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3798682 No.3798682 [Reply] [Original]

What month were you born?

>> No.3798700



>> No.3798691
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>> No.3798704
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september, 25th in fact.

>> No.3798707

I'm sure you'll get some cards in the mail anon! Don't fret!

>> No.3798714

October, why?

>> No.3798731

Well, my physics lecturer said that pessimists are born more frequently in the second half of the year, and 4chan is the most pessimistic place I can think of.

>> No.3798735

December, why?

>> No.3798754

Well apparently he was right then

>> No.3798757

August, and I'm pessimistic.

Still, it's retarded. There is absolutely no reason why it should be so.

>> No.3798766

May, depressive as fuck.

>> No.3798768

october master race

>> No.3798776

>implaying samfag

>> No.3798781
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>> No.3798785

Well I'm a pessimist because I'll be happier that way.

I mean, why bother expecting the best when you'll just be disappointed in the end.

>> No.3798789

Jew Lie

>> No.3798810

Data Mining Complete.
Thank you for your cooperation /Sci/entists!

>> No.3798827
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It's stupid to differentiate between first half and second half. But it's not stupid to differentiate between smaller and more distinct periods. There are a lot of factors that are different depending on when you were born (and when you were conceived and what months your mother was pregnant). These factors are the quality of air, the quality of water, sperm quality, environmental temperature, mother's nutritional choices, mother's metabolism, etc. In other words, I'd find it very logical if you told me that most pessimists are born during a specific season or even around a specific month (for example).

>> No.3798838

No reason at all?

What about seasonal effects on your psychology as a newborn? Surely being born in winter will have a different effect on an newborn than being born in the summer, don't you think?

>> No.3798849


By the way, feels good that I'm staying in to finish an English paper, not because I have no life.

>> No.3798870


Fight me.

>> No.3798871


inb4 most people say september

>> No.3798875

Im afraid this was tested already but nothing was found. I used to believe the same shit that people born in winter are more prone to having a schizo type of mind, but the data says something else.

>> No.3798884

>Surely being born in winter will have a different effect on an newborn than being born in the summer, don't you think?


you cant remember when it was sunny or cold when you were a baby. why would winter make you pessimistic? iyou're like the same people who believe in january blues

>> No.3798891

Your ability to remember an experience does not change how it effects your development.

>> No.3798913


Unrelated but my family are a bunch of hicks and think I waste my time on the computer when I'm really reading scientific articles. Brother asks me to tell him one scientific subject I've read about and I tell him about the neutrinos going faster than light. Then he asks me why that's important and I tell him that it was previously thought that nothing can go faster than light, etc and he keeps asking me these "why" questions and I keep answering them and he says I'm going around his point and I tell him I'm not because I'm answering his questions exactly as he is asking them and then he says that just because I can tell him one subject I read about doesn't mean I'm not wasting my time on the computer. HELLO, he asked me for ONE SUBJECT and that's what I fucking gave him.

Sorry I just had to get that off my chest.

[/facebook post]

>> No.3798925

July, I'm a pessimist but trying to be more optimistic.

>> No.3798935


My head went more to a school thing myself.
Because, at least in the UK what month of the year you are born on dictates what year you are in.

Being born in August or September means you are placed into a class with 90% younger kids, you hit puberty faster and you mature faster.
This could on average have a big effect on pecking orders and the mindset of the kids.

Then again I was born in April, so fuck do I care.