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3809358 No.3809358 [Reply] [Original]

(not /sci/ related but pretty much the only board I frequent)

>parents find my weed
>make me see social worker
>mfw I'm in all honors and APs and my IQ is probably several Standard Deviations above either of theirs

What should I do to troll the social worker?

>> No.3809371

just fucking act mature and pretend you stopped smoking weed instead of exacerbating the problem

>> No.3809366
File: 54 KB, 375x300, dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying good grades make up for drug use

You are a DUMBASS!

>> No.3809377

what I'm saying is the weed didn't affect my grades or cause problems for me, so I want to troll the social worker they are arbitrarily making me see

>> No.3809383

Troll him by growing up and presenting your side of the story in a respectful way whilst listening to theirs.

>> No.3809390

Do you really really like weed?

If yes, you have a problem.

If no, then why the fuck would you keep weed in your parents house?

And while weed may not be dangerous, my anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that potheads are, while occasionally kinda funny, not very interesting people long term.

>> No.3809396

sounds like it caused you to see a social worker.

>You think you're soooooooooo smart don't you?

>> No.3809398

>arbitrarily making me see
It's supposed to be a bother. It's akin to a slap on the wrist.

>> No.3809402

I've actually quit and probably won't smoke for a long time(I've lost the desire).

>> No.3809415
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>Misses the point

It doesn't fucking matter if you got good grades.
Your parents are making you see a social worker becuase YOU ARE DOING DRUGS!

What part of that don't you fucking understand junkie?

>> No.3809420



>> No.3809427

pothead then

>> No.3809433
File: 38 KB, 400x399, WTFAMIREADING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wanna troll someone who's only job is to help you suceed?

WTF is wrong with you?

>> No.3809435

>Hurr durr this isn't bad for me but it's illegal
>I'm going to do this anyway, even though I know I am breaking the law


>> No.3809440


It's weed you fucking aspies.

"And while weed may not be dangerous, my anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that potheads are, while occasionally kinda funny, not very interesting people long term."


>> No.3809439

Ignore the trolls, but don't fuck with the social worker either. Although they arent really important in life, they can and will give you shit if you give it to them. If possible point out calmly and reasonably that you are on top of your class and that there is no real problem around. If not, make them look stupid in a subtle way.

Also holy shit, this thread is a troll samefagging.

>> No.3809438



>> No.3809447

>Only argument is "It's weed"
Oh potheads, keep making me laugh.

>> No.3809450

Wait, I lost track of which side you're on... I'm not the guy you replied to, but I do a lot of shit that isn't legal. I even drive above the speed limit on occasion. Are you saying that it's retarded to ever do anything that's not legal?

>> No.3809458


>> No.3809459
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You want to troll someone who's only job is to help you suceed and make the most out of your life?

WTF is wrong with you? Grow the fuck up retard!

>> No.3809462


Well, Sir Troll, being a /sci/ user I would expect you to do some research on the substance before making claims against it. If you had done any real research on it you would know that it is relatively harmless. But it seems you are just another weird /sci/ nerd that I would never talk to in real life. Good luck with things!

>> No.3809467

Actually I have a very active sex life. Not that you'd believe me, but still.

>> No.3809472

Enjoy blowing guys for money...you junkie piece of shit!

>> No.3809473

However you try to "troll" them, they've seen it before. Social workers aren't retarded.

>> No.3809475

> What should I do to troll the social worker?
Just be honest with him and tell him you don't think weed is dangerous or harmful to you. You have your grades as supporting evidence. If he has some counter-argument, then listen.

Odds are, both the social worker and your parents smoked weed when they were your age.

>> No.3809481


"my anecdotal evidence seems to suggest" is what gave you away as a virgin4lifer. It's okay though, sex is only the best thing there is and beneficial to every part of your daily life. You're not missing out on too much!

>> No.3809493
File: 610 KB, 586x487, sonny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sex is only the best thing there is
Lolokay, enjoy still being in puberty sonny

>> No.3809498

>IQ several standard deviations above parents'

Sounds legit.

>> No.3809500

>relatively harmless
I know. I've tried it. But not in my parents house. And I didn't keep a stash in my parents house. And while it is "relatively harmless" for most people, it does gives a specific minority a nightmare trip. And longterm usage has been known to cause neurosis, but even more commonly SEVERE ADDICTION.

>> No.3809515

Maybe he's adopted

>> No.3809509

>parents find my weed
>make me see social worker

...and reported for underageb&

>> No.3809510


You must be bad at it. Because really, I can't think of any time I'm happier than when I am ravaging a beautiful woman. Shits the best.

>> No.3809520

Be careful, sex can cause SEVERE ADDICTION

>> No.3809525

>lives with parents
>ravaging a beautiful woman

You sure it wasn't some pimple covered chick with braces and a weight problem?

>> No.3809526
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"Underage stoner, who lives with his parents, claims to know more about drugs then everyone else. Claims "WEED" is great and harmless"

Are you really gonna be that guy OP?
Just delete this thread and grow the fuck up, you fucking faggot!

