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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3796289 No.3796289 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think about SHC?

>> No.3796292

Super Heated Cocks?
Sounds painful.

>> No.3796307

Spontaneous Human Combustion.

Also hasn't pretty much every case of this been proven to be someone lighting themselves on fire with a cigarette?

>> No.3796309


>> No.3796317

why do you sage my thread?
It seems there was a new case these last days and some people are claiming paranormal stuff did it. I just want to know if there's a better explanation.

>> No.3796319

Please Sir, I want some more?

>> No.3796324


You will get answers there.

>> No.3796329

at least he removed his shoes.

>> No.3796331

too much magnesium suppliments.

i have no idea, such a clean burn rules out most things.
shc is not the same if you set the whole house on fire.

>> No.3796333

but just answers like "a ghost", "aliens did it" or "he was a demon".

>> No.3796337


>> No.3796339

No, A significant portion of victims weren't smokers, many weren't near any flames of any sort

>> No.3796345

>I just want to know if there's a better explanation.

There is.
They lit themselves on fire and burnt up.
Most commonly it's falling asleep with a lit cigarette.

>> No.3796351

has anyone ever seen another person burning like this?

>> No.3796355

That's either a lie or gross ignorance, if something so common as cigarettes were responsible there would be hundreds of thousands of cases instead of hundreds

>> No.3796359

Sir....are you proposing a new fundamental particle that sets things on fire?

Have there ever been multiple cases of well-documented spontaneous combustion? No. What do they put as the cause anyway? Too much alcohol in the blood, or something ridiculous like that?

>> No.3796363

and what are YOU proposing?

>> No.3796364

Its a combination of a source of ignition and very specific other circumstances. This has all been explained years ago. Another non-mystery that keeps getting touted.

>> No.3796366

Read the link and find out why that's bullshit

>> No.3796367

/x/? is that you?
There are things /sci/ can't answer.

>> No.3796375

Read the wiki you just linked, the wick effect is the most proven of the ideas around SHC.

As for why there are so few cases of SHC. Most people will react to the pain of having a cigarette burn through their clothes. The few that don't become SHC victims.

>> No.3796382

perhaps people under the effect of alcohol/drugs don't feel the pain in time to react or they fall asleep too deeply?

>> No.3796385

I remember being told about this when I was 13 and thinking wow the universe is really strange and so much is unexplained...
Then I grew up.

>> No.3796390

Tends to happen close to open fires.


>> No.3796392

I died of SHC 2 years ago.

>> No.3796393

[citation needed]

>> No.3796395

You are ignoring the fact that it takes hours
You are ignoring the fact that there are people who have survived shc

>> No.3796398

they're fake.

>> No.3796399

How is he ignoring it at all? It takes hours. That is fine, since then those that react at the start to being burnt just put the fire out straight away. Victims are those who had a heart attack/fall/knocked their heads and then burnt up over hours.

>> No.3796400

True, but that doesn't contradict what I said. They could have also suffered heart attack or stroke.

>> No.3796403

Read the link before spouting bullshit

They're in the link

>> No.3796407

You are ignoring the fact that believing in bullshit makes you look like a gullible child.
You are ignoring the fact that spouting bullshit makes you look like a fucking ignorant moron.

>> No.3796408

>Able to move around with no symptoms
>Having a heart attack or stroke

Pick one

>> No.3796413


Well yeah, you CAN be asymptomatic with a stroke or MI depending on how small the injured area is.

>> No.3796418

I pick having a heart attack or stroke, thus being immobilzed/unconscious/dead and being unable to stop the fire.
Your point makes no sense.

>> No.3796419

cigarettes are uften found around the remains of their bodies. ThisIrish guy was next toa fireplace.

>> No.3796421


>> No.3796423

As the sensible man in that link stated the source simply can't be found anymore. Most was likely it was destroyed by the event itself.

The link even says there is a open fireplace. All it would take is one moderately sized cinder to pop and land on the victim. And if he didn't react to prevent himself from catching fire it would be reduced to ash along with him and never be found.

>> No.3796431

Except that survivors of shc were able to move around freely, which was my point

You have to look for superscripted numbers

>Verified by dozens of independent investigations

Pick one

>> No.3796434

1. "claims", [citation needed] etc.
2. Just because they called the event SHC, doesn't mean that phenonema has anything to do with the other cases.

