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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3803531 No.3803531 [Reply] [Original]


Couple of days ago I made a thread citing how people believed the earth were flat, and they were wrong. People believed color TV wasn't possible, and they were wrong. And people believed FTL was impossible, and they might be wrong.

Everybody kept telling me I was a troll and stupid and retarded and should go kill myself.
I honestly believed my argumentation made totally sense and was probably correct, no trolling.
And you faggots ridiculed me.

Now I go to news.google.com and looks like you kiddies got it right into you faces: FTL seems possible.

In fact, CERN found this months ago but wasn't believing it as well, but since they failed to disprove it after MONTHS of work they finally made a press conference about it, stating that they tried to rule out every possible technical error but failed.

And what do you guys do? You lol at them and say it must be a technical error...
You guys remind me of some retarded bishop from the 12th century


>> No.3803547

fucking fuck it was relativistic effects

the particles don't physically move faster than light

>> No.3803554

Fuck you beta faggot
you still don't realized that CERN for the last months tried to disprove it?

>> No.3803546

bump for hate

>> No.3803555

No, it wasn't.

>> No.3803558

source or it didnt happen

>> No.3803561

too early for theories

>> No.3803566

then shut the fuck up and don't call technical error or 'relativistic effects'

>> No.3803580


>> No.3803594

faggot detected

>> No.3803599
File: 20 KB, 300x480, 258Troll_spray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made a press conference about it, stating that they tried to rule out every possible technical error but failed.


>> No.3803606
File: 93 KB, 500x500, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made a press conference about it, stating that they tried to rule out every possible technical error but failed.


>> No.3803616

In fact /sci/ looks like modern version of medieval clerks. Believing in gods and shit but not actual scientific discoveries and facts.

Maybe they're too scared of changes.

>> No.3803619


> “After many months of studies and cross checks we have not found any instrumental effect that could explain the result of the measurement. While OPERA researchers will continue their studies, we are also looking forward to independent measurements to fully assess the nature of this observation.”


Don't read foxnews bro, this is the original source

Status: told

>> No.3803623

lol idiots

>> No.3803641


>> No.3803652

sure is samefag

>> No.3803655

CERN will later find that this is an instrumentation/technical problem, but they should not be ridiculed for experiencing problems like: they are on the bleeding-edge of instrument design and operation.

I just hope that they don't waste much time on this, and will keep the budget/resources focused upon the Higgs-related work.

Amirite, bros?!

>> No.3803666


I'm sure they don't want to make false assumptions about serious things like this. In fact it's a scientific discovery, proven right.

>> No.3803667
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umad, bro?

It hasn't been confirmed, peer reviewed, or explained yet. All that has happened is they have measured a neutrino going slightly above the speed of light. There could still be a billion things wrong with their measurements, and even if it turns out to be true it still doesn't mean that FTL travel is possible for anything except neutrinos propelled along a superconductor.

>> No.3803682

>mfw OP compares retarded christian fags talking about the earth being flat to Einstein
>mfw i dont have a face

>> No.3803707

>flat earth

A guy named Eratosthenes had proven that Earth was an spheroid long before the arrival of christianity and none of the actual church doctors or anyone well-read believed in a flat earth after his refutation of such model.

>> No.3803958
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Didn't Einstein already show that it's possible due to the relative nature of the shit dat I forgot what i was talking abut?