achievements only obtained through more careful husbandry of energy.... and when have you known people to be careful about using energy? So that will be hugely FAILFUL, making a civ that tries to expand but runs into IMMEDIATE and VIOLENT resource limits, leading inevitably to warfare.


>> No.3810278

I'm in support of transhumanism but utterly against this guys singularity bullshit. Technology, while increasing in storage/effectiveness/etc seemingly exponentially, will eventually slow. It won't stop completely but we are soon coming on a time where social rules, laws, belief systems, and individual opinion will impede the progress of technology. Whether this is a good or bad thing is up for debate.

But personally, I wouldn't mind a few cyborg parts, some computer integration with my brain, etc. But the social change required for that to be anywhere near normal any time in the future will have to be MASSIVE. And I just can't see that happening sadly.

>> No.3810281


All you do is shit up the threads with some idea of social determinism towards a 'Last War'.

>> No.3810285

This grammar has chased me from this thread

>> No.3810286
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>> No.3810297
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I guess it is. All sorts of conservatives always see the current equilibrium as the best possible one, even if it isn't a real one. Anything that would cause a change is judged to be a bad thing. And of course, with something that would transform the society like this, it is seen as a sort of ultimate evil.

Then of course there are the survivalists who just want to see the rest of the world burn.

Every detractor has their own agenda for why they want everything to either fail or continue as it is until the end of the species. Fortunately for us, these agendas mostly stem from fear and ignorance, and that is something we can fix, though it will take work.

But TANSTAAFL, nothing worthwhile is ever free.

>> No.3810364

> All you do is shit up the threads with some idea of social determinism towards a 'Last War'.

The first task is to get you to REMEMBER what I said.

The second task is to get you to UNDERSTAND what I said.

The second task is an uphill battle with most people, you included.

> This grammar has chased me from this thread

And nobody misses you.

> But TANSTAAFL, nothing worthwhile is ever free.

Curious that you'd mention that, since people primary believe that energy is free. The reality is utterly otherwise.

>> No.3810430
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Your obsession with oil seems to be clouding your judgment.

Oil was and is a terrifically handy substance. So was tar. We found substitutes for the different uses of tar. We will, we actually HAVE found substitutes for the uses of oil.

I know it's difficult for you, being a doomsday prophet and all, but do try to learn about things before you go prophesying the end of civilization.

>> No.3810466
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But what price is too much? I don't think the future will be a transhumanist future, to the shock of most people here. I actually think technology is incompatible with species, at least it seems that way, looking at things the way they are...

I think technology is a slap in the face to all people who evolved in an environment far different from the one they live in. And at some point, they are going to want to turn the tide. Make it like it never was.

>> No.3810476

I'm surprised he hasn't accidentally killed himself with his mixture of supplements.

>> No.3810488


I believe it's more likely to kill him than do him any good.

>> No.3810498
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That's only if you look at the extremist elements of society. Granted that they have much influence in the way things happen, but it is diminishing. There are of course local stumbles, but all in all, the civilization is getting to grips with itself.

>technology is incompatible with species
By the way, the posthuman in that story you posted some days ago was actually pretty stupid, or a hypocrite.

>> No.3810500

> Your obsession with oil seems to be clouding your judgment.

No, asscake. Your refusal to acknowledge your DEEP DEPENDENCY on oil is clouding YOUR judgment.

Cheap oil ran EVERYTHING in your hi-tech Western Civ. And there is no replacement for it. That you don't even realize that cheap oil is irreplaceable, is part of your delusions.

What made oil come to rule everything, was that it was cheap, energy-dense and easy to transport. You can't find a replacement substance that fulfills all 3 of those factors. Literally there is nothing that does, and it's not for a lack of looking.

In broad strokes, Humanity went from wood, to coal, to oil. There's literally NOTHING that performs like oil, hence there's literally NOTHING beyond oil. And now we've run out of the cheap stuff.

Kunstler is right. You're going to have to make major lifestyle changes to make up for burning through trillions of barrels of the stuff like it was an unlimited resource.... as if there was EVER an unlimited resource, which is part and parcel of your standard Western-Christian-Yuppie delusion.

While the price of oil keeps climbing and your economy continues to implode, Westernfag, I'm going to laugh and laugh while you become ever more SHRILL in your demand for unobtainable CHEAP ENERGY again.

Shrill whining like yours has already driven the West into starting the Era of Resource Wars. That phase has ALREADY begun. And those are just heralds. Heralds of the Last War.

Myself, I hope to die naturally before the first "terrorist nuke" goes off, and it seems likely I'll be dead before the first biophages take out 10s of millions of people at a crack.

>> No.3810502


He was some kind of emo, I give you that. Just whining about how he couldn't find anyone to ponder the cosmos with.

