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3808187 No.3808187 [Reply] [Original]

This is not a theism vs. atheism thread. Since /sci/ is the board closest to the academic world I hope I'm excused to make a thread about religion and history in the context of academic study.

My question:

Was Jesus the messiah? If no, what speaks against it, if yes, what speaks for it being so?

>> No.3808193

Jesus was not the messiah because there is no messiah because there is no god.

>> No.3808195

None of your questions can be answered with definite proof whether you believe in Jesus, a messiah, and Christianity or not.

This thread is pointless.


>> No.3808198

CS Lewis: Liar, madman, devil.

If you accept his existence at all, those are the only choices if you don't want to agree with him.

>> No.3808205

OK, I'll add: the messiah as described in the old testament. The jews do not believe Jesus was the messiah but the christians do. Why?

>> No.3808209

Because Christians are fucking retarded.

>> No.3808217

Jews believe that the messiah will do the exact opposite of what Jesus did, namely, set up the Kingdom of Heaven on earth in a literal manner.

At that time they thought he would be a jewish King Arthur and drive the Romans out of Israel and when he didn't do that...

>> No.3808222

I know /sci/ is the easiest board to troll, but please guise, come on. This is babby level trolling.

>> No.3808223

One can be a theist without buiyng into any of the existing religions.

>> No.3808249

Same as one can be a retard without having teh Downs specifically.

>> No.3808251

So, so, so not science.

reported, saged, hidden

>> No.3808262

>Was jesus the Messiah

Who is jesus?

>> No.3808275

There is little, if no, historical proof that "jesus" even existed.


>> No.3808318

Whether or not a Jesus existed (historically) he certainly did not do anything in the bible as any number of the contemporary historians of the time would of recorded it not people almost half a century after he died.

Your question essentially boils down to did a man 2,000 years ago break the laws of physics repeatedly no he didn't.

>> No.3808334


I thought that there was some proof that a man named Jesus (Messiah or no) existed and was crucified? Some Roman documents detailing a holy man or teacher who was a Jew named Jesus crucified.

>> No.3808337

Depends, do you believe the account of the new testament?

If so, all signs point to yes, since he fulfilled a ton of prophesies. If you don't he wasn't.


>> No.3808345

citation. for one Jesus wasn't the name of the Messiah anyway, If you're on about tacitus he just mentions there was Christians and that they believed in Christ the messiah who was killed by pontius. He wasn't a contemporary so he didn't see a crucifixion and I'm not doubting there was Christians in the 1st/early 2nd century CE who believed he was Crucified.
Not very compelling evidence for existence.

>> No.3808382
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Most of the "jesus mythology" is actully an amalgamation of more ancient tales. All the stories are actually from other characters way before him.

Stories of the virgin birth, resurection, etc, all come from other characters that predated jesus by hundreds if not thousadnd of years.

If you ever take a "history of christianity" or "history of religion" course, they will flat out tell you that most (if not all) modern religions are bullshit/folklore, it is historical fact.

>> No.3808390

the joos do not YET believe Jesus/Yshua is the messiah, but they will, and soon

Jesus fulfilled hundreds of prophecies that were made about the coming messiah from the old testament (the joo bible), but because He came as a humble carpenter/travelling rabbi and not a conquering hero ousting Rome from Israel, He was rejected, beaten, and killed.

when He comes back, He will come back in power, and He will be recognized as the messiah, even by the joos

>> No.3808394

Yes OP. He fulfilled the Jewish prophecies about the birth of new king of the house of David, plus miracles.

>> No.3808395


get your shit straight

>> No.3808398

Don't blame other people for your myopia and dyslexia.

>> No.3808403

i don't; i ridicule people who believe changing mythos over recorded history

none of those things predated Jesus, not in the way they are presented today. the horus myth is basically idiots believing everything they read on the internet

things that were fictional to begin with are malleable in ways that the truth and history are not

>> No.3808409

So, nothing happened before Jesus.

So the world is only 2000 years old now.

You're fucking stupid, because

>So the world is only 2000 years old now.

is EXACTLY what you ARE implying. Even if you can't think that hard.

