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3806662 No.3806662 [Reply] [Original]

>School doesn't teach you how to study properly.

All of my fucking why.

It's should be the first and foremost priority.

>> No.3806667

School teaches you what you need to know to be profitable to banks and credit institutions.

You don't need to understand and function, being able to say you graduated is enough, as long as you continue to own debt.

>> No.3806673

>own debt.
*owe debt.

>> No.3806702

well OP, how does one study properly?

>> No.3806731

>middle school and junior high school
>teach you how to annotate books
>recommend using several high lighters, circling character names, inserting stars on key pages, underlining important quotes and words which need to be looked up in the dictionary
>recommend writing Titles and indentations with numbers, roman numerals, capital, and lower case letters, depending on how far the indentation goes
>tl;dr: they teach needlessly completed methods
>high school
>fuck all that noise
>annotate without a high lighter, underline only what I think is important with pen and jot one or two notes each page
>take notes with bullet points all day every day, fuck indentations

Jesus christ, to think of all the time I wasted learning how to make my notes with needlessly complicated methods. They might as well have taught me how to operate a god damn steam engine.

>> No.3806752

Well everyone's school is different. Sure certain generalizations can be made, but everyone's education is different. For instance my high school is almost exclusively teaching me how to prepare for higher learning, with the actual subjects being a second priority. They also actually give a fuck about my states standardized tests, which wastes a lot of our teachers time.

>> No.3806755

>9th grade
>teacher shows us different methods of learning
>shows us how to write applications/resumes and what to keep in mind for interviews
>always open for feedback and discussions during breaks

Met him again two years ago and he's still as enthusiastic about his job as ever.

>> No.3806760

>annotate with a highlighter


>> No.3807155

can some anon give us a study guide?

>> No.3807173

Read the damn book.

>> No.3807179

You want a study guide? Fuck you, here's my study guide.
1) Go the fuck to class
2) Write down notes from the lecture with enough information that you can derive relevant equations and remind yourself of what was said later.
3) Do the homework and problem sets as soon as you can after you get them. If you don't understand, go to office hours and sort that shit out.
4) Do well on tests after reviewing homework and quizzes, giving notes a read-over to see if you've missed any topics.
5) ...
6) Profi- owe more student debt but at least not have an embarrassing GPA at the end of it.

>> No.3807194

you go to a private school OP?

public schools dont give a fuck about you. you're forced to learn how to learn

>> No.3807219

Well, as an Ausfag, I WAS taught, needlessly and repeatedly, how to study. This is how you study, this is how you note take, this is blah blah blah. It was gender biased bullshit. Girls found it easy, guys were like, balls to this. It didnt work for us. Personally it never mattered for me. Didn't study for my final physics exam and was second in my class. 25% of the exam was an 4-6 page essay on particle accelerates. I was sick the week we covered particle accelerates and never bothered to catch up. So I wrote "it makes shit goes fast". Second in the class.
In university I found I needed to start studying around second year. I found the way that worked for me was to be very, very conservative with note taking. Don't take down everything the teacher says, just think that at the end of the semester you will take a test. Think how much study you will be willing to do, and try and realise that 20 pages of notes from each class that you will NEVER read are fucking useless. I find the whole 'get home and summarise my notes, summarise, summarise again' is a good method for girls, but male brains just don't seem to work that way.

>> No.3807258

I just study the lecture notes they upload. Rarely I even look at the course book.

Medfag here btw.

>> No.3807283

Who does even take notes during lectures? It should all be available online.

Personally I can't focus on taking notes and listening to the lecturer at the same time. Not even on Ritalin. It's one or the other.

>> No.3807288

Sounds like you have a shit education system OP. I guess that makes you American (bad luck). You could always move to Cuba (not a joke they actually try and teach their children things in Cuba).

>> No.3807291

>Well, as an Ausfag

Mother of fuck, I still remember the bullshit my school put us through in preparation for the QCS. In the end I just skipped all those sessions, ended up with an overall A on the QCS and flagged it in the teachers face.
In the end, the methods that they 'taught' us were all round-a-bout as fuck and ended up taking time that could be spent actually reading the damn material

Yes I mad, QLD grade school education is joke. Thank god university is much better.

>> No.3807296

*is a joke

>> No.3807321

Have you ever been in a "learn how to study" class? it's all fucking common sense.

Anyway, you were supposed to learn how to study in high school, but I'm sure you didn't study because the material in high school isn't really challenging.

There was a point to all that redundant homework and assignments and you missed it.

>> No.3807334

>implying school teaches you how to do anything properly.