>> No.3810508


You keep mentioning Kunstler, are you some kind of AI viral marketer?

>> No.3810533

> You keep mentioning Kunstler, are you some kind of AI viral marketer?

I keep mentioning Kunstler, since he's published and credentialed and he's a base of knowledge that you need to draw from. And you're just not doing it. That's Kunstler's primary problem: People refuse to believe that oil runs everything (in defiance of all evidence to the contrary), so they can't accept ANYTHING he concludes.

Kunstler is telling the empire that it is OVER. Naturally, no fucking empire wants to hear that. So it stops up its ears. And yet the empire still falls. In fact, the more the empire stops up its ears, the FASTER it falls.

>> No.3810554
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>I keep mentioning Kunstler, since he's published and credentialed and he's a base of knowledge that you need to draw from. And you're just not doing it. That's Kunstler's primary problem: People refuse to believe that oil runs everything (in defiance of all evidence to the contrary), so they can't accept ANYTHING he concludes.

>Majored in Theatre

Anyone can publish a book, old chap.

>Kunstler is telling the empire that it is OVER. Naturally, no fucking empire wants to hear that. So it stops up its ears. And yet the empire still falls. In fact, the more the empire stops up its ears, the FASTER it falls.

Do you think we're all a bunch of corporate cheerleaders who believe civilization will magically continue to grow powered by tofu and "lol exponential"?

If you are so worried, why don't you do something about it? All you do is whine, on some pretension that the future is a course plotted by some old man.

>> No.3810557
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Not that part. The part where he's all whiny about how he's so alone and how he can't find no one else like him. Then he goes and continues his piecemeal journey "because that's what I chose" when he could have spread through the stars and actively helped the endangered, besieged post-bios. It's like he's committing genocide out of laziness and emo yearning.

I might take you more seriously if you didn't talk like EVERY SINGLE DOOMSAYER EVER.
>Look at the signs, man! Look at the portents! The end is nigh! The righteous shall see the decadent west burn. BURN!!

I wouldn't just ignore you if you weren't so worthy of it.

>> No.3810565


>The part where he's all whiny about how he's so alone and how he can't find no one else like him.

Yes the part I mentioned.

I agree. The guy said he didn't multiply because that would've made future retelling of his story much harder.

Idiot. When you're the only intelligent thing in the Universe, who's stopping you from Von Neumanning the entire place into copies of yourself?

>> No.3810584
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>I think technology is a slap in the face to all people who evolved in an environment far different from the one they live in.
That sounds about right, but; what about the latest generations? We are used to see how technology improves with each passing day. Maybe, in the future, luddism will not be so common.

>> No.3810595

> Anyone can publish a book, old chap.

His books go through critical review and are widely enough read. Keep pretending that it's all just theater. The REAL theater here is your denial.

> If you are so worried, why don't you do something about it?

Because nothing CAN be done. Why don't you fucking listen? I can't pull another 2-3 trillion barrels of energy-dense hydrocarbon out of my ass to hand to Humanity in hopes they will use it EFFICIENTLY this time.

I'm only biding my time, hunkering down, watching around me for social upheavals that must be associated with catastrophic loss of cheap energy. Fortunately for me, people like YOU in your deep denial, are clueless about the social dangers, and will likely be the primary targets of the bawling masses as they strike out blindly in their rage at being cheated.

>> No.3810604


>Because nothing CAN be done. Why don't you fucking listen? I can't pull another 2-3 trillion barrels of energy-dense hydrocarbon out of my ass to hand to Humanity in hopes they will use it EFFICIENTLY this time.

No, I don't mean for humanity. Get a group of like-minded folks, download the Open Source Ecology blueprints, then go off and live in the forest or something, isolated from the decline of Mankind or whatever.

>> No.3810629
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Knew it. Not only are you a doomsayer, you're also a survivalist.

Oh gods. Why don't you just go dig that bunker deeper instead of trolling the worthless people of the internets.

Also, I don't think you have enough shotguns and canned food. And have you checked the charge on your hoarded batteries lately? They also expire in a few years. Same goes for drugs, how is your stash doing?

>> No.3810714

"The Jew never works as a productive creator without the great aim of becoming the master. He works unproductively using and enjoying other people's work. And thus we understand the iron sentence which Mommsen once uttered: 'The Jew is the ferment of decomposition in peoples,' that means that the Jew destroys and must destroy because he completely lacks the conception of an activity which builds up the life of the community. And therefore it is beside the point whether the individual Jew is 'decent' or not. In himself he carries those characteristics which Nature has given him, and he cannot ever rid himself of those characteristics. And to us he is harmful. Whether he harms us consciously or unconsciously, that is not our affair. We have consciously to concern ourselves for the welfare of our own people."

- Hitler