>> No.3808410

op please define messiah

>> No.3808413


>> No.3808419

no, the myths around horus, etc., didn't happen before Jesus; they were cribbed in after Jesus

and no, nothing predated Jesus, because Jesus created everything, and without Him, nothing was created, but that's a separate point

the malleable mythos of sumerian "gods" and egyptian "gods" all were changed after the real Son of God walked the earth, in an attempt to not only discredit Him, but to take the highest form possible, which was not even imaginable prior to Christ actually having performed it

>> No.3808420


>Was Jesus the messiah?

No, cus he ain't no Neo.

>> No.3808424

lol i take 0/10 troll to mean absolute truth

so thank you

>> No.3808425

The bible disagrees with you, and so does Jesus.

>> No.3808426


Shit, are people actually this retarded in real life?

>> No.3808427

>implying the makers of the Matrix had never heard of the messiah

>> No.3808430

This post is why we sage these threads...
Disgusting trolling I'd expect from /b

>> No.3808432

in fact, neither do; Jesus is not bound by time, and did in fact create everything; if you want chapter and verse, stay tuned

>> No.3808435

All that stuff about Jesus being the messiah was written into Christianity later, after the first Matrix came out but before Reloaded.

>> No.3808440

Colossians 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. 17 And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. 18 And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.

>> No.3808443

nothing disgusting about the truth, except to a reprobate such as yourself, attempting to stifle discourse and dialog so that you can cling to your tenuous belief in your own goodness

>> No.3808446

So, you just don't want to hear what he said. You'll just ignore the sermon on the mount because it's too difficult.

Well, you are definitely a backwards atheist.

I bet you only listen to the Jesus in your head.

>> No.3808453

Not a bible.

>> No.3808456

thank you for reviling me for His name's sake

11 “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

>> No.3808457

we call those "verses"

"verses" make up "chapters"

"chapters" make up "books"

66 "books" make up the "bible"

you're welcome

>> No.3808460

jesus was a prophet of god, like millions of other prophets.
each had there own people and there own story. so each was just as special as the other.

now if we take a look at the matrix we can see such and such, so its like science but a bit more specialised.

unfortunately the people of the matrix have free will.. which is debatable to the point where free will no longer exists.

and as each prophet did what he had to do, they were not always received in the best of ways.

some learned and some taught, but its been thousands of years and for each passing day something new is taught and something old is forgotten.

so what was the question again?

>> No.3808461

Ya know, the Romans really shouldn't have crucified Jesus publicly. They should have just locked him up somewhere remotely, cut his tongue out and then kick him in the balls thrice, or four times a day at random times (with fakes thrown into it) for the rest of his life.

No martyrdom. Lots of ball kicking. Win win.

>> No.3808464

Jesus is the Son of God

you mock Him at your peril; you were exposed to the Lamb of God, but He is returning as the Lion of Judah

>> No.3808465

NIV is not the word of God.

Besides, I'm not reviling you, I'm pitying an insane person who is confused and lost.

>> No.3808470

they tried not to; they tried really hard not to. but the overwhelming sentiment from the jooish overlords was to crucify Him at all costs

and He went in willingly, led like a lamb to slaughter, for that was His purpose; He was faithful to God, even unto death, even unto the shameful death on the cross

>> No.3808474

oh, i heartily agree, but that passage was copy pastad from the NKJV, not the NIeviL

>> No.3808476


I gotta go to the dentist. Sorry.


>> No.3808478


They didn't even kick him in the balls when he was hanging at the cross.

Missed opportunities.

>> No.3808481

besides, i've heard what he and others have lied about for decades; the christianity is a cribbed together lie from many prior religions, and is not authentic, etc., etc.

after having spent some years digging into the truth of those lies, i cannot believe they persist

all you have to do is compare the mythos of horus prior to BCE with those currently being spread now to see the truth, and the truth is, the mythos have been changed after the fact, and then credited with originality

it is a lie from the father of lies, and something i despise

>> No.3808483
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All intelligent people use lex parsimony in reference to actual historical record. You decide that is wrong, and then must make up some innane convoluted garbage, while totally discregarding history. WTF is wrong with you?

You are one of those people who think "the devil made up dinosaur bones, and put them in the ground to trick you" aren't you? LMFAO

>> No.3808484


Stop despising yourself. It's unhealthy, even for someone as loathsome as yourself.