>> No.3796435

>Except that survivors of shc were able to move around freely, which was my point.

And that's why they're survivors!

>> No.3796440

Read the link

>Humans spontaneously catching fire
>Not shc

Pick one

You are just like creationists thinking god made everything because you don't understand evolution

>> No.3796441

That's God's punishment.

>> No.3796444


>Verified by dozens of independent investigations

Like ghosts, ancient aliens, and Jesus?

>> No.3796445

You are now officially retarded.

>> No.3796447

Exactly, now don't you think they'd know if a piece of coal or cigarette had landed on them and brush it off before it set their fat on fire?

>> No.3796449

Stupid fucks

>> No.3796450

What if it's just some one in a trillion chance run-away biochemical reaction within the body?

>> No.3796452
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>> No.3796453

Then it would still happen a few thousand times per day.

>> No.3796455

Hence the rarity of the event. The ones that DON'T brush it off, because the shock of the fire causes a heart attack, fall or a blow to the head are then continue to burn.

>> No.3796456
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Then it's extremely hard to replicate and the poor sods who have it don't have a chance in hell to get analyzed before it "ignites".

>> No.3796458

The incidences I know of involving survivors are people who produce smoke. They are never actually on fire they're, just 'smoldering'. If I had to make a broad diagnosis then they were likely caught in the path of an electrical arc assuming they aren't hoaxing it up.

>> No.3796461

>Seen by millions of people from all over the globe throughout all of history
>Not real
There are many ways to explain ghosts

>> No.3796462

pretty sure some are just a hoax

>> No.3796463

yeah, but most are fake and gay.

>> No.3796465

Then how do you explain the survivors?

>> No.3796466
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Yeah, I prefer to think they're actually the Unseelie faerie folk.

You know, cause that's what people used to think they were seeing before ghosts and aliums became the modern norm.

It's just Will o' the wisps, lad.

>> No.3796467
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/sci/ - Paranormal

>> No.3796468

Obvious mad samefag is obvious and mad

>> No.3796474

>Implying unexplained = paranormal

Do you also think every unsolved murder was done by pixies?

>> No.3796476

Well, maybe we're trying to find a non paranormal reason for these cases. Fuck off.

>> No.3796477

You mean survivor there is one case and it was shown to most likely be a firework.

>> No.3796479

This is /sci/ not /x/

>> No.3796480


No, I mean the survivors listed in the link

>> No.3796481

slow as fuck

Survivors = they were alive, started burning and felt the pain. They moved and stopped the fire.

Non survivors= they were already dead, or in such a state they couldn't react. They start burning and can't stop it.

>> No.3796483
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I want the paranormal shit outta here. Why would I?
Take that shit to >>>/x/
/sci/ is to discuss actual science, not talk about paranormal pseudo-reality

>> No.3796484

Unverified, and unrelated to the cause in the case of all the deaths. The amount of information given there is not helpful at all. It could be anything from natural gas (either from their supply of from the water) to lightning, if real.

>> No.3796488

And indeed we should expect a much larger number of cases for this if it were responsible for the deaths. There would be many more witness and survivors than victims. Meanwhile, a perfectly good explanation exists.

>> No.3796489
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>pretending to be smart

>> No.3796492

Except that many victims weren't near any ignition sources and neither were the survivors listed

What's paranormal in this thread?
/sci/ is for science, this is /sci/ related

>> No.3796497

Purge this shit from /sci I'd rather the board be dead then turn to a fucking /x spin off.
paranormal fags fuck off.
It's almost as if the only people who come on this board and post are creationists and paranormal fags...

>> No.3796501
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>Losing the argument
>Getting mad

>> No.3796502

Please understand that just flinching might be enough to prevent the initial fire. Survivors don't even have to consciously know that they just dodged a bullet.

Hence why only those with impaired reaction due to heart attack/stroke/intoxication/some other illness/already being dead actually become victims while others survive.

The question after that point is whether the survivors thinks they just survived something paranormal or whether they we able to find the ignition source.