>> No.3809543
File: 106 KB, 396x303, contimplating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic of OP

>> No.3809551

What I am led to believe.
>sex is the best thing ever, you should do it a lot!
>drugs and alcohol are an inseparable part of life, deal with it or never get laid stuck up fag
>Plus there are absolutely NO CONSEQUENCES

What I've learned for myself
>You can get laid with drugs or alcohol
>It's pretty disappointing. Even after several tries. Like watching an episode of a show you kinda like, it's not going to change your life.
>Drugs and alcohol make most people into greater retards than they already are.

You can hear other peoples' experiences and ideas all you want but you're the one that picks the ones that affect you.
You can break all the rules you want but that doesn't make right to break rules.
And you are breaking a rule. This thread.

>> No.3809557

I'm not the OP. I am a 22 year old EE major at University of Michigan Ann Arbor. I've smoked weed for 8 years and have done immensely well. I have solid first-hand experience with the drug and have spent _plenty_ of time reading studies and articles about it.

You must be one of those people that listened to everything your parents and teachers all said. The generations before us were incredibly ignorant of things and what they told us as children should be taken with grains of salt. The internet has allowed us to grow up without so much ignorance. Do some real research on your own. Clearly you haven't.

>> No.3809567

OP, start quoting Good Will Hunting.

"I work as a janitor at a university.. even though I think I'm smarter than most the people there. Sometimes I see an equation written on a blackboard, and I just solve it."

"My best friend is Ben Affleck"

>> No.3809571


I wasn't calling you a virgin because you don't do drugs or alcohol. I could just tell by the way you typed. No one with any social skills would have it in them to talk like such a FAGGOT.

Also your response just set it in stone. Enjoy that hand!!

>> No.3809580

>mfw I'm in all honors and APs and my IQ is probably several Standard Deviations above either of theirs

this is the defining moment that solidifies /sci/'s reputation as a 13 year old pop science Chuck E Cheese's

>> No.3809584
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Underage stoners are great, its like watching those monkeys in the zoo flinging shit.

>> No.3809586
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Not even once.

>> No.3809590

Sex is like eating, except you don't actually need it to survive. You naturally crave it. You can satisfy that craving in a way that's unremarkable, like most people do most of the time. But, just like with eating, it can be one of life's great pleasures.

>> No.3809589
File: 33 KB, 400x400, new here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not familiar with the concept of "anonymous" I see.
That's okay, you'll learn how things work here eventually.

>> No.3809599
File: 3 KB, 126x122, iamdissapoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it quite surprising and disapointing how many anti-drug faggots seem to be in this thread.

>> No.3809607
File: 69 KB, 468x600, butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do i troll the social worker

Half way through your meeting, pull out a gun, put it in your mouth, and pull the trigger. By killing yourself, she will have failed her job. She can't help you if you are dead.

Also, GROW THE FUCK UP. You sound like a 14 year old retard with no life experience. How about you just stop doing drugs you stupid bastard.

>> No.3809612

I have hands, my penis likes my hands.

>> No.3809614
File: 18 KB, 312x210, 70e191eecbce33de190b094598c305d1..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing eating to sex
>using pleasure to describe eating
>not science

>> No.3809621
File: 156 KB, 853x1280, 1315412382743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No aint-drug fags here.
Just anti-RETARDED-OP fags.

Retarded OP just grind my gears.

>> No.3809630

Yo, Op.
Why not just skip the lessons,stay in your room and smokeweed.
That's a sure fire way of becoming a brooding intellectual.

>> No.3809643

hi i'm op and because i do drugs but still get good grades in all my 11th grade classes that means drugs are not harmful whatsoever

>> No.3809655

hi im 6 years old and i have been eating crackcokane for 2 days now from my friend at the korner on the way to scool i dont' think i have less smart now but maybe i am even more smart i got an A on my spelling test this morining and everythting moves really slow for me drugs are O.K.

>> No.3809662

>Hey guys, my parents care about me and are scared and worried that i'm using drugs. Just like anyone who's been around for more than two decades I'm sure they've seen their fare share of friends or maybe family ruin their lives with drugs. They take care of me in every way they can and wouldn't want to see anything like that happen to me.

>So how should I mock them???

>> No.3809667


>doesn't realise it causes more problems than tobacco

Sure, the link between cannabis and psychotic episodes is not massive, but it is still significant. You're ignoring that, too.

Tbh OP just be damned honest with your social worker. If you're right and you're far more intelligent than him/her, then you'll be able to have some fun that way. What's your social worker gonna say when you produce ten psychological papers each citing beneficial effects whilst pointing out the minimal risk of psychosis? Why are you even getting a social worker for smoking weed? so weird man

>> No.3809692
File: 189 KB, 671x471, jimmy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jimmy is not his real name but that is what he wants asks you to cawll him if you dont' say his name right also he asks for alots of money to buy his crackokain so i had to use my daddies weed insted becuase i dont' have any money also dont' say he smells bad or he will hit you

>> No.3809699


>> No.3809731


I'm in a highly math-oriented graduate program at a major university as a funded student.

I got here smoking pot every day while completing my undergrad (3.8 GPA in major). A few weekends ago a bunch of us from the dept. went to a local bar. Afterwards we retired to an apt. and lit up. We talked about theoretical math for 2 hours. It was awesome. We're all going to graduate from the program and go on to wicked jobs.

Liking weed != you have a problem. So counterfactual it hurts.