>> No.3808485

they beat Him into an unrecognizable form, not even human looking; tore the flesh from His back; crucified Him, and stabbed Him in the heart with a spear

for you to want more violence against Him is unfathomable

>> No.3808486


most people forgot him about the time of the first crusades,
anyway when he gets back is he gonna be all "bring out the nukes" or" not in my name"?

yeah blaspheming, if you cant tell your arse from your elbow.
can you even still read?

>> No.3808487

no, i'm the person wondering what the difference between a "dinosaur" and a 25 foot crocodile is

>> No.3808491

the first crusades weren't even religiously inspired

your grasp of history is ridiculous

and when He comes back, do you really think He will need nukes to make His point?

the being that spoke the universe into existence?

>> No.3808496


its called a leviathan

and im not even christian by name

>> No.3808498

leviathan is a sea monster, not a crocodile, but thanks for playing

>> No.3808504


Still no ball kicking.

>> No.3808506

The Romans who's job it was to crucify Jesus went to a Gypsy blacksmith the night before the crucifixion and asked the blacksmith to make 4 nails. One for each wrist, one for Christ's legs and one to pierce his heart.

The Gypsy knew what the Roman soldier wanted the nails for and thought about what to do. The next morning he put 3 nails in a bag, and slipped the other one away. cheating the Romans out of the 4th nail to pierce Christ's heart.

God was so pleased with this that he gave the Gypsies permission to steal and cheat others, just so long as they didn't seal and cheat from other Gypsies. It's a form of thanks for the service they rendered his son.

If Gypsies steal because they are allowed to for saving God's son then Jesus must be God's son.


>> No.3808509


not even sure He would have felt it at that point

but He died for you, to show you how much He loves you, that He would endure that torment just to provide you an opportunity to be saved

>> No.3808513

the proof is up to me?

why would i want to prove gypsy lies? lol

besides, they found two nails in the tomb of Caiphus...really intriguing why a rabbi would be buried with crucifixion nails...

>> No.3808515


you troll badly,

he said what he had to say and the people did what they had to do or wanted to do..
when he comes back the second time he could probably be the lion but he'd have to forget his own rules first.

god never changes in nature.
people probably forget him the day he left.. you bear no resemblance to believing people.

you know why?
not because you forgot the bible word for word or the torah or buddahs teachings or sikism or islam or anything!

you forgot your humanity

>> No.3808517
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>keep mentioning Horus

Implying there aren't dozens of dozens of other "hero achetype" stories that predate jesus. There are literally hundreds of stories of "virgin births", "ressurections", and "all your retarded bullshit", that predate christianity.

Religion, folklore and story telling existed way before christianity dumbshit. Most of your shit is just copy and pasted from more ancient religions. It is historical fact, sorry if it hurts your feelings.

>> No.3808518

The jews don't accept him as the messiah, a jewish concept. Also, Jesus Christ is a fictional character.

>> No.3808527


A swift kick to the nuts is always felt.


>but He died for you, to show you how much He loves you

Did he say "no homo" though?

>> No.3808530

God never changes in nature, and He said that He would rule the world with an iron sceptre, breaking the countries, and slaying millions with the Word of His mouth

this is a God who's quite comfortable taking out any of His creation when He deems it necessary

remember the Flood? humanity almost didn't survive that; it was only the righteousness of one man, Noah, that caused our existence to this day.

the first time was by water

the next time will be by fire

>> No.3808531
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>keep mentioning Horus

Implying there aren't dozens of dozens of other "hero achetype" stories that predate jesus. There are literally hundreds of stories of "virgin births", "ressurections", and "all your retarded bullshit", that predate christianity.

Religion, folklore and story telling existed way before christianity dumbshit. Most of your shit is just copy and pasted from more ancient religions. It is historical fact, sorry if it hurts your feelings.

Maybe you should study history more? Have you every thought to take an actual history of religion class? Instead of just blindly believing in the bullshit you parents tell you?

>> No.3808536

it doesn't hurt my feelings, as you say, because it is a lie compounded by the father of lies, made for people enslaved to lies. people like you.

