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3805546 No.3805546 [Reply] [Original]


When will there be a cure for this bullshit?

>> No.3805550
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>implying hair is necessary

>> No.3805555

When we've cured AIDS, cancer, and the common cold.

>> No.3805556


>implying that's what I was implying

aren't stem cells supposed to reverse it?

>> No.3805562


I know you're trolling, but those things are way more complicated. We know why balding happens, and how it develops and what genes cause it to happen. We also know exactly why and how hair grows in the first place.

>> No.3805574

Propecia can succesfully stop it if you take it before you lose all your hair

>> No.3805578

Future of humanity is... hairless.

>> No.3805585

Actually, it's a good deal harder to cure something like balding.

All those other things are diseases; to cure them we need only restore the body to its proper function. The problem with balding is that it naturally occurs without an outside antagonizing force (bacteria, virus, etc.) acting upon the body. Even a perfectly healthy person can go bald eventually.

In order to truly cure balding, you'd have to change the human genome.

>> No.3805600
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Where's my hair Anon?

>> No.3805630


I see what you're saying, but like I said, we know exactly what causes balding. DHT builds up underneath the hair follicle essentially killing it. When it's gone it's gone for good. There's two options:
1) Completely block DHT, which means fucking around with your body's testosterone. If you're a guy, this is going to mess you up a bit. This is what medication generally attempts to do.

2) The new possible method is taking stem cells and implanting it with hair from the back of your neck where you already lost it. This will keep the hair alive and multiply over time. The problem here is that it's a relatively new procedure in testing but experiments on mice have proven effective.

>> No.3805645

i think hormone therapy can reasonably work. Balding is caused by buildup of DHT, of which testosterone is a starter molecule. People with consistently higher levels of testosterone will be more prone to a rate of hair loss faster than it can be replaced. So, eliminate testosterone.

>> No.3805652 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 475x416, costanza3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying curing balding is hard science

>> No.3805647


you need biology now costanza ?

>> No.3805649

Is OP serious? Balding is a natural part of aging and it doesn't hurt people
Why the fuck would anyone "cure" it?

Just do what bruce willis did and chemically remove all your hair

>> No.3805660

use minoxidil

>> No.3805658

Because it makes you less appealing to bitches.

>> No.3805662

then go to the gym and get super buff so the look fits you

>> No.3805665

I'm pretty sure a baldness cure would be more profitable than an AIDS cure.

>> No.3805674
File: 52 KB, 450x600, 1274543313251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I do this and one day overhear the girl I like saying that she hates how I've gotten "all muscley" and she thought I was cuter before

>> No.3805680 [DELETED] 

tape a $100 bill over your bald spot.

incidentally also a good way to get women even if you aren't bald.

>> No.3805678

Hair transplant. Plenty of celebrities have had it done, and some of my richer friends. The results are incredible.

It's not cheap though.

>> No.3805688


Yes, most girls don't actually think being totally ripped and bulked is attractive. For some reason most men tend to greatly overestimate the aesthetic ideal.

>> No.3805690

why should balding be even taken as something that should be eradicated? aesthethics? lame.

>> No.3805697

>implying she didn't know you were within earshot and isn't playing with your dumb ass

>> No.3805699


OP here

I'm not bald, but I'm thinning out. I have long as fuck hair. My grandfather is bald and I only assume that I'm going to be the same in time.

Dude, I just don't want to be bald. I love my hair, and I want to keep it. For me it's like loosing a fucking finger really slowly or something. I don't really care what people think, I care about what I think.

>> No.3805700

she's clearly feeling intimidated. you show that inferior being your potential and keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

>> No.3805701

Your eyebrows and eyelashes are the only hair on your body that actually serves any non-aesthetic purpose.

>> No.3805704

yeah i'm on the same boat although i honestly don't give a fuck anymore.

>> No.3805712

dish out ~32.00$ a month for rogaine

or become like a eunuch, dedicate your life to never getting laid.

>> No.3805723

itt what is finasteride?