>> No.3796507

>Except that many victims weren't near any ignition sources and neither were the survivors listed

No. Every victim with a link to follow on wikipedia says they were smokers or near a fire.

>> No.3796511

No it doesn't

>> No.3796522
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>believing I'm one of the people daft enough to have argued with a baby level intelligence

>> No.3796527

>Resorting to ad hominems
>Not losing the arugment

Pick one

>> No.3796532

>Except that many victims weren't near any ignition sources and neither were the survivors listed

Non-verifiable claim of the highest order unless your suggesting that the victims have a superior level of consciousness and are aware of everything happening within 5 feet of them at all times. As well as stating that they know every possible source of ignition that exists.

Here this is for you.


>> No.3796534

I don't see this is a paranormal thread.
unknown =/= paranormal

>> No.3796536

>Set yourself on fire
>Ignore the obvious ignition source
>Believe you survived shc

Or do you think walking can set you on fire?

>> No.3796539

Yes it does. You are really are desperate to look like an idiot, aren't you?
>Mary Reeser
"they hypothesized that she had fallen unconscious while smoking"
They would only do this if she was a known smoker.
>John Irving Bentley
Pipe smoker. Kept matches in his pocket too, which may have ignited from pipe smoke ash.
>Henry Thomas
"The victim's spectacles were sitting neatly folded in the grate of his open fire, within arm's reach of the position of the chair."
>George I. Mott
"Some believe his alcoholism and heavy smoking "
>Michael Faherty
"Faherty's body had been found lying on his back with his head closest to an open fireplace."

>> No.3796542

>Verified in link

Pick one

>> No.3796546
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>implying ad hominem applies to someone who hasn't debated you

Have you not seen the paranormal faggots dismiss every possible logical answer?


>> No.3796548

>Debbie Clark was walking home when she noticed an occasional flash of blue light
>Susan Motteshead was standing in her kitchen, wearing flame-resistant pajamas

>> No.3796554

Walking can set you on fire in the correct circumstances.

>> No.3796555

We already dealt with this.

>> No.3796559

>Lost the argument
>Sage in an attempt to have the last word
Why so mad?

Have you not seen the faggots apply what happened in many cases to all cases, even when evidence proves otherwise?


Exactly, I have never once said that many cases of shc can't be applied to the wick effect, I have said that there are cases where there are no decent explanations, you have ignored these

>> No.3796562

>News articles and wikipedia

I hope you're trolling. It's unverifiable because we have only the victim's (and the occasion witness's) word for it. It's unverifiable because there is no independent verification at the time of the incident and it can not be reproduced.

>> No.3796564

I don't understand why this is considered paranormal.

>> No.3796566

Maybe you imagined you did but it has not happened in this thread

If you have white phosphorus trousers and go for a run

>> No.3796570

Maybe we should ignore all eyewitness testimonies then? I'm sure legal defendants would love that

It only is by the same people that think ball lightning is a myth

>> No.3796573

We live in a world where things like gas and electricity power most of our tools and we are usually only a few feet from some kind of power source. Also, fire is used for many other things such as lighting and burning cigarettes.

It's not unusual to think that in some rare cases people would be unexpectedly lit on fire, especially if precautions aren't practiced correctly.

I believe it to be a better assumption than the alternatives, especially when all we're given are unverifiable accounts.

>> No.3796574

You only have those 2 cases of "survivors".
Which both come from the same book, have no other verifcation, and no investigation carried out. The most likely explanations are simple falsehoods or not seeing a source of ignition when there was one. Otherwise it could be from gas or electric. But really there is nothing to explain without more information.

>> No.3796582

No animal case of spontaneous combustion was observed (suspected) , ever.

What does it tell you?
That humans and animals are, obviously, the same, then there's no reason it could happen only to us.
More mystico-anthropocentristic bullshit.

>> No.3796587

There are 3

>> No.3796589

Can be explained by too much phloginston abuse.

>> No.3796594

>No animal case of spontaneous combustion was observed (suspected) , ever.


>> No.3796600

>Maybe we should ignore all eyewitness testimonies then? I'm sure legal defendants would love that

Courts of law are by no stretch of the imagination scientific. Even then they don't have the witnesses draw conclusions like 'there was no source of ignition I know because I'm omniscient'

If you want to get right down to it this is a case of pics or it didn't happen. There is no solid evidence being presented by survivors at all.