Jesus actually was a real man born of a real virgin, not a mythological character whose story arc made such a claim

real person. real virgin birth. really the Son of God

when you worship Him, all these other lies become, well, dark and dingy. you have to stay in darkness to think they have any validity to them whatsoever.

i am bringing you the Light of God. i suggest you open your own eyes, and ask Him to show you His ways

>> No.3808538

>remember the Flood?

Do you? What fucking flood?
I am literally laughing my ass off. Please keep posting, this is comic gold.

>> No.3808541

many joos do, and call themselves messianic joos. many messianic joos still look for the coming messiah

most joos aren't very religious, though, and don't really care. they're just trying not to be wiped off the face of the earth.

>> No.3808542


That's pretty hot. Never knew that God could be that flaming.

>> No.3808543

kind of, in that He regards the sin of same sex attraction as contrary to God's ways, and a sin from which to be repentant.

>> No.3808549

there was a global flood about 4500 years ago that almost killed the entire planet.

why do you think the entire earth is covered with hardened mud? (sedimentary rock is hardened mud)

why is it that every river delta on the planet shows about 4500 years of sediment?

yup. big flood. covered the world. changed the face of the earth. changed the world, in fact. the world today is totally different from the world 6000 years ago, and not for the better

>> No.3808551


yes and those that are drawn to it will enter it.

but hey, where else would you send a man like that?

but his people arnt the roman warriors though, remember that.

>> No.3808554


No credible evidence exists to indicate Jesus was a real human. More evidence exists for Bigfoot and alien UFOs than for Jesus, King David, Moses, and other biblical characters.

>> No.3808556

the entire universe is going to go up in a nuclear type explosion; all of the elements will melt from the fervent heat, and there will be a noise such as has never been heard since the dawn of time.

the God that is holding the universe together is going to let go.

>> No.3808564

if you disregard the truth, you are lost

you are lost

there is more historical evidence of david, solomon, and Jesus than you account for, and by dismissing the most precise history book ever written, you do yourself no service

>> No.3808566


Yeah, but all kids rebel to their parents.

So, did he explicitly state "No homo"?

>> No.3808569

Jesus was the son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatria the Queen of Egypt. This is why this italian religious shame works so well. Now you know why Christianity was based in Italy. And now you know why Christianity picked Judaism as the module to plug into via Egypt and the Jews.

>> No.3808570
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I am starting to feel very very very sorry for you.
You retarded bullshit was funny at first, but now its just sad. I hope you get better one day.

Learning about the world, history, other points of view, and new things isn't bad. You should try to improve yourself as a person, and maybe you won't be so fucking retarded one day.

You should try and get out more, experience life! Plenty of people have been able to over come religious brainwashing, and become functional members of society. Good luck to you! Hang in there, it can get better!

>> No.3808573

all kids except for Jesus Christ, who lived a perfect life, and was always in submission to the Father

that's why He's special; He showed up how broken we are

you're trying to be funny, but you're broken. bring your broken self to the Healer and ask Him to heal you.

>> No.3808576


But he did not say "No homo".
Son, I have some bad news for you.

>> No.3808579

Jesus hates all faggots and wants them dead. Jesus is a very disturbed individual.

>> No.3808580
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>doesn't understand the difference between a historical book, and a fairytale book

Are you really this stupid?

>> No.3808581

you feel sorry for a saved Christian? why would that be, i wonder

if you are right, and i am wrong, what have i lost?

you think i haven't travelled? you think i hold no degrees? you think i haven't studied these issues at the university level?

why is that, i wonder, except that you do not agree with me?

doesn't that really tell me more about how lost you are in your own personal rebellion against God, than my supposed shortcomings and sheltered life, of which you are exactly incorrect?

>> No.3808589
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>> No.3808592

not at all; Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost, and it could be argued that the most lost do not understand how to be one, male and female, one flesh united

not animal lust and empty meaningless sex; those people will not inherit the kingdom

>> No.3808593
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"I am the healer, I am lord" - Neo the choosen one

From the historical movie "The Matrix"

>> No.3808597

to believe the bible is the Word of God?

when it has been right my entire life, and for thousands of years?

and has never been proven to be wrong?

yeah, it has been proven to me, to billions of other people, but not to you, so you mock it

at your peril

>> No.3808599

Neo was Maitreya the Buddhist prophecy and savior of mankind. Not that faking faker we know as Jebus

>> No.3808603

believing in Neo is just as valid as believing in joe smith, mohammad, krishna, or buddha, and will get you to the same place

>> No.3808604

Science and rationality have declared Jesus to be nonreal.

Those are the facts.

Accept reality.

>> No.3808605

>science board
>religious discussion
>seriously replying to incredibly obvious trolls
moot, please delete this board

>> No.3808608
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XENU is God!
XENU will come back one day, and punish all those who believe in false idols.


XENU (our lord and savior) supports BREASTS!

>> No.3808610

history disagrees, as does God

but make up your own gods, and see where that gets you

have you noticed in your lifetime that science is always wrong?

>> No.3808612

i'll add l. ron hubbard, the sf writer, to the aforementioned list of people who cannot get you into heaven

>> No.3808614


If God spoke to you, and told you to murder your family, would you do it? If you truly had faith you would.

The more people that believe in something doesn't make it more real (tip, everyone believed the Earth was flat at some point, so billions of people believing in the Bible doesn't make it more accurate.)

>> No.3808616


what happened to that?


>> No.3808618
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Sorry Xenu is really Xemu and it's a fake myth loaded into the 3rd degree thetan program. Which is later viewed as a run down on why we all fall for and believe in myths. But unless you're wealthy you get to sit on the outside making fun of it.

>> No.3808619


History is in the past.

The past does not exist.

Jesus is history.

>> No.3808629

oh, i think i remember you. the person having difficulty with the concept of hearing voices in your head.

God will never tell you something personally in your head that He does not say in the bible, so no, if a voice in your head says MURDER, and God says THOU SHALT NOT MURDER, the voice in your head is not God.

however, if you are Joshua, and God says to kill every man, woman, child, infant, old person, cow, pig, duck, and chicken, you had better do so. failure to do so would be sin.

the good news is that you are not joshua

>> No.3808630

>have you noticed in your lifetime that science is always wrong?

You're able to communicate with me because of the internet (science).

>> No.3808636

from where i sit, it seems that the wealthy buy into that system more than any other

it's a shame; it's hard to get saved if you are rich, but possible. not possible to get saved by xenu, rich or poor. hope they enjoy their lives here, 'cause their next existence is gonna be brutal

>> No.3808640

people who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it

being the key phrase there

>> No.3808647

why yes, yes i am. there are many wonderful toys we have these days due to mankind pooling its knowledge

and much wisdom that has been lost

i.e., that internet is, what, 85% porn?

>> No.3808651

2000 years + have went by. Where's your savior now? I bet you also believe that God lived in Marys pussy for 9 months and ruled all of creation from Marys pussy for 9 months. Before giving birth to himself and then killing himself on a fucking stick. Fuck religion and you to.

>> No.3808659
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God is definitely not for the nigger. As God lets all of those poor african nigger fags die! Don't get me wrong I don't mind them dying!

>> No.3808664

But he did with Moses.

>> No.3808665

my savior is seated at the right hand of God, and is preparing a place for me in His Father's house. His wrath against you and the beings that have deceived you and torn you away from Him is brimming, and will soon pour out upon the earth.

just like the days of Noah are the last days; people eating, and drinking, and getting married, and giving each other in marriage, then sudden catastrophe strikes

>> No.3808670


Moses and Monotheism, 1939 by Sigmund Freud, ISBN 978-0394700144 (originally appearing in German in 1937 as: Der Mann Moses und die monotheistische Religion) is a book where Freud hypothesizes that Moses was not Jewish, but actually born into Ancient Egyptian nobility and was perhaps a follower of Akhenaten, an ancient Egyptian monotheist, or perhaps Akhenaten himself.

Moses was the founder of the ancient egyptian religion known as Atenism. Which people still worship today via the Son/Sun

>> No.3808674

my Lord is no respector of persons, and invites all, white or black, brown or yellow, rich or poor, free or slave, joo or gentile, to His wedding feast.

this is your invitation; you must repent, confess the Lord Jesus Christ, and ask Him to save you

time's running out

>> No.3808675
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>> No.3808677

Moses wasn't commanded to kill his family; quite the opposite. Moses saved Aaron's ass when Aaron made a golden calf for the people to worship.