>> No.3796602

>Ignoring animal mutilations where they have burns on them
>Ignoring the fact that they are in fields where scavengers would be able to eat remains

>> No.3796607

Why is it called "spontaneous Human combustion", then?

>> No.3796614

Because wackos.

>> No.3796617


Fuck off

>> No.3796618

>This version of Angel's story contradicts a 1975 testimony delivered to the Fulton County Superior Court in a civil-action suit filed by Angel's attorney: in the suit, Angel claimed instead to have been sprayed by "scalding hot water" after trying to fix his motorhome's water pressure.

This guy seems legit.

>> No.3796620

the name may be misleading, but it doesn't mean there are no cases in animals

>> No.3796622

Because the first thing you'd do if you were on fire is take pics to show doubters

There's a difference between knowing if they were smoking and knowing if they had an active lighter underneath their clothes

>> No.3796627

but that some contained anomalies that could not be accounted for by conventional wisdom. The FBI was unable to identify any individuals responsible for the mutilations.[16]

Fuck off

>> No.3796630
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/sci/ - Paranormal


Unless we have evidence of it, don't bring it up as a point. Fuck maybes.

>> No.3796629

>Spontaneous human combustion (SHC) Only happens to tossers. describes alleged cases of the burning of a living human body without an apparent external source of ignition. There have been about 200 cited cases[1] worldwide over a period of around 300 years.
>Spontaneous human combustion (SHC) Only happens to tossers.
>Only happens to tossers.

Well there you have it, OP; SHC is caused by excessive masturbation.

>> No.3796640

>Spontaneous human combustion (SHC) Only happens to tossers. describes alleged cases of the burning of a living human body without an apparent external source of ignition. There have been about 200 cited cases[1] worldwide over a period of around 300 years.
>Spontaneous human combustion (SHC) Only happens to tossers.
>Only happens to tossers.

Well there you have it, OP; SHC is caused by excessive masturbation.

>> No.3796646

He lied to get compensation, you'd do the same

>> No.3796649

so buttmad
It happens to humans and animals. It's rare enough in humans, just try to think how few cases in animals have been reported. Or do you think soeone will call the cops becaus ethey found a dead sheep?

>> No.3796654

He lied to get in the newspapers and on tv, you'd do the same. This game is fun.

>> No.3796656

>provide FBI link
>post criticism on wikipedia as a rebuttal

The report indicates that foragers did the cutting. They weren't looking for a person responsible.

>skipped part of the sentence
>Rommel's final report was 297 pages long and cost approximately US$45,000. It concluded that mutilations were predominantly the result of natural predation


Fuck off

>> No.3796662

I picture myself, finding one of my sheep, burn to a crisp in middle of nowhere.
Yes, I would call the cops to ask them to catch the fucker(s) who did this.

>> No.3796666

okay, whatever. You would, but most farmers don't.

>> No.3796668

>Because the first thing you'd do if you were on fire is take pics to show doubters

You clearly have not see some of the stupid shit people have put on youtube.

Also that's not the point, if you don't have solid evidence don't expect to be believed on your word alone however frustrating that is for you.

>There's a difference between knowing if they were smoking and knowing if they had an active lighter underneath their clothes

There's a difference between not knowing someone is trying to set you on fire and not knowing that you just became a short to ground/had a hot ember stuck to you/are getting trolled by time traveling aliums.

>> No.3796680

why is everyone getting butthurt here?
If you don't believe in supernatural crap, there must be a "natural" reasoning. Then, it belongs to /sci/

>> No.3796681
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Fuck off. If /sci/ isn't Paranormal, this should shut some people the fuck up

>> No.3796684

You'd hope so but I mentioned over an hour ago.

>> No.3796691

Well, with that I think we can declare another victory for science.

>> No.3796704

there was no challenger

>> No.3797007

Except that as has already been proved many time in this thread it cannot account for all instances of shc

>skipped part of the sentence
>but that some contained anomalies that could not be accounted for by conventional wisdom. The FBI was unable to identify any individuals responsible for the mutilations.[16]t of the sentence

Because there are so many accounts of shc survivors