Moses killed an overseer and hid his body in the desert; that sin caused Moses to be exiled for a time, and to become a goat herder for a midianite. quite a fall from grace.

>> No.3808683
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What's the difference between a mentally ill person and a religious nutjob?

>> No.3808690

the existence of Jesus Christ, in my case

if He doesn't real, didn't raise from the dead, i'm nutty as a fruitcake

>> No.3808692

He was commanded to kill Isaac though. And his exile happened before he was a prophet, not after.

>> No.3808697
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The God of the bible is a genocidal murderer.

Satan was a liberator! All hail lucifer! For the Luciferian religion will reign fully one day soon!

>> No.3808700
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>> No.3808707


I agree. I believe once you're dead, you don't re-awaken (as shown by billions of dead people over history not coming out of their graves).

With respect to that, I would contend you're at least as nutty as a fruitcake.

>> No.3808709

oh, that was Abraham

and Abraham had been promised by God that Isaac would spawn generations of people; descendants more numerous than the sands on the beach

so Abraham knew God would keep His promise, and even if Abraham killed Isaac, that God would raise Isaac from the dead.

that's the faith thing people bandy about; that's a significant amount of faith, heroic, actually. and in the end, Abraham was stayed from having to kill his only begotten son

but God wasn't. God did have to watch His only begotten son die, and die a shameful death on a cross

>> No.3808714

God has the right to do with His creation as He wills

even if you, His creation, doesn't like it

>> No.3808715

i don't recall yates claiming that; she put on a post-partum defense, iirc

>> No.3808719

One person did come out of His grave, and spectacularly at that. in front of His tomb was a mighty stone, sealed, with a contingent of soldiers guarding it

nonetheless, on the third day, the guards were out, the stone was rolled aside, the burial clothes were left behind, and my Lord was raised from the dead

it's the most amazing thing that ever happened on this planet

>> No.3808721

Who to say God wasnt crossing his fingers during that.

>> No.3808725

us. the joos have never been eliminated from the planet, despite centuries of effort and hundreds of hitlers

their continued existence is not naturally accounted for, and the fact that their country was reborn after almost two thousand years is also quite remarkable

mankind's future revolves around Jerusalem

>> No.3808732
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>> No.3808734

>mankind's future revolves around Jerusalem

Where is the proof of that?

>> No.3808737

>antichristians actually believe this is a photograph

>> No.3808740

the bible

>> No.3808742

That's all fine and dandy if you believe it, but events tend to not only occur once, to one person, ever.

how did Joshua know he was an exception to the rule? What if God told you you were an exception?

Joan of Arc was made a saint after God supposedly told her to help massacre people in the name of France.

>> No.3808743
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One day soon the Christians will all bow before the Muslims. For we are the greatest religion to have ever set foot upon this earth.

Allahu Ackbar!

>> No.3808744

Islam makes a hell of a lot more sense than christianity ever did to me. I just got into it myself. Allah ackbar!!

>> No.3808750

>Thinks the bible is proof of anything

>> No.3808752

If God is omnipotent, God is watching everything, all the time.

Therefore, God is constantly watching child pornography.

I would never support anyone who constantly watches child pornography.

>> No.3808754

unless that One person was the One Son of God, who did numerous things no one else ever has, like quieting storms by ordering them to cease, walking on water, etc.

i'd imagine Joshua learned pretty quickly what the voice of the Lord was, and iirc Gideon tested God to see if what he was being told was from God with a fleece; wet one morning, with dry ground around, and then dry the next morning with wet ground around

you can test God

you can petition the Lord with prayer
petition the Lord with prayer

>> No.3808755

i'll bow all right, for their headsman, should he precede my Lord

i'll never bow to the goat god, not once, not ever

>> No.3808756
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Muslims saved europe from the dark ages!


Algebra = A Muslim invention
Chess = A Muslim invention
Coffee = A Muslim invention
Universities = A Muslim invention

>> No.3808759

then go worship the meteorite and tell us how it changed your life


>> No.3808764

>disregards the entire bible without reason

>> No.3808763

Walking on water or quieting storms is hardly a miracle in respects to modern science. We have made photons surpass light speed, we can give amputees prosthetics and even now I'm communicating *instantly* with you from potentially thousands of miles away.

>> No.3808769

We don't worship the black stone. We only revere it's original message. You appear ignorant of Islam? Why not save face and be silent on matters that are above your current level of education? And let the Prince's talk

>> No.3808772

and yet, we cannot stop storms by speaking to them, or walk on water

but my Lord did these and many other things thousands of years ago

Jesus - over 9000
science - still getting over the tower of babel

>> No.3808773

the children of the handmaiden will not inherit; only the children of the free woman inherits the Kingdom of God

ishmael being older does not change God's plans

>> No.3808774
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Islam is full of culture. And welcomes science with open arms :)

>> No.3808778

lol @ you worshipping a meteorite

you ever been there? they tell me hundreds die from the pressing every year

you think i don't know the 5 pillars of islam? i do

i also know who your god is; he is lucifer

i also know who your hidden 12 imam is; he's the antichrist

you lose

>> No.3808780
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>> No.3808785
File: 619 KB, 1024x768, the-five-pillars-of-islam_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gained the title of Hajji via my Hajj. At least Muslims visit the holy land instead of talking about it!

>> No.3808790

In his Easter letter of 367, Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, gave a list of exactly the same books that would become the New Testament canon,[22] and he used the phrase "being canonized" (kanonizomena) in regards to them.

>> No.3808793

Facts are repeatable; Jesus will never rise from the dead again.

Weather manipulation is being heavily researched, changing the humidity in the atmosphere to prevent rainstorms as they did for the Chinese olympics. A variety of spiders can walk on water, but are hardly seen as saviors.

God will never heal amputees.

>> No.3808799
File: 121 KB, 500x658, The Noble Qur'an..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3808810
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>> No.3808816

it's not holy land; it's where a meteorite impacted, and where a babby raper lived and died (and stayed dead, and went to hell)

>> No.3808831

Sorry but nothing you said is located in the Qur'an. You appear to be telling wild stories. Also I'm guessing you're just another lying christian hypocritical bigot. Which is typical from a weak people like you. All you got is lies.

>> No.3808835

all saved amputees will be whole in heaven; you can worship a spider if you so choose; probably less dangerous to humanity than the nutjob islamist posting about worshipping a meteorite

Jesus was a one of a kind event, and we're still talking about Him. that fact alone should give you pause, if you're intellectually honest

>> No.3808841

mohammad didn't marry 6 year old alisha/alyshia? didn't consummate when 9? didn't kill joos with his own hands? murder towns?

yeah, okay, mohammad wasn't any of those things that HISTORY has proven he was

>> No.3808849


I still talk about Achilles... proves nothing.

>> No.3808851
File: 86 KB, 1024x768, Islamic Mosque 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it wasn't And you can't prove your lies officially. You're only making yourself look like a typical christian hick by attempting to fight with me small child.

>> No.3808852

Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64
Narrated 'Aisha:
that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death).

>> No.3808854
File: 142 KB, 1296x864, brunei_mosque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muslim churches are the best in the world!

>> No.3808861

who worships Achilles? who follows him? where is his body of believers? what has Achilles done for anyone? is he real? was he based on a real character? did he claim to be God? did he prove he was God? did he say he would rise from the dead? did he in fact rise from the dead?

yeah, Jesus =/= Achilles

>> No.3808863

lol read the post under this one; quoted from YOUR holy books

your hero is a babby raper

>> No.3808865
File: 27 KB, 550x413, spectre_of_jihad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said "mohammad didn't marry 6 year old alisha/alyshia?" And then you said "Narrated 'Aisha:
that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death)."

Which proves this is not located in the Holy Qur'an. And is not viable for debate as it's false and holds no bearing what so ever.

>> No.3808867

they're not churches, they are embassies

put one at Ground Zero. i dare you.

>> No.3808868


Can you follow ONE logical train of thought for even five seconds?

>> No.3808871

keep babbling

Sahih Muslim Book 008, Number 3310:
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house when I was nine years old.

>> No.3808873

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quranism Sorry we only follow the Qur'an for our religion and no other source what so ever. Clearly you've been check mated. How does that feel btw?

>> No.3808876
File: 35 KB, 300x373, IslamInside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ty brother. I was about to link that to show that bigot.

>> No.3808878

btw, your kiddie raper was 54 when he married a 6 year old


Sahih Bukhari 5.236.
Narrated Hisham's father:
Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married 'Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old.

>> No.3808881

i don't need 5 seconds to prove Achilles and Jesus are not the same, not similar, and not contending for your soul

>> No.3808883
File: 412 KB, 685x1024, Praise ALLAH!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still you haven't proved a legal religious source for your lies? As we are Qur'an only Muslims.

>> No.3808884


yeah, let's forget about the murderous, genocidal, insane 54 year old that married a 6 year old, and stick to the scriptures

that aren't followed anywhere near as often as the fatwas

>> No.3808885


shall we talk about WHO actually saw Jesus die?

>> No.3808886

you are a unicorn?

do you think mohammad raped her ass when she was six, and only took her hymen when she was nine?

i wonder about these things from a filthy goat god prophet

>> No.3808889
File: 393 KB, 1024x694, Abbas_Baghdady_4_by_ACalligraphy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like an outsider who follows abovetopsecret.com and foxnews. Clearly you're not educated enough to have a viable conversation about it. Because you tend to spout off at the mouth with lies in which you feel make you smarter?

>> No.3808891

Please respond to this.


I find that my life is full without worship. I donate my time to charity, am faithful and honest to my wonderful girlfriend of many years, and work hard. I sincerely believe if there was to be a Heaven, I would merit getting in to it. I do not and will not let an arbitrary set of ancient laws dictate my life; I treat people with respect not because I was told to, but because it is the right thing to do.

Respectful sage because of not/sci/

>> No.3808893

pretty big turnout; probably most of Jerusalem, certainly the executioners that didn't break His legs as He was already dead, and certainly the soldier who pierced His heart, causing blood and water to come forth separately

lots of folks

>> No.3808895


Just admit to yourself you are gay.. Save yourself a lot of time and grief. You won't be able to go on suppressing it forever.

>> No.3808896

why? omnipotence doesn't mean watching everything all the time, and if you really think God has a soft spot for babby rapers like mohammed, then you can enjoy the deepest level of hell too

>> No.3808897
File: 47 KB, 423x300, islam-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinks everyone is supposed to be perfect. but yet you'd think that every morning he looks himself in the face he would obviously know that wasn't true :)

>> No.3808899

do you think mohammad used the blood of ayesha as a lube? i mean, 9 year olds are pretty tight. i wonder if mohammad used any lube when alesha was 6 years old to crowbar his filthy dick into her ass, thus preserving her virginity until the ripe old age of 9

Jesus lived a perfect sinless life

mohammad raped a 6 year old

pretty each choice as to who was God's Son, and who was deceived by satan

>> No.3808900
File: 1.57 MB, 2048x1536, Holy Qur'an more Powerful than the christian bible!..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3808903
File: 185 KB, 363x391, ickxb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're living in a fantasy.

>> No.3808920

you're the one asking men to bend over in the street so you can watch them from behind

sounds pretty gay to me

also, "women are for children, boys are for fun" is the arab world, not the western world

>> No.3808925

i'm living in a reality where my Lord could come back at any moment

a thousand years is as a day to my Lord; He is not constrained by time. He has been gone a few days, and is coming back soon.

it is sure. it will be swift. and you might not get a second chance to call Him Lord.

>> No.3809281


that answer if it is the truth is a perfect answer.

i play by the book and it feels like nobody else does, i only do out of fear and i only do not do out of fear.
i have nothing of the things i had hoped to achieve and of the dreams i kept before religion.

apparently lust and fast cars are worthy of hell... and i am already there for wanting them.

i have a family but what use is a family if you cant support them.. losing sight of the things you should love simply because i cant give them what i desire.

very strange and selfish.

self judgement, waiting for a retrial.

>> No.3809689


The only person there that could know it was really Jesus was John.. all the others had run away. And John wasn't martyred, was he?